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Homeless - RE



Use this report to generate an extract for the STUDENT INFO and SERVICE DELIVERY PAHCI Spreadsheet. This extract includes the student’s last and first name. You must manually remove these fields prior to pasting the data into the STUDENT INFO and SERVICE DELIVERY PAHCI Spreadsheet. These fields are included for troubleshooting in PowerSchool.

Pennsylvania's Homeless Children's Initiative (PAHCI) uses a statewide evaluation of programming and outcomes related to the education of homeless children and youth. This statewide evaluation is a requirement of the federal funds that support the program. The purpose of the evaluation is to examine the implementation and outcomes of PAHCI; determine the services homeless students, their families, and schools receive; and to examine academic outcomes of school-age students identified as homeless.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. For the Pennsylvania State Audit Report, student records are selected.

School Selection

The report selects records from the Schools table where a student included in the report had an active enrollment during the reporting period.

Student Selection

The report selects the student records to use based on the following criteria:

  • The student is not excluded from the state reporting process.
  • The student has a Date of Identification between the start and end date selected on the report interface.
  • The student will remain on the report from the time identified through the end of the school year.

Report Input

For help with report generation and navigation, see How to Find and Generate a Report.




If run at the district level, choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:

  • Default – District Wide. Includes all records on the PowerSchool server that meet selection criteria.
  • Current School Only – Includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria.
  • District Wide – Includes all records on the PowerSchool server that meet the selection criteria.

If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

Students to Include

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The selected [number] students only – Run the report for students in the current selection.
  • All students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running report.

Processing OptionsChoose a time to run the report from the pop-up menu:
  • In Background Now (Recommended) – Execute the report immediately in the background.
  • ASAP – Execute the report in the order it is received in the Report Queue.
  • At Night – Execute the report during the next evening.
  • On Weekend – Execute the report during the next weekend.
  • On Specific Time – Execute the report on the date and time specified.

Specific Date/Time

Enter a date using the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy in order to run the report on a specific day. The incorrect format displays an alert and the date field is submitted as a blank entry.

Use the pop-up menus to schedule the report to be run at a specific hour and minute.

Example: 7/29/2008 @ 10 AM: 05.

Report Start Date

Enter the first day of the school year as the start date for the reporting period. Students with a Date of Identification equal to or after this date are included on the report.

Report End Date

Enter the last day of school as the end date for the reporting period. Students with a Date of Identification equal to or after this date are included on the report.

Field Delimiter

Select the field delimiter for the extract file.

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Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Item #

Data Element



Field Type


State Student Number

The student’s state-assigned identification number, extracted from Start Page > Student > State/Province – PA > PA SecureID.




Local Student Number

The student’s locally assigned identifier, extracted from Start Page > Student > Demographics.




Last Name

The student’s last name is extracted, extracted from Start Page > Student > Demographics.




First Name

The student’s first name, extracted from Start Page > Student > Demographics.




Date of Birth

The student’s date of birth, extracted from Start Page > Student > Demographics.

Format: YYYY-MM-DD





The student’s gender, extracted from Start Page > Student > Demographics.

Format: YYYY-MM-DD




Date of Identification

The student’s Date of Identification, extracted from Start Page > Student > State/Province – PA > Homeless.

Format: YYYY-MM-DD




Method of Identification

The student’s method of identification, extracted from Start Page > Student > State/Province – PA > Homeless.




Precipitating Event

The student’s precipitating event, extracted from Start Page > Student > State/Province – PA > Homeless.




Unaccompanied Youth

The student’s unaccompanied youth value, extracted from Start Page > Student > State/Province – PA > Homeless.




Student Status

The student’s current homeless status, extracted from Start Page > Student > State/Province – PA > Homeless.




LEA of Origin

The student’s LEA of origin, extracted from Start Page > Student > State/Province – PA > Homeless.




Date of School Enrollment

The student’s date of school enrollment following Precipitating Event, extracted from Start Page > Student > State/Province – PA > Homeless.

Format: yyyy-mm-dd




LEA of Current Enrollment

The student’s LEA associated with their current enrollment, extracted from Start Page > Student > State/Province – PA > Homeless.

[S_PA_STU_Homeless_X] LEA_Current_Enrollment



School of Current Enrollment

The student’s school of current enrollment, extracted from Start Page > Student > State/Province – PA > Homeless.

[S_PA_STU_Homeless_X] School_Current_Enrollment



Current Grade Level

The student’s current grade level, extracted from Start Page > Student > Transfer Info > Edit Enrollment.





Current Nighttime Residence Status

The student’s current nighttime residence status, extracted from Start Page > Student > State/Province – PA > Homeless.




Eligibility for homeless services

Indicates (Blank/Yes) if this student is eligible for homeless services.

This value is extracted from Start Page > Student > State/Province – PA > Homeless.

[S_PA_STU_Homeless_X] Eligibility_Homeless_Services



School Selection

Indicates (Blank/Yes) if this student is eligible for school selection services.

This value is extracted from Start Page > Student > State/Province – PA > Homeless.





Indicates (Blank/Yes) if this student is eligible for transportation services.

This value is extracted from Start Page > Student > State/Province – PA > Homeless.




School Records

Indicates (Blank/Yes) if this student is eligible for school-record services.

This value is extracted from Start Page > Student > State/Province – PA > Homeless.





Indicates (Blank/Yes) if this student is eligible for immunization services.

This value is extracted from Start Page > Student > State/Province – PA > Homeless.




Other Medical Records

Indicates (Blank/Yes) if this student is eligible for other medical record services.

This value is extracted from Start Page > Student > State/Province – PA > Homeless.




