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School Report Card



The School Report Card is not an official report or extract. This report generates the School Report Card in PDF format. The results are examined, and then entered by the school into IWAS.

Attendance views and Attendance Conversions are used in the calculation of attendance days. 

Note: The School Report card requires reporting of partial day students differently from the General State Aid Claim. Be sure to set Attendance Conversions for this report as needed for the partial day students in your district.

Report Sections

The Student Report Card has eight sections; each section of the report uses a different query. These sections are:


  • 1. Student Attendance: The total number of attendance days and absence days for all pupils in the school.
  • 2. Chronic Truants: The total number of students in the current school who were identified as a chronic truant or minor truant.
  • 3. Chronic Absenteeism: The total number of students enrolled in the current school year who were identified as chronically absent.
  • 4. Parental Contact: The percentage of students whose parents had personal contact with the students’ teachers.
  • 5. School Year:  The number of in-session calendar days for the school year.
  • 6. Health and Wellness: The average number of days per week of PE per student.
  • 7. Teacher Absence: The total teacher FTE count for teachers with at least 10 days of absences (this data is not stored in PowerSchool)


  • 8. Elementary Class Size and Teacher Quality: A breakdown of the number of sections in the following grades:
  • Elementary grades from Kindergarten through Grade 5.
  • Grades 6, 7, and 8; these counts are split into two groups to accommodate schools with less than five periods per day and five or more periods per day.
  • Total Enrollment in these Sections/Classes (Grades K-5).
  • Total Enrollment in these Sections/Classes (Grades 6-8).
  • Total Number of core sections/classes in the school (all grades).
  • Number of these core sections/classes taught by highly qualified teachers.
  • Number of these core sections/classes not taught by highly qualified teachers.

Note: The section must have met on the first in-session day on or after May 1 of the current school year.

  • 9. Amount of time Devoted to Mathematics, Science, English, and Social Science in Grades 3, 6, and 8: A breakdown of the average number of minutes per week for instruction for each core subject by grade


  • 10. High School Class Size and Teacher quality Grades 9 Through 12: A student breakdown in the following categories:
  • Total number of core sections/classes.
  • Number of these core sections/classes taught by highly-qualified teachers.
  • Number of these core sections/classes not taught by highly-qualified teachers.
  • Total enrollment in these core sections/classes.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

For the School Report Card report, student records are selected.

School Selection

The report selects which school records to use based on the following criteria:

  • The school must be associated with a student included in the report.
  • The school must not be excluded from state reporting.

Student Selection

The report selects the student records to be included based on the following criteria:

  • The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
  • The enrollment for the student must not be excluded from state reporting.
  • The student has an enrollment start date on or after the user-defined Start Date.
  •  The student has an enrollment exit date after the user-defined End Date.
  • No Show students (entry date = exit date) are excluded.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.




If run at the district level, choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:

  • Default – District Wide. Includes all records on the PowerSchool server that meet selection criteria.
  • Current School Only – Includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria.
  • District Wide – Includes all records on the PowerSchool server that meet the selection criteria.

If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

Students to Include

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The selected [number] students only – Run the report for students in the current selection.
  • All students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running report.

Processing Options

Choose a time to run the report from the pop-up menu:

  • In Background Now (Recommended) – Execute the report immediately in the background.
  • ASAP – Execute the report in the order it is received in the Report Queue.
  • At Night – Execute the report during the next evening.
  • On Weekend – Execute the report during the next weekend.
  • On Specific Time – Execute the report on the date and time specified.

Specific Date/Time

Enter a date using the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy in order to run the report on a specific day. The incorrect format displays an alert and the date field is submitted as a blank entry.

Use the pop-up menus to schedule the report to be run at a specific hour and minute.

Example: 7/29/2011 @ 10:05 AM.

Start Date

Enter the start date for the reporting period.

Format: MM/DD/YYYY

End Date

Enter the end date for the reporting period.

