Student Core Report
Report Description
The Student Core File includes a single record for each student enrolled during the school year selected. The Student Core File collects descriptive data about students, including MOSIS student ID, residency status, membership, enrollment, demographic data, federal program participation (e.g., Title I, special education, LEP/ELL, migrant), state program participation, career education information, and other program-related data.
The report can be run at the school or district level for the current school year only.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to the selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.
Student Selection
The report selects records from the [Students]table based on the following criteria:
The student must have a school enrollment at the school included in the report.
The student’s school exit date must occur on or after the report start date.
The student’s school entry date must occur on or before the report's end date.
The student’s school exit date must occur on or after the entry date.
The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
All students enrolled between the first day of school and the last day of school will be reported in ALL cycles.
For One Prior 10 Day Attendance to calculate correctly Attendance Conversions must be set up at the school.
Count Date Default Values
If this field is left blank, the report will determine the count date based on the reporting cycle:
For February, the Count date value will be the last Wednesday In January.
For October, the Count date value will be the last Wednesday In September.
For December, the Count date value will be December 1 for the selected year.
If December 1 is not an in-session day then the previous in-session date after the count date is considered.
For April, the Count date value will be Date entered in MAP Test DATE.
For June, the Count date value is not considered.
Report Input
For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Use | When run at the district level, choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:
If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list. |
Students to Include | Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:
If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students before running the report. |
Year | The pop-up menu defaults to the currently selected school year. To change the school year, click Term at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school year term. |
Reporting Cycle | Choose the appropriate reporting cycle from the pop-up menu. |
Include SPED Students? | Select Yes to include SPED students to the report. Yes is selected by default. This option is available only for December reporting cycle. |
Override Count Date
| The date entered in this field will override the calculated count date. For SPED reporting purposes the count date for the April cycle will be the MAP Test Date entered by the user. |
MAP Test Date* | Enter the date the students took the Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) test. The field is required for all cycles. The MAP Test Date entered must be marked as In-Session on the school calendar. |
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
R = Required, the item must be submitted in the current cycle. If we don’t submit it, the state will give an error.
C = Conditional, the item must be submitted in the current cycle if certain conditions exist. If we don’t submit it, the state will give an error.
O = Optional, the item is not required but can be submitted if the data is available in the current cycle. The state will accept it without giving any error.
N = Not Allowed, the item cannot be submitted in the current cycle. The state will NOT accept it and will give an error.
For code sets, go to MO Core Data/MOSIS
Item | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | OCT | DEC | FEB | APR | JUN |
005 | Collection Version | The report concatenates the current year, such as 2013 for the 2012-2013 school year, the reporting cycle chosen at runtime, followed by 1.0StuCore. For example: 2012Jun1.0StuCore | [Terms]LastDay | R | R | R | R | R |
010 | Current School Year | The ending year of the current school year, such as 2013 for the 2012-2013 school year. | [Terms]LastDay | R | R | R | R | R |
015 | Attending District Code | The DESE-assigned a 6‑digit county district code for the district where the student attends classes. | [S_MO_STU_X]AttendingDistrict [S_MO_REN_X]AttendingDistrict | R | R | R | R | R |
