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IL Course Assignment



The IL Course Assignment report creates a data file for submission to the ISBE SIS from stored grade information for the Student Course Assignment V2 (SCA), Outside Course Assignment (OCA), College Course Assignment (CCA), and Preschool Student Course Assignment (PSCA) reports.

  • The SCA is used by districts to submit coursework completed by students at their district and is used for grades K-12.
  • The OCA is used by districts to report coursework completed by students transferring into their district from non-IL public districts. Records with no grades or earned credit awarded are not extracted. The OCA is no longer a required state submission.
  • The CCA is used by districts to submit the IPEDS number of the community college where a high school student is taking courses, and the name of the courses being taken.  
  • The PSCA is used by districts to submit coursework completed by students at their district and is used for students who are assigned grade level, Pre-Kindergarten (PK). 

The Extract Viewer link is available on the State Reports page in the description area for the IL Course Assignment report. The Extract Viewer can be used as a troubleshooting tool.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

For the IL Course Assignment report process, all students enrolled in the school or district at any time beginning July 1, 2010 are included in the process.

Student Selection

The report selects records from the Student table based on the following criteria:

  • The student must not be excluded from state reporting.

Grade Selection

The report selects grade records from the Historical Grades table based on the following criteria:

  • The grade was earned in the Year and Term selected on the Report Input page.
  • The grade must not be excluded from state reporting.
  • The grade must not be for section / course excluded from state reporting.

The report selects grade records from the Historical Grades table based on the following criteria:

  • If there are no Historical Grades, current classes (CC Table) are included in the selection and extracted without Course End Date, Grade, and Course Credit for grades K-8.  Grade is determined from the State Course Code.
  • When run for CCA, records that extract are those that also extract for the SCA and have an IPEDS number.
  • When run for OCA, records that fall within the reporting term and that have a Facility Code extract.

Report Setup

You must map the following data prior to running the reports:

  • Letter Grade Mapping is used to map grade scales to the state Course Final Letter Grades.
  • Term Grade Mapping is used to map, for each school, the Store Code which should be extracted for each term ID.

Both are found on the District > District Setup page in the Illinois State Information area at the bottom of the page.

For example, for school 100, Term ID 2001 (first semester), the store code might be S2 for the final grade for that semester.  You must enter a record to designate the Store Code to extract for that term.

You must run the Store Grades process for a given term to create Historical Grades. Grades entered manually into Historical Grades via Single Entry are also used by the report. When manually entering Historical Grades for grades earned at other Illinois public districts, select the Exclude this Historical Grade from State Reporting for each grade if you do not want to report those grades to ISBE. For grades earned at non-Illinois public districts, click the Show Additional State Fields at the bottom of the Single Entry page and populate the information. You must select the OC Facility Type for a record to extract on the OCA report.

During Stored Grades manual entry, if a Course Number is entered, data is pulled from that course if the fields are not populated in the Additional State Fields. If a course section is entered, the data is will be extracted from that section; if blank, data is extracted from the course. If no course number is entered, data is extracted only from the fields on the Stored Grades page. If blanks are found in fields there, blanks will extract for those fields.

During Stored Grades manual entry, you must be logged into the school from which the grades will be extracted, rather than at the District Office.

When running the report prior to storing grades, records are extracted for the current courses per the Term Grade Mapping Start and End Dates.  Particularly for grades K-8, the report may be run prior to end of term.  If no Historical Grades are present, Course End Date, Course Credit, and Grade do not extract.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.




If run at the district level, choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:

  • Default – District Wide. Includes all records on the PowerSchool server that meet selection criteria.
  • Current School Only – Includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria.
  • District Wide – Includes all records on the PowerSchool server that meet the selection criteria.

If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

Students to Include

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The selected [number] students only – Run the report for students in the current selection.
  • All students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to runningreport.

Processing Options

Choose a time to run the report from the pop-up menu:

  • In Background Now (Recommended) – Execute the report immediately in the background.
  • ASAP – Execute the report in the order it is received in the Report Queue.
  • At Night – Execute the report during the next evening.
  • On Weekend – Execute the report during the next weekend.
  • On Specific Time – Execute the report on the date and time specified.

Specific Date/Time

Enter a date using the format mm/dd/yyyyor mm-dd-yyyyin order to run the report on a specific day. The incorrect format displays an alert and the date is submitted as a blank entry.

Use the pop-up menus to schedule the report to be run at a specific hour and minute.

Example: 7/29/2011 @ 10:05 AM.

Select District

(Optional) If this option appears, select the District for which to run the report.

RCDTS Number

Enter the 15-digit RCDTS (Region, Country, District, Type, and School) number.

The value entered in this field is used in the file name and the header in the report results.


