Course Assignment Report
Report Description
The Course Assignment File requires a record for each position or assignment in each district school or central office. This file collects assignments for the entire regular school year and contains an educator’s identifier and assignment data including regular instructional or administrative assignments, planning time and travel time between buildings, course number, sequence, grade, semester, program code, delivery system, minutes per week, and units of credit.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.
Section Selection
The report selects records from the [Sections]tables based on the following criteria:
The school must not be Excluded from state reporting.
The Course must not be Excluded from State Reporting.
The Section must not be Excluded from the Course Assignment report.
All staff who need to be reported including lead teachers, co-teaching staff, special education teachers should be assigned course and a section.
Report Input
For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Select Schools | School Selection is only available at District Office. |
Current Selection Staff* | Select All Staff or the current selection. |
Select Submission Cycle* | Select October or June |
Term Abbreviation(s): | Choose the Term Abbreviation(s) to be reported. |
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Note: In the Required column, a value of “C” indicates that the element is conditional – if the element applies to the particular record, then it is required.
Item | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | OCT | JUN |
005 | Collection Version | The report concatenates the current year, such as 2012 for the 2011-2012 school year, the reporting cycle, followed by 1.0CrsAssign or 1.0SumCrsAssign. For example: 2012Oct1.0CrsAssign | [Terms]LastDay | R | R |
010 | Current School Year | The ending year of the current school year, such as 2012 for the 2011-2012 school year. | [Terms]LastDay | R | R |
025 | Reporting District Code | The district reporting the Course data. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=districtnumber | R | R |
030 | Reporting School Code | The school number for the section. If the alternate school number is zero (0) then the school number will be used. | [Schools]Alternate_School_Number [Schools]School_Number | R | R |
050 | ED SSN | The educator’s social security number, reported with the dashes removed. Note: Reports as blank if “50 – MOVIP” is selected from the Course Program Code field pop-up menu on the State Course Information page or State Sections Information page. | [Users]SSN | C | R |
060 | Legal Last Name | The educator’s legal last name. | [Users]Last_Name | O | R |
065 | Legal First Name | The educator’s legal first name. | [Users]First_Name | O | R |
070 | Position Code | The course or educator’s position code. Note: For code sets go to MO Core Data/MOSIS | [S_MO_CRS_X]PositionCode [S_MO_CRS_X]PositionCode Roles Administration > Co-Teaching > Reference Code | R | R |
080 | CTE Program Type | The program type code for the course or educator’s CTE-approved program. Note: For code sets go to MO Core Data/MOSIS | [S_MO_CRS_X]ProgType | C | O |
090 | Assignment Number | The internal ID of the section, as seen at the bottom of the Edit Section page. | [Sections]ID | R | R |
100 | Local Course Number | The course code that identifies assignment of the course. The alternate course number is reported, if populated. Otherwise, the course number is reported. | [Courses]Alt_Course_Number [Courses]Course_Number | O | O |
110 | Local Course Name | The course name. | [Courses]Course_Name | O | O |
120 | Local Section Number | The local section number. | [Sections]Section_Number | O | O |
130 | State Course Number | The state course code that identifies assignment. Note: Every assignment record must be identified by a course code except pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, and elementary classes in self-contained classrooms. If a teacher teaches the course for more than one level (Language Arts 1, 2, 3) in a self-contained elementary classroom or is teaching morning and afternoon pre-kindergarten or kindergarten classes, the assignments must be reported separately. For Special Education Co-Teachers, the additional teacher will automatically be assigned state course code 195000. For regular education co-teachers, the State Course Number will be reported as entered in the Sections (override) or Courses (default) pages. Note: For code sets go to MO Core Data/MOSIS | [S_MO_CRS_X]StateCourseNumber [S_MO_CRS_X]StateCourseNumber | C | C |
140 | Assignment Start Date | Date course is added after beginning of school year or filled for the first time after beginning of school year. | [SectionTeacher]Start_Date | C | O |
