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STS - Student Transcript System



This report collects student demographic and academic information that can be used to create student transcripts.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Student Selection

The report selects records from the [Students] table that meet the following criteria:

  • The student’s school exit date must occur on or after the report start date.
  • The student’s school entry date must occur on or before the report end date.
  • The student’s school exit date must occur after their school entry date.
  • The student, the student’s school, and the student’s school enrollment must not be excluded from state reporting.
  • The student must not be excluded from the STS report ([S_LA_STU_X]State_ExcludeFromSTS = 1 if excluded)
  • If the File Type chosen at report runtime is 1 (Partial File), then the Partial File Indicator field on the Louisiana State Information page must be checked for the student.
  • The student must be enrolled in grade-level T9, 9, 10, 11, or 12 or in grade-level 6, 7, or 8 if "Include Students in Grades 6-8" is checked on the report run page.
  • To be included in the STS report the student must not be marked as “Graduated before 9/1” on the Additional State Information student page.
  • To be included in the STS Pre-Sept 1st Graduates report, the student must be marked as “Graduated before 9/1” on the Additional State Information student page.

Grade Selection

The report selects stored grades records from the [StoredGrades] table that meet the following criteria:

  • The potential credit hours ([StoredGrades]PotentialCrHrs) of the stored grade record must be greater than zero OR
  • The “Include in STS Despite Potential Credit” ([StoredGrades]AB_Lng_CD=1) box is checked OR
  • The letter grade stored is an “E” ([StoredGrades]Grade) OR
  • The stored grade course number is “230000” ([StoredGrades]Course_Number)

Note: The report does not look at Credits Earned for determining whether or not the grade record should be included in the report.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Select Schools

Choose one of the following:

  • Current School Only – Includes all student records associated with the current school that meet selection criteria. To change the current school, click the School link at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.
  • All Schools – Includes all student records on the PowerSchool server that meet selection criteria. Only available when running the report from the District Office.

Select District

(Optional) If this option appears, select the District for which to run the report.

Select Students

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The Selected [number] Students Only – Run the report for students in the current selection.
  • All Students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

If you are running the report for a single student, or a group of students, select the students before running the report.

Report Start Date

Enter the report start date.

Report End Date

Enter the report end date.

This should be the “snapshot date.” If you generate an SIS report for the October submission, enter the appropriate October snapshot date. If you generate an SIS report for the February submission, enter the February snapshot date. If you generate an SIS report for EOY, enter the last day of school for students.

Query Type (Usedbyquery)*

Choose one of the following file types.

  • 1 – Uses Partial File Indicator
  • 3 – All Students

File Type 1 extracts students with a Partial File Indicator. If you run the report for the current selection of students, File Type 1 extracts students in the current selection with a Partial File Indicator.

File Type (Used for header record)*

Choose one of the following file types.

  • 1 – 1 is placed in the header record
  • 3 – 3 is placed in the header record

File Type 1 extracts students with a Partial File Indicator. If you run the report for the current selection of students, File Type 1 extracts students in the current selection with a Partial File Indicator.

LEA Code*

Enter the three-digit LEA code for the District.

  • If sub-districts are set up and the current school is included in a sub-district, the LEA code defaults to the first three characters of the associated sub-district number. If sub-districts are set up and the current school is not included in a sub-district, the LEA code defaults to the first three characters of the district number.
  • If sub-districts are set up but PowerSchool is set to report from the district level, the LEA code defaults to empty and a value must be entered.
  • If no sub-districts are set up, the LEA code defaults to the first three characters of the district number.

Grade Point Max Regular*

Enter the 3 digit Grade Point Maximum value for Regular classes (no decimal)

Example: 4.00 will be entered as 400

Applies to Course/Section/StoredGrade records with a Course Type Code of ‘RG’

Grade Point Max - Honors

Enter the 3 digit Grade Point Maximum value for Honors classes (no decimal)

Example: 5.00 will be entered as 500

Applies to Course/Section/StoredGrade records with a Course Type Code of ‘HR’

Grade Point Max - Gifted

Enter the 3 digit Grade Point Maximum value for Gifted classes (no decimal)

Example: 4.00 will be entered as 400

Applies to Course/Section/StoredGrade records with a Course Type Code of ‘GT’

Grade Point Max – Adv Placement

Enter the 3 digit Grade Point Maximum value for Advanced Placement classes (no decimal)

Example: 5.00 will be entered as 500

Applies to Course/Section/StoredGrade records with a Course Type Code of ‘AP’

Grade Point Max – Intl Baccalaureate

Enter the 3 digit Grade Point Maximum value for International Baccalaureate classes (no decimal)

Example: 4.00 will be entered as 400

Applies to Course/Section/StoredGrade records with a Course Type Code of ‘IB’

Grade Point Max – Special Ed

Enter the 3 digit Grade Point Maximum value for Special Education classes (no decimal)