Choose the report mode from the pop-up menu:

  • Student Course Assignment V2 (SCA) – Generate the SCA extract file.
  • Outside Course Assignment (OCA) – Generate the OCA extract file.
  • College Course Assignment (CCA) – Generate the CCA extract file.
  • Pre-K Course Assignment. (PSCA) - Generate the PSCA extract file.
Start Date

Enter the Report Start Date to extract class or grading information. This is the first date of semester records being pulled from CC or Stored Grades.

End Date

Enter the Report End Date to extract class or grading information. This is the last date of semester records being pulled from CC or Stored Grades. The end date should be after the [CC]DateLeft records being pulled when pulling from CC records only.

Note:The End Date should be before the [CC]DateLeft records being pulled when only pulling from CC records.

Extract Section From:

Choose the source of the Section Number to extract from the pop-up menu: 

  • SectionID – The internally assigned numeric number which is unique to course, section, and teacher. An example SectionID may be viewed at the bottom of the Edit Section page.
  • Section Number – The PowerSchool Section Number which you assign to each course section.
  • Course + Section – This is a derived value. When the report runs it will append the Section Number to the Course Number.  For example, if Course is MAT100 and Section Number is 1, a value of MAT1001 would be reported.

When selecting which option to use, consider other reports such as the IL Teacher Course Assignment which contain a Section number that needs to match the Section number submitted via this report; be consistent. 

The value in the Override Section Number field on the Historical Grades page is reported; if blank, the section extracted is based on the option selected here.

Include standards-based grades

Select Yes to include standards-based grades.

Note: Only those standards that are selected from District > Standards Mapping will be pulled in the report.
The Course must not be excluded from SCA/OCA/TCA Reports. 

Ensure following settings are done for standard grade to appear in the report

  • Letter Grade mapping is done for standard Grade scale.
  • Final grade calculation setting is mapped for standard (District → PowerTeacher Pro Settings → Grade Preferences for School)
  • Standard list is mapped to standard Grade scale

Run from Extract Viewer

Choose one of the following:

  • Yes – This processes the extract from the extract viewer.
  • No – Select No when running any extract for the first time.

Note: If you select No, the data in the extract viewer is replaced with the data from the extract.

Report Output – Student Course Assignment V2 (SCA)

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table. 

Item #

Data Element



Field Type

Field Length


Student ID

The student identification code assigned to each student in your district by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE). This value should be blank upon first submission of the student.

Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/ Enrollment Information.






The PowerSchool student identification code. Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/ Enrollment Information.





Legal Last Name

The legal last name of the student. Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/ Enrollment Information.

If the Legal Last Name field is blank, the student’s last name entered on the Demographics page is extracted Start Page > Student Selection > Demographics.


If blank, [Students]Last_Name




Student First Name

The legal first name of the student. Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/ Enrollment Information.

If the Legal First Name field is blank, the student’s first name entered on the Demographics page is extracted, Start Page > Student Selection > Demographics.


If blank, [Students]First_Name




Birth Date

The student’s birth date. Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/ Enrollment Information.





RCDTS Home School

Defaults to the RCDTS Home School Number selected at report runtime. If the RCDTS Home School Number field is blank, this value is the Region, County, District, Type, School (RCDTS) code that uniquely identifies the student’s home school, extracted from the Student information > Assessment Pre-ID Information tab.

If the RCDTS Home School Number is blank on the Student information > Assessment Pre-ID Information tab, the RCDTS Home School entered on the Edit School page is reported. District Setup > Schools/School Info > Edit School.


If blank, [S_IL_SCH_X]RCDTS_Home_School




RCDTS Serving School

The Region, County, District, Type, School (RCDTS) code which uniquely identifies the student’s serving school. Extracted from the Stored Grades page,    Student Selection > Historical Grades.

If the RCDTS Serving School field is blank in the Historical Grades table, the RCDTS Serving School is extracted from the Student information > Assessment Pre-ID Information tab.

If the RCDTS Serving School is blank on both pages, then the RCDTS Home School is extracted from the Student information > Assessment Pre-ID Information tab

If both the RCDTS Home School and RCDTS Serving School fields are blank on the Student information > Assessment Pre-ID Information tab, the RCDTS Home School entered on the Edit School page is extracted, District Setup > Schools/School Info > Edit School.


If blank, [S_IL_STU_X]RCDTS_Serving_School

If blank, [S_IL_STU_X]RCDTS_Home_School

If both blank, [S_IL_SCH_X]RCDTS_Home_School




School Year

The school year of the student’s last active enrollment. Extracted from the Historical Grades table, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades.







The term in which the student earned the grade for this course.

See the Appendix for valid Term Codes.


  • If the Term field is blank, the term value is extracted from the Term Grade Mappings table [S_IL_Term_Grade_Mapping_S]termPeriod (District >Term Grade Mapping).
  • The term Q5, Quarterly Summer is supported and districts can report on their summer school course data before or after the end of year rollover.

