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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2024 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


Updates to Multiple State Reports

Statistical Summary: Version 3.6

Attendance Register: Version 4.0

Transportation Register: Version 3.7

Multiple State Reports are updated to handle a scenario where the district has schools with different calendars. The issue is caused due to variations in the school calendars due to which the Days Taught and the Days Not Taught are not the same across the school district. The issue manifests only if you run the report from the district. The Statistical Summary and the summary sections in the Attendance Register and the Transportation Register are fixed and report the Days Taught and the Days Not Taught correctly.


Updates to Multiple State Reports

Transportation Register: Version 3.7

Attendance Register: Version 4.0

Statistical Summary: Version 3.6

Multiple State Reports are updated to handle students who are transported daily to the School of the Deaf and Blind. Students with an RDBTD Basis of Admission now report zero Attendance and Membership but have Transportation totals. State Reports count these students for Transportation only and exclude them from membership and attendance.

Note: The graphic on the Attendance Register continues to display the days the student was not transported with A. This is the only way to tell the days the student was not Transported.

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