020 | Attending School Code | The DESE-assigned 4-digit code for the school where the student attends classes. | [S_MO_STU_X]AttendingSchool [S_MO_REN_X]AttendingSchool | R | R | R | R | R |
025 | Reporting District Code | The district responsible for reporting the student data. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=districtnumber | R | R | R | R | R |
030 | Reporting School Code | The school responsible for reporting the student’s data. The report extracts the alternate school number if populated. Otherwise, the school number is reported. | [Schools]Alternate_School_Number [Schools]School_Number | R | R | R | R | R |
035 | Resident District Code | The 6-digit code for the district where the student resides. | [Students]DistrictOfResidence [ReEnrollments]DistrictOfResidence | R | R | R | R | R |
040 | Resident School Code | The 4-digit code for the student’s school of residence. | [S_MO_STU_X]SchoolofResidence [S_MO_REN_X]SchoolofResidence | R | R | R | R | R |
045 | Teacher Name (Pre-Code Sort) | The element used to determine the sort order for the report. You can use the teacher, examiner, or class name. | [Students]MO_PreCode | O | O | O | O | O |
050 | MOSIS Student ID | The state-assigned student number. For more information, see MOSIS Reference Manual. All submitted students must have a unique state ID. | [Students]State_StudentNumber | R | R | R | R | R |
055 | Local Student ID | The locally assigned student identifier. | [Students]Student_Number | O | O | O | O | O |
060 | Legal Last Name | The student’s last name. | [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Last_Name Or, if NULL: [Students]Last_Name | R | R | R | R | R |
065 | Legal First Name | The student’s first name. | [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_First_Name Or, if NULL: [Students]First_Name | R | R | R | R | R |
070 | Legal Middle Name | The student’s middle name. | [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Middle_Name Or, if NULL: [Students]Middle_Name | O | O | O | O | O |
075 | Legal Name Suffix | This element is not collected. | [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Suffix | O | O | O | O | O |
080 | Date of Birth | The student’s date of birth (MM/DD/YYYY format). | [Students]DOB | R | R | R | R | R |
090 | County | The county in which the student resides. | [S_MO_STU_X]CountyofResidence | R | O | O | O | O |
095 | Student Grade Level | The student’s grade level for the enrollment that occurs during the reporting cycle. If the student’s grade level is equal to 0, the value is extracted from the Kindergarten Enrollment field. If the student’s grade level is less than zero it will be reported as PK. | [S_MO_STU_X]Kindergarten [S_MO_REN_X]Kindergarten [Students]Grade_Level [ReEnrollments]Grade_Level | R | R | R | R | R |
100 | Gender | The student’s gender. Valid values: M or F | [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Gender Or, if NULL: [Students]Gender | R | R | O | R | R |
105 | Race/Ethnicity | The student’s race/ethnicity. | [Students]FedEthnicity [StudentsRace]RaceCD | R | R | O | R | R |
110 | Lunch Status | The student’s lunch status. If the lunch status is not equal to F (Free) or R (Reduced), then the report extracts U. The values FDC and T are extracted as F. Valid values: F, R, or U | [Students]LunchStatus | R | R | R | R | R |
115 | Gifted | Indicates if the student is considered Gifted/Talented. Valid values:
Y and N are no longer valid values. | [S_MO_STU_X]GiftedTalented | O | O | O | R | R |
120 | Homeless | Indicates if the student is homeless. If the number of characters for this field is more than 2, the report extracts NH (not homeless). | [S_MO_STU_X]Homeless | R | R | R | R | R |
125 | Migrant | Indicates if the student is a migrant. | [S_MO_STU_X]MigrantStatus | O | O | O | R | R |
130 | In building less than a year | Indicates if the student has been enrolled in the school for less than one school year. This field reports Yes for any student who was not enrolled in the building the last Wednesday in September or was not enrolled in the building during the MAP Test Date or was not enrolled in the building at least half of the eligible days between the last Wednesday in September and the MAP Test Date. This field is reported only for April cycle. For all other cycles this field is blank. | [Students]EntryDate [ReEnrollments]EntryDate [Students]ExitDate [ReEnrollments]ExitDate | O | O | O | R | O |