Selected at run time




State Course Code

The unique code assigned to this course by the ISBE. Extracted from the Historical Grades table, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades.

If the State Course Code field is blank, the value is extracted from the Edit Course District Information page, Start Page > School Setup > Courses >Edit Course District Information.


If blank, [S_IL_CRS_X]State_Course_Code




Local Course ID

The unique course code assigned by the school district. This field is extracted from the Historical Grades table, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades.


If blank, [Courses]Course_Number




Local Course Title

The course name assigned by the school district. Extracted from the Historical Grades table, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades.


If blank, [Courses]Course_Name




Student Course Start Date

The date this the course started in the selected term. Extracted from the Historical Grades table, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades.

If the Student Course Start Date is blank, the student’s Enrollment Date is extracted from the student enrollment record.


If blank, [CC]DateEnrolled

Alpha- numeric



Section Number

The section number. If no Override Section Number value is found, extracted from the Historical Grades table, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades page.

Note: The Section Number = 999 in the following situations:

  • If there is not a section number.
  • Or if the Section Number format is Course+Section, and either the Course or Section is blank.


If blank, [StoredGrades]SectionID or [StoredGrades]SectionNumber is extracted as requested on the report interface.






Course Level

The code identifying the course’s level of rigor. Extracted from the Historical Grades page, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades.

If the Course Level field is blank in the Historical Grades table, the value is extracted from the Edit Sections page, Start Page > School Setup > section name > Edit Section.

If the Course Level is blank on the Edit Section page, Extracted from the Edit Course District Information page, Start Page > School Setup > Courses >Edit Course District Information.


If blank, [S_IL_SEC_X]Course_Level

If both blank, [S_IL_CRS_X]Course_Level




Course Credit

The number of credits the student will earn upon successful completion of the course requirements. Extracted from the Historical Grades page, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades.

Reports to the third decimal place ( Course Credit for all terms (except Q5) must be between 0.001 and 3.000. See the Appendix for Term Codes.

[StoredGrades]Potentialcrhrs if blank then CoursesCredit_Hours




Articulated Credit

If this value is 01 (Yes), the student will receive both high school and college credit for this course, if the student has a written agreement between the high school and the college.

If this value is 02 (No) or blank, the student will receive only high school credit for completion of this course.

The Articulated Credit value is extracted from the Edit Stored Grades page, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade.

If the Articulated Credit field is blank in the Historical Grades table, the value is extracted from the Edit Sections page, Start Page > School Setup > section name > Edit Section.

If the Articulated Credit is blank on the Edit Section page, the value is extracted from the Edit Course District Information page, Start Page > School Setup > Courses >Edit Course District Information.


If blank, [S_IL_SEC_X]Articulated_Credit

If both blank, [S_IL_CRS_X]Articulated_Credit

Default value is 02 (No)




Dual Credit

If this value is 01 (Yes), the student will receive both high school and college credit for completion of this course.

If this value is 02 (No) or blank, the student will receive only high school credit for this course.

The Dual Credit value is extracted from the Edit Stored Grades page, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade.

If the Dual Credit field is blank in the Historical Grades table, the value is extracted from the Edit Sections page, Start Page > School Setup > section name > Edit Section.

If the Dual Credit is blank on the Edit Sections page, the value is extracted from the Edit Course District Information page, Start Page > School Setup > Courses >Edit Course District Information.


If blank, [S_IL_SEC_X]Dual_Credit

If both blank, [S_IL_CRS_X]Dual Credit

Default value is 02 (No)




Student Course Setting

The code identifying the location of setting of course instruction. Extracted from the Edit Stored Grades page, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade.

If the Course Setting field is blank in the Historical Grades table, the value is extracted from the Edit Sections page, Start Page > School Setup > section name > Edit Section.

If the Course Setting field is blank on the Edit Sections page, the value is extracted from the Edit Course District Information page, Start Page > School Setup > Courses >Edit Course District Information.


If blank, [S_IL_SEC_X]Course_Setting

If both blank, [S_IL_CRS_X]Course_Setting




Actual Attendance

Currently reported as blank.





Total Attendance

Currently reported as blank.





Single Parents including a Single Pregnant Women (Reported for CTE Courses Only)

Collected only for CTE Courses.

If the value is 01 (Yes), the student is enrolled in a CTE course and meets the criteria for a single parent including a single pregnant woman statistic. Otherwise, the value is 02 (No).

Extracted from the General tab of the Illinois State Information page, Student Selection > State/Province – IL > General.





Displaced Homemaker

This data is collected only for CTE Courses.

If the value is 01 (Yes), the student is enrolled in a CTE course and meets the criteria for a displaced homemaker. Otherwise, this value is 02 (No).

