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IL Demographics and Early Childhood



This report contains demographic and early childhood information for pre-Kindergarten students actively enrolled in your district. The state uses this information to identify the pre-kindergarten students in your school district.

The report format is comma-delimited (CSV) with a .txt extension. If a student field is blank for a mandatory field, the field default is used in the extract. If a student field is blank for an optional field, the field is blank on the extract.

Concurrent PDA Output

When a student has a concurrent PDA record with a start date that is on or after the report start date, the report extracts data for the following elements from the concurrent PDA record:

Report Output Column Name:Extracted from Concurrent PDA field:
Enrollment DateStart Date
RCDTS for Serving SchoolRCDTS Serving School Number
Percent of Day Student Attends SchoolPercent Day Attended (PDA) (Formerly FTE)
Entry/Grade LevelGrade Level

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

School Selection

The report selects which school records to use based on the following criteria:

  • The school must be associated with a student included in the report.
  • The school must not be excluded from state reporting.

Student Selection

The report selects which student records to use based on the following criteria:

  • The student’s grade level must be less than Kindergarten.
  • The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
  • The enrollment for the student must not be excluded from state reporting.
  • The student is currently enrolled as of this submission (enroll_status = 0).

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.




If run at the district level, choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:

  • Default – District Wide. Includes all records on the PowerSchool server that meet selection criteria.
  • Current School Only – Includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria.
  • District Wide – Includes all records on the PowerSchool server that meet the selection criteria.

If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

Students to Include

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • Selected [number] students only – Run the report for students in the current selection.
  • All students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running the report.

Processing Options

Choose a time to run the report from the pop-up menu:

  • In Background Now (Recommended) – Execute the report immediately in the background.
  • ASAP – Execute the report in the order it is received in the Report Queue.
  • At Night – Execute the report during the next evening.
  • On Weekend – Execute the report during the next weekend.
  • On Specific Time – Execute the report on the date and time specified.

Specific Date/Time

To run the report on a specific day, enter a date using the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy. An incorrect format results in an alert and the date field is submitted as a blank entry.

Schedule the report to be run at a specific hour and minute.

Example: 7/29/2011 @ 10:05 AM.

Select District

(Optional) If this option appears, select the District for which to run the report.

Lunch Status

Select one of the following options to indicate student's lunch status:

  • Free, Reduced, Free DC, Reduced DC - 01
  • Full Pay, Exempted, Temporary, (no status) - 02

15-digit RCDTS Number

Enter the 15-digit RCDTS (Region, County, District, Type, and School) number.

The value entered in this field will be used in the file name and the header record in the report results file.

ISBE Filter

Choose the record selection filter for this report:

  • Only students who require ISBE SIS student ID numbers.
  • Only students with assigned ISBE SIS student ID numbers.

Note: When run for students with valid ISBE SIS State IDs, the report contains data for both home school and concurrent school enrollments. When run for students that do not yet have valid ISBE SIS State IDs, the report generates a record for the home school only.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Note: The data entry for this report is updated with the Illinois State Reporting Installer 17.6.0. The layout changes will be updated in a future release. 

Item #

Data Element



Field Type

Field Length


State Student Identifier (ISBE SIS Assigned Student ID#)

The student identification code assigned to each student in your district by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE). This field should be blank upon first submission of the student.

Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/Enrollment Information.





PowerSchool Student Number / SAP ID

The PowerSchool student identification code. Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/ Enrollment Information.





Legal Last Name

The legal last name of the student. Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/Enrollment Information.

If the Legal Last Name field is left blank, the student’s last name entered on the Demographics page is used.

[S_IL_STU_Demographics_X] Legal_Last_Name





Legal First Name

The legal first name of the student. Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/Enrollment Information.

If the Legal First Name field is left blank, the student’s first name entered on the Demographics page is used.

[S_IL_STU_Demographics_X] Legal_First_Name





Legal Middle Name

The legal middle name of the student. Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/Enrollment Information.

If the Legal Middle Name field is left blank, the student’s middle name entered on the Demographics page is used.

[S_IL_STU_Demographics_X] Legal_Middle_Name





Lineage (Suffix)

The suffix identifying the student’s lineage (Jr., Sr., III, etc.). Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/Enrollment Information.





Mother’s Maiden Name

The maiden name of the students’ mother. Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/ Enrollment Information.