135 | In district less than a year | Indicates if the student was enrolled in the district for less than one school year. This field reports Yes for any student who was not enrolled in the district the last Wednesday in September OR was not enrolled in the district during the MAP Test Date or was not enrolled in the district at least half of the eligible days between the last Wednesday in September and the MAP Test Date. This field is reported only for April cycle. For all other cycles this field is blank. | [Students]EntryDate [ReEnrollments]EntryDate [Students]ExitDate [ReEnrollments]ExitDate | O | O | O | R | O |
140 | Voluntary Transfer Student | Indicates if the student resides in the St. Louis City school district, but voluntarily enrolls in a St. Louis County school district, or vice versa. The transfer must be the result of the desegregation settlement agreement. Valid values: Y or N When importing values, import 1 for Y (Yes) and 0 for N (No) | [S_MO_STU_X]VolTransfer | O | O | O | R | O |
145 | A+ Student | Indicates if the student participates in an A+ program. Required for students in grades 9, 10, 11, and 12. Valid values:
| [S_MO_STU_X]Aplus | O | O | C | O | C |
150 | Number of Months in USA | The number of months the student has resided in the USA. The student must have an LEP/ELL Status of NRC, RCV, MY1, MY2, AY3 or AY4 with a valid Date of Entry into the USA field. If the student has been in the USA for more than 36 months, the extract will report 36. If there is no valid Date of Entry, the report will return the value of the Months_USA field as imported manually | [Students]dateofentryintousa [S_MO_STU_X]Months_USA | O | O | O | C | O |
155 | Immigrant | Indicates if the student is an immigrant. Valid values: Yes (Y) - Indicates that the student is an immigrant. | [S_MO_STU_X]Immigrant | R | O | O | O | O |
160 | ELL Primary Language | The student’s primary language. Required if student is reported as ELL/LEP (RCV or NRC). | [S_MO_STU_X]PrimarySpokenLanguage | C | O | O | O | O |
165 | LEP / ELL | Indicates if the student receives LEP services. | [S_MO_STU_X]LEPELL | R | R | R | R | R |
170 | ELL Exit (retired) | This field is retired as of the 2017-18 school year. This field extracts as blank. | N/A | O | O | O | O | O |
175 | ELL Exit Test | Indicates the language proficiency test used to re-classify the student as non-LEP. This data element can only be reported if the ELL Exit is ‘LPT’ (Language Proficiency Test). | [S_MO_STU_X]ELLExitTest | O | O | O | O | O |
180 | ESOL Instructional Model | The student’s most frequently used ESOL Instructional Model. | [S_MO_STU_X]ESOLInstModel | O | O | O | O | O |
185 | Missouri Option Program | Indicates if the student participates in the Missouri Option Program. A value is required if the student's grade level is 11 or 12. Valid values: Y or N Note: When importing values, import 1 for Y (Yes) and 0 for N (No) | [S_MO_STU_X]OptionProgram | O | O | O | O | C |
190 | H.S. Career Ed student | Designation for students in Grades 9-12 who have completed or are currently taking a Career Education course approved by DESE. This field is required in the June reporting cycle for students in grade levels 09, 10, 11, and 12. | [S_MO_STU_X]HSCareerEd | O | O | O | O | C |
195 | Title I | Indicates if the student receives Title I services in a targeted assistance program. Valid values: Y or N Note: When importing values, import 1 for Y (Yes) and 0 for N (No) | [S_MO_STU_X]TitleI | R | R | R | R | R |
200 | Title III | Indicates if an ELL student receives services funded through Title III. Valid values: Y or N Note: When importing values, import 1 for Y (Yes) and 0 for N (No) | [S_MO_STU_X]TitleIII | O | O | O | O | O |
205 | Residency Status | The student’s residency status. | [S_MO_STU_X]ResidencyStatus | R | R | R | O | R |
210 | Membership FTE | The membership percentage for each student. The membership percentage equals the student's average hours per week, divided by the total possible hours the student could attend in a week. If the student’s membership full-time equivalency (FTE) is between 0 and 1, then the value is extracted in the format 0.00. Otherwise, the report extracts 1.00. The FTE is required if Residency Status equals R1, FL, DI, NR, or R2. | [S_MO_STU_X]MembPercent | C | O | C | O | C |