The Displaced Homemaker value is extracted from the General tab of the Illinois State Information page, Student Selection > State/Province – IL > General.





Course Numeric Grade

Currently blank on the extract. If this value were extracted it would come from the Edit Stored Grades page, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade.





Maximum Numeric Grade (Term)

Currently blank on the extract.  If this value were extracted it would be extracted from the Edit Stored Grades page, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade.





Student Course End Date

The last scheduled date for course attendance in the reporting term. Extracted from the Edit Stored Grades page, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade.

If the Student Course End Date is blank, the last in session day prior to the end of section is extracted. 

If the course end date is greater than the report end date, this value is reported as blank

Note: If the course is not yet completed and no final grades are populated, this value is blank.


If blank, [CC]DateLeft

[StoredGrades]grade must be populated for a value to report.




Course Final Letter Grade/Completion Status (Term)

The state value identifying the final letter grade earned by the student upon completion of this course.

For valid values, see the Appendix.


  • If a student is withdrawn, the report output is "17 - Withdrew from course. Student did not receive course term credit. Student was not enrolled on Course End Date".
  • The report outputs 31 if a PK student drops a completed class and the Course Final Letter Grade/Completion Status Override is "31 - Student has completed course (Pre-K only)" on her/his enrollment page.

[StoredGrades]grade converted to mapped value in the Letter Grade Mapping table:

[S_IL_Letter_Grade_Mapping_S]Code01 through [S_IL_Letter_Grade_Mapping_S]Code20

If no mapped value exists for a [StoredGrades]grade, “NO MATCH FOR xx IN LETTER GRADE MAPPING” extracts. If there is no stored grade record associated with a class, blank extracts.



28Language Course Was Taught In

The language in which the course was taught.

Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade

If the Language Course Was Taught In field is blank in the Historical Grades table, extracted from Start Page > School Setup > section name > Edit Section.

If the Language Course Was Taught is blank on the Edit Sections page, extracted from the Edit Course District Information page, Start Page > School Setup > Courses > Edit Course District Information.

If the Language Course Was Taught is blank on the stored grade, section, and course pages, the default of English (000) is extracted


if blank, [S_IL_SEC_X]Language_Course_Taught

if both blank, [S_IL_CRS_X]Language_Course_Taught

Else, default value 000

29Competency Based Education

Indicates whether the course is considered competency based education.

Extracted from Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade

If the Competency Based Education field is blank in the Historical Grades table, extracted from Start Page > School Setup > section name > Edit Section.

If the Competency Based Education is blank on the Edit Sections page, extracted from the Edit Course District Information page, Start Page > School Setup > Courses > Edit Course District Information.

If the Competency Based Education is blank on the stored grade, section, and course pages, the default of 02 (No) is extracted.


if blank, [S_IL_SEC_X]Competency_Based_Ed

if both blank, [S_IL_CRS_X]Competency_Based_Ed

Else, default value 02


Report Output – Outside Course Assignment (OCA)

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. 

Item #

Data Element



Field Type

Field Length


Student ID

The student identification code assigned to each student in your district by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE). This value should be blank for all students upon first submission.

Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/ Enrollment Information.






The PowerSchool student identification code. Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/ Enrollment Information.





Legal Last Name

The legal last name of the student. Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/ Enrollment Information.

If the Legal Last Name field is blank, the student’s last name entered on the Demographics page is extracted, Start Page > Student Selection > Demographics.


If blank, [Students]Last_Name




Legal First Name

The legal first name of the student. Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/ Enrollment Information.

If the Legal First Name field is blank, the student’s first name entered on the Demographics page is extracted, Start Page > Student Selection > Demographics.


If blank, [Students]First_Name




Birth Date

The student’s birth date. Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/ Enrollment Information.





RCDTS Home School

Defaults to the RCDTS Home School Number entered at report runtime. If the RCDTS Home School Number field is blank, then Region, County, District, Type, and the School (RCDTS) code that uniquely identifies the student’s home school is extracted. Extracted from the Student information > Assessment Pre-ID Information tab.

If the RCDTS Home School Number is blank on the Student information > Assessment Pre-ID Information tab, the RCDTS Home School entered on the Edit School page is used in the report. District Setup > Schools/School Info > Edit School.


If blank, [S_IL_SCH_X]RCDTS_Home_School




Outside Course School Year

The year the student earned the grade for this course is displayed. Extracted from the Historical Grades table, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades.





Outside Course Grade Level

The grade level in which the student was enrolled when the student earned this grade. Extracted from the Historical Grades table, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades.





Outside Course Facility Type

The code identifying the type of outside facility the student attended when enrolled in this course. Extracted from the Historical Grades table, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades.





Outside Course Facility Name

The name of the outside facility. Extracted from the Historical Grades table, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades.






