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School Health Annual Reimbursement Request System (SHARRS) Report


This report extracts student office visit, screening information, and ADM used for data entry into SHARRS. Information related to a recorded office visit with data entered on the corresponding SHARRS student health tab is counted and grouped into a summary. Information related to vision, hearing, scoliosis, and biometrics screenings in the student Health module is counted and grouped into a summary. ADM is determined using student enrollment records.

The report extracts data for up to eight sections as pages (1, 3, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, and 14) from the SHARRS Hard Copy consolidation report provided by the state. The report can be run for a single school, a selection of schools, or for the entire district. When run at the district level, the report produces a single, report in .pdf format and indicates the number of schools that are calculated into the report. If the report is run for one school or a selection of schools, the report produces the full report for each school. For instance, if the report is run for two schools, it produces eight sections per school, a maximum of 16 pages. The report produces a PDF with the fields automatically populated.

The eight sections of the report are as follows:

  • School Health Annual Reimbursement Request Summary: School or District contact information.
  • Average Daily Membership (ADM) and Cost of Services: The ADM of students based on grade level.
  • Mandated Dental Services Program: Dental exam counts for districts with a mandated dental program.
    • Note: The Mandated Dental Services Program page is not included in the report if the school or district does not have a mandated dental program.
  • Dental Hygiene Services Program: Dental exam counts by grade level for districts with a Dental Hygiene Services Program.
    • Note: The Dental Hygiene Services Program page is not included in the report if the school or district does not have a DHSP.
  • Health Exams, Screens & Select Services: Count related to Student Health Services, Student Physical Exams and Student Health Screens.
  • Chronic Conditions – Student Health: Count of students with various chronic conditions.
  • Serious School Injuries – Students: Count of students with various injuries and the place and time of occurrence.
  • Medication Administration – Students Only: Count of doses of medication administered to students for a variety of medications.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which records are included in the report.

Student Selection

The report selects student records based on the following criteria:

  • The Exclude this student from State Reporting checkbox, under Pennsylvania State Reporting, must not be selected (must be set to No in the Students table). This is the only Exclude from State Reporting checkbox that the report considers.
  • The student's school must not be excluded from state reporting.

Report Input

For help with report generation and navigation, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Selected Schools

Choose the schools for which you want to run the report.

If run at the district level, select one of the following:

  • Select Multiple Schools – Select the schools for which you want to run the report. Includes all student records associated with the selected schools that meet the selection criteria.
  • All Schools – Run the report for all schools in the district. Includes all student records on the PowerSchool server that meet the selection criteria.

If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

Reporting Year

Choose the school year for which you want to extract data for the report.

Extract Data from Enhanced Health (Chronic Conditions Count, Physical Examinations)

Enable to extract the following:

  • Student health concerns from the Advanced Health - Health Concerns tab
  • Student physical examination data from the Advanced Health - Physical Examinations tab instead of the Office Visit

Note: The fields in the Health Concerns under the SHAARS Info tab is extracted whether or not this field is enabled.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

School Health Annual Reimbursement Request Summary

Data Element



School Year

The school year reported. Selected at report run-time.N/A

School Name

The name of the school being reported, OR the number of schools calculated into the report if run from the district.

[Schools]Name where the [Schools]school_number = [S_PA_Sharr_S]schoolID


The name of the county where the school or district office is located.

If run for District (All schools): [Prefs]Name = 'PA_County’

If run from a school or for selected schools: [Schools]CountyName

Dental Program

Indicates the dental program provided. Extracted from Start Page > District Setup > SHARR Data – Contact.

  • Mandated Program
  • Dental Hygiene Services Program

A district and its schools can have either a Mandated Dental Program (MDP) or a Dental Hygiene Services Program (DHSP), but not both.


  • MDP = Mandated Program
  • DHSP = Dental Hygiene Services Program

Educational Institution Name and Address

The name of the school or district and the address.

If run for District (All schools):






If run from a school or for selected schools:





Institution Type

The type of institution from where the SHARRS information is reported. Extracted from Start Page > District Setup > SHARR Data – Contact.

  • School District
  • Charter School
  • Cyber Charter School
  • Comprehensive Career and Technology Center (CTC)


  • SD = School District
  • CS = Charter School
  • CCS = Cyber Charter School
  • CCTC = Comprehensive Career and Technology Center (CTC)
PhoneThe phone number of the institution.

If run for District (All schools):


If run from a school or for selected schools:


Phone Extn.This field is blankN/A
PENN*LINK E-mail AddressThe institution's official Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) email address.

Primary Contact Person Regarding Report Information

All data in this section is extracted from Start Page > District Setup > SHARR Data – Contact.

Name (First and Last)

The first and last name of the primary contact person for information regarding this report.




The title of the primary contact for information regarding this report.

