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Email Notification for Discipline Incident

To generate Email Notification for Discipline Incident, do the following:

  1. From the Teacher Portal Sign In page, click on the Backpack.
  2. From the Student Information Page, select a student, Select Screens.
  3. Click Discipline Incidents, fill out the fields, and click submit.
    Note: After submitting, the email will generate provided it has been setup for log entries. 
Incident DateInput the date and time the incident occurred.
Incident DetailProvide the details of the incident.
Incident TitleInput a title for the Incident.
Incident TypeSelect an incident type from the drop down menu.

To set up automatic email notifications for Incident Management Reports, do the following:

  1. From the School Home Page, select System.
  2. From the setup page, select Systems and then select System Settings.
  3. Select Email and setup email in the Email Setup tab.
  4. Confirm ReportWorks is functioning.
  5. Confirm Staff Email is setup at the District Level.
    1. Start Page > District Setup > Schools/School Info > Edit School


Email Copies of New Teacher Log Entries To:

Enable Email NotificationsSelect Yes to enable email notifications.
Enable Emailing of Guarding ReportsSelect Yes to enable emailing of Guarding Reports.

Preferably as IP address


Email Address of PowerSchool Technical Administrator  Enter the email address of the PowerSchool Technical Administrator.
Email from "Host" for Mail Generated by PowerSchool

Send email from the host for mail generated by PowerSchool.


Use Advanced Email Settings

(SMTP, SSL, Port Specification)

Turn On advanced email settings.




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