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Course Final Letter Grade / Completion Status Codes

01A+Student received course term credit
02AStudent received course term credit
03A-Student received course term credit
04B+Student received course term credit
05BStudent received course term credit
06B-Student received course term credit
07C+Student received course term credit
08CStudent received course term credit
09C-Student received course term credit
10D+Student received course term credit
11DStudent received course term credit
12D-Student received course term credit
13FStudent did not receive course term credit
14SSatisfactory or Pass. Student received course term credit
15UUnsatisfactory. Student did not receive course term credit
16IIncomplete. Student was enrolled on Course End Date. Student did not receive course term credit.
17WWithdrew from course. Student did not receive course term credit. Student was not enrolled on Course End Date
Withdrew from course. Student did receive course term credit. Student was not enrolled on Course End Date
Student Audited the Course. Student did not receive course term credit
Student waived from course requirement. Student did not receive course term credit. Student did not receive a final grade
21Above AverageStudents performance exceeds expectations (Grades K-8 only)
22AverageStudents performance meets expectations (Grades K-8 only)
23Below AverageStudents performance was below expectations (Grades K-8 only)
24PStudent was promoted at end of term (Grades K-8 only)
25RStudent was retained at end of term. (Grades K-8 only)
26NStudent did not complete the term. (Grades K-8 only)
27Exceptional(Exceeds expectations) Student demonstrates the skill or understands the concepts at a level exceeding expectations for the reporting period
28Meets Standard
(Developing Appropriately) Student usually demonstrates the skill or understands the concepts and meets expectations for the reporting period
29Approaching Standard
(Beginning to develop) Student sometimes demonstrates the skill or understands the concepts and meets some expectations for the reporting period
30Below Standard
(Needs to Develop) Student seldom demonstrates the skill or understands the concepts and is not meeting expectations for the reporting period
31Student has completed course (Pre-K only)Student has completed course (Pre-K only)
99ErroneousRecord entered in error. School district mistake
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