  • Business Manager
  • CSN School Dental Hygienist
  • Superintendent/CEO
  • Support Staff
  • Other


  • BM = Business Manager
  • CSN = CSN School Dental Hygienist
  • SCEO = Superintendent/CEO
  • SS = Support Staff
  • O = Other

Phone Number

The phone number of the primary contact.[S_PA_SHARR_S]PrimaryContact1_PhoneNumber


The extension number for the primary contact.


E-Mail Address

The email address of the primary contact.[S_PA_SHARR_S]PrimaryContact1_EmailAddress

Secondary Contact Person Regarding Report Information

All data in this section is extracted from Start Page > District Setup > SHARR Data – Contact.

Name (First and Last)

The first and last name of the secondary contact person for information regarding this report.




The title of the secondary contact for information regarding this report. One of the following options is selected on the report:

  • Business Manager
  • CSN School Dental Hygienist
  • Superintendent/CEO
  • Support Staff
  • Other


  • BM = Business Manager
  • CSN = CSN School Dental Hygienist
  • SCEO = Superintendent/CEO
  • SS = Support Staff
  • O = Other

Phone Number

The phone number of the secondary contact.[S_PA_SHARR_S]PrimaryContact2_PhoneNumber


The extension number for the secondary contact.


E-Mail Address

The email address of the secondary contact.[S_PA_SHARR_S]PrimaryContact2_EmailAddress

Average Daily Membership (ADM) and Cost of Services

ADM is calculated for each grade in the same manner as ADMs reported to the PA Department of Education. ADMs are not enrollment figures; they are calculated by dividing the total aggregate day’s membership by the number of days that school is in session.

Private/non-public schools should complete the tally form, "Determination of Average Daily Membership (ADM)", to calculate the ADM per grade and report this data to the School District that provided school health services.

Student Selection

The student can be active or inactive but must be enrolled for at least one day during the school year.

Data Element



ADM By Grade Level

Public Students

The total ADM for public students for the given grade level.

If the report is run for only one school and that school is private/non-public, the Public Students column is blank.

[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 02


ADM Calculation

Student days Enrolled * CalenderMembershipShare / Total In-Session Days for the School:

Student's days enrolled =

[Attendance_Conversion_Items]Attendance_Value for all days enrolled between students




CalendarMembershipShare =


Total in-session days in the school =

[Calendar_Day]InSession =1


Private/Non-Public Students

The total ADM for private/non-public students for the given grade level.

If the report is run for only one school and that school is public, the Private/Non-Public Students column is blank.

[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01


ADM Calculation

Student days Enrolled * CalenderMembershipShare / Total In-Session Days for the School:

Student's days enrolled =

[Attendance_Conversion_Items]Attendance_Value for all days enrolled between students




Total in-session days in the school =

[Calendar_Day]InSession =1


CalendarMembershipShare =


OtherThe total ADM for students who do not have an identified grade level, such as home-schooled or alternative education students.Currently always blank.
Total ADM

The total ADM for both public and private/non-public students. All are summed separately for each grade level.

Student days Enrolled * CalenderMembershipShare / Total In-Session Days for the School


[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01, OR

[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 02

Grand Total ADMThe total ADM for both public and private/non-public students for all grade levels.


[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01, OR

[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 02

Mandated Dental Services Program

Data for this page comes from the Health > Office Visits on the student's record and is only populated if the SHARRS contact at the school or district has Mandate Dental Services Program selected; otherwise, this page is blank.

A district and its schools can have either a Mandated Dental Program (MDP) or a Dental Hygiene Services Program (DHSP), but not both.

Student Selection Criteria

  • The student must be enrolled in the selected school for the selected year.
  • The student's Office Visit date must fall within the student's school enrollment entry date and exit date - 1.
  • The student's school Dental Program must be a Mandated Dental Program ([S_PA_Sharr_S]DentalProgram = MDP).


  • The student, not the office visit, is counted once in each category.
  • If the student moves from one school to another and has a dental office visit entered at both schools, if both visits have the same provider type and resulted in the same type of outcome, only the first office visit is counted.

Data Element



Dental Examinations by FAMILY Dentist

A. Grades K or 1, 3, 7

The total number of dental examinations conducted by a family dentist, or a mobile dentist who is not in the position of a school dentist, for students in grades K, 1, 3, and 7.






[HealthScreenLookup]healthCategory = Family Dentist

[HealthScreenLookup]StateReportCode = FAD or MDNS

[Students]/[ReEnrollments]Grade_Level = K, 1, 3, or 7

Dental Examinations by SCHOOL Dentist

A. Grades K or 1, 3, 7

The total number of dental examinations conducted by a school dentist, or a mobile dentist in the position of a school dentist, for students in grades K, 1, 3, and 7.