Other Barriers

Indicates (Blank/Yes) if this student is eligible for other barrier services.

This value is extracted from Start Page > Student > State/Province – PA > Homeless.




Post-Secondary Plans

The student’s post- secondary plans. This value is extracted from Start Page > Student > State/Province – PA > Homeless.

[S_PA_STU_Homeless_X] Homeless_Post_Secondary_Plans



Did student receive direct supplemental services this month?

Indicates (Blank/Yes/Unknown) if this student received direct supplemental services this month.

This value is extracted from Start Page > Student > State/Province – PA > Homeless.

[S_PA_STU_Homeless_X] Direct_Supplemental_Services



Tutoring or other instructional support

The funding source for the tutoring or instructional services received by this student displays, if applicable. This field value is n/a if the student did not receive tutoring or instructional services. 

This value is extracted from Start Page > Student > State/Province – PA > Homeless.




Expedited Evaluations

The funding source for the expedited evaluations received by this student displays, if applicable. This field value is n/a if the student did not receive expedited evaluation services this month.

This value is extracted from Start Page > Student > State/Province – PA > Homeless.

[S_PA_STU_Homeless_X] Expediated_Evaluations_Funding



Referrals for medical, dental, and other health services

The funding source for the medical, dental, and other health service referrals received by this student displays, if applicable. This field value is n/a if the student did not receive medical, dental, and other health service referrals this month.

This value is extracted from Start Page > Student > State/Province – PA > Homeless.

[S_PA_STU_Homeless_X] Med_Dental_Health_Ser_Referral




The funding source for the transportation services received by this student displays, if applicable. This field value is n/a if the student did not receive transportation services this month.

This value is extracted from Start Page > Student > State/Province – PA > Homeless.




Early Childhood Programs

The funding source for the early childhood program services received by this student this month displays, if applicable. This field value is n/a if the student did not receive early childhood program services this month.

This value is extracted from Start Page > Student > State/Province – PA > Homeless.

[S_PA_STU_Homeless_X] Early_Childhood_Programs



Assistance with participation in school programs

The funding source for assistance with participation in school programs received by this student displays, if applicable. This field value is n/a if the student did not assistance with participation in school programs this month.

This value is extracted from Start Page > Student > State/Province – PA > Homeless.

[S_PA_STU_Homeless_X] School_Program_Part_Assist



Before-, after-school, mentoring, summer programs

The funding source for before and after-school program services, mentoring program services, and/or summer program services received by this student displays, if applicable. This field value is n/a if the student did not assistance for before and after-school program services, mentoring program services, and/or summer program services this month.

This value is extracted from Start Page > Student > State/Province – PA > Homeless.

[S_PA_STU_Homeless_X] Before_After_School_Funding



Obtaining or transferring records necessary for enrollment

The funding source for obtaining or transferring the necessary records for enrollment by this student this month displays, if applicable. This field value is n/a if the student did not receive services for obtaining or transferring the necessary records for enrollment this month.

This value is extracted from Start Page > Student > State/Province – PA > Homeless.

[S_PA_STU_Homeless_X] Obtaining_Records_Funding



Coordination between schools and agencies

The funding source for obtaining or transferring the necessary records for enrollment by this student displays, if applicable. This field value is n/a if the student did not receive services for obtaining or transferring the necessary records for enrollment this month.

This value is extracted from Start Page > Student > State/Province – PA > Homeless.

[S_PA_STU_Homeless_X] Coord_School_Agency_Funding




The funding source for the counseling services received by this student displays, if applicable. This field value is n/a if the student did not receive counseling services this month.

This value is extracted from Start Page > Student > State/Province – PA > Homeless.




Addressing needs related to domestic violence

The funding source for addressing the student’s needs related to domestic violence for displays, if applicable. This field value is n/a if the student did not require assistance with domestic violence issues.

This value is extracted from Start Page > Student > State/Province – PA > Homeless.

[S_PA_STU_Homeless_X] Domestic_Violence_Funding



Clothing to meet a school requirement

The funding source for clothing to meet a school requirement displays, if applicable. This field value is n/a if the student did not require clothing to meet a school requirement.

This value is extracted from Start Page > Student > State/Province – PA > Homeless.




School Supplies

The funding source for school supplies received by the student displays, if applicable. This field value is n/a if the student did not receive school supplies funding.

This value is extracted from Start Page > Student > State/Province – PA > Homeless.

[S_PA_STU_Homeless_X] School_Supplies_Funding



Referral to other programs and services

The funding source for referrals to other programs and services received by the student displays, if applicable. This field value is n/a if the student did not receive funding for referrals to other programs and services.

This value is extracted from Start Page > Student > State/Province – PA > Homeless.

[S_PA_STU_Homeless_X] Prog_Services_Referral_Funding



Emergency assistance related to school attendance

The funding source for emergency assistance related to school attendance received by the student. This field value is n/a if the student did not receive emergency assistance related to school attendance.

This value is extracted from Start Page > Student > State/Province – PA > Homeless.

[S_PA_STU_Homeless_X] Emergency_Assist_Attn_Funding



Other Services

The funding source for other services received by the student displays, if applicable. This field value is n/a if the student did not receive other services this month.

This value is extracted from Start Page > Student > State/Province – PA > Homeless.




Please describe the other services provided that do not fall into the preceding categories.

A description of the funding for other services received by this student displays, if the Other Services field value is not blank. This field value is n/a if the student did not receive other services this month.

This value is extracted from Start Page > Student > State/Province – PA > Homeless.

[S_PA_STU_Homeless_X] Other_Services_Description


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