Format: MM/DD/YYYY

Validate Data

Choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:

  • Yes (default) – The report searches for data errors. If there are no errors found, the report extracts the School Report Card. If errors are found, the error report displays.
  • No – The report processes without looking for data errors. No error report displays.

Transfers In Entry Codes

Enter the Entry Codes used to calculate students who have transferred in to the school. The comma-separated list of Entry Codes are entered without spaces: 01,02,03

Transfers Out Exit Codes

Enter the Exit Codes used to calculate students who have transferred out of the school. The comma-separated list of Exit Codes are entered without spaces: 01,02,03

Abbreviation for Period 2

Enter the abbreviation of the period that will be considered “Period 2” for the purpose of the report. This does not have to be the second period in the school day. You enter this field for students in grades 6 through 12.

This field defaults to 2.

Note: This abbreviation is found at Start Page> School Setup > Periods.

Abbreviation for Period 5

Enter the abbreviation of the period that will be considered “Period 5” for the purpose of the report. This does not have to be the fifth period in the school day. You enter this field for students in grades 6 through 12.

This field defaults to 5.

Note: This abbreviation is found at Start Page> School Setup > Periods.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Item #

Data Element




1. Student Attendance

A.  Total number of attendance days for all pupils in this school

Query: A student is included in this section when:

  • [Students]SchoolId equals the current school number.
  • [ReEnrollments]SchoolId equals the current school number.
  • [Students]EntryDate (or [ReEnrollments]EntryDate) is before or on the end date entered by the user.
  • [Students]ExitDate (or [ReEnrollments]ExitDate) is on or after the start date entered by the user.
  • [Students]State_ExcludeFromReporting field is not equal to 1.
  • [ReEnrollments]IL_ExcludeFromStateReporting field is not equal to 1. The student is not excluded if a re-enrollment is marked IL_ExcludeFromStateReporting; only the re-enrollment record is ignored.

Furthermore, in the case of Use Current Selection, only students that are selected are included. If these students have re-enrollment records that fall into the user-entered date range, then these rows will be included.

After the student selection is made, the report traverses each row. The Entry and Exit dates from each row are used to count the number of days that the student was present. This is gathered from the PS_ADAADM_Defaults_All table.

1 is added to each student’s attendance total each time the Attendance value is not 0. If the AttendanceValue is null, then 1 is added to the attendance total when Potential_AttendanceValue is not 0 or null.

Each student’s attendance total for each enrollment record is added to the grand total. It is the grand total that is reported.



The count of days that all students in the selected population were present.




The count of days that all male students in the selected population were present.

[Students]Gender = M



The count of days that all female students in the selected population were present.

[Students]Gender = F



The count of days that all students in the selected population with a White state race code were present.

[S_IL_STU_Demographics_X]FER = 16



The count of days that all students in the selected population with a Black state race code were present.

[S_IL_STU_Demographics_X]FER = 14



The count of days that all students in the selected population with a Hispanic state race code were present.

[S_IL_STU_Demographics_X]FER = 11



The count of days that all students in the selected population with an Asian state race code were present.

[S_IL_STU_Demographics_X]FER = 13

8Native Hawaiian/Pacific IslanderThe count of days that all students in the selected population with a Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander state race code were present.[S_IL_STU_Demographics_X]FER = 15


Am. Indian/Alaskan Native

The count of days that all students in the selected population with an American Indian/Alaskan Native state race code were present.

[S_IL_STU_Demographics_X]FER = 12


Two or More Races

The count of days that all students in the selected population with two or more race state codes were present.

[S_IL_STU_Demographics_X]FER = 17



The count of days that all students in the selected population who participate in an EL program were present.





The count of days all students in the selected population that qualify as homeless were present.

[S_IL_STU_Homeless_X]Homeless = 1


Students with IEPs

The count of days all students in the selected population that have an IEP were present.




Free/Reduced Price Lunch

The count of days all students in the selected population that qualify for free or reduced price lunch were present.