[HealthScreenLookup]healthCategory = School Dentist

[HealthScreenLookup]StateReportCode = SCD or MDS

[Students]/[ReEnrollments]Grade_Level = K, 1, 3, or 7


B. OTHER Grades

The total number of dental examinations conducted by a school dentist, or a mobile dentist in the position of a school dentist, for students not in grades K, 1, 3, or 7.






[HealthScreenLookup]healthCategory = School Dentist

[HealthScreenLookup]StateReportCode = SCD or MDS

[Students]/[ReEnrollments]Grade_Level does NOT = K, 1, 3, or 7


C. Referred for Dental Evaluation / Treatment

The total number of students whose dental visit outcome was a referral for dental evaluation or treatment.






[HealthScreenLookup]StateReportCode = REF


D. Completed Referrals Reported

The total number of students whose dental evaluation/treatment referrals were completed.





[HealthScreenLookup]StateReportCode = CREF


Fluoride Program

Note: This section is only populated if the school or district participated in the fluoride program.

A. Fluoride MOUTH RINSE Program

The total number of students whose dental visit outcome was to take part in the fluoride mouth rinse program.






[HealthScreenLookup]StateReportCode = FLRI


B. Fluoride TABLET ProgramThe total number of students whose dental visit outcome was to take part in the fluoride tablet program.[HealthOfficeVisit]HealthMainStudRecID


[HealthMainStudRec] HealthMainStudRecID



[HealthScreenLookup]StateReportCode = FLTA


C. Fluoride TOPICAL Program

The total number of students whose dental visit outcome was to take part in the fluoride topical program.






[HealthScreenLookup]StateReportCode = FLTO


Dental Hygiene Services Program

Note: A district and its schools can have either a Mandated Dental Program (MDP) or a Dental Hygiene Services Program (DHSP), but not both.

Student Selection Criteria

  • The student must be enrolled in the selected school for the selected year.
  • The student's Office Visit date must fall within the student's school enrollment entry date and exit date - 1.
  • The student's school Dental Program must be a Dental Hygiene Services Program ([S_PA_Sharr_S]DentalProgram = DHSP).


  • The student, not the office visit, is counted once in each category.
  • If the student moves from one school to another and has a dental office visit entered at both schools, if both visits have the same provider type and resulted in the same type of outcome, only the first office visit is counted.

Data Element



Dental Hygiene Services Program (DHSP) Plan

1. List the number of public schools that received dental hygiene services through the DHSP plan.

The total number of public schools that received dental hygiene services through the DHSP plan.

[S_PA_Sharr_S]DentalProgram = DHSP

[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 02

2. List the number of private/non-public schools that received dental hygiene services through the DHSP plan.

The total number of private/non-public schools that received dental hygiene services through the DHSP plan.

[S_PA_Sharr_S]DentalProgram = DHSP

[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01

When run for a school or selection of schools, the report pulls SHARRS Contact data from the school to verify if the school has a current DHSP dental program.

When run for All Schools (District), the report pulls SHARRS Contact data from the district to verify if the district has a current DHSP dental program.

Dental Hygiene Services PROVIDED (Public and Private / Non-Public Students Combined)

This section includes students who actually received the dental hygiene services outlined in the columns. For each service, the report includes counts for each grade level (grade K4, K - 12, and Other) and the total across all grade levels.

01B Exams: Family DentistThe total number of students in each grade level who received dental hygiene services from their family dentist, or from a mobile dentist who is not in the position of a school dentist.




[HealthScreenLookup]HealthCategory = Family Dentist

[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType = OfficeVisitsScreenerTypeCode

[HealthScreenLookup]StateReportCode = FAD or MDNS


02B Exams / Screens: School Dental ProviderThe total number of students in each grade level who received exams or screens from a school dental provider or mobile dentist in the position of a school dental provider.




[HealthScreenLookup]HealthCategory = School Dentist

[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType = OfficeVisitTypeCode

[HealthScreenLookup]StateReportCode = SCD or MDNS


03B Prophylaxis / Preventative treatmentThe total number of students in each grade level who received prophylaxis / preventative treatment services.




[HealthScreenLookup]HealthCategory = Preventative Treatment

[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType = OfficeVisitTypeCode

[HealthScreenLookup]StateReportCode = DHSP03


04B Dental Health: Education / ActivitiesThe total number of students in each grade level who took part in dental health education or activities.




[HealthScreenLookup]HealthCategory = Dental Health Education/Activities

[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType = OfficeVisitTypeCode

[HealthScreenLookup]StateReportCode = DHSP04


05 Follow-up Exams / Screens by Dental Provider (ALL Grades)

05A Referred for Further Evaluation / Treatment

The total number of students who were referred for additional evaluation/treatment across all grade levels.




[HealthScreenLookup]HealthCategory = Referred Further Evaluation/Treatment

[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType = OfficeOutcomeCode

[HealthScreenLookup]StateReportCode = REF


05B Completed Referrals ReportedThe total number of referrals for additional evaluation/treatment that were completed across all grade levels.




