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CRDC Report - Part 1 (2015)

The Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) is a mandatory data collection, authorized under the statutes and regulations implementing Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Department of Education Organization Act (20 U.S.C. 3413). The regulations implementing these provisions can be found at 34 CFR 100.6(b); 34 CFR 106.71; and 34 CFR 104.61.

The report output is a .zip file that contains a detailed “CRDC Part 1.pdf” report, three audit excel files, and four .csv flat files:

Audit files - use these files to audit the aggregate data

  • CRDC Class Audit Part 1
  • CRDC School Audit Part 1
  • CRDC Student Audit Part 1

Flat files - after auditing the data and making any necessary changes, re-run the report and use these files to upload the data to the CRDC system

  • CRDC Lea Part 1
  • CRDC SCH Part 1 - 01
  • CRDC SCH Part 1 - 02
  • CRDC SCH Part 1 - 03

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Student Selection

  • The student must not be excluded from state reporting.

School Selection

  • The school must not be designated as Exclude from CRDC Reporting.
  • The student must not be selected as Exclude Student from CRDC Reporting.

Report Input

For help with report navigation and generation, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Schools to Include

If sub-districts are not enabled:

  • Select Multiple Schools – Select the schools for which you want to run the report. Includes all student records associated with the selected schools that meet the selection criteria.
  • All Schools (default) – Run the report for all schools. Includes all student records on the PowerSchool server that meet the selection criteria

If sub-districts are enabled: 

  • Select Sub-district - Select the sub-district for which you want to run the report.
  • Select Multiple Schools – Select the schools for which you want to run the report. Includes all student records associated with the selected schools that meet the selection criteria.
  • All Schools in selected sub-district (default) – Run the report for all schools in the selected sub-district. Includes all student records on the PowerSchool server that meet the selection criteria.

If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

Fall Count Date*

Date used for non-IDEA students to be counted in CRDC.

Spring Count Date

(Used for block schedules classes only)

Used for block schedule classes only.

IDEA Count Date

Date used to count students who were enrolled in IDEA. Fall Count Date used if left blank.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Unless otherwise noted:

  • Programs or services that are provided by a non-LEA facility that has been contracted by the LEA are considered LEA-provided services.
  • An LEA may provide services or programs in LEA facilities, non-LEA facilities, or both.
  • Counts by race/ethnicity by sex are unduplicated counts.
  • Students counted in the race/ethnicity category may also be counted in the Students with Disabilities (IDEA), Students with Disabilities (Section 504 only), and Students who are limited English proficient (LEP) categories.

Item #

Data Element



Part 1 LEA Form

Section I: LEA-Level Students and Characteristics


Count of Students Served in Non-LEA Facilities

The number of students enrolled in the LEA, who are served in non-LEA facilities only. This includes students in preschool, grades K-12, and comparable ungraded levels.

An LEA that contracts with another LEA to serve one or more students should consider that contracted LEA a non-LEA facility. Students served under this arrangement are included in the count.



Count of Schools

The number of public schools under the governance of the LEA, including all facilities where students attend, for example, charter schools.



Civil Rights Coordinators Indicator

A yes or no indicator of whether the LEA has appointed one or more Civil Rights Coordinators for the specified civil rights category.

Civil Rights Coordinator:

  • Sex (Title IX)
  • Race, Color, or national origin (Title VI)
  • Disability (Section 504 and/or Title III)



[Prefs]CRDC_Coordinator_ Disability _YN


Civil Rights Coordinators Contact Information

The contact information for the Civil Rights Coordinator(s) for each of the specified civil rights categories. Contact information includes First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, and Email.

Note: Contact information is only reported for one Civil Rights Coordinator for each civil rights law. If the LEA has more than one coordinator for a specific civil rights law, the reported contact information is for the Lead Coordinator only.