215 | One Prior 10 Day Attendance | The the OnePriorTenDate is the insession date 10 days prior to the count date. For example, if the Count date is November 30, 2024 then onePriorTendate is approximately Novevmber 14, 2024 assuming all dates are in session days except for weekends. This fied is required for students with residency status of R1, R2, FL, or DI. The report extracts "N" if the student attended at least one of the 10 days before the count date. The report extracts "Y" if the student was absent from all 10 days before the count date. Valid values: Y or N
Note: When importing values, 1 is Y (Yes) and 0 is N (No) Attendance Conversions must be setup for this field to report accurately. This field is not reported for April and June cycle. | [Attendance]Att_Date | C | O | C | N | N |
220 | Enrolled On Count Date | Enrolled On Count Date is a flag that designates the student was enrolled on the count date targeted by the cycle. Valid values: Yes (Y), No (N). This field is blank for April and June cycles. | N/A | R | R | R | N | N |
225 | Enrolled All Year | Indicates if the student was enrolled in school from the last Wednesday in September until the last day of the school year. Note: The last day of the school year is set up via Start Page > School Setup > Years & Terms. | [Terms]LastDay [Students]EntryDate [Students]ExitDate | O | O | O | O | R |
230 | First Year Freshman | If the student’s current grade level is 09, the report determines if the student was previously enrolled in the ninth grade. The report locates school enrollments where the exit date is before the first day of the current school year. If the number of previous ninth-grade enrollments is zero, then the report extracts Y. Otherwise, the value is N. If the student is not currently enrolled in the ninth grade, then the report extracts a blank value. | [Students]Grade_Level [Students]ExitDate [Terms]LastDay | O | O | O | O | O |
235 | GPA | Required in June if the student is in grade 9 or 10. Student's annual non-cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA). If there is no value in the GPA Override field, the GPA will be calculated as follows: The sum of total GPA points divided by the number of classes (rounding to 3 decimal places), for the student's current grade only, for s1 and s2 stored grades, where the class is not excluded from GPA and potential credit hours are greater than 0. | [S_MO_STU_X]OverrideGPA Or Derived | O | O | O | O | C |
240 | GPA Scale | The GPA scale for the school. Valid values:
| [S_MO_SCH_X]GPAScale | O | O | O | O | C |
245 | 8th Grade Tech Literacy | The student’s eighth-grade tech literacy status. This field is extracted for eighth-grade students only. Valid values:
| [S_MO_STU_X]TechLiteracy | O | O | O | O | C |
250 | Aerobic Capacity | Required in June for students in grades 5, 7, or 9. DESE assigned fitness test code representing scoring results as measured through administration of (1) the PACER (Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run) or (2) one-mile run/walk. | [S_MO_STU_X]AerobicCap | O | O | O | O | R |
255 | Abdominal Strength | Required in June for students in grades 5, 7, or 9. DESE assigned fitness test code representing scoring results as measured through administration of (1) curl-up test (one minute), (2) curl-up test (cadence), or (3) partial curl-ups. | [S_MO_STU_X]AbdominalStr | O | O | O | O | R |
260 | Upper Body Strength | Required in June for students in grades 5, 7, or 9. DESE assigned fitness test code representing scoring results as measured through administration of (1) push-ups, (2) pull-ups, (3) modified pull-ups, or (4) flexed arm hang. | [S_MO_STU_X]UpperBodyStr | O | O | O | O | R |
265 | Flexibility | Required in June for students in grades 5, 7, or 9. DESE assigned fitness test code representing scoring results as measured through administration of (1) sit and reach, (2) back-saver sit and reach, or (3) V-sit reach. | [S_MO_STU_X]Flexibility | O | O | O | O | R |
270 | IEP Disability
| The student’s disability status. For all cycles except June and December, if the Handicapping_Conditions is blank or the student has exited out of the designated Sped Program before the count date for the cycle selected, the report will return ’00’ (No Disability). In April the MAP Test Date entered by the user will be considered the “count date”. In June the report will return any Disability Code where the Exit Date is either blank OR the Exit Date is during the current school year. For the December cycle if the IEP disability code is not 00 and the SPED Exit date is after December 1 or blank then the students are included in the report. Special Program Enrollment information is no longer used. Only the SPED Exit Date on the IEP/Special Ed student tab is evaluated. | [S_MO_STU_X]Handicapping_Conditions | R | R | R | R | R |
