Student Setup
The following data elements are required for student setup. The first two pages of navigation are removed for brevity:
Start Page > Student.
On the Start Page, select the School link at the top of the page.
Choose the appropriate school from the pop-up menu.
Click Submit.
Select the first letter of the student's last name.
Select a student from the list. The last accessed student information page opens for the student selected.
Note: For more information on code values, see the Appendix.
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]FieldName | Length | Used in these Reports |
General DemographicsDemographics | ||||
Name (Last, First Middle) | Enter the student's name. Format: LastName, FirstName MiddleName | [Students]LastFirst [Students]Last_Name [Students]First_Name [Students]Middle_Name | N/A | Required Setup All AIM Reports FRAM Extract |
Suffix | Select the appropriate name suffix from the list. Valid values are: Jr, Sr, I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, and X | [S_MT_STU_Demographics_X]NameSuffix | N/A | Student Demographic |
Legal Name (Last, First Middle Suffix) | Enter the student's legal name. This field is only required if the legal name does not match the preferred name. If the student's legal name matches the student's preferred name, click Copy to populate the legal name fields. Format: LastName, FirstName, MiddleName Suffix | [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Last_Name [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_First_Name [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Middle_Name [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Suffix | N/A | Required Setup |
DOB | Enter the student's date of birth. | [Students]DOB | N/A | Enrollment Extract |
Federal Ethnicity and Race: Ethnicity | Choose Yes or No to indicate if the student is Hispanic or Latino. If you set up the option to allow the student to decline to specify ethnicity (District level setting), then select this value, if appropriate. Valid Values:
| [Students]Fedethnicity | N/A | Student Demographic Record |
Federal Ethnicity and Race: Race | Select the checkbox for the appropriate federal race category. Multiple boxes can be selected. If you set up the option to allow the student to decline to specify race then select this value, if appropriate. | [StudentRace]Racecd [Students]Fedracedecline | N/A | Student Demographic Record |
Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity | Choose the student's ethnicity, to be used in PowerSchool reports that don't report federal race. | [Students]Ethnicity | N/A | No longer used N/A |
Gender | Choose either female or male from the pop-up menu. Valid values:
| [Students]Gender | N/A | Student Demographic Record |
SSN | Enter the student's social security number. | [Students]SSN | N/A | Not Reported |
Student Number | Enter the locally assigned student number. | [Students]Student_Number | N/A | Required Setup |
Montana State Information | ||||
Race/Ethnicity determined by | Select how the student's race was determined. | [S_MT_STU_Demographics_X] RaceEthnicityDetermination | N/A | Student Demographic |
Missing Child Photo Opt-In | Choose one of the following options:
| [S_MT_STU_Demographics_X]MissingChildPhotoOpt-In | 1 | |
Modifying InformationModify Information | ||||
Part-Time Student Indicator | Select the checkbox to indicate that the student is part-time. | [Students]Parttimestudent | 1 | Not Reported |
District Entry Date | Enter the student's district entry date. | [Students]DistrictEntryDate | 8 | Not Reported |
District Entry Grade Level | Enter the student's district entry grade level. | [Students]DistrictEntryGradeLevel | 2 | Not Reported |
School Entry Date | Enter the student's school entry date. | [Students]SchoolEntryDate | 8 | Not Reported |
School Entry Grade Level | Enter the student's school entry grade level. | [Students]SchoolEntryGradeLevel | 2 | Not Reported |
Entering Compliance Information | ||||
General InformationState/Province – MT and click General. | ||||
State Student ID | Enter the State assigned student ID for this student. | [Students]State_StudentNumber | 10 | All AIM Reports FRAM Extract |
Half-Day Kindergarten Student | Check the box if this student attends kindergarten for just half of the regular school day. | [S_MT_STU_Academics_X]HalfDayKG | 1 | Student Enrollment |
1st Grade Transition Student | Check the box if this student is a 1st-grade transition student. | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X] GradeOneTransitionInd | 1 | Student Enrollment |
ESSA - # days absent | The number of days the student was absent. This field calculates automatically. Note: This field is read-only. | Calculated from [Attendance] | 3 | EOY Attendance |
Drop Out Reason | If the student is a dropout, select the reason the student dropped out of school. | [S_MT_STU_Academics_X]DropOut | 2 | Student Enrollment |
No Show | Check the box if this student is a "no show" student. | [S_MT_STU_Academics_X]NoShow | 1 | |
Service Type | Select the type of services this student receives. | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X]ServiceType | 1 | Student Enrollment |
Aggregate Hours of Instruction | Choose the aggregate hours of instruction that the student receives per school year, excluding passing time and lunchtime.
