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Incident Management Templates

The Incident Management reports included for state reporting are listed in the following table. This table includes the following elements:

  • Report Name – The name of the report as displayed in PowerSchool.
  • Description – The purpose of the report.
Report NameDescription

Discipline Domain – Incident Management Tables

Incident Template

The Incident Template defines the primary details of a discipline incident. One record should be submitted per each reportable School Safety incident.

Person Template

The Person Template defines the primary details of both offenders and victims

Incident Offender Template

This template connects one or multiple offenders to each specific incident. If there are multiple offenders, include multiple records within this template with the same Incident ID. If the offender is unknown for an incident, do not submit a record in this template.

Incident Offender Infraction Template

This template connects an incident and the offender to an infraction. If multiple infractions apply to the incident/offender, submit multiple records; use one record per infraction. If the offender is unknown for an incident, do not submit a record in this template.

Incident Offender Disciplinary Action Template

This template is used to track disciplinary sanctions as well as referral to or participation in remedial programs. Each known offender should have one and only one sanction record in this template identifying the highest or most severe sanction.

Incident Offender Parent Involvement Template

This template connects an incident and the offender to one or more parent involvement types. If there are multiple parent involvement types for an incident/offender, this report includes multiple records with the same Incident ID and Offender ID.

Incident Victim Template

The Incident Victim Template connects one or multiple victims to each specific incident. If there are no victims associated with the incident, do not submit any records in this template.

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