The term in which the student earned the grade for this course.

See the Appendix for valid Term Codes.


If blank, [S_IL_Term_Grade_Mapping_S]termPeriod




State Course Code

The unique code assigned to this course by the ISBE. Extracted from the Historical Grades table, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades.

If the State Course Code field is blank, Extracted from the Edit Course District Information page, Start Page > School Setup > Courses >Edit Course District Information.


If blank, [S_IL_CRS_X]State_Course_Code




Local Course ID

The unique course code assigned by the school district to this course by the ISBE. Extracted from the Historical Grades table, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades.

If the Local Course ID field is blank, the state course code is extracted from the Edit Course District Information page, Start Page > School Setup > Courses >Edit Course District Information.


If blank, [S_IL_CRS_X]State_Course_Code




Local Course Title

The course name assigned by the school district. Extracted from the Historical Grades table, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades.





Student Course Start Date

The date the course started in the selected term. Extracted from the Historical Grades table, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades.

If the Student Course Start Date is blank, the student’s Enrollment Date is extracted from the student enrollment record.


If blank, [CC]DateEnrolled

Alpha- numeric



Section Number

The section number. If no Override Section Number value is found, extracted from the Historical Grades page, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades page.


If blank, [StoredGrades]SectionID or [StoredGrades]SectionNumber is extracted as requested at report runtime




Course Level

The code identifying the course’s level of rigor. Extracted from the Historical Grades table, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades.

If the Course Level field is blank in the Historical Grades table, Extracted from the Edit Sections page, Start Page > School Setup > section name > Edit Section.

If the Course Level is blank on the Edit Section page, Extracted from the Edit Course District Information page, Start Page > School Setup > Courses >Edit Course District Information.


If blank, [S_IL_SEC_X]Course_Level

If both blank, [S_IL_CRS_X]Course_Level




Course Credit

The number of credits the student will earn upon successful completion of the course requirements. Extracted from the Historical Grades table, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades.

Reports to the third decimal place ( Course Credit for all terms (except Q5) must be between 0.001 and 3.000. See the Appendix for Term Codes.

[StoredGrades]Potentialcrhrs if blank then CoursesCredit_Hours




Articulated Credit

If this value is 01 (Yes), the student will receive both high school and college credit for this course;

Articulated credit is awarded by the college to students who successfully complete a course/program while in high school and meet all college requirements as outlined in the Articulation Agreement.

If the student has a however, college credit is available through a written agreement between the high school and the college.

If this value is 02 (No) or blank, the student will receive only high school credit for completion of this course. Extracted from the Edit Stored Grades page, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade.

If Articulated Credit is blank in the Historical Grades table, the value is extracted from the Edit Sections page, Start Page > School Setup > section name > Edit Section.

If Articulated Credit is blank on the Edit Section page, the value is extracted from the Edit Course District Information page, Start Page > School Setup > Courses >Edit Course District Information.


If blank, [S_IL_SEC_X]Articulated_Credit

If both blank, [S_IL_CRS_X]Articulated_Credit




Dual Credit

If this value is 01 (Yes), the student will receive both high school and college credit for completion of this course.

If this value is 02 (No) or blank, the student will receive only high school credit for this course.

Extracted from the Edit Stored Grades page, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade.

If the Dual Credit field is blank in the Historical Grades table, Extracted from the Edit Sections page, Start Page > School Setup > section name > Edit Section.

If the Dual Credit is blank on the Edit Sections page, extracted from the Edit Course District Information page, Start Page > School Setup > Courses >Edit Course District Information.


If blank, [S_IL_SEC_X]Dual_Credit

If both blank, [S_IL_CRS_X]Dual Credit




Course Setting

The code identifying the location of setting of course instruction. Extracted from the Edit Stored Grades page, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade.

If the Course Setting field is blank in the Historical Grades table, extracted from the Edit Sections page, Start Page > School Setup > section name > Edit Section.

If the Course Setting field is blank on the Edit Sections page, extracted from the Edit Course District Information page, Start Page > School Setup > Courses >Edit Course District Information.


If blank, [S_IL_SEC_X]Course_Setting

If both blank, [S_IL_CRS_X]Course_Setting




Actual Attendance

Currently reported as blank.





Total Attendance

Currently reported as blank.





Single Parents including a Single Pregnant Women (Reported for CTE Courses Only)

This data is collected only for CTE Courses.

If this value is 01 (Yes), the student is enrolled in a CTE course and meets the criteria for a single parent including a single pregnant woman statistic. Otherwise, the value is 02 (No).

Extracted from the General tab of the Illinois State Information page, Student Selection > State/Province – IL > General.





Displaced Homemaker

This data is collected only for CTE Courses.

If this value is 01 (Yes), the student is enrolled in a CTE course and meets the criteria for a displaced homemaker. Otherwise, the value is 02 (No).