Example: 4.00 will be entered as 400

Applies to Course/Section/StoredGrade records with a Course Type Code of ‘SE’

Grade Point Max – Talented

Enter the 3 digit Grade Point Maximum value for Talented classes (no decimal)

Example: 4.00 will be entered as 400

Applies to Course/Section/StoredGrade records with a Course Type Code of ‘TA’

Grade Point Max – Dual Enrollment

Enter the 3 digit Grade Point Maximum value for Dual Enrollment classes (no decimal)

Example: 4.00 will be entered as 400

Applies to Course/Section/StoredGrade records with a Course Type Code of ‘DE’

Grade Point Max – Dual Enrollment/ Honors

Enter the 3 digit Grade Point Maximum value for Dual Enrollment/Honors classes (no decimal)

Example: 4.00 will be entered as 400

Applies to Course/Section/StoredGrade records with a Course Type Code of ‘DH’

Grade Point Max – Dual Enrollment/ Advanced Placement

Enter the 3 digit Grade Point Maximum value for Dual Enrollment/ Advanced Placement classes (no decimal)

Example: 4.00 will be entered as 400

Applies to Course/Section/StoredGrade records with a Course Type Code of ‘DA’

Grade Point Max – Dual Enrollment/ International Baccalaureate

Enter the 3 digit Grade Point Maximum value for Dual Enrollment/ International Baccalaureate classes (no decimal)

Example: 4.00 will be entered as 400

Applies to Course/Section/StoredGrade records with a Course Type Code of ‘DI’

Check to include GPA and Rank

Select this checkbox to include GPA and Class Rank in the extract

Credit Value for 7th Sem Grades

Enter the three-digit credit value of your 7th-semester grades (no decimal).

Example: 0.50 will be entered as 050

If a grade has potential credit hours or earned credit hours of 0, this value will be used instead of 0.

Include students with the following exit codes (Multiple codes can be selected)

Select the exit codes that will be used for student selection.

All active and inactive students with exit codes matching the exit codes selected will be included in the report.

Check to report Pre-Sept 1st Graduates Only

Select to output Pre-September 1st graduates only.

Check to override Grade Point Maximum Count (not used)

This parameter is no longer used.

Include Students in Grades 6-8Select the checkbox to include students in grades 6 through 8.
Check to use Grade Scale for Grade Point MaxSelect the checkbox to output the maximum GPA based on grade scale value.

Select Sub District

If your District has sub-districts, select the sub-district.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Student Record (020)

Item #

Data Element






System Indicator

Always extracted as “STS.” Required.





Transaction Code

Always extracted as “020.” Required.





Session Year

The year of a school session, such as 2017-2018. This is the school year selected at report runtime. To change this value, click Term at the top of the page, choose the correct term, and re-run the report.







LEA/Sponsor Code

The sponsor code of the district submitting data. The report extracts the first three digits of the site code. The value is extracted from the Student Override Site Code field on the Louisiana State Information page. Otherwise, the value is extracted from the Edit School page at the district level.



  • If sub-districts are set and the current school is included in a sub-district, the LEA code defaults to the first three characters of the associated sub-district number. If sub-districts are set and the current school is not included in a sub-district, the LEA code defaults to the first three characters of the district number.
  • If sub-districts are set but PowerSchool is set to report from the district level, the LEA code defaults to empty and needs to be entered.
  • If no sub-districts are set, the LEA code defaults to the first three characters of the district number.






Student’s State ID Number

The student’s state-assigned identifier. Required.





Student’s Local ID Number

The locally assigned student identifier.





School/Site Code

The sponsor code of the district submitting data. The value is extracted from the Student Override Site Code field on the Louisiana State Information page. Otherwise, the value is extracted from the Edit School page at the district level.







Partial Student First Name

The first character of the student’s first name.

Derived from [Students]First_Name










Partial Student Last Name

The first three characters of the student’s last name.

Derived from [Students]Last_Name










Day of Birth

The day the student was born as appears on the student’s birth certificate.

Derived from [Students]DOB










Gender Code

The student’s gender.

Valid values:

  • M Male
  • F Female





Grade Placement Code

The student’s grade level as of the submission year.

Valid values:

  • 06-08
  • T9-12


If [Students]Grade_Level = 9 and [S_LA_STU_TransNinthGrade_X] TransNinthYearID = current school year ID then T9.




Grade 9 Entry Year

The year during which the student entered grade 9. For example, 2018 for 2017-2018. Required only for grade levels T9-12.

[S_LA_STU_Academics_X] YearEnteredNinthGrade




Graduation Date

The date of the student’s graduation. This date must fall between 9/1 and 8/31 of the current beginning school session year (such as 2018 for 2017-2018). This field should be blank if the student did not graduate or has not met all graduation requirements.