[HealthScreenLookup]HealthCategory = Completed Referrals

[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType = OfficeOutcomeCode

[HealthScreenLookup]StateReportCode = CREF


06 Fluoride Application Program
06A Fluoride MOUTH RINSE ProgramThe total number of students across all grade levels who took part in the fluoride mouth rinse program.




[HealthScreenLookup]HealthCategory = Fluoride Mouth Rinse Program

[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType = OfficeOutcomeCode

[HealthScreenLookup]StateReportCode = FLRI


06B Fluoride TABLET ProgramThe total number of students across all grade levels who took part in the fluoride tablet program.




[HealthScreenLookup]HealthCategory = Fluoride Tablet Program

[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType = OfficeOutcomeCode

[HealthScreenLookup]StateReportCode = FLTA


06C Fluoride TOPICAL ProgramThe total number of students across all grade levels who took part in the fluoride topical program.




[HealthScreenLookup]HealthCategory = Fluoride Topical Program

[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType = OfficeOutcomeCode

[HealthScreenLookup]StateReportCode = FLTO


7 Sealant Application Program

07A Sealant by School Dental Provider

For each grade level, the total number of students who received sealant from a school dental provider.




[HealthScreenLookup]HealthCategory = Sealant Applied by School Dentist

[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType = OfficeOutcomeCode

[HealthScreenLookup]StateReportCode = SEAL, SCD


7B Sealant by Other Dental ProviderFor each grade level, the total number of students who received sealant from a dental provider who is not a school dental provider.





[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType = OfficeOutcomeCode

[HealthScreenLookup]StateReportCode = SEAL, MDS


Health Exams, Screens & Select Services

Data on this page is extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Health > Screenings / Office Visits / SHARRS Info.

Student Selection

  • The student must be enrolled in the selected school for the selected year.
  • The student's Office Visit date must fall within the student's school enrollment entry date and exit date - 1.

Data Element



Student Health Services

This section includes counts for the service outlined in each row.

01 Student Contacts for Acute/Chronic ILLNESS

The number of office visits for students at public schools that were a result of an acute or chronic illness.

The number of office visits for students at private schools that were a result of an acute or chronic illness.

The total number of student office visits related to an acute or chronic illness.

[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01 or 02

[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]AcuteChronicIllness_Flag = Y


02 Student Contacts for Acute/Chronic INJURY

The number of office visits for students at public schools that were a result of an acute/chronic injury.

The number of office visits for students at private schools that were a result of an acute/chronic injury.

The total number of student office visits related to an acute/chronic injury.

[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01 or 02

[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]School_Jurisdiction = Y

03 Students (count each student once) REQUIRING SKILLED NURSING procedures ordered by a licensed provider or deemed by CSN

The number of public school students who required skilled nursing procedures ordered by a licensed provider or deemed by a CSN.

The number of private school students who required skilled nursing procedures ordered by a licensed provider or deemed by a CSN

The total number of students who required skilled nursing procedures ordered by a licensed provider or deemed by a CSN.

[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01 or 02

[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Required_SkilledNursing = Y

Each student is counted only once. If a student received services multiple times, the count is based on the student's most recent record.

04 Students (count each student once) with a plan of care (IHP, ECP, 504, or IEP with medical component)

The number of public school students who have a plan of health care (IHP, ECP, 504, or IEP with medical component).

The number of private school students who have a plan of health care (IHP, ECP, 504, or IEP with medical component).

The total number of students who have a plan of health care (IHP, ECP, 504, or IEP with medical component).

[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01 or 02

[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Has_PlanOfCare = Y

Each student is counted only once. If a student has multiple plans, the count is based on the student's most recent record.

05 Students Sent from School for Health Reasons

The number of public school students who were sent to the office from school for health reasons.

The number of private school students who were sent to the office from school for health reasons.

The total number of students who were sent to the office from school for health reasons.

[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01 or 02

[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Sent_HealthReasons = Y

Each student is counted only once. If a student was sent from school multiple times, the count is based on the student's most recent record.

06 Student Emergencies Requiring Activation of Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

The number of office visits for students at public schools that required emergency medical services (EMS).

The number of office visits for students at private schools that required emergency medical services (EMS).

The total number office visits that required emergency medical services (EMS).

[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01 or 02


07 Student Emergencies Requiring Use of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

The number of office visits for students at public schools that required the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED).

The number of office visits for students at private schools that required the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED).

The total number office visits that required the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED).

[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01 or 02

[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Required_AED = Y

Student Physical Examinations

This section includes counts for the examinations outlined in each row.  If the run-time parameter "Extract Data from Enhanced Health" is enabled, Physical Exam data is not extracted from Office Visits.  It is extracted from the Student Health Module.