Extracted from the General tab of the Illinois State Information page, Student Selection > State/Province – IL > General.





Course Numeric Grade

Currently blank in the extract. If this value were extracted, it would come from the Edit Stored Grades page, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade.





Maximum Numeric Grade (Term)

Currently blank in the extract..  If the value were extracted, it would come from the Edit Stored Grades page, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade.





Student Course End Date

The date the last scheduled date for course attendance in the reporting term. Extracted from the Edit Stored Grades page, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade.

If the Student Course End Date is blank, the last in session day prior to the end of section is extracted. 


If blank, [CC]DateLeft




Course Final Letter Grade/Completion Status (Term)

The state value identifying the final letter grade earned by the student upon completion of this course.

For valid values, see the Appendix.

[StoredGrades]grade converted to mapped value in the Letter Grade Mapping table:

[S_IL_Letter_Grade_Mapping_S]Code01 through [S_IL_Letter_Grade_Mapping_S]Code20



Report Output – College Course Assignment (CCA)

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Item #

Data Element



Field Type

Field Length


Student ID

The student identification code assigned to each student in your district by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE). This value should be blank for all students upon first submission.

Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/ Enrollment Information.






The PowerSchool student identification code. Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/ Enrollment Information.





Legal Last Name

The legal last name of the student. Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/ Enrollment Information.

If the Legal Last Name field is blank, the student’s last name entered on the Demographics page is extracted, Start Page > Student Selection > Demographics.


If blank, [Students]Last_Name




Student First Name

The legal first name of the student. Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/ Enrollment Information.

If the Legal First Name field is blank, the student’s first name entered on the Demographics page is extracted, Start Page > Student Selection > Demographics.


If blank, [Students]First_Name




Birth Date

The student’s birth date. Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/ Enrollment Information.





RCDTS Home School

Defaults to the RCDTS Home School Number, selected at report runtime. If the RCDTS Home School Number field is blank, then the Region, County, District, Type, School (RCDTS) code that uniquely identifies the student’s home school is extracted. Extracted from the Student information > Assessment Pre-ID Information tab

If the RCDTS Home School Number is blank on the Student information > Assessment Pre-ID Information tab, the RCDTS Home School entered on the Edit School page is used in the report. District Setup > Schools/School Info > Edit School.


If blank, [S_IL_SCH_X]RCDTS_Home_School




RCDTS Serving School

The Region, County, District, Type, School (RCDTS) code which uniquely identifies the student’s serving school. Extracted from the Stored Grades page, Student Selection > Historical Grades.

If the RCDTS Serving School field is blank in the Historical Grades table, the RCDTS Serving School value is extracted from the Student information > Assessment Pre-ID Information tab

If the RCDTS Serving School is blank on both pages, then the RCDTS Home School value is extracted from the Student information > Assessment Pre-ID Information tab

If both the RCDTS Home School and RCDTS Serving School fields are blank on the Student information > Assessment Pre-ID Information tab, the RCDTS Home School entered on the Edit School page is extracted, District Setup > Schools/School Info > Edit School.


If blank, [S_IL_STU_X]RCDTS_Serving_School

If blank, [S_IL_STU_X]RCDTS_Home_School

If both blank, [S_IL_SCH_X]RCDTS_Home_School




School Year

The school year of the student’s last active enrollment. Extracted from the Historical Grades table, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades.







The term in which the student earned the grade for this course.

See the Appendix for valid Term Codes.

If the Term field is blank, the value is extracted from the Term Grade Mappings table [S_IL_Term_Grade_Mapping_S]termPeriod (District >Term Grade Mapping).

Selected at run time




State Course Code

The unique code assigned to this course by the ISBE. Extracted from the Historical Grades table, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades.

If the State Course Codefield is blank, the value is extracted from the Edit Course District Information page, Start Page > School Setup > Courses >Edit Course District Information.


If blank, [S_IL_CRS_X]State_Course_Code




Local Course ID

The unique course code assigned by the school district. Extracted from the Historical Grades table, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades.


If blank, [Courses]Course_Number




Local Course Title

The course name assigned by the school district. Extracted from the Historical Grades table, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades.


If blank,





Student Course Start Date

The date this the course started in the selected term. Extracted from the Historical Grades table, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades.

If the Student Course Start Date is blank, the student’s Enrollment Date is extracted from the student enrollment record.


If blank, [CC]DateEnrolled

Alpha- numeric



Section Number

The section number. Extracted from the Historical Grades table, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades page. If no Override Section Number value is found.

Note: The Section Number = 999 in the following situations:

  • If there is not a section number
  • Or if the Section Number format is Course+Section, and either the Course or Section is blank

[S_IL_SGR_X]Override_Section_Number. If blank, [StoredGrades]SectionID or [StoredGrades]SectionNumber is extracted as requested on the report interface.