Note: EL, IEP, and Free/Reduced Price Lunch  are stored with both the student and the re-enrollment records. Therefore, it is possible that a student’s status can change during the course of the school year. The attendance count reflects this possibility, and only attendance days when the student was so marked are counted towards that demographic. For example, if a male student has 8 total attendances, 4 in the student record where the student is not marked IEP, and 4 during a re-enrollment in which the student is marked IEP, the total for the Male demographic will increase by 8, but the total for the IEP category will only increase by 4.

B.  Total number of absence days for all pupils in this school

Query:  A student is included in this section when:

  • [Students]SchoolId equals the current school number.
  • [ReEnrollments]SchoolId equals the current school number.
  • [Students]State_ExcludeFromReporting field is not equal to 1.
  • [ReEnrollments]IL_ExcludeFromStateReporting field is not equal to 1. The student is not excluded if a re-enrollment is marked IL_ExcludeFromStateReporting; only the re-enrollment record is ignored.
  • [Students]ExitDate is after the start date entered by the user.
  • [Students]EntryDate is before the end date entered by the user.
  • [ReEnrollments]ExitDate is after the start date entered by the user.
  • [ReEnrollments]EntryDate is before the end date entered by the user.

Furthermore, in the case of Use Current Selection, only students that are selected are included. If these students have re-enrollment records that fall into the user-entered date range, then these rows will be included.

After the student selection is made, the report traverses each row. The Entry and Exit dates from each row are used to count the number of days that the student was present. This is gathered from the PS_ADAADM_Defaults_All table.

The potential attendance for the student is calculated by counting the rows where the Potential_AttendanceValue is not null or 0. Then, the number of days that the student was present is calculated by counting the number of days where the AttendanceValue was not 0; or, when the AttendanceValue is null, the day is counted if the Potential_AttendanceValue is not null or zero. The number of days present is then subtracted from the number of potential days present, resulting in the number of days absent.

Each student’s absence total for each enrollment record is added to the grand total. It is the grand total that is reported.



The count of days all students in the selected population were absent.




The count of days all male students in the selected population were absent.

[Students]Gender = M



The count of days all female students in the selected population were absent.

[Students]Gender = F



The count of days all students in the selected population with a White state race code were absent.

[S_IL_STU_Demographics_X]FER = 16



The count of days all students in the selected population with a Black state race code were absent.

[S_IL_STU_Demographics_X]FER = 14



The count of days all students in the selected population with a Hispanic state race code were absent.

[S_IL_STU_Demographics_X]FER = 11



The count of days that all students in the selected population with an Asian state race code were present.

[S_IL_STU_Demographics_X]FER = 13

8Native Hawaiian/Pacific IslanderThe count of days that all students in the selected population with a Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander state race code were present.[S_IL_STU_Demographics_X]FER = 15


Am. Indian/Alaskan Native

The count of days all students in the selected population with an American Indian/Alaskan Native state race code were absent.

[S_IL_STU_Demographics_X]FER = 12


Two or More Races

The count of days all students in the selected population with two or more race state codes were absent.

[S_IL_STU_Demographics_X]FER = 17



The count of days all students in the selected population that participate in an EL program were absent.





The count of days all students in the selected population that qualify as homeless were absent.

[S_IL_STU_Homeless_X]Homeless = 01


Students with IEPs

The count of days all students in the selected population that have an IEP were absent.




Free/Reduced Price Lunch

The count of days all students in the selected population that qualify for free or reduced price lunch were present.



Note: EL, IEP, and Free/Reduced Price Lunch are stored with both the student and the re-enrollment records. Therefore, it is possible that a student’s status can change during the course of the school year. The attendance count reflects this possibility, and only absence days when the student was so marked are counted towards that demographic. For example, if a male student has 8 total absences, 4 in the student record where the student is not marked IEP, and 4 during a re-enrollment in which the student is marked IEP, the total for the Male demographic will increase by 8, but the total for the IEP category will only increase by 4.

