This object is used to provide information about the Local Educational Agency (LEA).
The Oklahoma SMP provides publishing capabilities for the following data object and its elements:
Element/@Attribute | Source | Table | Column | Business Rules |
@RefId | SIF Agent |
LocalId | Database | Prefs.Name="districtnumber" | Prefs.Value |
StateProvinceId |
| Prefs.Name="District_Number" |
NCESId | Database | Prefs.Name="OK_DIST_NCESID" | Prefs.Value |
LEAName | Database | Prefs.Name="DistrictName" | Prefs.Value |
LEAURL | Database | Prefs.Name="OK_Website" | Prefs.Value |
LEAContactList |
| LEAContactList is a combination of the Superintendent, Contact 1, and Contact 2 on the District Info page. |
LEAContactList/LEAContact/PublishInDirectory |
| Hardcoded to Yes |
LEAContactList/LEAContact/ContactInfo/Name/FullName | Database | Prefs.Superintendent | Prefs.Value |
LEAContactList/LEAContact/ContactInfo/Name/Title | Database | Prefs.Superintendent | Prefs.Value | |
LEAContactList/LEAContact/ContactInfo/Name/Email]@Type="Primary"] | Database | Prefs.SuperintendentEmail | Prefs.Value | |
LEAContactList/LEAContact/ContactInfo/Name/Phone[@Type="0096"] | Database | Prefs.SuperintendentPhone | Prefs.Value | |
LEAContactList/LEAContact/ContactInfo/Name/Phone[@Type="2364"] | Database | Prefs.SuperintendentFax | Prefs.Value | |
PhoneNumberList/PhoneNumber[@Type="0096"] | Database | Prefs.DistrictPhone | Prefs.Value |
PhoneNumberList/PhoneNumber[@Type="2364"] | Database | Prefs.DistrictFax | Prefs.Value | |
AddressList/Address[@Type="0765"]/Street/Line1 | Database | Prefs.Name="DistrictAddress" | Prefs.Value |
AddressList/Address[@Type="0765"]/City | Database | Prefs.Name="DistrictCity" | Prefs.Value |
AddressList/Address[@Type="0765"]/StateProvince | Database | Prefs.Name="DistrictState" | Prefs.Value | |
AddressList/Address[@Type="0765"]/Country |
| Hardcoded to US | |
AddressList/Address[@Type="0765"]/PostalCode | Database | Prefs.Name="DistrictZip" | Prefs.Value |