Civil Rights Coordinator:

  • Sex (Title IX)
  • Race, Color, or national origin (Title VI)
  • Disability (Section 504 and/or Title III)





[Prefs]CRDC_Coordinator_ Race _FirstName

[Prefs]CRDC_Coordinator_ Race _LastName

[Prefs]CRDC_Coordinator_ Race _Phone

[Prefs]CRDC_Coordinator_ Race _Email

[Prefs]CRDC_Coordinator_ Disability _FirstName

[Prefs]CRDC_Coordinator_ Disability _LastName

[Prefs]CRDC_Coordinator_ Disability _Phone

[Prefs]CRDC_Coordinator_ Disability _Email


Desegregation Order or Plan

A yes or no indicator of whether the LEA is covered by a desegregation order or plan.



Harassment or Bullying Policy Indicator

A yes or no indicator of whether the LEA has a written policy or policies prohibiting discriminatory harassment or bullying of students on the basis of sex, race/color/national origin, and disability.



Harassment or Bullying Policy Web Link Indicator

A yes or no indicator of whether the LEA has a web link to its written policy or policies prohibiting discriminatory harassment or bullying of students.

Note: This only pertains to LEAs that have a reported harassment or bullying policy.



Harassment or Bullying Policy Web Link

The web link for the harassment or bullying policy.


Section II: LEA-Level Early Learning, Preschool, and Kindergarten


Early Childhood Program Indicator

A yes or no indicator of whether the LEA provides one or more early childhood services or programs that serve children birth through age 2.


LEA 10

Early Childhood Program for Non-IDEA Children

A yes or no indicator of whether the LEA’s early childhood service(s) or program(s) serve non-IDEA children birth through age 2.


LEA 11

Preschool Program Indicator

A yes or no indicator of whether the LEA provides one or more preschool services or programs that serve children ages 3 through 5.


LEA 12

Preschool Daily Length and Cost

A yes or no indicator of whether the LEA provides the specified daily length(s) and cost(s) associated with the LEA’s preschool service(s) or program(s) that serve children ages 3 through 5.

  • Full-day preschool (free; no charge to parent(s)/guardian)
  • Full-day preschool (partial or full charge to parent(s)/guardian)
  • Part-day preschool (free; no charge to parent(s)/guardian)
  • Part-day preschool (partial or full charge to parent(s)/guardian)





LEA 13

Preschool Age for Non-IDEA Children

A yes or no indicator of whether any of the LEA’s preschool services or programs serve non-IDEA children in the ages specified.

  • Children age 3 years
  • Children age 4 years
  • Children age 5 years




LEA 14

Preschool Eligibility - All Children

A yes or no indicator of whether the LEA offers its preschool service(s) or program(s) to all children ages 3 through 5.



LEA 15

Preschool Eligibility - Children Groups

A yes or no indicator of whether the LEA’s preschool service(s) or program(s) are offered to the groups of children ages 3 through 5, as specified.

  • Children with disabilities (IDEA)
  • Children in Title I schools
  • Children from low income families




LEA 16

Preschool Children Served

The number of children of a specific age served in the LEA’s preschool service(s) or program(s).

  • Children age 2 years served
  • Children age 3 years served
  • Children age 4 years served
  • Children age 5 years served



LEA 17

Kindergarten Program Indicator

A yes or no indicator of whether the LEA provides one or more kindergarten programs that serve any students.


LEA 18

Kindergarten Daily Length and Cost

A yes or no indicator of whether the LEA provides the specified daily length(s) and cost(s) associated with the LEA’s kindergarten program(s).

  • Full-day kindergarten (free; no charge to parent(s)/guardian)
  • Full-day kindergarten (partial or full charge to parent(s)/guardian)
  • Part-day kindergarten (free; no charge to parent(s)/guardian)
  • Part-day kindergarten (partial or full charge to parent(s)/guardian)





Part 1 School Form

Section I: School Characteristics


Grades with Students Enrolled

A yes or no indicator of all grade levels offered at this school where at least one student is enrolled.

