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State Reports

The reports included in this section are listed in the following table. This table includes the following elements:

  • Report Name – The name of the report as displayed in PowerSchool.
  • Description – The purpose of the report.

Report Name


Child Accounting Domain

School Calendar Template - RE

This template is used to identify each unique calendar associated with a student or group of students. One School Calendar can be submitted for multiple schools with the same days in session, the same number of approved Act 80 days, and the same total instructional time. Written in the Reporting Engine (RE) Platform.

Student Calendar Fact Template

This template is used to associate a student's membership days with a unique calendar uploaded in the School Calendar file. A student will have more than one record in the Student Calendar Fact file if they were withdrawn and reentered due to a change in one of the following key fields: Calendar ID, District Code of Residence, Funding District Code, Residence Status Code, District Code of Sending Charter School, or Grade Level.

Note: The report pulls at least one record for every student enrolled in an LEA at any time during the school year.

Course and Grades Domain

Course Template - RE

This template is used to store the attributes of each course at each school. Use the Course Instructor template to associate the Teacher of Record with each course. Written in the Reporting Engine (RE) Platform.

Course Instructor Template - RE

The Course Instructor Template is used to identify the instructor(s) of each section of every course reported in the Course template. The Course Instructor template should be submitted in a cumulative fashion so that all instructors associated with all sections and courses are reported for the entire school year. All active teachers and teachers on long-term leave should have course instructor records. Teachers who are terminated during the school year are not reported unless the course they were teaching also ended with their departure. Long-term substitutes are reported when they are the teacher of record, or when they are a professional or temporary professional employee. Written in the Reporting Engine (RE) Platform.

Student Course Enrollment Template

The Student Course Enrollment Template contains information on student enrollment in each course/section combination. The Student Course Enrollment template must be submitted in a cumulative fashion indicating all students enrolled in a specific section of a course for the school year. Written in the Reporting Engine (RE) Platform.

Discipline Domain – Incident Management Tables

See Incident Management Templates for information on reports in the Discipline Domain section.

Incident Template

The Incident Template defines the primary details of a discipline incident. One record should be submitted per each reportable School Safety incident.

Person Template

The Person Template defines the primary details of both offenders and victims

Incident Offender Template

This template connects one or multiple offenders to each specific incident. If there are multiple offenders, include multiple records within this template with the same Incident ID. If the offender is unknown for an incident, do not submit a record in this template.

Incident Offender Infraction Template

This template connects an incident and the offender to an infraction. If multiple infractions apply to the incident/offender, submit multiple records; use one record per infraction. If the offender is unknown for an incident, do not submit a record in this template.

Incident Offender Disciplinary Action Template

This template is used to track disciplinary sanctions as well as referral to or participation in remedial programs. Each known offender should have one and only one sanction record in this template identifying the highest or most severe sanction.

Incident Offender Parent Involvement Template

This template connects an incident and the offender to one or more parent involvement types. If there are multiple parent involvement types for an incident/offender, this report includes multiple records with the same Incident ID and Offender ID.

Incident Victim Template

The Incident Victim Template connects one or multiple victims to each specific incident. If there are no victims associated with the incident, do not submit any records in this template.

District Domain

PA District Fact Template - Safe Schools

The District Fact Template - Safe Schools generates nine records that provide a detailed breakdown of qualifications for School Security Officers and School Police Officers.

PA District Fact Template - English Learners (ELs)The District Fact Template - ELs is used to submit the following data:
  • Results of the Nonpublic Student Counts
  • Results of the Title III Professional Development Activities Survey
  • Results of the LEP Program Survey

PA District Fact Template – Title 1

The District Fact Template - Title 1 will be used to capture data elements previously collected in the Federal Programs e-Grants system. The following entities are required to submit Title 1 staff and student participation data elements in the District Fact Template:

  • School Districts that serve Title I students
  • Charter Schools that serve Title I students
  • Intermediate Units that serve Title I students
PA District Snapshot - Kindergarten Starting AgeMinimum Age and Cut off Date for Entry into Kindergarten

Enrollment Domain

School Enrollment Template

This template contains the student enrollment and withdrawal transactions at each school within each LEA. This template is used to track student mobility. Written in the Reporting Engine (RE) Platform.

Groups and Programs Domain

Program Fact Template - RE

This template is used to track participation for specific programs. A complete list of programs to be collected can be found in Volume 2 of the PIMS User Manual. Written in the Reporting Engine (RE) Platform.

Location Domain

Location Fact Template - Safe School

This template is used to capture various aggregated data. E.g. Habitual Truancy, Expulsions, and Out of School Suspensions due to Academic or Student Code Violation.

Location Fact Template - Bus Evacuation DrillThis report is used to report whether or not a bus evacuation drill was held at an LEA. It consists of four rows for each location within the LEA, and three rows for the non-school location code 9999. Location code 9999 is to be used to report drills held for students bussed to locations other than locations of the reporting LEA. See data entry pages located in School Setup and District Setup.

Location Fact Template - Fire and Security Drill

This template is used to report whether or not a fire drill was held at an LEA.
Location Fact Safe School - AED ExtractThe Location Fact Template - Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) Extract is used to submit the results of AED Report Form. Information is captured in an Excel file, automatically creating the Location Fact template to be submitted to PIMS.

Staff Domain

Staff Snapshot Template

The Staff template is meant to reflect the current professional employee situation. It records a point-in-time view of the staff population and reports only one LEA record for each professional employee, even if the employee has worked in more than one location within the LEA for a given collection period. Written in the Reporting Engine (RE) Platform.

Staff Assignment Template - RE

This template will be used to track point-in-time information on staff assignments. One record is reported for each assignment and assigned to staff members. Written in Reporting Engine (RE) Platform.

