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PowerSchool SIF Oklahoma SMP Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-242570Add Digital Virtual Learning to CalendarDate Publishing

SIF now publishes the DVL calendar code type as INST for CalendarDateType/Code and 03 for CalendarDateType/OtherCodeList/OtherCode.

PSSR-227446Historical Lunch Status Publish Update

SIF now publishes the student's historical lunch status.

PSSR-230714Parent-Teacher Conference Days Daily Minutes Updates

The bell schedule for days that are designated as Parent-Teacher Conference days now publish with a maximum of 360 minutes in the CalendarDate.Daily Instructional Minutes (SIF_ExtendedElements/SIF_ExtendedElement[@Name=“DailyInstructionalMinutes”]).

PSSR-227426Publish Multiple Calendars Based on Tracks

CalendarSummary and CalendarDate now publish based on the calendar and tracks. StudentSchoolEnrollment and StudentAttendanceSummary publish the CalendarSummaryRefId based on the track the student is assigned to.

PSSR-227448StudentPersonal: Publishing Update to Validate PowerSchool Language Code with SIF Codes

Added validation for Language Codes. If the PowerSchool code does not exist in SIF, the code is not published.

PSSR-227447SchoolCourseInfo: Do Not Publish Courses That Are Marked as Inactive

Inactive courses no longer publish with SchoolCourseInfo.

PSSR-227445Student Personal SSN Element Needs to Be Turned Off

The student's personal social security number (SSN) no longer publishes as part of OtherIdList (@Type="0004").

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