Course Level

The code identifying the course’s level of rigor. Extracted from the Historical Grades table, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades.

If the Course Level field is blank in the Historical Grades table, extracted from the Edit Sections page, Start Page > School Setup > section name > Edit Section.

If the Course Level is blank on the Edit Section page, extracted from the Edit Course District Information page, Start Page > School Setup > Courses >Edit Course District Information.


If blank, [S_IL_SEC_X]Course_Level

If both blank, [S_IL_CRS_X]Course_Level




Course Credit

The number of credits the student will earn upon successful completion of the course requirements. Extracted from the Historical Grades table, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades.

Reports to the third decimal place ( Course Credit for all terms (except Q5) must be between 0.001 and 3.000. See the Appendix for Term Codes.

Note: When pulling from CC records rather than final grades, if the term has not yet ended, extracts as blank.

[StoredGrades]Potentialcrhrs if blank then CoursesCredit_Hours




Articulated Credit

If this value is 01 (Yes), the student will receive both high school and college credit for this course, if the student has a written agreement between the high school and the college.

If this value is 02 (No) or blank, the student will receive only high school credit for completion of this course.

Extracted from the Edit Stored Grades page, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade.

If the Articulated Credit field is blank in the Historical Grades table, extracted from the Edit Sections page, Start Page > School Setup > section name > Edit Section.

If the Articulated Credit is blank on the Edit Section page, extracted from the Edit Course District Information page, Start Page > School Setup > Courses >Edit Course District Information.


If blank, [S_IL_SEC_X]Articulated_Credit

If both blank, [S_IL_CRS_X]Articulated_Credit

Default value is 02 (No)




Dual Credit

If this value is 01 (Yes), the student will receive both high school and college credit for completion of this course.

If this value is 02 (No) or blank, the student will receive only high school credit for this course.

Extracted from the Edit Stored Grades page, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade.

If the Dual Credit field is blank in the Historical Grades table, extracted from the Edit Sections page, Start Page > School Setup > section name > Edit Section.

If the Dual Credit is blank on the Edit Sections page, extracted from the Edit Course District Information page, Start Page > School Setup > Courses >Edit Course District Information.


If blank, [S_IL_SEC_X]Dual_Credit

If both blank, [S_IL_CRS_X]Dual Credit

Default value is 02 (No)




Student Course Setting

The code identifying the location of setting of course instruction. Extracted from the Edit Stored Grades page, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade.

If the Course Setting field is blank in the Historical Grades table, extracted from the Edit Sections page, Start Page > School Setup > section name > Edit Section.

If the Course Setting field is blank on the Edit Sections page, extracted from the Edit Course District Information page, Start Page > School Setup > Courses > Edit Course District Information.


If blank, [S_IL_SEC_X]Course_Setting

If both blank, [S_IL_CRS_X]Course_Setting




Actual Attendance

Currently reported as blank.





Total Attendance

Currently reported as blank.





Single Parents including a Single Pregnant Women (Reported for CTE Courses Only)

This data is collected only for CTE Courses.

If the value is 01 (Yes), the student is enrolled in a CTE course and meets the criteria for a single parent including a single pregnant woman statistic. Otherwise, the value is 02 (No).

Extracted from the General tab of the Illinois State Information page, Student Selection > State/Province – IL > General.





Displaced Homemaker

This data is collected only for CTE Courses.

If this value is 01 (Yes), the student is enrolled in a CTE course and meets the criteria for a displaced homemaker. Otherwise, this value is 02 (No).

Extracted from the General tab of the Illinois State Information page, Student Selection > State/Province – IL > General.





Course Numeric Grade

Reports as blank. If this value were extracted it would come from the Edit Stored Grades page, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade.





Maximum Numeric Grade (Term)

Currently blank on the extract.  If this value were extracted it would be extracted from the Edit Stored Grades page, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade.





Student Course End Date

The date the last scheduled date for course attendance in the reporting term. Extracted from the Edit Stored Grades page, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade.

If the Student Course End Date is blank, the last in session day prior to the end of section is extracted. 

When pulling from CC records rather than final grades, and the term has not yet ended, extracts as blank.


If blank, [CC]DateLeft




Course Final Letter Grade/Completion Status (Term)

The state value identifying the final letter grade earned by the student upon completion of this course.

For valid values, see the Appendix.

[StoredGrades]grade converted to mapped value in the Letter Grade Mapping table:

[S_IL_Letter_Grade_Mapping_S]Code01 through [S_IL_Letter_Grade_Mapping_S]Code20

If no mapped value exists for a [StoredGrades]grade, “NO MATCH FOR xx IN LETTER GRADE MAPPING” extracts. If there is no stored grade record associated with a class, blank extracts.