  • Preschool
  • Kindergarten
  • Grade 1
  • Grade 2
  • Grade 3
  • Grade 4
  • Grade 5
  • Grade 6
  • Grade 7
  • Grade 8
  • Grade 9
  • Grade 10
  • Grade 11
  • Grade 12
  • Ungraded





Preschool Age for Non-IDEA Children

(only for schools offering preschool)

A yes or no indicator of whether any of the school’s preschool services or programs serve non-IDEA children in the ages specified:

  • Children age 3 years
  • Children age 4 years
  • Children age 5 years





Ungraded Detail

(only for schools that are wholly ungraded)

A yes or no indicator of whether the ungraded school has mainly elementary, middle, and/or high school students.

  • School has mainly elementary school age students
  • School has mainly middle school age students
  • School has mainly high school age students
  • School has mainly elementary and middle school age students
  • School has mainly middle and high school age students
  • School has elementary, middle and high school age students



School Characteristics

A yes or no indicator of whether the school is one of the listed types.

  • A special education school
  • A magnet school or a school operating a magnet program within the school
  • A charter school
  • An alternative school






Magnet School Detail

(only for magnet schools)

A yes or no indicator of whether the entire school population participates in the magnet school program.



Alternative School Detail

(only for alternative schools)

A yes or no indicator of whether the alternative school is designated to meet the needs of:

  • Students with academic difficulties
  • Students with discipline problems
  • Students with academic difficulties and discipline problems



Section II: Student Enrollment


Overall Student Enrollment

The count of overall male and female student enrollment, aggregated by:

  • Race/Ethnicity
  • LEP
  • Students with Disabilities (Section 504 only)
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)









Preschool Enrollment

(only for schools offering preschool)

The number of male and female preschool enrollments, aggregated by:

  • Race/Ethnicity
  • LEP
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)

Note: This includes children who are 2 years of age who are allowed to enroll in preschool at the start of the school year because they will turn 3 years of age sometime during the school year.








Enrollment of Limited English Proficient Students

The number of male and female students who are LEP, aggregated by:

  • Race/Ethnicity
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)


The number of male and female students enrolled in LEP programs, aggregated by:

  • Race/Ethnicity
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)






SCH 10

Enrollment of Students with Disabilities Served Under IDEA and Students with Disabilities Served Under Section 504 Only

The number of male and female students with disabilities served under IDEA, aggregated by:

  • Race/Ethnicity
  • LEP

The number of male and female students with disabilities served under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, but not served under IDEA, aggregated by:

  • Race/Ethnicity
  • LEP







Section III: Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment

SCH 11

Gifted and Talented Education Programs

A yes or no indicator of whether the school has any students enrolled in one or more gifted/talented programs.


SCH 12

Gifted/Talented Student Enrollment

The number of male and female students enrolled in gifted and talented programs, aggregated by:

  • Race/Ethnicity
  • LEP
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)







SCH 13

Classes in Algebra I in Middle School

(only for schools with grades 7 – 8 and UG middle school age students)

The number of Algebra I classes offered at the school.


SCH 14

Classes in Algebra I in Middle School Taught by Certified Teachers

(only for schools with grades 7 – 8 and UG middle school age students)

The number of Algebra I classes taught by Certified Teachers.





SCH 15

Algebra I in Grade 7 Enrollment Indicator

A yes or no indicator of whether the school has any 7th Grade students enrolled in Algebra I.

Derived as Y/N based on if SCH 16 has a value > 0.

SCH 16

Student Enrollment in Algebra I in Grade 7

The number of 7th grade students enrolled in Algebra I.



SCH 17

Algebra I in Grade 8 Enrollment Indicator

A yes or no indicator of whether the school has any students enrolled in Algebra I in grade 8 or a comparable ungraded level.

Derived as Y/N based on if SCH 18 has a value > 0.

SCH 18

Student Enrollment in Algebra I in Grade 8


The number of male and female students enrolled in Algebra I in grade 8 or a comparable ungraded level, aggregated by:

  • Race/Ethnicity
  • LEP
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)








SCH 19

Geometry in Grade 8 Enrollment Indicator


A yes or no indicator of whether the school has any students enrolled in Geometry in grade 8 or a comparable ungraded level.

