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Illinois Reports in PowerSchool

PowerSchool for Illinois provides a wide variety of Illinois-specific reports. Click a report name in the table below to open the report.

The report description table includes the following elements:

  • Report Name – Name of the report as seen in PowerSchool.
  • Description – The purpose of the report.
  • Due Date / Cycle – The timeframe during which the report is submitted to the state.

Report Name


Due Date / Cycle

IL 504 Plan ReportThe IL 504 Plan report extracts information about Section 504 data.As needed
IL Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate ReportThe IL Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate report lists students who are active in prior school years and the year they first entered ninth grade.As needed
IL Birth to 3The IL Birth to 3 Report extracts information about a student's experiences from birth to three years old.As needed
IL DLM-AA Pre-ID ReportThe IL DLM-AA Pre-ID report provides information about grades 3-8 and 11 students whose DLM-AA checkbox is selected (Yes).As needed
IL Early Childhood ReportThe IL Early Childhood report contains information for currently enrolled students in grade level Pre-Kindergarten. The state uses this information to identify the pre-kindergarten students in your school district.As needed
IL Exiting Students ReportThe IL Exiting Students report contains student information required to remove a student from the ISBE SIS System. Use this report at the end of the year to remove any student that withdrew from the district.August 15
IL Immigrant ReportThe IL Immigrant Report is used to send immigrant data to the ISBE SIS.As needed
IL PAN Pre-ID ReportUse the IL PAN Pre-ID report to submit PARCC Pre-ID data directly to Pearson Assessment after the IL DOE's PARCC submission window has closed.As needed
 IL IAR Pre-ID Report

The IL IAR Pre-ID report (formerly the IL PARCC report) generates the student registration file for the Illinois IAR Pre-ID Submission.

As needed
IL SAT and PSAT Pre-ID ReportUse the IL SAT and PSAT Pre-ID report (formerly the IL SAT Pre-ID report) to generate the SAT file for students in Grade 11 and 12 and for students in grades 9 and 10.As needed
IL Seal of Biliteracy

The report outputs data on students who have earned or are projected to earn the State Seal of Biliteracy. The report can be run for either projected current-year graduates or prior-year graduates.

As needed
IL Student Address ReportThe IL Student Address Report is used for submitting data to the ISBE SIS for students who are actively enrolled.As needed
IL Student Attendance ReportUse the IL Student Attendance Report to report student attendance totals by month.As needed
IL Student Service Provider ReportThe IL Student Service Provider Report is used for submitting data to the ISBE SIS for students with IEP's whose Service Provider RCDTS differs from the Serving School RCDTS.As needed

IL Assessment Correction

The IL Assessment Correction report is used to correct student assessment data in the ISBE SIS.

Note: Only students who have been assigned ISBE SIS state student ID numbers are considered in this report.

May – June

IL Assessment Pre-ID

The IL Assessment Pre-ID report is used to submit student assessment data to the ISBE SIS to obtain Assessment Pre-Id labels for currently enrolled students.

Note: Only students who have been assigned ISBE SIS state student ID numbers will be considered in this report..


IL Attendance Audit

This report contains data on attendance by grade level and added and dropped enrollments.

Note: If a student is promoted to the next grade level or transfers schools within the date range specified, their attendance data will be split out by enrollment. If a student adds or drops more than once within the date range specified, each of their enrollment records will be displayed. If a student changes claimable status from one enrollment to the next, only the proper enrollments as indicated by Student To Include are used.

As needed

IL Discipline Behavior

This report is used to send discipline data to the ISBE SIS.

As needed

Export Discipline Log Entries

This report is used to verify the correct discipline incidents which will be included on the Illinois Discipline Behavior report. This report is accessed from the Export Discipline Log Entries link in the description area for the IL Discipline Behavior report.

As needed

IL Early Childhood Outcome

The IL Early Childhood Outcome report contains information for special education students who are enrolled in grade level Kindergarten or below during the reporting period. The state uses this information to identify the early childhood special education students in your school district.

Submitted throughout school year, deadline July 31.

IL Homeless

Use the IL Homeless report to submit data about homeless students to the ISBE SIS.

Submitted throughout school year, deadline July 31.

IL Multiple SID

Use the IL Multiple SID report to submit student records with multiple student IDs to the ISBE SIS.

As needed

IL End of Year

Use the IL End of Year report to generate a csv file containing IL End of Year information to be entered in IWAS.

August 15

IL Exiting Students

The IL Exiting Students report contains student information required to remove a student from the ISBE SIS System.

On going.

IL Fall Housing

This report is no longer submitted to ISBE.


General State Aid Claim

The General State Aid Claim generates the ISBE 54-33 A and ISBE 54-33 forms in PDF format to be entered in IWAS.

Approx June 21 with date varying slightly each year.

School Report Card

The School Report Card generates the IL End of Year Report in PDF format to be entered in IWAS.

Approximately June 22 with date varying slightly each year.

 IL Student Demographic/Enrollment File

The IL Student Demographic/Enrollment File report generates the State Student ID Assignment extract file required by the ISBE SIS. The resultant file is used to submit student enrollment information for assignment of state unique student identifiers (IDs). This report can also be used to update student enrollment information in the ISBE SIS system.

Submitted throughout school year, deadline July 31.

Deadline for new school year enrollments approximately October 14 each year with updates.

EL - School Year 2017

The EL - School Year 2017 report extracts EL students who are active since the beginning of the current school year specified by Term.

Submitted throughout school year, deadline July 31.

IL Demographics and Early Childhood

The IL Demographics and Early Childhood report is used to submit demographic and early childhood information for currently enrolled pre-Kindergarten students only.

Submitted throughout school year, deadline July 31.

Refresh ISBE Race Ethnicity Value

Use the Refresh ISBE Race Ethnicity Value process to mass calculate and populate the IL Race Ethnicity field on the Demographic page and ISBE SIS Student Demographic/Enrollment Information page.

As needed

IL EL Screener

The IL EL Screener report extracts students who are active since the beginning of the current school year, listed  by Term. Use the report to create a data file of EL Screener information to submit to the ISBE SIS.

Submitted throughout school year, deadline July 31.

IL Course Assignment

The IL Course Assignment creates a data file from stored grade information for both the Student Course Assignment V2 (SCA) and Outside Course Assignment (OCA), which are submitted to the ISBE SIS.

Submitted throughout school year, deadline July 31.IL End of Year

IL Teacher Course Assignment

The IL Teacher Course Assignment report is used to track the length of time a teacher is teaching a class, along with other information associated with the teacher during the time they are teaching the section.

Submitted throughout school year, deadline July 31.

Validation Reports

General Page Validation

Use the General Page Validation report to validate information that has been submitted via the State General tab.

As needed

Demographics Page Validation

Use the Demographics Page Validation report to validate information that has been submitted via the Demographics tab.

As needed

PreID Validation

Use the PreID validation report to validate information that has been submitted via the PreID tab.

As needed

Correction Validation

Use the Correction Validation report to validate information that has been submitted via the Correction tab.

As needed

EL Validation

Use the EL Validation report to validate information that has been submitted via the EL / Screener tab.

As needed

State Report Validation Report

GSA Validation

User the GSA Validation report to validate information that has been submitted on the General State Validation (GSA) tab.

As needed

SRC Validation

Use the SRC Validation report to validate information that has been submitted on the State Record Collection Validation (SRC) tab.

As needed

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