[S_IL_STU_Demographics_X] Mother_Maiden_Name




IL Race / Ethnicity Code

The code identifying the student’s ethnicity. Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/ Enrollment Information.






The code identifying the student’s gender. Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/ Enrollment Information.

Valid values:

  • 01 = F
  • 02 = M
  • 03 = N





Birth Date

The student’s birth date. Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/ Enrollment Information.





Birth Place Name

The name of the city where the student was born. Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/ Enrollment Information.





Reading 1st Indicator

Indicates whether the student (grades K-3) participates in the Reading 1st program.

Valid values:

  • Y = Student participants in Reading 1st
  • N = Student does not participant in Reading 1st

Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/Enrollment Information.





Reading Improvement Block Grant Program Indicator

Indicates whether the student (grades K-6) was selected to receive services provided with Reading Improvement Block Grant funds.

Valid values:

  • Y = Student was selected to receive Reading Improvement Block Grant funds
  • N = Student was not selected to receive Reading Improvement Block Grant funds

Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/Enrollment Information.





Title I Indicator

Indicates whether the student participates in a federally funded Title I reading or mathematics instruction program.

Valid values:

  • Y = Student participates in Title 1 reading or mathematics instruction
  • N = Student does not participate in Title 1 reading or mathematics instruction

Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/Enrollment Information.





Eligible for Immigrant Education Program

Indicates whether the student is eligible for an Immigrant Education Program.

Valid values:

  • 01 = Student is eligible for Immigrant Education
  • 02 = Student is not eligible for Immigrant Education





Home Language

The student’s home language code, English or non-English; or, if the student’s native language is English and a language other than English is spoken in the student’s home, the home language that is the predominant non-English language spoken by the student in the student’s home; or the student’s parents or legal guardians, with the student’s non-English language taking precedence.

Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/Enrollment Information.

[S_IL_STU_Demographics_X] Home_Language_Code




Native Language

The student’s native language code. Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/Enrollment Information.





Homeless Indicator

Indicates whether the student is homeless.

Valid values:

  • 01 = Student is homeless
  • 02 = Student is not homeless

Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/Enrollment Information.





Migrant Indicator

Indicates whether the student is a migrant student.

Valid values:

  • 01 = Is a migrant student
  • 02 = Is not a migrant student

Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/Enrollment Information.





Private School Student (PSS) Indicator

Indicates whether the student is in a private school.

Valid values:

  • 01 = Is a private school student
  • 02 = Is not a private school student

Extracted from the Demo tab of the State/Province-IL page, Start Page > Student Selection > State/Province-IL > Demo tab.





Military Connected Student

Indicates whether the student is a military-connected student.

Valid values:

  • 01 = Student is military-connected
  • 02 = Student is not military-connected

Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/Enrollment Information.






Supplemental Educational Services (SES) Indicator

Indicates whether the student participates in Supplemental Education Services (SES).

Valid values:

  • 01 = Student participates in SES
  • 02 = Student does not participate in SES

Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/Enrollment Information.





Limited-English-Proficient (LEP) Indicator

01 is displayed if the student participates in a LEP program. If the student does not participate, 02 is displayed.

Valid values:

  • 01 = Student participates in a LEP program
  • 02 = Student does not participate in a LEP program

Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/Enrollment Information.





IDEA Services

Indicates whether the student is eligible for IDEA services.

Valid values:

  • 01 = Student is eligible for IDEA services
  • 02 = Student is not eligible for IDEA services

Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/Enrollment Information.





Dual Language

Indicates the dual language program in which the student is enrolled.

Valid values:

  • 01 Two Way Immersion
  • 02 One Way Immersion
  • 03 Not a Participant in Dual Language Program





Language of Instruction

The language of instruction code for the dual language program.

Download the language codes from the Illinois State Board of Education Student Information System Web site at





Free or Reduced Meal Benefits (Low Income Family) Indicator

Indicates whether the student participates in the Free or Reduced Meal plan.

Valid values:

  • 01 = Student participates in a Free or Reduced Meal plan
  • 02 = Student does not participate in a Free or Reduced Meal plan

Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/Enrollment Information.





Century 21 Indicator

Indicates whether the student participates in the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (After School Program).

Valid values:

  • 01 = Student participates in a 21st Century Community Learning Center
  • 02 = Student participates in a 21st Century Community Learning Center

Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/Enrollment Information.