275 | MAP-Alternate
| Indicates if the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) team has determined that the student is eligible for the MAP Alternate (MAP-A) Assessment under an active IEP. Valid values: Y or N:
Note: When importing values, import 1 for Y (Yes) and 0 for N (No) | [S_MO_STU_X]MAPAlternate | R | O | O | R | O |
280 | Special Education Placement
| The student’s special education placement. Required if the student has an IEP. For all cycles except June, if the Handicapping_Conditions is blank or the student has exited out of the designated Special Ed Program before the count date for the cycle selected, the report will return a blank. In April the MAP Test Date entered by the user will be considered the count date. In June the report will return the SPED Placement code where the Exit Date is either blank OR the Exit Date is during the current school year. Special Program Enrollment information is no longer used. Only the SPED Exit Date on the IEP/Special Ed student tab is evaluated. | [S_MO_STU_X]PlacementCode | O | C | O | O | O |
285 | SPED Program Exit Code
| The student’s special education enrollment exit code. The special program enrollment must meet the following criteria to be included:
Special Program Enrollment information is no longer used. Only the SPED Exit Date on the IEP/Special Ed student tab is evaluated. | [S_MO_STU_X]SPEDExit_Code | O | O | O | O | C |
286 | Truant | Indicates if the student is truant. The truant student has 10 or more cumulative days of unexcused absence from the school district. Days of absence must be unique; do not count absence from 2 separate buildings in 1 day as 2 days of unexcused absence. Valid values: Y or N Note: When importing values, import 1 for Y (Yes) and 0 for N (No) | [S_MO_STU_X]Truant | O | O | O | O | C |
288 | Supplemental Education Service | Indicates the student’s supplemental education service status. Valid values:
| [S_MO_STU_X]SuppEdService | O | O | O | O | O |
290 | Career Cluster | Indicates the student’s career cluster. This element is reported if the student’s H.S. Career Ed value is CHS – Concentrator (Participant) or CNP – Concentrator (Non-Participant). | [S_MO_STU_X]CTECluster | O | O | O | O | C |
292 | Nontraditional Student | Indicates if the student plans to enter a career education-training program or occupation that is non-traditional for their gender. An enrollment of 75% of one gender is considered traditional. Valid values: Y or N Note: When importing values, import 1 for Y (Yes) and 0 for N (No) | [S_MO_STU_X]NonTradStudent | O | O | O | O | C |
294 | Single Parent | This field is no longer allowed by DESE. The column remains in the report but the data must be null. | [S_MO_STU_X]SingleParent | O | O | O | O | N |
296 | Displaced Homemaker | This field is no longer allowed by DESE. The column remains in the report but the data must be null. | [S_MO_STU_X]DisplacedHomemaker | O | O | O | O | N |
298 | CTE Technical Skills Attainment | The student’s CTE technical skills attainment status. This element is reported if the student’s H.S. Career Ed value is CHS – Concentrator (Participant) or CNP – Concentrator (Non-Participant). | [S_MO_STU_X]CTE_Attainment | O | O | O | O | C |
300 | K-8 Graduate District Code | The student’s K-8 graduate district code. Required for grade 09 and 10 non-resident students who graduated 8th grade from a K-8 District. | [S_MO_STU_X]K8_GraduateCode | C | C | C | C | C |
302 | ECO Entry Date | Date of entry into ECSE program reported in the format MM/DD/YYYY. Note: ECO Entry Indicators will not be displayed unless the ECO Entry Date is in the current school year. | [S_MO_STU_X]ECO_Entry_Date | O | O | O | O | O |
304 | ECO Entry Indicator 1 | Rating at entry into ECSE for Positive social-emotional skills. | [S_MO_STU_X]ECO_Entry_ Indicator_1 | O | O | O | O | C |
306 | ECO Entry Indicator 2 | Rating at entry into ECSE for Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills | [S_MO_STU_X]ECO_Entry_ Indicator_2 | O | O | O | O | C |
308 | ECO Entry Indicator 3 | Rating at entry into ECSE for Use of appropriate behaviors to meet needs | [S_MO_STU_X]ECO_Entry_ Indicator_3 | O | O | O | O | C |
310 | ECO Exit Date | Date of exit from ECSE program reported in the format MM/DD/YYYY. Note: ECO Exit Indicators will not be displayed unless the ECO Exit Date is in the current school year. | [S_MO_STU_X]ECO_Exit_Date | O | O | O | O | O |