Valid values:
Note: Students attending part-time in a full-day kindergarten program should be marked as KF with aggregate hours as H. | [S_MT_STU_Academics_X] AggregateHoursInstruct | 1 | Fall and Spring Attendance |
Military Dependent Status | If this student is a dependent of an active-duty military member, select the value that best describes the military status. | [S_MT_STU_Demographics_X] MilitaryDependentStatus | 1 | Program Participation |
Missing Child Photo Opt-In | Choose one of the following options:
Note: Any changes to this field will also reflect on the Montana State Information section of the General Demographics page | [S_MT_STU_Demographics_X]MissingChildPhotoOpt-In | 1 | |
Title I InformationState/Province – MT and click Title I | ||||
Title I Reading | Select the checkbox to indicate that the student receives services in a Title I Reading program. | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X]Title1Reading | 1 | Program Participation |
Title I Math | Select the checkbox to indicate that the student receives services in a Title I Math program. | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X]Title1Math | 1 | Program Participation |
Title I Science | Select the checkbox to indicate that the student receives services in a Title I Science program. | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X]Title1Science | 1 | Program Participation |
Title I Social Sciences | Select the checkbox to indicate that the student receives services in a Title I Social Sciences program. | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X]Title1SocScience | 1 | Program Participation |
Title I Vocational/Career | Select the checkbox to indicate that the student receives services in a Title I Vocational/Career program. | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X]Title1Vocational | 1 | Program Participation |
Title I Instructional Other | Select the checkbox to indicate that the student receives services in a Title I Instructional Other program. | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X]Title1InstructOther | 1 | Program Participation |
Title I Health | Select the checkbox to indicate that the student receives services in a Title I Health program. | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X]Title1Health | 1 | Program Participation |
Title I Guidance/Advocacy | Select the checkbox to indicate that the student receives services in a Title I Guidance/Advocacy program. | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X]Title1Guidance | 1 | Program Participation |
Title I Support Services Other | Select the checkbox to indicate that the student receives services in a Title I Support Services Other program. | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X] Title1SuppServicesOther | 1 | Program Participation |
Title I Part A Neglected | Select the checkbox to indicate that the student receives services in a Title I Part A Neglected program. | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X]Title1Neglected | 1 | Program Participation |
Title I Part D Delinquent Program | Select the type of qualifying part D delinquency program the student receives services in:
| [S_MT_STU_Programs_X] Title1DelinquentProgram | 2 | Program Participation |
Program ServicesSpecial Program and Student Support Services Participation | ||||
Special Education | Select the checkbox to indicate that the student has an individualized education program (IEP) and received services under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA-Part B). | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X]SpecEducFlag | 1 | Enrollment Extract |
Migrant | Select the checkbox to indicate that the student is a migrant. From the Montana High School Completer and Dropout Data Collection Handbook: A migrant student is a student who has moved within the last three years across international (Mexico and Canada only), state, or school district boundaries with his/her parent or guardian to enable the child (in the case of secondary, emancipated or out of school youth), the child's guardian or parent, or member of the child's immediate family to obtain temporary or seasonal employment in an agricultural, fishing, or dairy-related activity. The child may be in any grade between preschool (age 3) and grade 12 and must not be above 22 years of age. | [S_MT_STU_Demographics_X]MigrantFlag | 1 | Not Reported |