Enrollment Type Code

The student’s current enrollment code. Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/Enrollment Information.

If the Enrollment Type Code field is blank on the Demo tab, extracted from the Edit Current Enrollment page, Start Page > Student Selection > Transfer Info > Edit Current Enrollment.







Enrollment Entry Date (Current)

The student’s current enrollment entry date. Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/ Enrollment Information.


  • If there is a concurrent PDA, the report extracts this value from the concurrent PDA record.
  • If the Enrollment Entry Date field is blank on the Demo tab and there is no concurrent PDA, value is extracted from the Edit Current Enrollment page, Start Page > Student Selection > Transfer Info > Edit Current Enrollment.






RCDTS Home School Number (Student Level)

The Region, County, District, Type, School (RCDTS) code that uniquely identifies the student’s home school. Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/ Enrollment Information.

Note: If left blank, the RCDTS Home School entered on the Edit School page is extracted.







RCDTS Serving School Number

The Region, County, District, Type, School (RCDTS) code that uniquely identifies the student’s serving school. Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/ Enrollment Information.


  • If there is a concurrent PDA record, the report extracts this value from the concurrent PDA.
  • If left blank, and there is no concurrent PDA record, the student’s RCDTS Home School is used. If the student’s RCDTS Home School is blank, the RCDTS Home School entered on the Edit School page is used in the report.


[S_IL_STU_CONENR_C] RCDTS_Serving_School







Entry/Grade Level

The student’s current grade level. Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/Enrollment Information.

Note: If there is a concurrent PDA, the report extracts the value from the concurrent PDA record.

This field is updated on the Edit Current Enrollment page, Start Page > Student Selection > Transfer Info > Edit Current Enrollment.






Current School Year (last active enrollment)

The school year of the student’s last active enrollment. Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/ Enrollment Information.

This field is updated on the Edit Current Enrollment page, Start Page > Student Selection > Transfer Info > Edit Current Enrollment.

Derived from [Students]ExitDate




Percent of Day Student Attends Class (formerly FTE)

The student’s percent of day student attends class, formerly Full Time Equivalency (FTE).

Extracted from the Demo tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Student Demographic/ Enrollment Information.

Note: If there is a concurrent PDA record, the report extracts the value from the concurrent PDA.





36Tuition-In Indicator

Indicates whether the student chooses to attend a school in a district other than her/his residing district, and the student's parents pay tuition to that school district.

Valid values:

  • 1 = Student attends other school
  • 2 = Student does not attend other school


Classroom Location

The code that identifies where the student's classroom is located.

[S_IL_STU_EarlyChildhood_X] Classroom_LocationAlpha-numeric



Preschool for All Classroom

The code that identifies a student who is attending a preschool classroom for three- to five-year old children. Extracted from the Early Child tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Early Childhood Information.

If this field is blank, a value of 00, None, is extracted.

[S_IL_STU_EarlyChildhood_X] Preschool_For_All



39IDEA Services Received

The IDEA services being utilized by the student.

[S_IL_STU_EarlyChildhood_X] IDEA_ServicesAlpha-numeric2
40Inclusive IEP Service

Indicates whether the student uses an Inclusive IEP service

Valid values:

  • 01 = Student uses inclusive IEP
  • 02 = Student does not use inclusive IEP
[S_IL_STU_EarlyChildhood_X] Inclusive_IEP_ServicesBoolean2
41Preschool for all ExpansionThe code that denotes the level of Preschool for all Expansion utilized by the student if at all.[S_IL_STU_EarlyChildhood_X] Preschool_For_All_ExpansionAlpha-numeric2
42Head Start FundingIdentifies how much funding the student receives from Head Start.[S_IL_STU_EarlyChildhood_X] Head_Start_Funding


43CPS Value Preschool

Indicates whether the student is enrolled in a CPS Value Preschool.

Valid values:

  • 01 = Student is in a CPS Value Preschool.
  • 02 = Student is not in a CPS Value Preschool.
[S_IL_STU_EarlyChildhood_X] CPS_Value_PreschoolNumeric2
44Pre-K Title 1

Indicates whether the student is attending a preschool program for three- to five-year old children, funded only from NCLB, Title I, Part A funds.

Valid values:

  • 01 = Student is attending Pre-K Title 1 program
  • 02 = Student is not attending Pre-K Title 1 program

Extracted from the Early Child tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Early Childhood Information.


