Understanding the SIF Objects Table
The SIF objects tables in this section include the following elements:
- Element/@Attribute – The fully qualified path to the element or attribute within the object. In an object, elements and nested elements are separated by a forward slash ("/"), and Attributes are indicated by a leading at-sign ("@").
- Source – The type of the data source. Possible values are: Field, Static, Calculated, Mapped, or Custom Field. Field indicates the data source is a normal database column. Static indicates there is no data source, but that the value is hard-coded. Calculated indicates that the data source is a Field or Custom Field with a calculation applied to it. Mapped indicates that the data source is a Field or Custom Field with a mapping through another Field or Custom Field.
- Table – The database table.
- Column – The database column.
- Notes – Any special information about the element or attribute.