PEP - Teacher Schedule Information
This report identifies the teacher associated with each class offered at each site and the teacher’s qualification for teaching the subject.
There are two versions of the PEP report. The new version under Louisiana State Reports utilizes the State Reporting Platform (SRP) and will create records for both the lead and co-teachers for each section. This version will also output the teacher of record as of the count date when a teacher has been replaced in a section. The new version of the report does NOT output the “non-210” record format.
Because of the co-teacher functionality, the setup for the “12 Hour Flag” (teacher is not credentialed for the course but can teach the course because they have taken 12 credit hours of schooling in the course subject area) has been co-located to both Section Setup and to Staff > Select a Staff Member > Information > LA State Report Information > User Course Detail. If running the new SRP version of the report, you MUST set the 12 Hour Flag, if applicable for the teacher, at the staff level and not at the section level. The section level flag will only be used by the legacy version (3.6) of the PEP report.
The new report will also pull the earlier teacher of record for a section if the lead teacher has been replaced after the count date of the report. Previously the report would pull the current lead teacher.
Note: The 12 Hour Flag setup uses database extensions and part of the implementation relies on database extension framework, which is only available in PowerSchool 7.11 or higher. Therefore, you MUST be on PowerSchool version 7.11 or higher if BOTH of the following conditions apply:
1) You use co-teaching setup and you want to report co-teacher records to the state using the PEP report.
2) You have teachers that need the 12 Hour Flag set in the report because they are not credentialed for the course but can teach it because of the 12 credit hour rule.
If you use co-teaching and do not have any teachers that require the 12 Hour Flag to be set, you can run the new version of the report on PowerSchool versions lower than 7.11. If you do not use co-teaching but have lead teachers with the 12 Hour Flag set at the section level, you should continue to use the legacy version of the report until you upgrade to PowerSchool 7.11 or higher.
The legacy version of the PEP report is located under the Legacy Reports section. This version of the report does not work with co-teaching or teacher of record functionality. This version DOES output the “non-210” record format if specified at runtime.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.
Class Section Selection
The report selects records from the [Sections] table that meet the following criteria:
- The school associated with the section must not be excluded from state reporting.
- The section must not be excluded from state reporting.
- The term associated with the section must be within the current school year.
Report Input
For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
SRP PEP when running at the school level | |
Select Schools | Choose one of the following:
Note: The All Schools option is only available when running the report from the District Office. |
Report Date (required) | Enter the LEADS count date. The report will return the Lead and Co-Teacher(s) of record as of the LEADS count date. For any sections not active as of the LEADS count date (e.g. Semester 2 courses), the teachers of record as of the last day of the term will be reported. |
SRP PEP when running at the district level | |
Select Sub-District | (Optional) If this option appears, select the Sub-District for which to run the report. |
Select Schools | Choose one of the following:
Legacy PEP when running at the school or district level | |
Use | Choose one of the following:
Destination | Choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:
Check to use record layout for class schedule record (210) | Select the checkbox to report the 210layout. |
Select Sub-District | (Optional) If present and running thereportdistrict wide, select the sub-district you want to run the report for. |
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Note: This report can be run for the 210 record format, or in a default format with fewer fields. The Record column in the table below indicates the fields included in each format.
Record | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Length |
210 | System Indicator | Always extracted as “PEP.” | “PEP” | 3 |
210 | Record Type | Always extracted as “210.” | “210” | 3 |
210 | Beginning School Session Year | The beginning year of a school session, such as 2010 for 2010-2011. This is the school year selected at report runtime. To change this value, click Term at the top of the page, choose the correct term and re-run the report. | Year part of [Terms]FirstDay where [Terms]IsYearRec = 1 | 4 |
Both | Sponsor Code | The sponsor code of the district submitting data. The report extracts the first three digits of the site code. | [S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode | 3 |
Both | School/Site Code | The school’s site code, reported from the Site Code field entered via Start Page > District Setup > Schools/School Info > Edit School. | [S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode | 6 |
Both | Social Security Number | The social security number of the employee. This value is extracted from the Override Teacher SSN field on the Edit Section page. If that field is blank, then the value is extracted from the SSN field on the Edit Information staff page. The staff SSN is reported with dashes removed. Note: For employee status codes 01, 03, 04, and 05, this field is required. For employee status code 02, use the official SSN if known, or substitute 998 followed by the three-digit sponsor code and a three-digit sequential number. | [S_LA_SEC_X]OverrideTeacherSSN [Teachers]SSN | 9 |
210 | Filler | Filler | N/A | 8 |
210 | Filler | Filler | N/A | 3 |
210 | Filler | Filler | N/A | 4 |
Both | Class Code | The class code assigned by the district and submitted via the Curriculum Schedule record. | [Sections]Course_Number, [Sections]Section_Number | 20 |
Non-210 | Course Code | The state course code assigned by the Louisiana Department of Education (LDE). If the Alternate Course Number field is blank at the course level, then the course number is extracted from the section record. | [Courses]Alt_Course_Number [Sections]Course_Number | 6 |
Both | Twelve Hour Flag | Indicates that the teacher’s certificate does not list an endorsement for this specific course, but that they earned 12 hours of college credit in the subject area. Under this rule, the teacher is allowed to teach two classes in this subject. Valid values: Y or N | [S_LA_USR_Courses_C]SubjArea12CrHrFlag if running the SRP version of the report. [S_LA_SEC_X]TwelveHourFlag_TF if running the legacy version of the report. | 1 |
Non-210 | Teacher Number | The teacher’s district assigned identifier. | [Teachers]TeacherNumber | 10 |
210 | Total Class Time Percent | The percentage of time this teacher is allocated to teach this class. | [SectionTeacher]Allocation or if null set to 100 if running the SRP version of the report. [S_LA_SEC_X]TotalClassTimePercentage or if null set to 100 if running the legacy version of the report. | 3 |