Montana AIM Program Participation
This report includes data about student participation in Title I, Foreign Exchange, Gifted/Talented, 21st Century, Homeless, and other programs. The report produces a tab-delimited text file that can be uploaded to the Achievement In Montana (AIM) reporting system.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.
Student Selection
The report selects records from the [Students] and [ReEnrollments] tables based on the following criteria:
- The student must be enrolled in the school on the count date. The student’s school entry date must occur on or before the count date and their school exit date must occur on or after the count date.
- The student must have one of the following fields selected for one or more programs: Title I, Receives Supplemental Education Services (SES), 21st Century Participant, Foreign Exchange, Immigrant, Gifted/Talented Evaluated, Gifted/Talented Identified, Homeless, or Military-Connected Student.
Report Input
For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Select Schools | When run at the district level, choose one of the following:
If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list. |
Students to Include | Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:
Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students before running the report. |
Destination | Choose the destination for the report file from the pop-up menu:
Processing Options | Choose a time to run the report from the pop-up menu:
Specific Date/Time | Enter a date using the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy to run the report on a specific day. The incorrect format displays an alert and the date field is submitted as a blank entry. Use the pop-up menus to schedule the report to be run at a specific hour and minute. Example: 7/29/2021 @ 10 AM : 05. |
School Year | Choose the school year for the reporting period from the list. The school year is populated based on the term selected at the top of the page. |
Run Date | Enter the count date for the report. |
Calendar Number | Enter the school calendar number. If the school has more than one calendar, this value indicates which calendar is used for this report. |
Report Output
The fields in the report output are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Item # | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Field Type | Field Length |
1 | Record Type | The file type abbreviation. Always “PP” | Output as “PP” | String | 2 |
2 | District Number | This is the unique system number assigned by the OPI. This is not the Legal Entity (LE) Number. This is the district number in PowerSchool. See the AIM - Achievement In Montana website to identify your District Number, Reporting Entity Number, and School Number. | [Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name=districtnumber | String | 4 |
3 | School Number | The unique school number assigned by the OPI. This is the OPI School Number in PowerSchool on the Edit School page. | [S_MT_SCH_X]OPISchoolNumber | String | 4 |
4 | Calendar Number | The school calendar number. If the school has more than one calendar, this value indicates which calendar is used for this report. The value is entered on the report page at runtime. | Value entered at report runtime. | Number | 3 |
5 | Student’s State ID | The unique nine-digit state-assigned student ID. | [Students]State_StudentNumber | String | 9 |
6 | Student’s Local ID | The locally assigned student number. This field is not required. | [Students]Student_Number | String | 15 |
7 | Last Name | The student’s legal last name. This field is not required. | [Students]Last_Name | String | 50 |
8 | First Name | The student’s legal first name. This field is not required. | [Students]First_Name | String | 50 |
9 | Filler | ||||
10 | Title I Participation | Indicates if the student participates in a Title I program. Business Rule:
| Calculated | Y/N | 1 |
11 | Title I Reading | Indicates if the student receives services in a Title I Reading program. | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X]Title1Reading [S_MT_REN_Programs_X]Title1Reading | Y/N | 1 |
12 | Title I Math | Indicates if the student receives services in a Title I Math program. | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X]Title1Math [S_MT_REN_Programs_X]Title1Math | Y/N | 1 |
13 | Title I Science | Indicates if the student receives services in a Title I Science program. | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X]Title1Science [S_MT_REN_Programs_X]Title1Science | Y/N | 1 |
14 | Title I Social Sciences | Indicates if the student receives services in a Title I Social Sciences program. | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X]Title1SocScience [S_MT_REN_Programs_X]Title1SocScience | Y/N | 1 |
15 | Title I Vocational/Career | Indicates if the student receives services in a Title I Vocational/Career program. | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X]Title1Vocational [S_MT_REN_Programs_X]Title1Vocational | Y/N | 1 |