08 Examined by FAMILY Health Care Provider

A. Grades K or 1, 6, 11

The number of public school students in grades K, 1, 6, or 11 who were examined by a family health care provider.

The number of private school students in grades K, 1, 6, or 11 who were examined by a family health care provider.

The total number of students in grades K, 1, 6, or 11 who were examined by a family health care provider.

[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01 or 02

[Students]/[ReEnrollments]Grade_level = K, 1, 6, or 11




[HealthScreenLookup]HealthCategory = Family Health Care Provider

[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType = OfficeVisitScreenerTypeCode

[HealthScreenLookup]StateReportCode = FHCP

09 Examined by SCHOOL Health Care Provider

A. Grades K or 1, 6, 11

The number of public school students in grades K, 1, 6, and 11 who were examined by a school health care provider.

The number of private school students in grades K, 1, 6, and 11 who were examined by a school health care provider.

The total number of students in grades K, 1, 6, and 11 who were examined by a school health care provider.


[Students]/[ReEnrollments]Grade_level = K, 1, 6, or 11




[HealthScreenLookup]HealthCategory = School Health Care Provider

[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType = OfficeVisitScreenerTypeCode

[HealthScreenLookup]StateReportCode = SHCP

B. OTHER Grades

The number of public school students in grades other than K, 1, 6, and 11 who were examined by a school health care provider.

The number of private school students in grades other than K, 1, 6, and 11 who were examined by a school health care provider.

The total number of students in grades other than K, 1, 6, and 11 who were examined by a school health care provider.


[Students]/[ReEnrollments]Grade_level is NOT K, 1, 6, or 11



[HealthScreenLookup]HealthCategory = School Health Care Provider

[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType = OfficeVisitScreenerTypeCode


[HealthScreenLookup]StateReportCode = SHCP

C. Referred for Further Evaluation / Treatment

The number of public school students who were referred for additional dental evaluation/treatment after the initial examination.

The number of private school students who were referred for additional dental evaluation/treatment after the initial examination.

The total number of students who were referred for additional dental evaluation/treatment after the initial examination.





[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType = OfficeOutcomeCode

[HealthScreenLookup]StateReportCode = REFP

D. Completed Referrals Reported

The number of referrals for additional dental evaluation/treatment that were completed for public school students.

The number of referrals for additional dental evaluation/treatment that were completed for private school students.

The total number of referrals for additional dental evaluation/treatment that were completed.





[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType = OfficeOutcomeCode

[HealthScreenLookup]StateReportCode = CREFP


Student Health Screens

This section includes counts of students that received health screenings within the report date range. The section counts students, not the number of screenings. If one student had multiple screenings, one visit or screening is counted based on the most recent screening that the student had in that year, based on the screenDate. If multiple screenings have the same date, the screening with the maximum I.D. is counted. The report checks max I.D. for each of the following:

  • Hearing Screening – [HealthStudHearing]HealthStudHearingID
  • Vision Screening – [HealthStudVision]HealthStudVisionID
  • Scoliosis Screening – [HealthStudScolio]HealthStudScolioID
  • Vital Signs Screening – [HealthStudVitalSigns]HealthStudVitalSignsID

Screenings are recorded in Start Page > Student Selection > Health > Screenings.

Vision Screens (K - 12 & Ungraded)

A. Referred for Further Evaluation / TreatmentThe total number of students in grade K - 12, and ungraded students, who were referred for additional evaluation/treatment for vision.

[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01 or 02




[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType = VisionScreenOutcomeCode




[HealthScreenLookup]StateReportCode = REF

[Students]/[ReEnrollments]Grade_Level = K - 12, SUG, or EUG

B. Completed Referrals ReportedThe total number of students whose referrals for additional evaluation/treatment were completed.

[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01 or 02




[HealthOfficeVisit]VisitTypeLuID = VSREF

[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType = VisionScreenOutcomeCode




[HealthScreenLookup]StateReportCode = CREFV

[Students]/[ReEnrollments]Grade_Level = K - 12, SUG, or EUG

Hearing Screens (K, 1, 2, 3, 7, 11, & Ungraded)

A. Referred for Further Evaluation / TreatmentThe total number of students who were referred for additional evaluation/treatment for hearing.

[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01 or 02




[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType = HearingScreenOutcomeCode




[HealthScreenLookup]StateReportCode = REF

[Students]/[ReEnrollments]Grade_Level = K, 1, 2, 3, 7, 11, SUG, or EUG

B. Completed Referrals ReportedThe total number of students across grades K, 1, 2, 3, 7, and 11, and ungraded students, whose referrals for additional evaluation/treatment were completed.

