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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-306117All States/Provinces: Copyright Year Update

The copyright year has been updated to 2023 on all Compliance pages in the following portal pages:

  • Admin portal pages
  • Teachers/Subs portal pages
  • Public/Student portal pages
PSSR-306972All States/Provinces: Digital Equity & Learning Preferences Link Accessibility

The student Digital Equity & Learning Preferences page will now be visible to users that do (and do not) have access to a student’s Functions page.

PSSR-311802Convert GetCF to Direct Extended Fields on OK State Province Page

The OK State Province page was updated to use the direct extended table fields to improve page performance.

Additionally, Packages OK_STU_ATT_REGI_MAIN and OK_STU_ATT_REGI_CLEANUP are dropped since they are no longer in use.

PSSR-311787UI Updates

The 'Leave Date' link has been removed from Transfer Info and All Enrollments pages. The Leave Date field has been updated to be able to view it as a static text.

PSSR-311788‘Load Code/Subcodes’ Link Removed

The 'Load Code/Subcodes' link has been removed from the District Info page as the updates are done via Reposchema.props file to load the codes when the system is updated.

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