45IDEA Funding

Identifies how much funding the student receives from Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) provisions.

[S_IL_STU_EarlyChildhood_X] IDEA_FundingAlpha-numeric2
46Local District FundingIdentifies how much funding the student receives from Local District funding.[S_IL_STU_EarlyChildhood_X] Local_District_FundingAlpha-numeric.2
47Tuition Based FundingIdentifies how much funding the student receives from  Tuition based funding.[S_IL_STU_EarlyChildhood_X] Tuition_Based_FundingAlpha-numeric2
48Previous Enrollment in an Early Childhood Program

Indicates whether the student has been previously enrolled in an Early Childhood Program.

Valid values:

  • 01 = Student was previously enrolled in an Early Childhood Program
  • 02 = Student was not previously enrolled in an Early Childhood Program
[S_IL_STU_EarlyChildhood_X] Previous_Enr_Early_ChildhoodBoolean2
49Early Head Start

Indicates whether the student received Early Head Start services (Birth to 3), including home-based services, center-based services or both, prior to attending a preschool program.

Valid values:

  • 01 = Student received Early Head Start services
  • 02 = Student did not receive Early Head Start services

Extracted from the Early Child tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Early Childhood Information.

[S_IL_STU_EarlyChildhood_X] Early_Head_Start



Prevention Initiative

Indicates whether the student participated in a birth-to-three-years Prevention Initiative program for at-risk children and their families prior to entering a public school district.

Valid values:

  • 01 = Student participated in a birth-to-three years Preventative Initiative
  • 02 = Student did not participate in a birth-to-three years Preventative Initiative

Extracted from the Early Child tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Early Childhood Information.

[S_IL_STU_EarlyChildhood_X] Prevention_Initiative



Early Intervention

No longer reported as of 2019-2020

Indicates whether the student received Early Intervention services designed for families that have infants and toddlers, birth to age 3, with diagnosed disabilities, developmental delays or substantial risk of significant delays prior to entering a public school district.

Valid values:

  • 01 = Student received Early Intervention services
  • 02 = Student did not receive Early Intervention services

Extracted from the Early Child tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Early Childhood Information.

[S_IL_STU_EarlyChildhood_X] Early_Intervention



51Child Care

Indicates whether the student is part of a child care program.

Valid values:

  • 01 = Student is part of a child care program
  • 02 = Student is not part of a child care program



Referral by CFC

No longer reported as of 2019-2020

01 if the student was referred by Early Intervention to the local school district by the Child and Family Connections Office (CFC) for transition to Early Childhood Special Education. Otherwise, 02.

Valid values:

  • 01 = Student is part of a child care program
  • 02 = Student is not part of a child care program

Extracted from the Early Child tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Early Childhood Information.

[S_IL_STU_EarlyChildhood_X] Referral_By_CFC



EI Number

No longer reported as of 2019-2020

The Early Intervention Identification Number (also referred to as the DHS number), if both the Early Intervention and Referral by CFC fields are set to Yes.

Extracted from the Early Child tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Early Childhood Information.




Eligibility Determination Date

No longer reported as of 2019-2020

The date the child was determined eligible or not eligible to participate in early childhood special education services, if both the Early Intervention and Referral by CFC fields are set to Yes.

Extracted from the Early Child tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Early Childhood Information.

[S_IL_STU_EarlyChildhood_X] Elig_Determination_Date



Reason for Delay Transition

No longer reported as of 2019-2020

The code that identifies the reason the transition from Early Intervention to Early Childhood Special Education was not completed by the child’s third birthday, if both the Early Intervention and Referral by CFC fields are set to Yes.

There is a delay in transition if one of the following reasons is true:

  • If the child is eligible for Early Childhood Special Education, there is a delay if the child’s IEP was not developed and implemented by the child’s third birthday.
  • If the child is ineligible for Early Childhood Special Education, there is a delay if the child is not determined ineligible by the child’s third birthday.

Extracted from the Early Child tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Early Childhood Information.

[S_IL_STU_EarlyChildhood_X] Reason_For_Delay



IEP Completion Date

No longer reported as of 2019-2020

The date the child’s IEP was completely developed and implemented, if both the Early Intervention and Referral by CFC fields are set to Yes.

Extracted from the Early Child tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Early Childhood Information.