2. Chronic Truants

Query:  For the school selected, a student is counted when:

  • [S_IL_STU_X]Truancy field is 2 or 3.
  • The [Students]SchoolId matches that of the current school or a re-enrollment record falls into the user-entered date range and has a SchoolId that matches the current school number.
  • [Students]State_ExcludeFromReporting field is not equal to 1.
  • [ReEnrollments]IL_ExcludeFromStateReporting field is not equal to 1. The student is not excluded if a re-enrollment is marked IL_ExcludeFromStateReporting; only the re-enrollment record is ignored.
  • [Students]ExitDate is after the start date entered by the user.
  • [Students]EntryDate is before the end date entered by the user.
  • [ReEnrollments]ExitDate is after the start date entered by the user.
  • [ReEnrollments]EntryDate is before the end date entered by the user.

Furthermore, in the case of Use Current Selection, only students that are selected are included. Re-enrollments are not included.

Note: For the school selection, a student that was previously enrolled in the current school will be counted truant in the current school if the student’s current school record is marked Truancy. It is not possible to determine the student’s truancy status from the re-enrollment record.


Chronic Truants

The count of days that all students in the selected population were identified as either a Chronic Truant or Minor Truant.

[S_IL_STU_X]Truancy = 2 or 3

3. Chronic Absenteeism

The number of students who are enrolled in the school year for at least 10 school days and absent 10% or more of those school days, including both excused and unexcused absences.



The count of all students in the selected population who were enrolled for at least 10 school days and absent 10% or more of those school days.




The count of male students in the selected population who were enrolled for at least 10 school days and absent 10% or more of those school days.

[Students]Gender = M



The count of female students in the selected population who were enrolled for at least 10 school days and absent 10% or more of those school days.

[Students]Gender = F



The count of students in the selected population with a White state race code who were enrolled for at least 10 school days and absent 10% or more of those school days.

[S_IL_STU_Demographics_X]FER = 16



The count of students in the selected population with a Black state race code who were enrolled for at least 10 school days and absent 10% or more of those school days.

[S_IL_STU_Demographics_X]FER = 14



The count or students in the selected population with a Hispanic state race code who were enrolled for at least 10 school days and absent 10% or more of those school days.

[S_IL_STU_Demographics_X]FER = 11



The count of students in the selected population with an Asian state race code were present who were enrolled for at least 10 school days and absent 10% or more of those school days.

[S_IL_STU_Demographics_X]FER = 13

8Native Hawaiian/Pacific IslanderThe count of students in the selected population with a Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander state race code who were enrolled for at least 10 school days and absent 10% or more of those school days.[S_IL_STU_Demographics_X]FER = 15


Am. Indian/Alaskan Native

The count of students in the selected population with an American Indian/Alaskan Native state race code who were enrolled for at least 10 school days and absent 10% or more of those school days.

[S_IL_STU_Demographics_X]FER = 12


Two or More Races

The count of students in the selected population with two or more race state codes who were enrolled for at least 10 school days and absent 10% or more of those school days.

[S_IL_STU_Demographics_X]FER = 17



The count of students in the selected population that participate in an EL program and who were enrolled for at least 10 school days and absent 10% or more of those school days.





The count of students in the selected population that qualify as homeless who were enrolled for at least 10 school days and absent 10% or more of those school days.

[S_IL_STU_Homeless_X]Homeless = 1


Students with IEPs

The count of students in the selected population that have an IEP who were enrolled for at least 10 school days and absent 10% or more of those school days.




Free/Reduced Price Lunch

The count of students in the selected population that qualify for free or reduced price lunch who were enrolled for at least 10 school days and absent 10% or more of those school days.



4. Parental Contact

Query:  A student is counted when:

  • [S_IL_STU_X]Parent_Contact field is 1.
  • The [Students]SchoolId matches that of the current school; or a re-enrollment record falls into the user-entered date range and has a SchoolId that matches the current school number.
  • [Students]State_ExcludeFromReporting field is not equal to 1.
  • [ReEnrollments]IL_ExcludeFromStateReporting field is not equal to 1. The student is not excluded if a re-enrollment is marked IL_ExcludeFromStateReporting; only the re-enrollment record is ignored.
  • [Students]ExitDate is after the start date entered by the user.
  • [Students]EntryDate is before the end date entered by the user.
  • [ReEnrollments]ExitDate is after the start date entered by the user.
  • [ReEnrollments]EntryDate is before the end date entered by the user.