IPEDS Number

The community college number where the high school student is taking this course.






Report Output – Preschool Student Course Assignment (PSCA)

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. 

Item #Data ElementDescription[Table]FieldNameField TypeField Length


Student ID

The student identification code assigned to each student in your district by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE). This value should be blank for all students upon first submission.

Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/ Enrollment Information.






The PowerSchool student identification code. Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/ Enrollment Information.





Legal Last Name

The legal last name of the student. Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/ Enrollment Information.

If the Legal Last Name field is blank, the student’s last name entered on the Demographics page is extracted, Start Page > Student Selection > Demographics.


If blank, [Students]Last_Name




Student First Name

The legal first name of the student. Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/ Enrollment Information.

If the Legal First Name field is blank, the student’s first name entered on the Demographics page is extracted, Start Page > Student Selection > Demographics.


If blank, [Students]First_Name




Birth Date

The student’s birth date. Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/ Enrollment Information.





RCDTS Home School

Defaults to the RCDTS Home School Number selected at report runtime. If the RCDTS Home School Number field is blank, then the Region, County, District, Type, School (RCDTS) code that uniquely identifies the student’s home school is extracted from the Student information > Assessment Pre-ID Information tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/ Enrollment Information.

If the RCDTS Home School Number is blank on the Student information > Assessment Pre-ID Information tab, the RCDTS Home School value entered on the Edit School page is extracted, District Setup > Schools/School Info > Edit School.


If blank, [S_IL_SCH_X]RCDTS_Home_School




RCDTS Serving School

The Region, County, District, Type, School (RCDTS) code which uniquely identifies the student’s serving school. Extracted from the Stored Grades page,    Student Selection > Historical Grades.

If the RCDTS Serving School field is blank in the Historical Grades table, the RCDTS Serving School value is extracted from the Student information > Assessment Pre-ID Information tab.

If the RCDTS Serving School is blank on both pages, then the RCDTS Home School is extracted from the Student information > Assessment Pre-ID Information tab.

If both the RCDTS Home School and RCDTS Serving School fields are blank on the Student information > Assessment Pre-ID Information tab, the RCDTS Home School value entered on the Edit School page is extracted. District Setup > Schools/School Info > Edit School.


If blank, [S_IL_STU_X]RCDTS_Serving_School

If blank, [S_IL_STU_X]RCDTS_Home_School

If both blank, [S_IL_SCH_X]RCDTS_Home_School




School Year

The school year of the student’s last active enrollment. Extracted from the Historical Grades table, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades.







The term in which the student earned the grade for this course.

See the Appendix for valid Term Codes.

If the Term field is blank, the value is extracted from the Term Grade Mappings table [S_IL_Term_Grade_Mapping_S]termPeriod (District >Term Grade Mapping).

Selected at run time




State Course Code

The unique code assigned to this course by the ISBE. Extracted from the Historical Grades table, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades.

If the State Course Code field is blank, the value is extracted from the Edit Course District Information page, Start Page > School Setup > Courses >Edit Course District Information.


If blank, [S_IL_CRS_X]State_Course_Code




Local Course ID

The unique course code assigned by the school district. Extracted from the Historical Grades table, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades.


If blank, [Courses]Course_Number




Local Course Title

The course name assigned by the school district. Extracted from the Historical Grades table, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades.


If blank, [Courses]Course_Name




Student Course Start Date

The date this the course started in the selected term. Extracted from the Historical Grades table, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades.

If the Student Course Start Date is blank, the student’s Enrollment Date is extracted from the student enrollment record.


If blank, [CC]DateEnrolled




Section Number

The section number. Extracted from the Historical Grades table, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades page. If no Override Section Number value is found.

Note: The Section Number = 999 in the following situations:

  • If there is not a section number.
  • Or if the Section Number format is Course+Section, and either the Course or Section is blank.

[S_IL_SGR_X]Override_Section_Number. If blank, [StoredGrades]SectionID or [StoredGrades]SectionNumber is extracted as requested on the report interface.






Actual Attendance

Currently reported as blank.





Total Attendance

Currently reported as blank.





Student Course End Date

The last scheduled date for course attendance in the reporting term. Extracted from the Edit Stored Grades page, Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade.

If the Student Course End Date field is blank, the last in session day prior to the end of section is extracted. 

When pulling from CC records rather than final grades, and the term has not yet ended, this value is blank.


If blank, [CC]DateLeft




Course Final Letter Grade

The state value identifying the final letter grade earned by the student upon completion of this course.

[StoredGrades]grade converted to mapped value in the Letter Grade Mapping table:


If no mapped value exists for a [StoredGrades]grade, “NO MATCH FOR xx IN LETTER GRADE MAPPING” extracts. If there is no stored grade record associated with a class, blank extracts.



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