[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01 or 02




[HealthOfficeVisit]VisitTypeLuID = HSREF

[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType = HearingScreenOutcomeCode




[HealthScreenLookup]StateReportCode = CREFH

[Students]/[ReEnrollments]Grade_Level = K, 1, 2, 3, 7, 11, SUG, or EUG

Scoliosis Screens (6, 7) Students having 6th grade physicals meet requirements for mandated 6th grade scoliosis screens

A. Referred for Further Evaluation / TreatmentThe total number of students in grades 6 and 7 referred for additional evaluation/treatment for scoliosis.

[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01 or 02




[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType = ScolioScreenOutcomeCode




[HealthScreenLookup]StateReportCode = REF

[Students]/[ReEnrollments]Grade_Level = 6 or 7

B. Completed Referrals ReportedThe total number referrals for additional evaluation/treatment that were completed.

[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01 or 02




[HealthOfficeVisit]VisitTypeLuID = SCREF

[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType = ScolioScreenOutcomeCode




[HealthScreenLookup]StateReportCode = CREFS

[Students]/[ReEnrollments]Grade_Level = K, 1, 2, 3, 7, 11, SUG, or EUG

Growth Screens – BMI (coincides with the CDC percentile) TOTAL for Grades K - 6

A. Underweight – Less than 5th PercentileThe total number of students across grades K - 6 considered to be underweight based on the CDC's BMI percentile.


[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01 or 02




[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType = VitalScreenerTypeCode


[Students]/[ReEnrollments]Grade_Level = K - 6

B. Healthy Weight – 5th to Less than 85th PercentileThe total number of students across grades K - 6 considered to be of a healthy weight based on the CDC's BMI percentile.


[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01 or 02




[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType = VitalScreenerTypeCode


[Students]/[ReEnrollments]Grade_Level = K - 6

C. Overweight – 85th Percentile to Less than 95th PercentileThe total number of students across grades K - 6 considered to be overweight based on the CDC's BMI percentile.


[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01 or 02




[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType = VitalScreenerTypeCode


[Students]/[ReEnrollments]Grade_Level = K - 6

D. Obese – Equal To or Greater than 95th PercentileThe total number of students across grades K - 6 considered to be obese based on the CDC's BMI percentile.


[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01 or 02




[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType = VitalScreenerTypeCode


[Students]/[ReEnrollments]Grade_Level = K - 6

Growth Screens – BMI (coincides with the CDC percentile) TOTAL for Grades 7 - 12

A. Underweight – Less than 5th PercentileThe total number of students across grades 7 - 12 considered to be underweight based on the CDC's BMI percentile.

[HealthVitalSigns]BMI < 5th Percentile

[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01 or 02




[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType = VitalScreenerTypeCode


[Students]/[ReEnrollments]Grade_Level = 7 - 12

B. Healthy Weight – 5th to Less than 85th PercentileThe total number of students across grades 7 - 12 considered to be of a healthy weight based on the CDC's BMI percentile.

[HealthVitalSigns]BMI &ge; 5th Percentile AND [HealthVitalSigns]BMI < 85th Percentile

[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01 or 02




[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType = VitalScreenerTypeCode


[Students]/[ReEnrollments]Grade_Level = 7 - 12

C. Overweight – 85th Percentile to Less than 95th PercentileThe total number of students across grades 7 - 12 considered to be overweight based on the CDC's BMI percentile.

[HealthVitalSigns]BMI &ge; 85th Percentile AND [HealthVitalSigns]BMI < 95th Percentile

[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01 or 02




[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType = VitalScreenerTypeCode


[Students]/[ReEnrollments]Grade_Level = 7 - 12

D. Obese – Equal To or Greater than 95th PercentileThe total number of students across grades 7 - 12 considered to be obese based on the CDC's BMI percentile.

[HealthVitalSigns]BMI &ge; 95th Percentile

[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01 or 02




[HealthScreenLookup]CodeType = VitalScreenerTypeCode


[Students]/[ReEnrollments]Grade_Level = 7 - 12

Chronic Conditions – Student Health

This page reports students with chronic conditions. It reports public and private students based on [S_SCH_X]SchoolType, and if SchoolType is not defined the student is counted as public.

Student Selection

  • The student must be enrolled within the selected school year.
  • The student must be enrolled at the selected school.
  • The student's Office Visit date must fall within the student's school enrollment entry date and exit date - 1.
  • The flag "Office Visit Due to Acute or Chronic Illness" in the student's office visit must be selected.
  • If the student has multiple office visits related to the same chronic illness, the student is counted only once in the field.

Data Element



Chronic Conditions

This section includes counts of students with chronic conditions across all grade levels.

Arthritis / Rheumatic Disease

The total number of students with arthritis or a rheumatic disease.