Furthermore, in the case of Use Current Selection, only students that are selected are included. re-enrollments are not included.

Note: For school selection, a student that was previously enrolled in the current school will be counted truant in the current school if the student’s current school record is marked Parent_Contact. It is not possible to determine the student’s parent contact status from the re-enrollment record.


Parental Contact

The percentage of all students in the selected population whose parents had contact with one or more of the students’ teachers.

Calculation: Number of students X 100.

[S_IL_STU_X]Parent_Contact = 1

5. School Year

Query: A day is counted when:
  • It occurs on or before the user-entered end date of the report.
  • It occurs on or after the user-entered start date of the report.
  • The [Calendar_Day]InSession = 1.


Number of days

The count of days identified as in-session days.

[Calendar_Day]InSession = 1

Section 6: Health and Wellness

1Average number of daysThe average number of days per week of PE per student. [S_IL_SEC_X]CoreSubject = PE
Section 7: Teacher Absence

1Teacher FTE

The total teacher FTE count for those teachers with at least 10 days of absences (to nearest two decimal places).

Note. This data is not stored in PowerSchool.



Section 8:  Elementary Class Size and Teacher Quality

Number of Sections/Classes

Query grades K-5:  A section is counted when:

  • [Students]SchoolId equals the current school number.
  • [S_IL_SEC_X]State_ExcludeFromReporting value is not equal to 1.
  • [Sections]State_ADA value is not equal to 1.
  • The section meets on the first in-session day on or after May 1 of the current school year, based upon [Sections]Expression.
  • The section meets during a term in the current school year.
  • The [Students]Grade_Level of the section is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.



The count of Kindergarten sections that meet the query criteria.

[Sections]Grade_level = 0


Grade 1

The count of First Grade sections that meet the query criteria.

[Sections]Grade_level = 1


Grade 2

The count of Second Grade sections that meet the query criteria.

[Sections]Grade_level = 2


Grade 3

The count of Third Grade sections that meet the query criteria.

[Sections]Grade_level = 3


Grade 4

The count of Fourth Grade sections that meet the query criteria.

[Sections]Grade_level = 4


Grade 5

The count of Fifth Grade sections that meet the query criteria.

[Sections]Grade_level = 5

Query grades 6-8 A and B: There are two different queries for this section. One query runs when the school has less than five periods on the first in-session day on or after May 1; the other query runs when the school has five or more periods on the first in-session day on or after May 1.

For a school with less than five periods, a section is counted when:

  • [Sections]grade level is 6, 7 or 8.
  • The section meets during a term that occurs during the current school year.
  • [Sections]Schoolid matches the school number of the current school.
  • [S_IL_SEC_X]State_ExcludeFromReporting is not equal to 1.
  • [Sections]Exclude_ADA is not equal to 1.
  • The section meets on the first in-session day on or after May 1, based upon [Sections]Expression.m

For a school with five or more periods, a section is counted when:

  • All of the above factors are met.
  • The section meets during period 2 or period 5 on the first in-session day on or after the first day of May, based upon [Sections]Expression and the Period Abbreviations entered by the user on the report interface.


Grade 6 A

The count of Sixth Grade sections that meets one of these criteria:

  • The school has more than four periods and meets during
  • The school has less than five periods.

[Sections]Grade_Level = 6

And: if the school has more than four periods then: the section meets during period 2; or, if the school has less than five periods.


Grade 6 B

The count of Sixth Grade sections that meet these criteria:

  • The school has more than four periods; and
  • The section meets during
    period 5

[Sections]Grade_Level = 6

And: if the school has more than four periods, then the section meets during period 5.


Grade 7 A

The count of Seventh Grade sections that meets one of these criteria:

  • The school has more than four periods and meets during
    period 2; or
  • The school has less than five periods.