Derived as Y/N based on if SCH 20 has a value > 0.

SCH 20

Student Enrollment in Geometry in Grade 8

The number of male and female students enrolled in Geometry in grade 8 or a comparable ungraded level, aggregated by:

  • Race/Ethnicity
  • LEP
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)








SCH 21

Classes in Algebra I and Geometry in High School

The number of Algebra I and Geometry classes for students in grades 9-12 or comparable ungraded level.



SCH 22

High School Student Enrollment in
Algebra I

The number of male and female students enrolled in Algebra I in grade 9 or 10 or comparable ungraded level, aggregated by:

  • Race/Ethnicity
  • LEP
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)


The number of male and female students enrolled in Algebra I grade 11 or 12 or ungraded high school age students, aggregated by:

  • Race/Ethnicity
  • LEP
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)








SCH 23

Student Enrollment in Geometry


The number of male and female students enrolled in Geometry in grades 9-12 or ungraded high school age students, aggregated by:

  • Race/Ethnicity
  • LEP
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)








SCH 24

Classes in Mathematics Courses in High School

The number of Mathematics classes for students grades 9-12 enrolled in this school, includes ungraded high school age students. Broken down by:

  • Algebra II
  • Advanced Mathematics
  • Calculus



SCH 25

Classes in Mathematics Courses in High School Taught by Certified Teachers

The number of Mathematics classes for students grades 9-12 taught by certified teachers, includes classes with ungraded high school age students.
Broken down by:

  • Algebra I
  • Geometry
  • Algebra II
  • Advanced Mathematics
  • Calculus











SCH 26

Student Enrollment in Mathematics Courses in High School

The number of male and female students enrolled in Algebra II, aggregated by:

  • Race/Ethnicity
  • LEP
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)


The number of male and female students enrolled in Advanced Mathematics, aggregated by:

  • Race/Ethnicity
  • LEP
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)


The number of male and female students enrolled in Calculus, aggregated by:

  • Race/Ethnicity
  • LEP
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)

Note: For students in grades 9-12 or comparable ungraded levels.








SCH 27

Classes in Science Courses

The number of Science classes for students grades 9-12, includes classes with ungraded high school age students.
Broken down by:

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics



SCH 28

Classes in Science Courses in High School Taught by Certified Teachers

The number of Science classes for students grades 9-12 taught by certified teachers, includes classes with ungraded high school age students.
Broken down by:

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics









SCH 29

Student Enrollment in Science Courses

The number of male and female students enrolled in Biology, aggregated by:

  • Race/Ethnicity
  • LEP
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)


The number of male and female students enrolled in Chemistry, aggregated by:

  • Race/Ethnicity
  • LEP
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)


The number of male and female students enrolled in Physics, aggregated by:

  • Race/Ethnicity
  • LEP
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)

Note: For students in grades 9-12 or comparable ungraded levels.









SCH 30

International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme

A yes or no indicator of whether this school has any students enrolled in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme.

Note: For students in grades 9-12 or comparable ungraded levels.



SCH 31

Student Enrollment in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme


The number of male and female students enrolled in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme, aggregated by:

  • Race/Ethnicity
  • LEP
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)

Note: For students in grades 9-12 or ungraded high school age students.








SCH 32

Advanced Placement Program Indicator

A yes or no indicator of whether this school has any students enrolled in one or more Advanced Placement (AP) courses.

Note: For students in grades 9-12 or comparable ungraded levels.



SCH 33

Different Advanced Placement (AP) Courses

The number of different AP courses the school provides for students grade 9-12 or comparable ungraded levels.



SCH 34

Advanced Placement (AP) Course Self- Selection

A yes or no indicator of whether enrollment via self-selection by students is permitted for all AP courses offered by the school.