[S_IL_STU_EarlyChildhood_X] IEP_Completion_Date



Date Services Began

No longer reported as of 2019-2020

The date the child’s Early Childhood Special Education Services started, if both the Early Intervention, Referral by CFC, and IEP Indicator fields are set to Yes.

Extracted from the Early Child tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Early Childhood Information.

[S_IL_STU_EarlyChildhood_X] Date_Services_Began




Meets At Risk Criteria

Indicates whether the student meets the at-risk criteria. A child is identified as at-risk if that child, because of their home and community environment, is subject to such language, cultural, economic, and like disadvantages that the child is determined, as a result of screening procedures, to be at risk of academic failure.

Valid values:

  • 01 = Student meets At Risk criteria
  • 02 = Student does not meet At Risk criteria

Extracted from the Early Child tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Early Childhood Information.

[S_IL_STU_EarlyChildhood_X] Meets_Risk_Criteria




Family Structure

The code that best describes the child’s family structure at the time the child entered the program.

Extracted from the Early Child tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Early Childhood Information.

[S_IL_STU_EarlyChildhood_X] Family_Structure




Household Income Criteria

The code describing the students household income relative to the Federal Poverty Level.

Extracted from the Early Child tab of the Illinois State Information page, Start Page > Student Selection > Illinois State Information > ISBE SIS Early Childhood Information.

[S_IL_STU_EarlyChildhood_X] Household_Income_Criteria



55Child Welfare Involvement Within the Past Year

Indicates whether child welfare has been involved with the student within the past year. 

Valid values:

  • 01 = Child Welfare was involved within the past year
  • 02 = Child Welfare was not involved within the past year
[S_IL_STU_EarlyChildhood_X] Child_Welfare_InvolvementBoolean2
56Child has been a Youth in Care

Indicates whether the child has been a Youth in Care.

Valid values:

  • 01 = Child has been in Youth Care
  • 02 = Child has not been Youth Care
[S_IL_STU_EarlyChildhood_X] Child_Youth_CareBoolean2
57Family has an Open Intact Family Service Case

Indicates whether the student's family has an Open Intact Family Service Case.

Valid values:

  • 01 = Student's family has an Open Intact Family Service Case
  • 02 = Student's family does not have an Open Intact Family Service Case
[S_IL_STU_EarlyChildhood_X] Open_Intact_CaseBoolean2
58Child's parent is Youth in Care

Indicates whether the student's parent is Youth in Care.

Valid values:

  • 01 = Student's parent is a Youth in Care 
  • 02 = Student's parent is not a Youth in Care
[S_IL_STU_EarlyChildhood_X] Child_Parent_Youth_CareBoolean2
59Student's Family is Receiving TANF

Indicates whether the student's family is receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families(TANF).

Valid values:

  • 01 = Student's family is receiving TANF
  • 02 = Student's family is not receiving TANF
[S_IL_STU_EarlyChildhood_X] Receiving_TANFBoolean2
60Student's Family is Receiving WIC

Indicates whether the student's family is receiving Women, Infants and Children(WIC) assistance. Extracted from State/Province – IL > Early Childhood tab > 13. Prevention Initiative (Birth to 3)

Valid values:

  • 01 = Student's family is receiving WIC
  • 02 = Student's family is not receiving WIC

Note: Student_ID, and Entry and Withdrawal dates are used to filter the program field values.

[S_IL_STU_EarlyChildhood_X] Receiving_WIC

[S_IL_STU_EarlyChildhood_X] Prevention_Initiative

61Student's Family is Receiving SNAP

Indicates whether the student's family is receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) assistance. Extracted from State/Province – IL > Early Childhood tab > 14. Early Intervention (Birth to 3) (Infants and Toddlers with disabilities) (DHS)

Valid values:

  • 01 = Student's family is receiving SNAP
  • 02 = Student's family is not receiving SNAP

Note: Student_ID, and Entry and Withdrawal dates are used to filter the program field values.

[S_IL_STU_EarlyChildhood_X] Receiving_SNAP

[S_IL_STU_EarlyChildhood_X] Early_Intervention

62Student's Family is Receiving Housing Subsidy

Indicates whether the student's family is receiving a housing subsidy.

Valid values:

  • 01 = Student's family is receiving a housing subsidy
  • 02 = Student's family is not receiving a housing subsidy
[S_IL_STU_EarlyChildhood_X] Receiving_Housing_SubsidyBoolean2
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