[Sections]Grade_Level = 7

And: if the school has more than four periods then: the section meets during period 2; or, if the school has less than five periods.


Grade 7 B

The count of Seventh Grade sections that meet these criteria:

  • The school has more than four periods; and
  • The section meets during
    period 5

[Sections]Grade_Level = 7

And: if the school has more than four periods, then the section meets during period 5.


Grade 8 A

The count of Eighth Grade sections that meets one of these criteria:

  • The school has more than four periods and meets during
    period 2; or
  • The school has less than five periods.

[Sections]Grade_Level = 8

And: if the school has more than four periods then: the section meets during period 2; or, if the school has less than five periods.


Grade 8 B

The count of Eighth Grade sections that meet these criteria:

  • The school has more than four periods; and
  • The section meets during
    period 5

[Sections]Grade_Level = 8

And: if the school has more than four periods, then the section meets during period 5.

Total Enrollment in these Sections/Classes

Query grades K-5: A student is counted when the student is enrolled in a section that:

  • [Sections]School ID matches the current school.
  • [S_IL_SEC_X]State_ExcludeFromReporting value is not equal to “1.”
  • [Sections]Exclude_ADA value is not equal to “1.”
  • The section meets on the first in-session day on or after May 1 of the current school year, based upon [Sections]Expression.
  • The section meets during a term in the current school year.
  • [Sections]grade_level is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5.



The total number of Kindergarten sections and count of students enrolled in the Kindergarten sections.

[Sections]Grade_Level = 0


Grade 1

The total number of First Grade sections and count of students enrolled in the First Grade sections.

[Sections]Grade_Level = 1


Grade 2

The total number of Second Grade sections and count of students enrolled in the Second Grade sections.

[Sections]Grade_Level = 2


Grade 3

The total number of Third Grade sections and count of students enrolled in the Third Grade sections.

[Sections]Grade_Level = 3


Grade 4

The total number of Fourth Grade sections and count of students enrolled in the Fourth Grade sections.

[Sections]Grade_Level = 5


Grade 5

The total number of Fifth Grade sections and count of students enrolled in the Fifth Grade sections.

[Sections]Grade_Level = 5

Query grades 6-8 C and D: There are two different queries for this section. One query runs when the school has less than five periods on the first in-session day on or after May 1; the other query runs when the school has five or more periods on the first in-session day on or after May 1.

For a school with less than five periods, a student is counted when the student is enrolled in a section that is counted when:

  • [Sections]grade level is 6, 7 or 8.
  • The section meets during a term that occurs during the current school year.
  • [Sections]Schoolid matches the school number of the current school.
  • [S_IL_SEC_X]State_ExcludeFromReporting is not equal to 1.
  • [Sections]Exclude_ADA is not equal to 1.
  • The section meets on the first in-session day on or after May 1, based upon [Sections]Expression.

For a school with five or more periods, a student is counted when the student is enrolled in a section that is counted when:

  • All of the above factors are met.
  • The section meets during period 2 or period 5 on the first in-session day on or after the first day of May, based upon [Sections]Expression and the Period Abbreviations entered by the user on the report interface.


Grade 6 A

The total number of Sixth Grade sections and count of students enrolled in the Sixth Grade sections that meets one of these criteria:

  • The school has more than four periods and meets during
    period 2; or
  • The school has less than five periods.

[Sections]Grade_Level = 6

And: if the school has more than four periods then: the section meets during period 2; or, if the school has less than five periods.


Grade 6 B

The total number of Sixth Grade sections and count of students enrolled in the Sixth Grade sections that meets one of these criteria:

  • The school has more than four periods; and
  • The section meets during period 5.

[Sections]Grade_Level = 6

And: if the school has more than four periods, then the section meets during period 5.


Grade 7 A

The total number of Seventh Grade sections and count of students enrolled in the Seventh Grade sections that meets one of these criteria:

  • The school has more than four periods and meets during
    period 2; or
  • The school has less than five periods.