[S_LA_STU_Academics_X] GraduationDate




Career Option Code

The student's career option code, if applicable, which corresponds to the Area of Concentration or Jumpstart Pathway in the TOPS Core Reference Tables. Blank if not applicable or if the student is in grades 6-8.

See the Appendix for valid values.

Reporting_Value from Career_Option_Code code set for [S_LA_STU_Academics_X] CareerOptionCode field




Academic Endorsement

The student’s academic endorsement, if applicable. Used for students in grades T9-12 only.

[S_LA_STU_Academics_X] AcademicEndorsement




Career/Tech Endorsement

The student’s career/tech endorsement, if applicable. Used for students in grades T9-12 only.

[S_LA_STU_Academics_X] CareerTechEndorsement




Met Assessment Requirements for Diploma

Indicates if the student met the requirements on GEE, if applicable.

Valid values:

  • Y – Student met graduation requirement on GEE or EOC
  • N - The student has not taken or not successfully passed the subject area assessment

Used for students in grades T9-12 only.

[S_LA_STU_Academics_X] MetAssessRequirementsDiploma




Local GPA

The GPA of the student using a local (non-state) GPA Calculation Method. The GPA Calculation Method must be set up with the name LASRC via Start Page > District Setup > GPA Calculations > Calculation Methods > New/Edit GPA Calculation Method. See District Setup for more information.





Local Rank in Class: Position in Class

The student’s rank placement within the grade level. This field is optional. The value is calculated using a Class Rank Method with the name LASRC, which must be set up via Start Page > School Setup > Class Rank > Class Rank Methods. See School Setup for more information. If there is no value for the field, then the words Not Ranked are reported.

Used only for students in grades T9-12.






Local Rank in Class: Size of Class

The size of the class for the student’s grade level. This field is optional. If there is no value for the field, then the words Not Ranked are reported.

Valid values:

  • Y Yes
  • N No

Used only for students in grades T9-12.






Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity Flag

Indicates if the student’s ethnicity is Hispanic.

Valid values:

  • Y – Yes
  • N – No





American Indian or Alaskan Native Race Flag

Indicates if the student’s race is American Indian or Alaskan Native.

Valid values:

  • Y – Yes
  • N – No

[StudentRace]RaceCd = AA




Asian Race Flag

Indicates if the student’s race is Asian.

Valid values:

  • Y – Yes
  • N – No

[StudentRace]RaceCd = AS




Black or African American Race Flag

Indicates if the student’s race is Black or African American.

Valid values:

  • Y – Yes
  • N – No

[StudentRace]RaceCd = BA




Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Race Flag

Indicates if the student’s race is Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.

Valid values:

  • Y – Yes
  • N – No

[StudentRace]RaceCd = NO




White Race Flag

Indicates if the student’s race is white.

Valid values:

  • Y – Yes
  • N – No

[StudentRace]RaceCd = WH




Diploma Pathway

Indicates the diploma pathway the student has chosen.

Valid values:

  • Blank
  • CA – TOPSTech Jumpstart Career Diploma
  • L1 – TOPSTech Jumpstart Career Diploma alternate pathway for students assessed on LAA1
  • TU – TOPS University Diploma
  • ND – Not Declared
  • CD – Historical career diploma/older graduates.
  • NG - Non-Graduate/Non-Diploma Seeking
  • C4 – Core 4 pathway (Discontinued for students who graduated 2016-17 and later.)
  • C5 – Basic Core pathway (Discontinued for students who graduated 2016-17 and later.)
  • C6 – Core 4 with CTE (Discontinued for students who graduated 2016-17 and later.)

Required for students in grades T9-12 only.

[S_LA_STU_Demographics_X] DiplomaPathway





LOSFA/BOR Consent Flag

Indicates if a parental consent form is on file with the school allowing the school to disclose transcript data to LOSFA or postsecondary institutions.

Valid values:

  • Y – Yes
  • N – No






FAFSA Collection

Indicates if the student has a FAFSA application on file.

Valid values:

  • 1 - FAFSA Completion
  • 2 - TOPS Form Completion
  • 3 - Parental/Guardian Waiver
  • 4 - Hardship Waiver
  • Blank if unknown or not completed (non-graduates)

Required for graduates beginning in the 2017-18 school year.





Community Service Endorsement

The student’s community service endorsement, if applicable.

Valid values:

  • Blank
  • C1 - Documented approved community service hours

Used for students in grades T9-12 only.

[S_LA_STU_Academics_X] CommunityServiceEndorsement




State Seal of Bi-Literacy

The student’s biliteracy endorsement, if applicable.

Applies to grades T9-12 only.

