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CUR - Curriculum Database



This report includes one record for each class the student is registered for within the LEA and outside the LEA. Special education services are also reported as class records. The Curriculum Database provides a link between students and teachers using a unique Class Code associated to each class.

Values extracted on this report can be entered via Start Page > School Setup > Sections > choose a section > Edit Section.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Class Section Selection

The report selects records from the [Sections] table that meet the following criteria:

  • The school associated with the section must not be excluded from state reporting.
  • The section must not be excluded from state reporting.
  • The checkbox labeled “Duplicate Non-LEA class” must not be checked on the Edit Section page.
  • The term associated with the section must be within the current school year.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.




If run at the district level, choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:

  • Default – District Wide. Includes all records on the PowerSchool server that meet selection criteria.
  • Current School Only – Includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria.
  • District Wide – Includes all records on the PowerSchool server that meet the selection criteria.

If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

Select District

(Optional) If this option appears, select the District for which to run the report.


Choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:

  • Browser – View the report results in a browser.
  • Save as Local File (Default) – Save the report results as a text file to your computer and view the results using a text editor.

Y1 – Start Date

Enter the first day of the school year to override the value in the school calendar.

Y2 – End Date

Enter the last day of the school year to override the value in the school calendar.

S1 – Start Date

Enter the first day of semester 1 to override the value in the school calendar.

S1 – End Date

Enter the last day of semester 1 to override the value in the school calendar.

S2 – Start Date

Enter the first day of semester 2 to override the value in the school calendar.

S2 – End Date

Enter the last day of semester 2 to override the value in the school calendar.

Q1 – Start Date

Enter the first day of quarter 1 to override the value in the school calendar.

Q1 – End Date

Enter the last day of quarter 1 to override the value in the school calendar.

Q2 – Start Date

Enter the first day of quarter 2 to override the value in the school calendar.

Q2 – End Date

Enter the last day of quarter 2 to override the value in the school calendar.

Q3 – Start Date

Enter the first day of quarter 3 to override the value in the school calendar.

Q3 – End Date

Enter the last day of quarter 3 to override the value in the school calendar.

Q4 – Start Date

Enter the first day of quarter 4 to override the value in the school calendar.

Q4 – End Date

Enter the last day of quarter 4 to override the value in the school calendar.

T1 – Start Date

Enter the first day of trimester 1 to override the value in the school calendar.

T1 – End Date

Enter the last day of trimester 1 to override the value in the school calendar.

T2 – Start Date

Enter the first day of trimester 2 to override the value in the school calendar.

T2 – End Date

Enter the last day of trimester 2 to override the value in the school calendar.

T3 – Start Date

Enter the first day of trimester 3 to override the value in the school calendar.

T3 – End Date

Enter the last day of trimester 3 to override the value in the school calendar.

Check to override start and end dates with term dates above

Select the checkbox to use the values entered above to override the dates in the school calendar, entered via Start Page > School Setup > Years & Terms.

Check if using trimesters

Select the checkbox to indicate that trimesters are used as school terms.

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Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Item #

Data Element





System Indicator

Always extracted as “CUR.”




Record Type

Always extracted as “10.”




Beginning School Session Year

The beginning year of a school session, such as 2010 for 2010-2011. This is the school year selected at report runtime. To change this value, click Term at the top of the page, choose the correct term and re-run the report.





Sponsor Code

The sponsor code of the district submitting data. The report extracts the first three digits of the site code.




School/Site Code

The section’s site code, extracted from the Non-LEA Site Code field on the Edit Section page.




Class Code

The code that uniquely identifies a class in the CUR record. The report extracts the value in the Non-LEA Class Code field on the Edit Section page, if populated. Otherwise, the report extracts the section number and course number assigned to the section.

[S_LA_SEC_X]NonLEAClassCode or

[Courses]Course_Number +




Course Code

The state course code assigned by the Louisiana Department of Education (LDE). If the Alternate Course Number field is blank at the course level, then the course number is extracted from the section record.





Class Begin Date

The date on which the class begins. If the override was selected at report runtime, then the user-defined date is reported.

Otherwise, the report extracts the first day of the term assigned to the section. The term is assigned on the Edit Section page using the Term field. The first day of the term is set up via Start Page > School Setup > Years & Terms > Edit Terms.




Class End Date

The date on which the class ends. If the override was selected at report runtime, then the user-defined date is reported.

Otherwise, the report extracts the last day of the term assigned to the section. The term is assigned on the Edit Section page using the Term field. The last day of the term is set up via Start Page > School Setup > Years & Terms > Edit Terms.




Total Class Time Count

The total number of minutes of class time for the entire year (or shorter term, if applicable). This value is extracted from the Total Class Time field on the Edit Section page.




Special Education Classroom Setting Code

The instructional setting of the classroom. This field applies only to special education classes. This value is extracted from the Special Education Placement Setting Code field on the Edit Section page.




Course Type Code

The code used to identify the type of course. This value is extracted from the Override Course Type Code field on the Edit Section page. If the section field is blank, then the value is extracted from the Course Type Code field on the Edit Course District Information page.

Refer to the Appendix for a list of valid values.





Distance Learning Code

The code used to identify the type of distance learning class. This value is extracted from the Override Distance Learning Type Code field on the Edit Section page. If the section field is blank, then the value is extracted from the Distance Learning Type Code field on the Edit Course District Information page.

Valid values:

  • Blank – Not Applicable
  • 01 – Louisiana Virtual School courses
  • 02 – 8g Satellite courses
  • 03 – Other Distance Learning





Local Course Name

The name of the course as assigned by the district. This field is optional. This value is extracted from the Course Name field on the Edit Course District Information page.




Local Course Code

The course number as assigned by the district. This field is optional. This value is extracted from the Course Number field on the Edit Course District Information page.




Class Setting

The class setting number. Valid values: 1-99. This value is extracted from the Class Setting Number field on the Edit Section page.




Starting Semester Number

The semester in which the class starts. This value is extracted from the Starting Semester Number field on the Edit Section page.

Valid values: 1, 2, 3, and 4.




Team Teaching Flag

This is an Alphanumeric Flag of Y or N to identify a course as being taught by multiple teachers.



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