SPED Status Note: Section 504 and SPED Status cannot be selected for the same student. | Select the checkbox to indicate that the student has an Individualized Education Program (IEP) under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA-Part B) and is receiving services. | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X]SPEDStatus | 1 | Program Participation |
Part B Early Intervening Services Start Date | Enter the Early Intervening Services Start Date. Enter the date that the student began receiving support services funded through IDEA 2004 Part B. This date should either be blank or occur before the SPED Initial Evaluation date if the SPED Status checkbox is selected. | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X]EarlyInterventionStartDate | Date | |
Part B Early Intervening Services End Date | Enter the Early Intervening Services End Date. | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X]EarlyInterventionEndDate | Date | |
Section 504 Handicapped Note: Section 504 and SPED Status cannot be selected for the same student. | Select the checkbox to indicate that the student receives services under Section 504. Section 504 is a plan developed to provide services and/or accommodations for regular education students so that they may have an equal opportunity to participate in the education program, excluding extracurricular activities. | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X]Is504 | 1 | Program Participation |
Section 504 Start Date | Select Section 504 start date. Format: mm/dd/yyyy | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X]Section504StartDate [S_MT_REN_Programs_X]Section504StartDate | 10 | Program Participation |
Section 504 End Date | Select Section 504 end date. Format: mm/dd/yyyy | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X]Section504EndDate [S_MT_REN_Programs_X]Section504EndDate | 10 | Program Participation |
21st Century | Select the checkbox to indicate that the student participated in a 21st Century Learning Centers program at any point during the school year (the student does not have to be currently enrolled when you select the checkbox). The purpose of the program is to create community learning centers that provide academic enrichment opportunities for children, particularly students who attend high-poverty and low-performing schools. | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X]TwentyFirstCenturyInd | 1 | Program Participation |
Homeless | Select the checkbox to indicate that the student is homeless at any point during the school year. If this checkbox is selected, then McKinney-Vento, Homeless Nighttime Residence, and Unaccompanied Youth are required fields. A homeless student is an individual who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. | [S_MT_STU_Demographics_X]HomelessInd | 1 | Program Participation |
McKinney Vento | Select the checkbox to indicate that the student receives services under the McKinney-Vento program. This value is required if the Homeless checkbox is selected and must be null if Homeless is not selected. The McKinney-Vento program is designed to address the problems that homeless children and youth face in enrolling, attending, and succeeding in school. | [S_MT_STU_Demographics_X]McKinneyVento | 1 | |
Homeless Nighttime Residence | If the student is homeless, choose their primary nighttime residence from the pop-up menu. This field is required if the Homeless checkbox is selected and must be null if Homeless is not selected. Valid values:
| [S_MT_STU_Demographics_X]HomelessNightResidence | 2 | Program Participation |
Unaccompanied Youth | Select the checkbox to indicate that the student is not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian. This includes youth living in runaway shelters, abandoned buildings, cars, on the streets, or in other inadequate housing, as well as children and youth denied housing by their families, and school-age unwed mothers living in homes for unwed mothers. | [S_MT_STU_Demographics_X]UnaccompaniedYouth | 1 | Program Participation |
Foreign Exchange Note: Immigrant and Foreign Exchange cannot be selected for the same student. | Select the checkbox to indicate that the student is a foreign exchange student. A foreign exchange student is defined as maintaining residency and citizenship in a foreign country which they have no intention of abandoning and is qualified to pursue a full course of study. The student should seek to enter the U.S. only temporarily for the sole purpose of pursuing a course of study at an established academic high school. | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X]ForeignExch | 1 | Program Participation |
