Montana TEAMS Teacher Class Extract - Legacy
This report creates teacher/class records for each section of an active school course in the school for the current school year. The report can be run for the fall or for the spring and pulls records for all courses that are scheduled during the current school year.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.
Course/Section Selection
The report selects course records from the [Sections] table for any section that is active in the school for the selected school year and has students enrolled in the course on the count date of the report.
Report Input
For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Process Current School Only* | Select "Yes" to include only records from the currently selected school or select "No" to include records from all schools that meet the selection criteria. |
Collection Type* | Fall Count (First Monday of October) |
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Item # | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Field Type | Field Length |
1 | Fiscal Year | The school calendar year. This value is reported from the last day of the full year term on the Years & Terms page. | Year portion of [Terms]LastDay where [Terms]IsYear = 1 | String | 4 |
2 | Owner Legal Entity Code | Legal entity code (LE) owner of the teacher | [Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name = district number or [SchoolStaff] MT_TOwnerLegalEntityCode or | String | 4 |
3 | Owner School Code | School code (SC) owner of the teacher | [SchoolStaff]MT_TOwnerSchoolCode or [Schools]MT_OPISchoolNumber | String | 4 |
4 | Location Legal Entity Code | Legal entity code (LE) Location of the class | [Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name = district number or [Sections] MT_TLocationLegalEntityCode | String | 4 |
5 | Location School Code | School code (SC) location of the class | [Schools]School_Number or [Sections] MT_TLocationSchoolCode or [Schools]MT_OPISchoolNumber | String | 4 |
6 | SEID | State Employee Identifier | [SchoolStaff]SEID | Number | 10 |
7 | Course Code | Montana K-12 course code (NCES aligned) | [Courses]MT_NCES_Crse_CD or | String | 5 |
8 | Session Type Code | Defines the term for course credit | [S_MT_TRM_X] TermSessionTypeCode | String | 2 |
9 | Session Number | Session number of the Session Type Code | [S_MT_SEC_SectionInfo_X] Session_Number | Number | 2 |
10 | Section Code | Identifies a unique section of the course | [Sections]Section_Number | String | 20 |
11 | Teacher of Record Flag | Is this teacher the teacher of record (Y/N) | Currently always set to "Y" | String | 1 |
12 | Support Staff Type Code | Is this a co-teacher or paraprofessional? | [S_MT_SEC_SectionInfo_X] Support_Staff_Type_Code | String | 2 |
13 | Co-Teacher Type Code | If a co-teacher, what type? | [S_MT_SEC_SectionInfo_X] Co_Teacher_Type_Code | String | 2 |
14 | Instructional Para Type Code | If a paraprofessional, what type? | [S_MT_SEC_SectionInfo_X] Instructional_Para_Type_Code | String | 2 |
15 | Academic Level Code | Defines the academic level of the course | [Sections]MT_AcademicLevelCode | String | 2 |
16 | Credit Amount | Credits earned by the student for the course | [Courses]Credit_Hours | Number | 4 |
17 | Course Sequence | Number of this course in terms of the course sequence | [S_MT_CRS_CourseInfo_X] Course_Sequence | Number | 2 |
18 | Course Sequence Total | Total number of courses in the course sequence | [S_MT_CRS_CourseInfo_X] Course_Sequence_Total | Number | 2 |
19 | District Course Name | District description of the course | [Courses]Course_Name | String | 50 |
20 | District Course Number | District code for the course | [Courses]Course_Number | String | 10 |
21 | Grade Low Code | Defines the low grade of the course Note: This field extracts the value for grade high/Low from the section page, if available, else the value will be extracted from the course page. | [S_MT_SEC_SectionInfo_X] Grade_Low_Code [S_MT_CRS_CourseInfo_X]Grade_Low_Code | String | 2 |
22 | Grade High Code | Defines the high grade of the course. Note: This field extracts the value for grade high/Low from the section page, if available, else the value will be extracted from the course page. | [S_MT_SEC_SectionInfo_X] Grade_High_Code [S_MT_CRS_CourseInfo_X]Grade_High_Code | String | 2 |
23 | Class Start Date | Date when the section starts | [Terms]FirstDay | Date | 10 |
24 | Class End Date | Date when the section ends | [Terms]LastDay | Date | 10 |
25 | Class Enrollment | Number of students enrolled in the section | [Sections]No_of_Students | Number | 3 |
26 | Class Minutes | Instruction time in minutes for this section | Calculated based on bell schedule or [Sections]MT_ClassMinOvrd or | Number | 5 |
27 | Distance Learning | Is the class delivered via distance learning? (Y/N) | [Sections]MT_DistLrng or | String | 1 |
28 | Dual Enrollment Credit | Is dual enrollment or dual credit offered for this course? (Y/N) | [Sections]MT_DualEnrlCred or | String | 1 |
29 | Alternative Education Program | Is this section part of an Alternative Ed Program? (Y/N) | [Sections]MT_AltEdPgm or | String | 1 |