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Missouri Reports in Powerschool

PowerSchool for Missouri provides a wide variety of Missouri-specific reports. The table below lists these reports and  includes the following elements:

  • Report Name – Name of the report as seen in PowerSchool.
  • Description – The purpose of the report.
  • Due Date / Cycle – The timeframe during which the report is submitted to the state.
Report NameDescriptionDue

Civil Rights Data Collection

2022-01-13_07-20-45_2017-2018 CRDC Report

 Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) Report

On Demand

MOSIS Submission Reports

ASVAB ReportThe ASVAB report is used to report the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery assessment scores.June

 Course Assignment Report Report

The Course Assignment file requires a record for each position or assignment in each district school or central office. This report collects assignments for the entire regular school year and contains an educator’s identifier and assignment data.



 Student Assignment Report Report

The Student Assignment file requires a record for each student enrolled in each educator's teaching assignment. This report collects assignments for the entire regular school year.



June Student Discipline Incident (Legacy)

Reports all disciplinary incidents that result in in-school or out-of-school suspension (regardless of duration), expulsion, or unilateral removal to an interim educational setting


February Grad Follow-up

The Student Graduate Follow-Up file includes information about students who graduated the previous year, are IEP dropouts and CTE Concentrators who are GED dropouts.


 June Career Technical Student Organizations (CTSO)

The June CTSO submission is used to report student participation in Career Tech Student Organizations.


Missouri On-Demand Reports

Assessment Pre-Code Extract

The Assessment Pre-Code is collected at the beginning of the year. This extract collects information for students taking the Grade Level MAP or EOC assessments.

On Demand

MSIP5 Attendance RequirementsMSIP5 Attendance Requirements tracks yearly progress towards the 2020 goal of 90% of students at 90% attendance. Based on the selected school and year, this report will take attendance data from the selected year and two previous years at the selected school to determine MISP5 status and progress pointsOn Demand

Direct Certification Extract

The Direct Certification Extract reports student demographic data for submission to DESE for use in the Direct Certification process for students who qualify for the National School Lunch Program.

Direct Certification Lookup at DESE will be updated on the 10th day of each month. Districts are required to submit the Direct Certification extract through MOSIS in July, October and January. DESE recommends running the report monthly.

On Demand

Direct Match ExtractThe Direct Match Extract is used to match students who are enrolled in the district Free lunch program with the eScholar Uniq-ID DirectMatch module.On Demand

Uniq-ID State ID Request File

This report is designed to select all students or students without a state ID for submission to DESE. Only current and pre-registered students will be reported.

On Demand

On Demand

MO Attendance Hours Audit

Attendance hours provides detailed student attendance and absence data by grade level and residency status as shown on DESE Screen 14 - Attendance specific to MSIP/NCLB sections only.

On Demand

MO Attendance Hours by School and Grade Level

This report summarizes attendance hours for all students enrolled in the current school during the report date range, broken down by grade level and residency status. Total hours attended, total hours absent and attendance percentage is provided for each residency status and total by grade level and school.

On Demand

Store Historic Attendance Information for A+

This process calculates and stores historic attendance information for grades 9-12 for use with A+ attendance calculations.

Note: The process can only be run at the District and must be run at least once after the EOY process to store prior year attendance.

On Demand

Student A+ Detail Extract

This report includes one record for every student in grades 9-12 currently enrolled in the school. The report can be run for a selection of students or all students.

On Demand

Student A+ Status Sheet

This report summarizes student A+ information in a one student per page pdf document. The report can be run for a selection of students or all students.

On Demand

Student Core

The Student Core File includes a single record for each student. The Student Core File collects descriptive data about students, including MOSIS student ID, residency status, membership, enrollment, demographic data, federal program participation (e.g., Title I, special education, LEP/ELL, migrant), state program participation, career education information, and other program related data.






Student Enrollment and Attendance

The Student Enrollment and Attendance File contains one or more record for every student served in the regular school year or students who transferred out or dropped out over the summer in June and Summer School enrollment and attendance in August. These records must include entry/exit information and attendance information for each entry/exit segment. In June, a record is required for each time a student enters or exits a school, changes grade, or changes residency status.



Educator Core

The Educator Core File requires a single record for every educator in the district and is used to report data items about each educator including: (1) personnel requiring a certificate; (2) aides/ paraprofessionals, ancillary personnel, and parent educators funded by state or federal programs or used to meet classification standards; and (3) administrators involved with instructional programs. Data include Social Security Number, name, race, sex, highest degree, years of experience, extended contract duration, career ladder, regular term salary, extended contract salary, extra duty salary, minimum salary supplement, minimum salary days worked, late hire and early termination dates, and comments.


Educator School

The Educator School File requires a single record for every position an educator serves in a school. This file collects one or more records for each building in the district that the educator has a position code or approved career education position.


Student Course Completion

The Student Course Completion File collects the final grade and credit earned by each student for each class taken.


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