312 | ECO Exit Indicator 1 | Rating at the exit from ECSE for Positive social-emotional skills | [S_MO_STU_X]ECO_Exit_ Indicator_1 | O | O | O | O | C |
314 | ECO Exit Indicator 2 | Rating at the exit from ECSE for Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills | [S_MO_STU_X]ECO_Exit_ Indicator_2 | O | O | O | O | C |
316 | ECO Exit Indicator 3 | Rating at the exit from ECSE for Use of appropriate behaviors to meet needs | [S_MO_STU_X]ECO_Exit_ Indicator_3 | O | O | O | O | C |
318 | CTE Program Code | The student’s career technical education (CTE) program code. | [S_MO_STU_X]CTE_Program_Code | O | O | O | O | C |
320 | Title III LEP | Required if LEP/ELL is RCV. Collects if the LEP student was Title III funded. Valid values:
NE – Not eligible for funding | [S_MO_STU_X]TitleIII | R | R | R | R | R |
321 | Title III Immigrant | Conditional and required if the Immigrant is RCV. Collects if the Immigrant student was Title III funded. Valid values:
| [S_MO_STU_X]TitleIIIImmigrant | C | O | O | O | O |
322 | First Freshman Year | Conditional and required for students not previously enrolled in a Missouri public school district in grades 09, 10, 11, and 12. | [S_MO_STU_X]FirstFreshmanYear | O | O | O | O | C |
323 | Zip Code | 5 or 9-digit Postal Zip Code for the primary residence of the student. | [Students]Zip | R | O | O | O | O |
324 | Industry Recognized Credential | The Department approved industry-recognized credential/certification received by the student. | [S_MO_STU_X]IRC | N | N | N | N | O |
325 | Military | A student residing in the house of a person (family) who is on active duty or serving in the reserve component of a branch of the United States Armed Forces. Include children who are living with family due to parents being deployed. Valid values:
| [S_MO_STU_X]MilitaryConnected | R | R | R | R | R |
326 | MPP | The student is participating in the district's Missouri Preschool Program. Required for PK students in districts with an approved Missouri Preschool Program. Valid values:
| [S_MO_STU_X]MOPreKProject | C | O | C | O | C |
327 | Foster Care
| Foster Care means 24-hour substitute care for children placed away from their parents or guardians and for whom the child welfare agency has placement and care responsibility. This includes, but is not limited to, placements in foster family homes, foster homes of relatives, group homes, emergency shelters, residential facilities, child care institutions, and pre-adoptive homes. Valid values:
For June cycle, if the Foster Care Entry and Exit Dates include at least one day that falls within the selected school year (Year Term), then this fied reports Y, even if Foster Care is not selected. This field returns Y, if any of the following is true:
| [S_MO_STU_X]FosterCare [S_MO_STU_X]FosterCareEntry_Date [S_MO_STU_X]FosterCareExit_Date [S_MO_REN_X]FosterCare [S_MO_REN_X]FosterCareEntry_Date [S_MO_REN_X]FosterCareExit_Date Refer to Student Core Report - Foster Care Business Rule below. | R | R | R | R | R |
328 | PK Eligible State Aid | This indicates that the district has selected the PK student to have attendance hours claimed for state aid. Maximum PK students selected not to exceed 4% of the district’s 5 to 18-year-old FRL population. Required for PK students in the cycles indicated. A default value of N will be output if left blank; students in all other grade levels are reported with a default value of N. Valid values:
| [S_MO_STU_X]PK_Eligible_State_Aid [S_MO_REN_X]PK_Eligible_State_Aid | R | O | R | O | R |
329 | Kindergarten Readiness | Kindergarten readiness means being prepared in key dimensions of early learning and development (social and emotional, language and literacy, cognitive, motor, health, and physical well-being, and positive attitudes and behaviors toward learning.). Required for K students in the cycles indicated. A default value of N will be output if left blank; students in all other grade levels are reported with a default value of N. Valid values:
| [S_MO_STU_X]Kinder_Readiness [S_MO_REN_X]Kinder_Readiness | R | O | O | O | R |
330 | High Need Student | An IEP student whose educational costs exceed three times the LEA's current expenditure per Average Daily Attendance (ADA). | [S_MO_STU_X]HighNeedStudent | N | N | N | N | O |
331 | Dyslexia | Indicates the student's dyslexia screening status Valid values:
| [S_MO_STU_X]Dyslexia | O | O | O | O | R |