SCH 35

Advanced Placement (AP) Student Enrollment

The number of male and female students enrolled in at least one AP course, aggregated by:

  • Race/Ethnicity
  • LEP
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)

Note: For students in grades 9-12 or ungraded high school age students.








SCH 36

Advanced Placement (AP) Mathematics Enrollment Indicator

A yes or no indicator of whether any students at this school are enrolled in AP mathematics.

Note: For students in grades 9-12 or comparable ungraded levels.



SCH 37

Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Mathematics

The number of male and female students enrolled in at least one AP course in mathematics, aggregated by:

  • Race/Ethnicity
  • LEP
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)

 Note: For students in grades 9-12 or ungraded high school age students.








SCH 38

Advanced Placement (AP) Science Enrollment Indicator

A yes or no indicator of whether this school has any students enrolled in one or more Advanced Placement (AP) science courses.

Note: For students in grades 9-12 or comparable ungraded levels.



SCH 39

Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Science

The number of male and female students enrolled in at least one AP course in science, aggregated by:

  • Race/Ethnicity
  • LEP
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)

Note: For students in grades 9-12 or ungraded high school age students.








SCH 40

Advanced Placement (AP) Other Subjects Indicator

A yes or no indicator of whether this school has any students enrolled in one or more Advanced Placement (AP) courses in other subjects.

Note: For students in grades 9-12 or comparable ungraded levels.



SCH 41

Student Enrollment in Other Advanced Placement (AP) Subjects

The number of male and female students enrolled in at least one AP course in subjects other than science and mathematics, aggregated by:

  • Race/Ethnicity
  • LEP
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)

Note: For students in grades 9-12 or ungraded high school age students.








SCH 42

Dual Enrollment Program

A yes or no indicator of whether this school has any students enrolled in a dual enrollment/dual credit program.

Note: For students in grades 9-12 or comparable ungraded levels.





SCH 43

Student Enrollment in Dual Enrollment Programs

The number of male and female students enrolled in at least one dual enrollment/dual credit program, aggregated by:

  • Race/Ethnicity
  • LEP
  • Students with Disabilities (IDEA)


  • For students in grades 9-12 or ungraded high school age students.
  • Student dual enrollment value acts as an override to the section, which acts as an override to the course.










SCH 44

Single-Sex Academic Classes

A (Y) Yes or (N) No indicator if this school has any students enrolled in one or more single sex academic classes.

Note: For students in grades K-12 or comparable ungraded levels.



SCH 45

Single-Sex Academic Classes in the School

The number of male only and female only classes, broken down by:

  • Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II
  • Other Mathematics
  • Science
  • English/reading/language arts
  • Other academic subjects

Note: For students in grades K-12 or comparable ungraded levels.




Section IV: School Staff

SCH 46

Teachers – FTE Count and Certification

The number of FTE teachers.

  • Total number of full-time equivalent (FTE) teachers
  • Number of FTE teachers who are certified
  • Number of FTE teachers who are not certified

Not collected in PowerSchool – Manual Entry Required

SCH 47

Teacher Years of Experience


The number of FTE teachers with the specified length of experience listed:

  • Number of FTE teachers in their first year of teaching
  • Number of FTE teachers in their second year of teaching

Not collected in PowerSchool – Manual Entry Required

SCH 48

Current Year and Previous Year Teachers


The number of teachers employed at the school during the specified school year:

  • Current school year teachers
  • Previous school year teachers

Not collected in PowerSchool – Manual Entry Required

SCH 49

School Counselors

The number of FTE school counselors.

Not collected in PowerSchool – Manual Entry Required

SCH 50

Security Staff


The number of FTE security staff present at the school at least once per week to perform his/her duties.

  • Number of FTE sworn law enforcement officers
  • Number of FTE security guards

Not collected in PowerSchool – Manual Entry Required

SCH 51

Support Services Staff


The number of FTE support services staff.

  • Number of FTE nurses
  • Number of FTE psychologists
  • Number of FTE social workers

Not collected in PowerSchool – Manual Entry Required

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