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Oklahoma Reports in PowerSchool

PowerSchool for Oklahoma provides a wide variety of Oklahoma-specific reports.  The report description table includes the following elements:

  • Report Name – Name of the report as seen in PowerSchool. Click a report name link to go to the corresponding report page.
  • Description – The purpose of the report.
  • Due Date / Cycle – The timeframe during which the report is submitted to the state.

Report Name


Due Date / Cycle

Civil Rights Data Collection (2017-2018)

2022-01-13_07-32-24_2017-2018 CRDC Report

2017-2018 Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) Report

On Demand

Oklahoma Career Technology Reports

BIS Class and Student Enrollment

The extract generates class records and student's enrollment records.


On Demand

Career Major Student Enrollment

The extract generates Career Major student's enrollment records.


On Demand

Oklahoma Compliance Reports

Attendance Register

The Attendance Register report provides attendance information for each student enrolled during the report date range.



Statistical Summary

The Statistical Summary report provides a summary of student transportation, attendance, and membership information sorted by grade level.



Student Master Register

The Student Master Register report provides information on student demographics, birth, transportation, and school enrollment for each student enrolled during the reporting period sorted by grade level.



Transportation Register

The Transportation Register report provides a summary of student transportation and attendance information for each student enrolled during the reporting period.



Oklahoma Miscellaneous Reports

Discipline Incident LettersThis report generates letters for discipline incidents based on data from the Incident Management module. To print letters, the report uses templates set up for each school at the district level. Multiple templates can be defined for each school.On Demand

Fitnessgram Extract

The Fitnessgram extract contains records of all students that are enrolled in a Physical Education course.

On Demand


OK Incident Management QueryThis query provides a mechanism to search the discipline incident data entered in the Incident Management module based on criteria specified by the district. It includes general items like behaviors or actions and also state-specific items like IDEA or Title 1.On Demand

Oklahoma WAVE Reporting

See SIF Objects for information on WAVE Reporting. For setup and additional SIF information, see SIF Dashboard.

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