332 | Neglected or Delinquent | Indicates the student's neglected or delinquent status. Valid values are:
| [S_MO_STU_X]Neglected_Or_Delinquent | O | O | O | O | R |
333 | CTE Certificate | Indicates if the student is to receive a certificate upon completing their career technical education (CTE) program. Valid values:
| [S_MO_STU_X]CTE_Certificate | O | O | O | O | C |
334 | Instruction Method | Indicates the learning preferences (instructional models) as requested by the student’s parents/guardians. Valid values:
| [S_STU_LEARNINGPREF_C]LearningPreference | R | O | R | O | R |
335 | Internet Access | Indicate the type of internet access at the student's residence:
| [S_STU_LEARNINGPREF_C]InternetAccess | R | O | O | O | O |
336 | Device Access | Indicate is the student has access to an internet-capable device. Valid values:
The values in [] are reported. | [S_STU_LEARNINGPREF_C]DeviceAccess | R | O | O | O | O |
337 | PK Replacement ID | The student's pre-kindergarten replacement identification. | [S_MO_STU_X]PK_Replacement_ID | O | O | O | O | O |
338 | Stackable Credential 1 | Department-approved series of aligned, recognized, preferred, and/or required credentials (stackable) within an industry or sector that support an individual’s ability to obtain related career employment. Two stackable credentials will equate to one IRC. This field is reported only for June cycle. | [S_MO_STU_X]StackableCred1 | N | N | N | N | O |
339 | Stackable Credential 2 | Department-approved series of aligned, recognized, preferred, and/or required credentials (stackable) within an industry or sector that support an individual’s ability to obtain related career employment. Two stackable credentials will equate to one IRC. This field is reported only for June cycle. | [S_MO_STU_X]StackableCred2 | N | N | N | N | O |
340 | ICAP | A plan for the students to guide them through coursework and activities for achieving personal career goals, postsecondary planning, and providing individual pathway options. The ICAP is a multi-year process beginning no later than the eighth grade that intentionally guides students and families in the exploration of career, academic, and multiple post-secondary opportunities. If the field is blank then the report extracts N. | [S_MO_STU_X]ICAP | O | O | O | O | C |
341 | ICAP Review | The student’s personal plan of study is reviewed regularly by school personnel and the student's parent/guardian. The review includes the sequence of courses and experiences that prepare a student to reach his or her postsecondary goals. If the field is blank then the report extracts N. | [S_MO_STU_X]ICAP_Review | O | O | O | O | C |
342 | Seal of Biliteracy
| Missouri Seal of Biliteracy (SoBL) and Distinguished Missouri Seal of Biliteracy is awarded to graduating high school students in districts or charters with an approved DESE program who have demonstrated achievement in English, a Language Other Than English (LOTE), and sociocultural competence. If the field is blank then the report extracts N. This field is reported only for June cycle. | [S_STU_X]SealofBiliteracy | N | N | N | N | C |
343 | Seal of Biliteracy Language1
| The student shows a high level of achievement in English and an intermediate level of proficiency in another language as outlined in the Missouri Seal of Biliteracy. This field is reported only for June cycle. | [S_MO_STU_X]BiliteracyLang1 | N | N | N | N | C |
344 | Seal of Biliteracy Language2
| The student shows a high level of achievement in English and an intermediate level of proficiency in another language as outlined in the Missouri Seal of Biliteracy. This field is reported only for June cycle. | [S_MO_STU_X]BiliteracyLang2 | N | N | N | N | O |
345 | Seal of Biliteracy Language3
| The student shows a high level of achievement in English and an intermediate level of proficiency in another language as outlined in the Missouri Seal of Biliteracy. This field is reported only for June cycle. | [S_MO_STU_X]BiliteracyLang3 | N | N | N | N | O |
346 | Associate Degree | Degree earned after completing two years of study at a junior college, college, or university. Courses must be offered by approved institutions for dual credit/dual enrollment. If the field is blank then the report extracts N. | [S_MO_STU_X]Associate_Degree | O | O | O | O | C |
347 | Associate Degree Institution | An institution awarding an associate degree. | [S_MO_STU_X]Associate_Degree_Inst | O | O | O | O | C |
348 | KG Physical Well-being and Motor.