16 | Title I Instructional Other | Indicates if the student receives services in an Instructional program that is a component of the Title I program and not defined as any other instructional program listed. | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X]Title1InstructOther [S_MT_REN_Programs_X]Title1InstructOther | Y/N | 1 |
17 | Title I Health | Indicates if the student receives services in a Title I Health program. | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X]Title1Health [S_MT_REN_Programs_X]Title1Health | Y/N | 1 |
18 | Title I Guidance/Advocacy | Indicates if the student receives services in a Title I Guidance/Advocacy program. | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X]Title1Guidance [S_MT_REN_Programs_X]Title1Guidance | Y/N | 1 |
19 | Title I Support Services Other | Indicates if the student receives services in a Support program that is a component of a Title I program that is not defined as any other support program listed. | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X] Title1SuppServicesOther [S_MT_REN_Programs_X] Title1SuppServicesOther | Y/N | 1 |
20 | Title I Part A Neglected | Indicates if the student receives services in a Title I Part A Neglected program. Note: If Title I Part A Neglect has any values, they should not flag the student participation in the Title I program. | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X]Title1Neglected [S_MT_REN_Programs_X]Title1Neglected | Y/N | 1 |
21 | Title I Part D Delinquent Program | Indicates if the student receives services in a Title I Part D Delinquent program. Valid values:
Note: If Title I Part D has any values, they should not flag the student participation in the Title I program. | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X] Title1DelinquentProgram [S_MT_REN_Programs_X] Title1DelinquentProgram | String | 3 |
22 | Foreign Exchange | Indicates if the student maintains residency and citizenship in a foreign country and who is qualified to pursue a full course of study. If the Immigrant value is Y, then this field cannot be Y. This field is not required. | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X]ForeignExch [S_MT_REN_Programs_X]ForeignExch | Y/N | 1 |
23 | Gifted/Talented Evaluated | Indicates if the student is evaluated as gifted/talented. This field is not required. | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X]GiftedTalentedEval [S_MT_REN_Programs_X]GiftedTalentedEval | Y/N | 1 |
24 | Gifted/Talented Identified | Indicates if the student is identified as gifted/talented. This field is not required. | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X]GiftedTalented [S_MT_REN_Programs_X]GiftedTalented | Y/N | 1 |
25 | Homeless | Indicates if the student is defined as homeless according to the McKinney Homeless Assistance Act at any point in the school year. This field is not required. | [S_MT_STU_Demographics_X]HomelessInd [S_MT_REN_Demographics_X]HomelessInd | Y/N | 1 |
26 | Homeless Night-Time Residence | The homeless student’s nighttime residence. This field is required if Homeless = Y. If Homeless is N or null, then this field must be null. | [S_MT_STU_Demographics_X] HomelessNightResidence [S_MT_REN_Demographics_X] HomelessNightResidence | String | 2 |
27 | Unaccompanied Youth | Indicates if the student is an unaccompanied youth. This field is required if Homeless = Y. If Homeless is N or null, then this field must be null. | [S_MT_STU_Demographics_X] UnaccompaniedYouth [S_MT_REN_Demographics_X] UnaccompaniedYouth | Y/N | 1 |
28 | Immigrant | Indicates if the student is an immigrant, e.g. an individual aged 3-21 who was not born in any state or DC and has not been attending one or more schools in any one state or DC for more than three full academic years. The student cannot be reported as both Immigrant and Foreign Exchange. | [S_MT_STU_Demographics_X]Immigrant [S_MT_REN_Demographics_X]Immigrant | Y/N | 1 |
29 | Immigrant Date Entered US School | The date the student first enrolled in a US school. This field is required if Immigrant = Y. The date must be less than four years from the current date. | [S_MT_STU_Demographics_X] DateEnteredUS [S_MT_REN_Demographics_X] DateEnteredUS | Date | 10 |
30 | Military Connected Student | Indicates if the student is a dependent of an active member of the U.S. military, National Guard, or Reserves. Valid values are:
| [S_MT_STU_Demographics_X] MilitaryDependentStatus [S_MT_REN_Demographics_X] MilitaryDependentStatus | String | 2 |
31 | 21st Century | Indicates if the student participates in a 21st Century program at any time during the school year (the 21st Century program year is June 1 through May 31). This field is not required. | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X]TwentyFirstCenturyInd [S_MT_REN_Programs_X]TwentyFirstCenturyInd | Y/N | 1 |
32 | Year | The school calendar year. This value is reported from the last day of the full year on the Years & Terms page. For 2021-2022, this is 2022. | Year portion of [Terms]LastDay where [Terms]IsYear = 1 | String | 4 |