Immigrant Note: Immigrant and Foreign Exchange cannot be selected for the same student. | Select the checkbox to indicate that the student is an immigrant. An immigrant child is an individual who is aged 3-21, was not born in any state or DC and has not been attending school in any one or more states or DC for more than three full academic years. | [S_MT_STU_Demographics_X]Immigrant | 1 | Program Participation |
Immigrant Date Entered US School | If the student is an immigrant, then enter the date they first attended a school in the United States. Enter a date that falls between today's date and four years before today's date. This field is required if the Immigrant checkbox is selected. | [S_MT_STU_Demographics_X]DateEnteredUS | 10 | Program Participation |
Receives SES Services | Select the checkbox to indicate that the student receives Supplemental Educational Services. SES is provided for low-income students enrolled in a Title I school that is in Improvement year 2 or greater. | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X]ReceivesSES | 1 | Program Participation |
Job Corp Participant | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to check if a student is participating in Job Corps Program. | [S_STU_X]JobCorps | 1 | Fall and Spring Attendance |
MT Youth ChalleNGe | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to check if a student is participating in Youth ChalleNGe Program. | [S_STU_X]YouthChallenge | 1 | Fall and Spring Attendance |
Age 19 or 20 Eligible for ANB | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to check if a student is age 19 or 20 and eligible for Average Number Belonging (ANB) | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X]EligibleANB | 1 | Fall and Spring Attendance |
Kindergarten (KG) Under 5 Board Approved | If a kindergarten student is under the age of 5 (as of Sept 10th), then enter the board approval date. | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X]KGUnderFiveBrdAppdDt | 10 | |
Indian Language Immersion Program | Select if the student is part of Indian Language Immersion Program. Yes/No | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X]IndianLangImmProgram | ||
Limited English ProficiencyLEP (Limited English Proficiency) | ||||
LEP | Select the student's Limited English Proficient (LEP) status from the list. See the following link for details regarding how to classify LEP students: | [S_MT_STU_Language_X]LEPStatus | 1 | Limited English Proficiency (LEP) |
Date 1st Identified LEP | Enter the date that the student was initially identified as being Limited English Proficient (LEP). This is the date the student was assessed or evaluated and determined to be LEP. | [S_MT_STU_Language_X]FirstIdentLEPDate | 10 | Limited English Proficiency (LEP) |
English Proficiency Date | Enter the date that the student is determined to no longer be Limited English Proficient. This is the date that the student attained a score that meets the Montana proficiency standard for English Language Learners Proficiency Test. This value must occur after the Date 1st Identified LEP. If the Date 1st Identified LEP is null, then this date must be null as well. If the Date 1st Identified LEP is not null, and the English Proficiency Date is not null, then LEP status is considered "Former LEP". | [S_MT_STU_Language_X] EnglishProficiencyDate | 10 | Limited English Proficiency (LEP) |
Language of Impact | Choose the student's language of impact from the pop-up menu. For LEP students, this value is the language other than English that influence's the student's English language development. For American Indian or Hispanic students whose first language is English, this is the tribal language or Spanish. For immigrant students, this is their first or home language. For Hutterite students, this value is German. | [S_MT_STU_Language_X]LanguageImpact | 2 | Limited English Proficiency (LEP) |
Primary/Home Language | Choose the student's primary/home language from the pop-up menu. This value is defined as the language first learned and spoken in the child's home. This field is required if the Date 1st Identified LEP is populated. This field must be null if the Date 1st Identified LEP is null. | [S_MT_STU_Language_X]PrimaryLanguage | 2 | Limited English Proficiency (LEP) |
Title III | Select the checkbox to indicate that the student receives Title III services. Title III is provided to ensure that English proficient (LEP) students develop English proficiency and meet the same academic content and academic achievement standards as other children are expected to meet. Not all LEP students receive services under Title III. | [S_MT_STU_Language_X]TitleIII | 1 | Limited English Proficiency (LEP) |
