Assessment Pre-Code Extract
Report Description
The Assessment Pre-Code is collected at the beginning of the year. This extract collects information for students taking the Grade Level MAP or EOC assessments. The MOSIS Assessment Pre-Code is collected five times a year for five assessments. This collection allows districts to submit student information for the purpose of pre-population of assessment testing labels.
This extract can only be run at the School level.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.
Student Selection
The report selects records from the [Students]tables based on the following criteria:
A course cannot be Excluded from State Reporting
A Section cannot be Excluded from the Assessment Pre-Code
The student must be enrolled in a course/section that has the corresponding Assessment Type selected.
The student must be active or pre-registered.
Assessment Selection
LEP/ELL (WIDA) –Spring Submission
All students in grades K-12 and that are coded as “Receiving Services” (RCV) for MO LEPELL are included in the extract.
Only students that are enrolled in a course/section the data will be included in the extract. The data is pulled from the field “ELL Status" where the “ELL Status="RCV.”
ACT – Spring Submission
All students in grade 11 and are enrolled in a course/section designated as Assessment Type ACT will be included in the extract.
MAP/MAP-A – Spring Submission
MAP students
All students in grades 3-8 who are not designated as MAP_Alternate will be reported for Math and ELA. Students in grades 5 and 8 will also be reported for Science.
MAP_Alternative Students
All students in grades 3-12 who are designated as MAP-A eligible will be reported for Math and ELA. Students in grades 5, 8 and 11 will also be reported for Science.
Sort Selection (Required for MAP)
If the Sort selection is “Blank” then no data will be reported in the Sort field. Users will need to manually fill in the column of data.
If the Sort selection is "Teacher Name" then the Sort field will be populated with the Teacher Last Name for the section assigned. Only the most current Lead Teacher will be reported.
If the Sort selection is “Homeroom” then the Sort field will use the [Students]Home_room field.
If the Sort selection is “Period” then the Sort field will use the period number for the section assigned.
EOC – Fall, Spring, Summer Submissions
All courses that will be tested for EOC must have Missouri State Information completed at the course and/or section level.
Courses must have Assessment Type, Subject and Testing Method defined.
Sections may have Assessment and Testing Method selections that will over-ride the Course settings.
Sections to be used for EOC Summer submission will have the “Use for Summer School” box selected.
The Examiner Email Address will return the email address of the teacher of record unless an email address has been entered at the Section.
Individual Sections can be excluded from EOC Pre-Coding by checking “Exclude from Assessment Pre-Code”, but will still be reported in other state reports.
Report Input
For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Select School | A school selection will only be available when in District Office. |
Student Selection | Select All or a Selection |
Assessment Type | Select the type of assessment:
Sort (Required for MAP Assessments) | For MAP assessments, select the information to be entered in the Sort column:
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Item | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | REQ |
005 | Collection Version | The report concatenates the current year, such as 2012 for the 2011-2012 school year, the assessment chosen at runtime, followed by 1.0AsmPre. | Derived | R |
010 | Current School Year | The ending year of the current school year, such as 2012 for the 2011-2012 school year. | [Terms]LastDay | R |
025 | Reporting District Code | The district number. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=districtnumber | R |
030 | Reporting School Code | The student’s school number. If the alternate school number is zero (0) then the school number will be reported. | [S_MO_CRS_X]ReportingSchool [S_MO_CRS_X]ReportingSchool [Schools]Alternate_School_Number [Schools]School_Number | R |
050 | MOSIS Student ID | The state-assigned student number. For more information, see MOSIS Reference Manual. All submitted students must have a unique state ID. The state ID is verified against the ID system SIDMASTER (State_Student_ID). | [Students]State_StudentNumber | R |
055 | Local Student ID | The student’s locally assigned identifier. | [Students]Student_Number | O |
060 | Legal Last Name | The student’s legal last name. | [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Last_Name Or, if NULL: [Students]Last_Name | R |
065 | Legal First Name | The student’s legal first name. | [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_First_Name Or, if NULL: [Students]First_Name | R |
070 | Legal Middle Name | The student’s legal middle name. | [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Middle_Name Or, if NULL: [Students]Middle_Name | O |
075 | Suffix | The student's legal name suffix; for example, Jr, Sr, III, IV | [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Suffix | O |
080 | Date Of Birth | The student’s date of birth. | [Students]DOB | R |
095 | Student Grade Level | The student’s grade level. | [Students]Grade_Level | R |
100 | Gender | The student’s gender. | [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Gender Or, if NULL: [Students]Gender | R |
105 | Race/Ethnicity | The student’s ethnicity. For code sets go to MO Core Data/MOSIS | [Students]FedEthnicity [StudentsRace] | R |
110 | Assessment | The name of the assessment included in this record. This value is determined by the assessment chosen at report runtime. For code sets go to MO Core Data/MOSIS | [S_MO_SEC_X]AssessmentType [S_MO_CRS_X]AssessmentType | R |
115 | Testing Method | Testing method is the method used to administer the assessment. Required for all students taking an EOC assessment. Valid values:
| [S_MO_CRS_X]TestMethod [S_MO_SEC_X]TestMethod | R |
130 | ED First Name | The first name of the educator administering the test. Required for all students taking an EOC assessment. Only the most current Lead Teacher will be reported. | [Users]First_Name | R |
135 | ED Last Name | The last name of the educator administering the test. Required for all students taking an EOC assessment. Only the most current Lead Teacher will be reported. | [Users]Last_Name | R |
140 | Subject | The subject matter of the test. Required for all students taking an EOC assessment. For code sets go to MO Core Data/MOSIS | [S_MO_CRS_X]EOCSubject | R |
145 | Period | The period of the school day during which the instruction took place. Required for all students taking an EOC assessment. For sections that cross multiple periods, only the lowest period number will be reported. | [Sections_Meeting]Period | C |
150 | Sort | The final value in which the labels will be sorted. Required for all students taking a MAP assessment. Only the most current Lead Teacher will be reported. | [Users]Last_Name [Students]Home_Room [Students]Team [Sections_Meeting]Period | C |
155 | Examiner Email | This email address will receive a username and password for EOC assessment administration. | [Users]Email_Addr [S_MO_CRS_X]ExamEmailOverride [S_MO_SEC_X]ExamEmailOverride | R |