[Sections]Grade_Level = 7

And: if the school has more than four periods then: the section meets during period 2; or, if the school has less than five periods.


Grade 7 B

The total number of Seventh Grade sections and count of students enrolled in the Seventh Grade sections that meets one of these criteria:

  • The school has more than four periods; and
  • The section meets during period 5.

[Sections]Grade_Level = 7

And: if the school has more than four periods, then the section meets during period 5.


Grade 8 A

The total number of Eighth Grade sections and count of students enrolled in the Eighth Grade sections that meets one of these criteria:

  • The school has more than four periods and meets during
    period 2; or
  • The school has less than five periods.

[Sections]Grade_Level = 8

And: if the school has more than four periods then: the section meets during period 2; or, if the school has less than five periods.


Grade 8 B

The total number of Eighth Grade sections and count of students enrolled in the Eighth Grade sections that meets one of these criteria:

  • The school has more than four periods; and
  • The section meets during period 5.

[Sections]Grade_Level = 8

And: if the school has more than four periods, then the section meets during period 5.

E:  Total number of core sections/classes in school (include ALL grades)

Query: A section is counted when it meets the following criteria:

  • [Sections]Grade_Level >= 0 and [Sections]Grade_Level <=8.
  • Section meets in a term during the current school year.
  • [Sections]School ID matches the current school.
  • [S_IL_SEC_X]State_ExcludeFromReporting value is not equal to 1.
  • [Sections]Exclude_ADA value is not equal to 1.
  • The section meets on the first in-session day on or after May 1 of the current school year, based upon [Sections]Expression.
  • [S_IL_SEC_X]Core is equal to 1.


Total number of core sections

The count of all core sections that meet the query criteria.

[S_IL_SEC_X]Core = 1

F:  Number of these core sections/classes taught by highly-qualified teachers

Query:  A section is counted when it meets the criteria listed under Section 6 E and [S_IL_SEC_X]HQT is equal to 1.


Total number of core sections

The count of all core sections that are taught by highly-qualified teachers.


G:  Number of these core sections/classes not taught by highly-qualified teachers

Query:  A section is counted when it meets the criteria listed under Section 6 E and [S_IL_SEC_X]HQT is not equal to 1.


Total number of core sections

The count of all core sections that are not taught by highly-qualified teachers.

[S_IL_SEC_X]HQT <> 1

Section 9:  Amount of time Devoted to Mathematics, Science, English, and Social Science in Grades 3, 6, and 8

Average Number of Minutes per Week for Instruction

Query: A section is included when the following conditions are met:

  • [S_IL_STU_ELL_X]Grade_Level of the section is 3, 6, or 8.
  • [Students]SchoolId equals the current school number.
  • [S_IL_SEC_X]State_ExcludeFromReporting) value is not equal to 1.
  • [Sections]State_ADA value is not equal to 1.
  • [S_IL_SEC_X]Core is equal to 1.
  • The section meets during a term in the current school year.


Grade 3 Mathematics

The average minutes per week the Third Grade students spend in a mathematics section.

Calculation: Sum of [S_IL_SEC_X]Avg_Min_Per_Week divided by the count of math sections

[Sections]Grade_level = 3

[S_IL_SEC_X]CoreSubject = MAT


Grade 3 Science

The average minutes per week the Third Grade students spend in a science section.

Calculation: Sum of [S_IL_SEC_X]Avg_Min_Per_Week divided by the count of science sections

[Sections]Grade_level = 3

[S_IL_SEC_X]CoreSubject = SCI


Grade 3 English

The average minutes per week the Third Grade students spend in an English section.

Calculation: Sum of [S_IL_SEC_X]Avg_Min_Per_Week divided by the count of English sections

[Sections]Grade_level = 3

[S_IL_SEC_X]CoreSubject = ENG


Grade 3 Social Studies

The average minutes per week the Third Grade students spend in a social studies section.