[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Chronic_Illness = 01

AsthmaThe total number of students with asthma.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Chronic_Illness = 02
Attention Deficit Disorder / HyperactivityThe total number of students with attention deficit disorder or hyperactivity.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Chronic_Illness = 03
Bleeding Disorders / Cooley's AnemiaThe total number of students with bleeding disorders or Cooley's Anemia.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Chronic_Illness = 04
Cardiovascular ConditionThe total number of students with a cardiovascular condition.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Chronic_Illness = 05
Cerebral PalsyThe total number of students with cerebral palsy.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Chronic_Illness = 06
Cystic FibrosisThe total number of students with cystic fibrosis.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Chronic_Illness = 07
Diabetes Type IThe total number of students with diabetes type I.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Chronic_Illness = 08
Diabetes Type IIThe total number of students with diabetes type II.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Chronic_Illness = 09
Epilepsy / Other Seizure DisordersThe total number of students with epilepsy or another seizure disorder.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Chronic_Illness = 10
Food Related Life-Threatening AllergiesThe total number of students with life-threatening allergies related to food.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Chronic_Illness = 11
Other Life-Threatening Allergies (Example: Bee Stings, Latex)The total number of students with life-threatening allergies related to something other than food.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Chronic_Illness = 11
Sickle Cell DiseaseThe total number of students with sickle cell disease.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Chronic_Illness = 12
Spina BifidaThe total number of students with spina bifida.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Chronic_Illness = 13
Tourette's SyndromeThe total number of students with Tourette's Syndrome.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Chronic_Illness = 14
TOTALThe total number of students with chronic conditions.Calculated from [S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Chronic_Illness

Serious School Injuries – Students

This page details students that were involved in incidents resulting in serious injuries. If the student received more than one serious injury in a given incident, the student is counted in the category for the primary injury. However, if the student received multiple serious injuries in DIFFERENT incidents, the student is counted for both injury categories.

Student Selection

  • The student must be enrolled in the current school year.
  • The student's office visit date must fall between the students school enrollment entry date and exit date.
  • The student must be under the school's jurisdiction at the time of the injury.
  • The student's injury meets criteria of a serious injury. An injury is considered serious if it meets one or more of following:
    • the injury involved Emergency Medical Services (EMS) response.
    • immediate care was provided by a physician or dentist, such as a family health provider, an emergency room physician, or a medical or dental specialist.
    • the student lost one half of a school day or more due to the injury.

Data Element



Nature of Injury


The total number of students who suffered a serious burn.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Nature_Injury = 01
Concussion (Possible)The total number of students who suffered a possible concussion.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Nature_Injury = 02
ContusionThe total number of students who suffered a contusion.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Nature_Injury = 03
Cut / Laceration / PunctureThe total number of students who suffered a serious cut, laceration, or puncture wound.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Nature_Injury = 04
Dental InjuryThe total number of students who suffered a serious dental injury.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Nature_Injury = 05
Dislocation (Possible)The total number of students who suffered a possible dislocation.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Nature_Injury = 06
Eye InjuryThe total number of students who suffered an eye injury.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Nature_Injury = 07
Fracture (Possible)The total number of students who suffered a possible fracture.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Nature_Injury = 08
Sprain / Strain / Tear (Possible)The total number of students who suffered a possible sprain, strain, or tear.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Nature_Injury = 09
OtherThe total number of students who suffered a serious injury other than those previously listed.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Nature_Injury = 10
Total of Subsection: Nature of InjuryThe total number of students who suffered a serious injury of any kind.Calculated from [S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Nature_Injury
Time Period
After SchoolThe total number of serious injuries that took place after school.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Time_Period = 01
Before SchoolThe total number of serious injuries that took place before school.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Time_Period = 02
Class ChangeThe total number of serious injuries took place during a class change.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Time_Period = 03
Class TimeThe total number of serious injuries that took place during class time.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Time_Period = 04
Field TripThe total number of serious injuries that took place during a field trip.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Time_Period = 05
Lunch PeriodThe total number of serious injuries that took place during lunch period.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Time_Period = 06
P.E. ClassThe total number of serious injuries that took place during P.E. class.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Time_Period = 07
RecessThe total number of serious injuries that took place during recess.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Time_Period = 08
Sci Lab / Fam & Consumer Sci & Tech Ed ClassThe total number of serious injuries that took place during science lab, family and consumer science, or technical education class.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Time_Period = 09
OtherThe total number of serious injuries that took place during a time other than those previously listed.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Time_Period = 10
Total of Subsection: Time PeriodThe total number of serious injuries that took place during these time periods.Calculated from [S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Time_Period
Athletic Field / Play FieldThe total number of serious injuries that took place on the athletic field or play field.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Location = 01
Auditorium / MultipurposeThe total number of serious injuries that took place in the auditorium or multipurpose room.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Location = 02
Bus Loading AreaThe total number of serious injuries that took place at the bus loading area.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Location = 03
CafeteriaThe total number of serious injuries that took place in the cafeteria.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Location = 04
ClassroomThe total number of serious injuries that took place in a classroom.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Location = 05
Corridor / HallThe total number of serious injuries that took place in a corridor or hall.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Location = 06
Field TripThe total number of serious injuries that took place on a field trip.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Location = 07
Gymnasium / PoolThe total number of serious injuries that took place in the gymnasium or pool.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Location = 08
PlaygroundThe total number of serious injuries that took place on the playground.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Location = 09
RestroomThe total number of serious injuries that took place in a restroom.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Location = 10
School Bus / Public BusThe total number of serious injuries that took place on a school bus or public bus.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Location = 11
Sci Lab / Fam & Consumer Sci & Technical Ed ClassThe total number of serious injuries that took place in a science lab, family and consumer science class, or technical education class.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Location = 12
SidewalkThe total number of serious injuries that took place on a sidewalk.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Location = 13
Stairs / Ramp / ElevatorThe total number of serious injuries that took place on stairs, a ramp, or elevator.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Location = 14
Street / Driveway / ParkingThe total number of serious injuries that took place on the street, a driveway, or the school parking lot.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Location = 15
OtherThe total number of serious injuries that took place at a location other than those previously listed.[S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Location = 16
Total of Subsection: LocationThe total number of serious injuries that took place at the locations listed.Calculated from [S_PA_HOV_SharrsReport_S]Location