| Indicates the physical well-being and motor status of the student. This field is required if the student's grade is kindergarten. Valid values:
| [S_MO_STU_X]KG_Physical_Wellness_Motor | R | O | O | O | O |
349 | KG Social and Emotional | Indicates the social and emotional status of the student. This field is required if the student's grade is kindergarten. Valid values:
| [S_MO_STU_X]KG_Social_Emotional | R | O | O | O | O |
350 | KG Cognition and General Knowledge | Indicates the cognition and general knowledge status of the student. This field is required if the student's grade is kindergarten. Valid values:
| [S_MO_STU_X]KG_Cognition_GenKnowledge | R | O | O | O | O |
351 | KG Approaches Toward Learning | Indicates the student's approach toward learning. This field is required if the student's grade is kindergarten. Valid values:
| [S_MO_STU_X]KG_Learning_Approach | R | O | O | O | O |
352 | KG Language and Literacy
| Indicates the language and literacy status of the student. Valid values:
| [S_MO_STU_X]KG_Language_Literacy | R | O | O | O | O |
353 | On Track to Graduate | Indicates whether the student is on track to graduate. The field is required for students in grades 9, 10, 11, and 12. Valid values
| [S_STU_X]OnTrackToGraduate | O | O | O | O | C |
354 | Credits Earned | The credits earned by the student. The field is required for students in grades 9, 10, 11, and 12. | [S_MO_STU_X]Credits_Earned or Calculated - sum of all earned credit hours on courses in the historical grades | C | O | O | O | C |
355 | ReadingSuccessPlan
| The type of Reading Success Plan. Valid values:
If REC RSP or UPDATE RSP are selected, then Primary Support Code and Primary Intervention Code is required. | [S_MO_STU_X]Reading_Success_Plan | O | O | R | O | R |
356 | RSPPrimaryIntervention
| The primary intervention for the Reading Success Plan. If Reading Success Plan is Y then this field is extracted for February and June extracts. If ReadingSuccessPlan is REC RSP or UPDATE RSP, then this field is required. | [S_MO_STU_X] RSP_Primary_Intervention | O | O | C | O | C |
357 | RSPPrimarySupport
| The primary support for the Reading Success Plan. If Reading Success Plan is Y then this field is extracted for February and June extracts. If ReadingSuccessPlan is REC RSP or UPDATE RSP, then this field is required. | [S_MO_STU_X] RSP_Primary_Support | O | O | C | O | C |
358 | MOQPK-LEA | Indication if this a Missouri Quality Pre-Kindergarten student. This field does not extract a value for April and December extracts. | [S_MO_STU_X] Quality_Pre_K | R | - | R | - | R |
359 | SecondaryDisability | Indicates the Secondary Disability condition for a student. Valid values:
| [S_MO_STU_X] Secondary_Disability | R | O | O | O | O |
Foster Care Business Rule
Scenario 1: For October, December, February, and April submissions
For the October, December, February, and April submissions, the student’s status as of the submission is reported as Y – Yes when:
Foster Care is checked
Foster Care Start Date less than or equal to (<=) the report Count Date
Foster Care End Date greater than or equal to (>=) the report Count Date OR End Date is blank/NULL
Otherwise, extract N – No.
Scenario 2: For June submission
For June submission, the student is reported as Y – Yes if identified as in Foster Care at any time during the school year:
Foster Care has any value checked or unchecked. If the student exits Foster Care status during the year, the user may deselect the checkbox. June logic is based on the Foster Care Entry and Exit Dates.
The Foster Care Entry and Exit Dates include at least one day that falls within the selected school year (Year Term). Note: the End Date may be NULL/blank
Otherwise, extract N – No.