Calculation: Sum of [S_IL_SEC_X]Avg_Min_Per_Week divided by the count of social studies sections

[Sections]Grade_level = 3

[S_IL_SEC_X]CoreSubject = SOC


Grade 6 Mathematics

The average minutes per week the Sixth Grade students spend in a mathematics section.

Calculation: Sum of [S_IL_SEC_X]Avg_Min_Per_Week divided by the count of math sections

[Sections]Grade_level = 6

[S_IL_SEC_X]CoreSubject = MAT


Grade 6 Science

The average minutes per week the Sixth Grade students spend in a science section.

Calculation: Sum of [S_IL_SEC_X]Avg_Min_Per_Week divided by the count of science sections

[Sections]Grade_level = 6

[S_IL_SEC_X]CoreSubject = SCI


Grade 6 English

The average minutes per week the Sixth Grade students spend in a English section.

Calculation: Sum of [S_IL_SEC_X]Avg_Min_Per_Week divided by the count of English sections

[Sections]Grade_level = 6

[S_IL_SEC_X]CoreSubject = ENG


Grade 6 Social Studies

The average minutes per week the Sixth Grade students spend in a social studies section.

Calculation: Sum of [S_IL_SEC_X]Avg_Min_Per_Week divided by the count of social studies sections

[Sections]Grade_level = 6

[S_IL_SEC_X]CoreSubject = SOC


Grade 8 Mathematics

The average minutes per week the Eighth Grade students spend in a mathematics section.

Calculation: Sum of [S_IL_SEC_X]Avg_Min_Per_Week divided by the count of math sections

[Sections]Grade_level = 8

[S_IL_SEC_X]CoreSubject = MAT


Grade 8 Science

The average minutes per week the Eighth Grade students spend in a science section.

Calculation: Sum of [S_IL_SEC_X]Avg_Min_Per_Week divided by the count of science sections

[Sections]Grade_level = 8

[S_IL_SEC_X]CoreSubject = SCI


Grade 8 English

The average minutes per week the Eighth Grade students spend in a English section.

Calculation: Sum of [S_IL_SEC_X]Avg_Min_Per_Week divided by the count of English sections

[Sections]Grade_level = 8

[S_IL_SEC_X]CoreSubject = ENG


Grade 8 Social Studies

The average minutes per week the Eighth Grade students spend in a social studies section.

Calculation: Sum of [S_IL_SEC_X]Avg_Min_Per_Week divided by the count of social studies sections

[Sections]Grade_level = 8

[S_IL_SEC_X]CoreSubject = SOC


High School Dropouts and Graduates are no longer reported.

Section 10:  High School Class Size and Teacher Quality Grades 9 Through 12

Query:  Students and sections are counted when:

  • There are students enrolled in the section ([Sections]Id = [CC]SectionId).
  • [Sections]SchoolId equals the current school number.
  • [Students]SchoolId of the enrolled students (via [CC]) equals the current school number.
  • S_IL_SEC_X]Core is equal to 1.
  • [S_IL_SEC_X]State_ExcludeFromReporting value is not equal to 1.
  • [Sections]State_ADA value is not equal to 1.
  • The section meets during period 2 or period 5 on the first in-session day on or after May 1 (per [Sections]Expression).
  • The section meets on the first in-session day on or after May 1 (per [Sections]Expression).
  • [S_IL_STU_ELL_X]Grade_Level of the section is 9, 10, 11, or 12.
  • [CC]DateEnrolled is before the first in-session day in May and [CC]DateLeft is after the first in-session day in May.
  • The section meets during a term in the current school year.


A. Total number of core sections/classes

The count of the core sections that meet the query criteria.


B. Number of these core sections/classes taught by highly-qualified teachers.

The count of the sections that meet the query criteria and are taught by highly-qualified teachers.



C. Number of these core sections/classes not taught by highly qualified teachers

The count of the sections that meet the query criteria and are not taught by highly-qualified teachers.

[S_IL_SEC_X]HQT <> 1

4D. Total enrollment in these core sections/classes.

The total number of students enrolled in the core sections.



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