Medication Administration – Students Only

This page details the number of doses of medication that students were administered. It combines total doses for public and non-public/private students. The page contains three columns. The first columns details what is included in the count; the second contains number of doses given by individual order (the student's primary care provider); and the third column contains number of doses given by standing order (the school physician).

Student Selection

  • The student must be enrolled in the current school year.
  • The student's office visit date must fall between the students school enrollment entry date and exit date.
  • The student must have a Medical Administration record.

Data Element



AnalgesicThe total number of doses of analgesic given to students.







[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01 or 02


The total number of doses of antibiotics given to students.

Note: The total doses for standing order includes only topical antibiotics.







[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01 or 02


A. Diastat

The total number of doses of Diastat given to students.

Note: This medication cannot be administered by a school physician. Only the total for individual order is included.






[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01 or 02


B. Versed

The total number of doses of Versed given to students.

Note: This medication cannot be administered by a school physician. Only the total for individual order is included.






[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01 or 02


C. Other than Diastat or Versed

The total number of doses of anticonvulsant other than Diastat or Versed given to students.






[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01 or 02

Antihistamine / Decongestant

A. Epinephrine (include auto-injector)

The total number of doses of epinephrine given to students, including those involving an auto-injector.







[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01 or 02

Antihistamine / Decongestant

B. Other than Epinephrine

The total number of students who were administered an antihistamine/decongestant other than epinephrine.



Anti-InflammatoryThe total number of doses of anti-inflammatory medication given to students.







[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01 or 02

Asthma (inhaler, nebulizer, oral, IV)

The total number of doses of asthma medication given to students.

Note: The total doses for standing order includes only inhalers and nebulizers.







[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01 or 02


A. Oral

The total number of doses of oral medication for diabetes given to students.

Note: This medication cannot be administered by a school physician. Only the total for individual order is included.






[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01 or 02


B. Insulin (include bolus/adjustment to insulin pump)

The total number of doses of insulin given to students, including bolus or any adjustments to the student's insulin pump.

Note: This medication cannot be administered by a school physician. Only the total for individual order is included.






[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01 or 02


C. Glucagon

The total number of doses of glucagon given to students.

Note: This medication cannot be administered by a school physician. Only the total for individual order is included.






[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01 or 02


D. Other Glucose Medication (glucose gel / tablet)

The total number of doses of other glucose medication given to students.

Note: This medication cannot be administered by a school physician. Only the total for individual order is included.






[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01 or 02


A. Enzymes

The total number of doses of enzymes given to students.

Note: This medication cannot be administered by a school physician. Only the total for individual order is included.






[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01 or 02


B. Other than Enzymes

The total number of doses of gastrointestinal medication other than enzymes given to students.







[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01 or 02

Reversal Agents: Naloxone / NarcanThe total number of doses of reversal agents given to students.







[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01 or 02



The total number of doses of psychotropics given to students for ADD or ADHD.

Note: This medication cannot be administered by a school physician. Only the total for individual order is included.






[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01 or 02


A. Other than ADD / ADHD

The total number of doses of psychotropics given to students for a condition other than ADD or ADHD.

Note: This medication cannot be administered by a school physician. Only the total for individual order is included.






[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01 or 02


The total number of doses of other drugs given to students. This total does NOT include the following:

  • cough drops/lozenges
  • fluoride supplements
  • saline
  • hydrogen peroxide
  • alcohol
  • products to treat head lice
  • oxygen







[S_SCH_X]SchoolType = 01 or 02

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