Staff Development Fact Template - RE

This template collects qualification and training data on directly employed or contracted School Security Officers, School Resource Officers, and School Police Officers. Written in Reporting Engine (RE) Platform.

Student Domain - Current

Student Template/Snapshot

The Student Template contains one LEA record for each student for each school year. It can be submitted in either a point-in-time fashion (only including active students) or in a cumulative fashion (all students enrolled in the LEA for the school year) but must be submitted in cumulative fashion at the end of year submission.

Student Fact Template for Career Standards Benchmarks

This extract contains data pertaining to Career Education and Work Standards. It extracts data for all students in grade 5, 8, and 11 with the required Yes/No values for the indicator field in the report.

Student Local Assessment Subtest TemplateThis template identifies whether or not a student has met the applicable standards where the LEA has chosen to host a local assessment in lieu of the standard PSSA for grade 3 reading and/or grade 7 math. This report can only be run at the district level.
Student Award Fact Template for Non-CTE and Work Based LearningThis template extracts data on student engagement in Work-Based Learning Experiences and Industry-Recognized Credentials Certificates awarded to students. 

PA Staff Student Subtest Template for Act 13 Educator Effectiveness

The Staff Student Subtest template contains a record for each teacher/student instructional relationship for each assessment. The Staff Student Subtest template must be submitted in a cumulative fashion indicating all instructional relationships related to PSSA and Keystone Assessments for the school year.

Student Fact Template - Keystone ExemptionThis template is used to report students that are enrolled in Keystone trigger courses. The report indicates whether they are first-time or repeat test takers for the 2019-2020 school year.

Career and Technical Education (CTE Domain)

CTE Student Fact Template - RE

This template defines the CTE Student Fact table. This table contains the primary details of each CTE student’s enrollment within a Pennsylvania Department of Education-approved school-level CTE program and/or registered adult affidavit CTE operated by each LEA. Submit this template only if the LEA has reportable enrollees in approved reimbursable secondary CTE programs and/or registered adult affidavit programs. Written in the Reporting Engine (RE) Platform.

CTE Student Industry Credential Template - RE

The CTE Student Industry Credential Template serves to record industry certifications earned by students during the reporting year as a direct result of the student’s enrollment within a PDE-approved reimbursable secondary CTE program or registered adult affidavit program reported within the CTE Student Fact Template. Written in the Reporting Engine (RE) Platform.

Special Education Domain

Special Education Snapshot - RE (Legacy)

This template describes the primary details of students' participation in special education in the current school year. Only students in school age programs K4 – 12 who have a valid IEP on 12/1 should be included in the December submission. Written in the Reporting Engine (RE) Platform.

Note: A corresponding Student template record must exist for each student record in the Special Education Snapshot. 

Student Fact Template – Special Education Act 16

For the previous school year, identify the educational expenditure cost range category for each student with disabilities (see Appendix AJ in Volume 2 of the PIMS Manual).


PA State Auditors Report - CSV

Generates the Pennsylvania State Audit Report for all students enrolled in the current school or district during the date range specified. The PA Auditor report is developed as a report to be share with a State Auditor when an LEA is in the process being audited. Data from this report maybe also be used for other internal purposes.

PA State Auditors Report – HTML

Generates the Pennsylvania State Audit Report for all students enrolled in the current school or district during the date range specified. The PA Auditor report is developed as a report to be shared with a State Auditor when an LEA is in the process being audited. Data from this report may also be used for other internal purposes.

Table 9AThe Table 9A is a PennData Report for Children with Disabilities who were subject to disciplinary removal from their educational setting. Data is extracted from Incident Management Tables for this report.

PA Secure ID

Generates an extract for requesting unique state IDs (PAsecureIDs) for students enrolled in the District. This report should be run at the district level, not for an individual school. Written in the Reporting Engine Platform.

Homeless - RE

Generates an extract for the STUDENT INFO and SERVICE DELIVERY PAHCI Spreadsheet. Written in Reporting Engine Platform.

Expulsion/Suspension Letter Report

Generates letters for specified Actions from Incident Management tables.

School Health Annual Reimbursement Request System (SHARRS) ReportThis report extracts student health related information that can be used to request state funding for data manually entered into the state's SHARR System. Information related to a recorded screening and/or office visit, and data entered on the corresponding SHARRS student health tab is counted and grouped into a summary.

Verification Reports

Student Validation Report - RE

This report validates select student information for PIMS and verifies that no student information is missing. Written in the Reporting Engine Platform.

Location Fact Detail Report – Safe School

This template is used to capture various detailed data, for example, Habitual Truancy, Expulsions, and Out of School Suspensions due to Academic or Student Code Violation.

Incident Detail Report

This report is used to report the Incident Detail information (formerly called School Safety Incident Collection) from Incident Management. Only PA State Reportable incidents are included. Both School Sanctions (Suspensions, Expulsions) as well as Remedial Programs are reported.

Special Education - End of Year ReportThis template is to be used for the July submission and describes the primary details of students' participation in special education in the current school year. The extract should include all special education students 14 years of age or older as of July 1 of the current school year or any student who has a transition plan as part of their IEP.

Student Template – SPED Submission Report

This template contains one LEA record for each student for each school year. This is the ‘Special Ed’ version of the Student Template and will only include students in school age programs K4 – 12 who have exited special education for the current school year.

Staff Template/Snapshot - RE

The Staff template is meant to reflect the current professional employee situation. It records a point-in-time view of the staff population and reports only one LEA record for each professional employee, even if the employee has worked in more than one location within the LEA for a given collection period. Written in the Reporting Engine (RE) Platform.

Civil Rights Data Collection (2017-2018)

CRDC Report - 2017-2018

Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) Report. See Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) for more information.

CRDC Report - 2020-2021Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) Report. See Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) for more information.
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