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MOSIS Submission Reports

MOSIS Submission Reports


Educator Core Exract (Beta)

Legacy: Educator Core Report

The Educator Core File requires a single record for every educator in the district and is used to report data items about each educator.

Educator School Extract (Beta)

Legacy: Educator School Report

The Educator School File requires a single record for every position an educator serves in a school. This file collects one or more records for each building in the district that the educator has a position code or approved career education position.

Course Assignment Report

The Course Assignment File requires a record for each position or assignment in each district school or central office. This file collects assignments for the entire regular school year and contains an educator’s identifier and assignment data including regular instructional or administrative assignments, planning time and travel time between buildings, course number, sequence, grade, semester, program code, delivery system, minutes per week, and units of credit.

Student Core Extract

The Student Core File collects descriptive data about students, including MOSIS student ID, residency status, membership, enrollment, demographic data, federal program participation (e.g., Title I, special education, LEP/ELL, migrant), state program participation, career education information, and other program related data.

Student Enrollment and Attendance

The Student Enrollment and Attendance File contains one or more records for every student served in the regular school year, including those students who transferred or dropped out in June, and those students with Summer School enrollment and attendance in August. These records must include entry/exit information and attendance information for each entry/exit segment. In June, a record is required for each time a student enters or exits a school, changes grade, or changes residency status.

Student Assignment Report

The Student Assignment File requires a record for each student enrolled in each educator's teaching assignment. An educator with a teaching assignment has a position code of 60. This file collects assignments for the entire regular school year.
This report can be run at the District or School level. The report can only be run for the entire district from the District Office. 

February Grad Follow-up

The February Grade Follow-Up file includes information about students who graduated the previous year, are IEP dropouts, and CTE Concentrators who are GED dropouts. This file collects one record for each student who graduated from the district the previous year. This report can be run at the District or School level. The report will only run for the district when in District Office. 

June Student Discipline Incident Management

Legacy: June Student Discipline Incident

School districts receiving funds under the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) and/or the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) are required to report all disciplinary incidents that result in in-school or out-of-school suspension (regardless of duration), expulsion, or unilateral removal to an interim educational setting. The data submitted in the June Cycle are used to satisfy the discipline-related reporting requirements for school districts under the federal Gun-Free School Act, NCLB, IDEA, and the state law (Section 160.522) concerning school district report cards. This report can be run at the District or School level. The report will only run for the district when in District Office. 

June Career Technical Student Organization (CTSO)

The June CTSO submission is used to report student participation in Career Tech Student Organizations. 

June Student Course Completion

This report lists the courses the selected students have taken and received a grade or have withdrawn. 

Assessment Pre-Code Extract

The Assessment Pre-Code is collected at the beginning of the year. This extract collects information for students taking the Grade Level MAP or EOC assessments. The MOSIS Assessment Pre-Code is collected five times a year for five assessments. This collection allows districts to submit student information for the purpose of pre-population of assessment testing labels. This extract can only be run at the School level.

ASVAB Report

The ASVAB Report is used to submit student test results for the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery assessment. This state submission is required annually in June. To be included in the report, the ASVAB test must be set up in the PowerSchool Tests component as described in the District Setup section.  The Test configuration requires specific naming conventions for the Test and each Test Score item.  Once the Test configuration is in place, ASVAB test score results must be entered or imported into PowerSchool Test Results. The report may be run from the district, or from an individual school. The Reporting School Code for the student’s current, active school of enrollment will be output.

Direct Certification Extract

The Direct Certification Extract reports student demographic data for submission to DESE for use in the Direct Certification process for students who qualify for the National School Lunch Program.

Direct Match Extract

The Direct Match Extract is used to match students who are enrolled in the district Free lunch program with the eScholar Uniq-ID DirectMatch module. The Direct Match Extract consists of an export file (for Private Schools only) with error checking and an import file for all schools to import student direct certification information into PowerSchool from eScholar. During the import, if a student is found who matches a student in the import file, the student's current lunch program is ended and a new "Free DC" lunch program is created . The Certificate Date parameter is used as the start date and end date of the new lunch program.

Uniq-ID State ID Request File

This report is designed to select all students or students without a state ID for submission to DESE. Only current and pre-registered students will be reported. This report can only be run for the entire district.

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