LEP Service Start Date | Enter the date the student started receiving LEP services. | [S_MT_STU_Language_X]LEPStartDate | 10 | Limited English Proficiency (LEP) |
LEP Service End Date | Enter the date the student stopped receiving LEP services. | [S_MT_STU_Language_X]LEPEndDate | 10 | Limited English Proficiency (LEP) |
PHLOTE | Enter the student's primary home language other than English. | [Students]phlote | N/A | N/A |
Career and Technical EducationCTE (Career Technical Education) | ||||
CTE (Career Technical Education) Concentrator | Select the checkbox to indicate the student is a CTE Concentrator. | [S_MT_STU_Academics_X]CTEInd | 1 | Career and Technical Education (CTE) Collection |
Student Single Parent | Select the checkbox to indicate the CTE student is unmarried or legally separated and has custody or joint custody of a minor child(ren) or is pregnant. | [S_MT_STU_Demographics_X] StudentSingleParent | 1 | Career and Technical Education (CTE) Collection |
Area of Concentration | Choose the student's CTE program area in which the majority of credits were earned from the pop-up menu. | [S_MT_STU_Academics_X]AreaOfConcentration | 2 | Career and Technical Education (CTE) Collection |
Date Contacted | Enter the date the CTE student was contacted by the school about their post-graduation status. | [S_MT_STU_Academics_X] CTEFollowUpDateContacted | 10 | Career and Technical Education (CTE) Collection |
Post Graduation Status | Choose the student's primary post-graduation placement status from the pop-up menu. | PostGradStatus | 2 | Career and Technical Education (CTE) Collection |
Add Pathway Indicator | Choose the pathway indicator:
| [S_MT_STU_Academics_X]Pathway_Indicator | 4 | Career and Technical Education (CTE) Collection |
Concentrator | Select the option to indicate concentrator. | [S_MT_STU_Academics_X]Concentrator | ||
District Credits Earned | Enter the credits earned for pathway in the district | [S_MT_STU_Academics_X]Pathway_Credits_District | 4 | Career and Technical Education (CTE) Collection |
Non -District Credits | Enter the credits earned for pathway outside the district | [S_MT_STU_Academics_X]Pathway_Credits_NonDistrict | 4 | Career and Technical Education (CTE) Collection |
Graduation InformationGraduation Navigation on PowerSchool version or higher If Admin PowerSchool Enhanced Access is selected on the User Group Security, the navigation to access this page is as follows: Go to Students, Select a Student, Compliance, and click Graduation. | ||||
Diploma Type | Choose the student's diploma type from the list. | [S_MT_STU_Academics_X]DiplomaType | 2 | Student Enrollment Average Daily Attendance |
Diploma Period | Choose the period/length of time required to earn the diploma. | [S_MT_STU_Academics_X]DiplomaPeriod | 2 | Student Enrollment Average Daily Attendance |
Historical DataState/Province - MT, Historical Data The Historical Data tab stores a student's historical SPED and 504 values. This page is read-only and automatically updates each year. | ||||
SPED Status | The student's historical SPED status. | [S_MT_REN_Programs_X]SPEDStatus | 1 | CRDC |
Enrollment Entry Date | The date the student enrolled in the SPED program. | [ReEnrollments]EntryDate | 10 | CRDC |
Enrollment Exit Date | The date the student exited the SPED program. | [ReEnrollments]ExitDate | 10 | CRDC |
Section 504 Handicapped | The student's historical Section 504 status. | [S_MT_REN_Programs_X]Is504 | 1 | CRDC |
Enrollment Entry Date | The date the student enrolled in the Section 504 program. | [ReEnrollments]EntryDate | 10 | CRDC |
Enrollment Exit Date | The date the student exited the Section 504 program. | [ReEnrollments]ExitDate | 10 | CRDC |
Student ProgramsStudent > Course and Programs > Registration > Student Programs | ||||
Gifted and Talented | Requirement/Validations:
Note: Programs must be named exactly as listed above for program validation to work. Any deviation from the specified name format will result in data extraction failure for the Gifted and Talented report. | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X]GiftedTalentedEval | 1 | Montana AIMS Gifted and Talented |
Early Literacy Eligibility | The early literacy eligibility for K-12 students is determined through the Early Literacy Targeted Intervention Act.
| |||
Entry Date | Select student entry date. | [spenrollments]enter_date | 4 | Montana Early Literacy Eligibility |
Exit Date | Select student exit date.
