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Louisiana Reports in PowerSchool

The reports included in this guide are listed in the following table. This table includes the following elements:

  • Report Name – Name of the report as seen in PowerSchool.
  • Description – The purpose of the report.
  • Due Date / Cycle – The timeframe during which the report is submitted to the state.

Report Name


Due Date / Cycle

Louisiana State Reports

State Student Unique ID Extract

This report produces the output required to obtain a unique student ID number from the state for any student without a state student unique ID in PowerSchool. The output file is submitted to the state and matched against the state records. The file is then updated by the state with either a new number for students with no previous ID assigned or with an existing number if the student data matches a student who was previously assigned a number.

As needed

CUR – Curriculum Database

This report includes one record for each class the student is registered for within the LEA and outside the LEA. Special education services are also reported as class records. The Curriculum Database provides a link between students and teachers using a unique Class Code associated to each class.

August 1 – October 21

STS - Cross CheckThis is a district level report that crosschecks current year student enrollments to ensure there is a an exit date and exit code of "04" if the student has a graduation date entered. 

SIS – Event Collection System

Gathers discipline incident information and creates an extract file for submission to the state, which includes SIS Events (007), SIS Non-Student Perpetrator (094), and SIS Victim (093) records.

August 1 – October 25

November 8 – January 10

January 20 – February 21

March 18 – June 27

SIS – Student Information System

This report collects student demographic, enrollment, exit, discipline, and class schedule information.


August 10 – October 24

August 10 – January 9

January 19 – February 20

March 18 – June 26

PEP – Teacher Schedule Information

This report identifies the teacher associated with each class offered at each site and the teacher’s qualification for teaching the subject.

August 19 – October 25

November 4 – January 10

May 5 – July 30

SPC – Sponsor Site Calendar

The Sponsor Site Calendar is used to identify the time allocated to instruct students. The calendar is also used to edit Student Information System dates, calculate ADA and ADM, and verify compliance with mandated minimum days/minutes of instruction.

August 1 – August 30

January 20 – February 18

March 18 – April 14

SPS – Sponsor Site System

The Sponsor Site database contains basic information on public and non-public elementary, secondary, and post-secondary educational facilities and other non-educational facilities.

As needed to add or update database.

Database is rolled over at the end of each school year for updates for the following year.

TSDL – Student Roster DataThis report generates the Student Roster Data report for upload to Teacher Student Data Link (TSDL) system.

Sept 15 – Sept 22

January 12 – January 19

STS – Student Transcript System

This report collects student demographic and academic information.

October 1 – February 18

October 1 – June 17

August 17 – September 7


Student Upload

This report includes student demographic data for upload to the EAGLE system.

As needed

Teacher Upload

This report includes Teacher demographic data for upload to the EAGLE system.

As needed

User UploadThe User Upload provides user role details. 

Student Class Assignment Upload


This report includes student schedule data for upload to the EAGLE system.

As needed

LASATS – Louisiana Student Attendance Tracking System

LASATS Daily Feed Report

This report generates the daily feed reports for the Louisiana Student Attendance Tracking System.

As needed


Calculate Truancy - Legacy

This report calculates membership days and absent days for students during the report date range.

As needed

Incident Management Report

Allows users to query Incident Management data.

As needed


Generates a list of students who were retained during the school year entered at runtime.

As needed

Troubleshoot Attendance

This report calculates membership days and attendance days for students during the report date range.

As needed

Update Homeroom

This report identifies the homeroom class of the student and updates the Home_Room field in the database with the name of the teacher.

As needed

Legacy Reports

State Student Unique ID Extract - LegacyGenerates a state student unique ID request record. 

SIS - Student Information System - Legacy

This report gathers Student Information System (SIS) information and creates an extract file to send to the state.


STS - Student Transcript System - LegacyGathers information for STS (Student Transcript System) for students that did not graduate before Sept 1st of the current year and creates an extract file for submission to the state which includes Student (020) and Transcript (030) records. This report depends on the Graduated Before 9/1 flag. 
Class Upload - LegacyThis report includes section data for upload to the EAGLE system. EAGLE is an online system for teachers and students that provides detailed feedback regarding student proficiency with grade level expectations (GLEs).As needed
SIS – Student Information System – Pre-State Student Unique ID

This report collects student demographic, enrollment, exit, discipline, and class schedule information.

August 10 – October 24

August 10 – January 9

January 19 – February 20

March 18 – June 26

Student Upload LegacyGathers student demographic information for EAGLE and generates an extract file to populate the EAGLE system. This is the third record type to be loaded. 
Teacher Class Assignment UploadThis report includes teacher schedule data for upload to the EAGLE system.As needed
Teacher Upload LegacyGathers teacher demographic information for EAGLE and generates an extract file to populate the EAGLE system. This is the second record type to be loaded. 
STS – Student Transcript System – Pre-State Student Unique IDThis report collects student demographic and academic information.

October 1 – February 18

October 1 – June 17

August 17 – September 7

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