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Incident Rules

Use the following rules when creating incidents.

Incident Type

State-reportable incidents must be associated with the incident type Discipline^.

The CRDC Victim^ Incident Type is used to enter additional incidents that capture allegations of harassment and bullying made by a potential victim that did not result in a state-reportable disciplinary action for an offender. In this case, only a basic incident record is created, with Offender, Behavior code, and Action code left as blank.


Offenders are required for incidents. The names of the individuals who have broken laws or district/school rules are assigned this role. If the offender is not known, such as an event where a weapon is found on school grounds, create and assign the role of offender to an "Other Participant" if you need this information for other purposes.


Victims are required for incidents if they involve Harassment and/or Bullying for CRDC purposes. The names of the individuals who were directly involved and negatively affected by the incident are assigned this role.


Witnesses are not required for incidents. The names of the individuals who directly observed the incident while it was happening are assigned this role. Witnesses are not reported to the state but may be identified.


Reporters are not required for incidents. The names of the individuals who report an incident to a school/district authority are assigned this role. Reporters are not reported to the state but may be identified.

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