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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2024 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


All States: CRDC 23-24 Updates for PreSchoolers

Additional Reference: PSSR-367190

For the CRDC 23-24 submission, on the Schools CRDC page under the RSTR-1: Restraints and Seclusion section the following fields are added:

  • Did this school use Mechanical Restraint? - S_SCH_CRDC_X.MECH_RSTR_YN

  • Did this school use Physical Restraint? - S_SCH_CRDC_X.PHYS_RSTR_YN

  • Did this school use Seclusion? - S_SCH_CRDC_X.Seclusion_YN


Early Literacy Eligibility to Student Programs

Additional reference: PSSR-364741

The Early Literacy Eligibility program is available with the following dependent fields:

  1. Entry Date

  2. Exit Date

  3. Eligibility School Year

  4. Early Literacy Grade

  5. Early Literacy Methodology Tools

  6. Early Literacy Eligibility Domains

  7. Comment box (Show if value Other is selected in Early Literacy Methodology Tools)

Note: The program name must be formatted correctly as "Early Literacy Eligibility" for the functionality to work properly.


Fall and Spring Attendance Report

Fall and Spring Attendance Version: 2.1

The update enables administrators to extract the Early Literacy Classroom Based program in a report for the Fall and Spring Attendance Upload.

If an Early Literacy Classroom Based program exists then value Y will be pulled based on the following selection criteria:

  • If a student is enrolled in a program on or before the count date then Yes (Y), pull the record

  • The count date must be within the Student Enrollment.

  • Program start date must be within Student Enrollment.

Note: The program name must be formatted correctly as "Early Literacy Classroom Based" for the functionality to work properly.

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