| [spenrollments]exit_date | 4 | Montana Early Literacy Eligibility 👍 |
Eligibility School Year | Enter the Eligibility School Year Date Format: YY-YY
| [S_MT_SEN_X]Eligibility_School_Year | Varchar(5) | Montana Early Literacy Eligibility |
Early Literacy Grade | Select the early literacy grade: Refer to Early literacy grade code sets. | S_MT_SEN_X]Early_Literacy_Grade | Varchar(2) | Montana Early Literacy Eligibility |
Early Literacy Methodology Tools | Select the Early Literacy Methodology Tools Refer to Early literacy methodology code sets. | [S_MT_SEN_X]Early_Literacy_Methodology | Varchar(20) | Montana Early Literacy Eligibility |
Early Literacy Eligibility Domains | Select the Early Literacy Eligibility Domains. | [S_MT_SEN_X]Early_Lit_Elig_Domains | Varchar(100) | Montana Early Literacy Eligibility |
Comments | This field shows when the value “Other“ is selected in the “Early Literacy Methodology Tools“ field. | Comments | Montana Early Literacy Eligibility | |
Attendance InformationAttendance | ||||
Attendance | Verify that attendance data is entered for the student. | [Attendance] | N/A | Fall and Spring Attendance |
Lunch StatusLunch | ||||
Lunch Status | Choose the student's lunch status from the pop-up menu. Valid values:
| [Students]LunchStatus | 1 | FRAM Extract |
Lunch > Lunch History The Lunch History page displays a list of historical lunch status values. It updates automatically based on changes to the student's lunch and enrollment statuses. | ||||
Lunch Status | The student's historical lunch status. Note: This field is read-only. | [ReEnrollments]LunchStatus | 1 | Not Reported |
Information for All EnrollmentsAll Enrollments | ||||
Course | Verify the information about the class of enrollment. Format: COURSENAME (COURSENUMBER.SECTIONNUMBER) | [Courses]Course_Name [CC]Course_Number [Sections]Section_Number | N/A | Required for scheduling |
Enroll Date | Enter the entry date. | [CC]DateEnrolled | N/A | Required for scheduling |
Exit Date | Enter the exit date. | [CC]DateLeft | N/A | Required for scheduling |
Transfer InfoTransfer Information | ||||
Entry Date | Enter the entry date for the school enrollment. Note: The date is the first day of school enrollment. | [Students]EntryDate [ReEnrollments]EntryDate | N/A | Student Enrollment |
Entry Code | Choose the entry code for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu. Note: You must choose an entry code for all school enrollments. | [Students]EntryCode [ReEnrollments]EntryCode | N/A | Required Setup |
Section 504 Start Date | Select Section 504 start date. Format: mm/dd/yyyy | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X]Section504StartDate [S_MT_REN_Programs_X]Section504StartDate | 10 | Program Participation |
Section 504 End Date | Select Section 504 end date. Format: mm/dd/yyyy | [S_MT_STU_Programs_X]Section504EndDate [S_MT_REN_Programs_X]Section504EndDate | 10 | Program Participation |
Exit Date | Enter the exit date for the school enrollment. Note: The date is the day after the last day of school enrollment, even if that day occurs during a weekend. | [Students]ExitDate [ReEnrollments]ExitDate | N/A | Student Enrollment |
Exit Code | Choose the exit code for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu. Note: You must choose an exit code for school enrollments where the exit date is in the past. | [Students]ExitCode [ReEnrollments]ExitCode | N/A | Student Enrollment |
Full-Time Equivalency | Choose the full-time equivalency for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu. | [Students]FTEID [ReEnrollments]FTEID | N/A | Student Enrollment |
Grade Level | Choose the grade level for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu. | [Students]Grade_Level [ReEnrollments]Grade_Level | N/A | Student Enrollment |
Track | Choose track for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu. | [Students]Track [ReEnrollments]Track | N/A | Required for schools that use tracks |
District of Residence | Choose the district of residence for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu. | [Students]DistrictOfResidence [ReEnrollments]DistrictOfResidence | N/A | Required Setup |
CRDC | ||||
CRDC | Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) For information about entering data into CRDC fields, see the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) 2020-2021 section. | N/A |