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PowerSchool SIF Oklahoma SMP Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


Correct Exit Dates for Student Section Enrollments

With Student Section Enrollment, if a student has a no show record with an exit date that is not the same as the entry date, the record was published with an exit date before the entry date. This has been corrected so that it will publish the same as the entry date.


Remove Exit Type 9999 And Future Exit Dates

The WAVE has requested that we remove the exit type of 9999 and future exit dates from publishing. With this update, the exit type and exit date will only publish after school has completed, or the student has exited and has a valid exit type.


Updates for StudentAcademicRecord

Updates have been completed for StudentAcademicRecord to align better with the state’s specification and to correct errors found in the WAVE portal.

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