150 | Assignment End Date | Date course is eliminated prior to end of school year or individual is transferred out of position prior to the end of school year. | [SectionTeacher]End_Date | C | O |
170 | Course Sequence Number | The course sequence number that identifies the content of the course. Note: The sequence number can be a number from 1 to 9 (not Roman numeral), which identifies courses taught at more than one level (Language Arts 1, 2, 3; Algebra 1, 2, etc.). If a course is offered at more than one level, the proper sequence number must be entered for each course to receive proper credit on reports. | [Courses]CourseSeqNum | C | O |
180 | Course Grade | The course grade level Note: Grade level should reflect the grade at which the course curriculum is offered, which is not necessarily the grade level of the students in the classroom. | [Sections]courseGrade [Courses]CourseGrade | C | R |
190 | Semester | The portion of the year during which the course is taken. Valid values:
Note: If Course Semester is defined as being Full Year, and the Section Semester field has values of 1st, 2nd or 3rd Semester, the values in the Section Semester field override what is populated in the Course Semester field. | [S_MO_CRS_X]Semester [S_MO_SEC_X]Semester | C | O |
200 | Course Delivery System | The course delivery system. If the Delivery System in Sections is blank, the Course Delivery System will be returned. Note: For sections involving special education co-teachers, ensure that the Course Delivery System field is left blank; a value of "CO" will automatically be reported in the record for any special education co-teachers. For sections involving regular education co-teachers, ensure the Course Delivery System has a value of T0-T9; a value of 0-9 will automatically be reported in the record for any regular education co-teachers. Note: For code sets go to MO Core Data/MOSIS | [S_MO_SEC_X]DeliverySystem [S_MO_CRS_X]DeliverySystem | C | C |
210 | Course Program Code | The course program code that identifies special funding or approval. If the Program Code in Sections is blank, the Course Program Code will be returned. Note: If the code “50 – MOVIP” is selected for this field on the State Course page or State Section Information page, ED SSN reports as blank. For Co-Teaching, the additional teacher will automatically be assigned state course code 195000 and Program Code 06. Unlike special education co-teacher records, for regular education co-teachers the Course Program Code will be reported as entered in the Sections (override) or Courses (default) pages. Note: For code sets go MO Core Data/MOSIS | [S_MO_SEC_X]ProgramCode [S_MO_CRS_X]ProgramCode | C | C |
220 | Course Minutes | The minutes per week for class/assignment. Note: If the Minutes Per Week in Sections is blank, the Minutes Per Week in Courses will be returned. | [S_MO_CRS_X]MinperWeek [S_MO_SEC_X]MinperWeek | R | O |
230 | Course Credits | The units of high school credit granted for assignment. | [Courses]Credit_Hours | C | C |
235 | Caseload | The number of students served in the assignment/class, if this is not a regularly scheduled class. In Co-Teaching situations, the additional teacher will be assigned the Caseload. Unlike special education co-teacher records, for regular education co-teachers the Caseload values will be reported as entered in the Sections (override) or Courses (default) pages. | [S_MO_CRS_X]Caseload [S_MO_SEC_X]Caseload | C | C |
240 | Course Total Hours | The total number of hours the class meets during the full duration of the summer school program, normally 60-120 hours. Note: This element is reported for the June reporting cycle only. | [S_MO_SEC_X]CourseTotalHours [S_MO_CRS_X]CourseTotalHours | N | R |
242 | Assignment Comment | Free-form notes used to indicate (1) job titles for course 887900, (2) course titles for ‘Other’ (xxxx99) courses, (3) supplemental assignment for course 880000, (4) teachers assisted by an aide/paraprofessional, (5) aide/ paraprofessional assisting a teacher, or (6) other non-standard information. | [S_MO_CRS_X]Assn_Comment [S_MO_SEC_X]Assn_Comment | C | O |
245 | Combined Course | Combined classes are situations where students of two or more different subjects or course sequence levels (or grade levels for self-contained elementary classes) are taught during the same time period by the same teacher. | [S_MO_CRS_X]CombinedClass [S_MO_SEC_X]CombinedClass | C | C |
250 | Virtual Instruction | The section's or course's virtual instruction code for the teacher. Valid values: MOCAPI - MOCAP Instruction MOCAPC - MOCAP Curriculum Only | [S_MO_CRS_X]VirtualInstruction [S_MO_SEC_X]VirtualInstruction | R |