Valid values:

  • Blank
  • D1 - AP Course (test score 3 or higher)
  • D2 - IB Course (test score 4 or higher)
  • D3 - DOE-approved equivalent summative test
  • D4 - 4 units in World Language/7 units or more in world language immersion
  • D5 - Internationally-benchmarked language exam (DELF, DELE, ACTFL)
  • D6 - Primary Language w/Early Advanced on ELDA;
  • OE-approved equivalent summative test

Used for students in grades T9-12 only.

[S_LA_STU_Academics_X] BiliteracyEndorsement




EOC Subject Area (ELA)

Indicates how the student met the diploma assessment requirements for ELA.

Valid values:

    • P – The student passed the subject area assessment
    • A – The student is April Dunn eligible and met the subject area assessment requirement using alternate means
    • G – The student was LEAP Connect and used a growth portfolio
    • E - The student was exempt due to out of state or nonpublic enrollment while earning the credit or due to other DOE waiver
    • N - The student has not taken or not successfully passed the subject area assessment
    • L - The student is LEAP Connect eligible and was taking LEAP Connect

Used for students in grades T9-12 only.

[S_LA_STU_Academics_X] DiplomaReq_ELA




EOC Subject Area (Math)

Indicates how the student met the diploma assessment requirements for Math.

Valid values:

    • P – The student passed the subject area assessment
    • A – The student is April Dunn eligible and met the subject area assessment requirement using alternate means
    • G – The student was LEAP Connect and used a growth portfolio
    • E - The student was exempt due to out of state or nonpublic enrollment while earning the credit or due to other DOE waiver
    • N - The student has not taken or not successfully passed the subject area assessment
    • L - The student is LEAP Connect eligible and was taking LEAP Connect

Used for students in grades T9-12 only.

[S_LA_STU_Academics_X] DiplomaReq_Math




EOC Subject Area (Science)

Indicates how the student met the diploma assessment requirements for Science.

Valid values:

    • P – The student passed the subject area assessment
    • A – The student is April Dunn eligible and met the subject area assessment requirement using alternate means
    • G – The student was LEAP Connect and used a growth portfolio
    • E - The student was exempt due to out of state or nonpublic enrollment while earning the credit or due to other DOE waiver
    • N - The student has not taken or not successfully passed the subject area assessment
    • L - The student is LEAP Connect eligible and was taking LEAP Connect

Used for students in grades T9-12 only.

[S_LA_STU_Academics_X] DiplomaReq_Science




EOC Subject Area (Social Studies)

Indicates how the student met the diploma assessment requirements for Social Studies.

Valid values:

    • Blank - The student has not taken or not successfully passed the subject area assessment
    • P – The student passed the subject area assessment
    • A – The student is April Dunn eligible and met the subject area assessment requirement using alternate means
    • G – The student was LEAP Connect and used a growth portfolio
    • E - The student was exempt due to out of state or nonpublic enrollment while earning the credit or due to other DOE waiver
    • N - The student has not taken or not successfully passed the subject area assessment
    • L - The student is LEAP Connect eligible and was taking LEAP Connect

Used for students in grades T9-12 only.

[S_LA_STU_Academics_X] DiplomaReq_SocialStudies



40Post High School Code

Indicates the student's plans after graduation.

Valid values:

  • Blank
  • 01 - 4 year college
  • 02 - 2 year college
  • 03 - Military
  • 04 - Propel
  • 05 - Employment
  • 06 - OneGoal
  • 07 - Advanced Training
  • 08 - Extension Academy
  • 09 - Service Program
  • 10 - Other

Transcript Record (030)

Item #

Data Element





System Indicator

Always extracted as “STS.” Required.




Transaction Code

Always extracted as “030.” Required.




Session Year

The year of a school session, such as 2010-2011. This is the school year selected at report runtime. To change this value, click Term at the top of the page, choose the correct term, and re-run the report.






LEA/Sponsor Code

The sponsor code of the district submitting data. The report extracts the first three digits of the site code. Required.

[S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode or




Student’s State ID Number

The student’s state-assigned identifier. Required.




Course Beginning School Session Year

The year in which the course began. For 2010-2011, report 2010. The value is reported based on the term associated with the stored grade.




Course Code

The valid course code of the course in which the student was enrolled. The value is reported from the Alternate Course Number field on the Edit Course District Information page. If this field is blank, the value is reported from the stored grade.





Course Part Number

Distinguishes the first half of the course from the second half of the course. This value is required for LEAs that report 1.0 unit courses as two 0.5 unit courses. Use a value of 1 for the first part and 2 for the second part. Leave this field blank if not applicable. This value is reported from the Course Part Number field on the Edit Stored Grade field for the student.





Semester Code

The semester code in which the student was enrolled in the course. The values Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4 are converted to B1, B2, B3, and B4, respectively. The value is reported from the Store code field on the Edit Stored Grade page.

Valid values:

  • B1
  • B2
  • B3
  • B4
  • C1
  • C2
  • S1
  • S2
  • Z1
  • Z2
  • Y1




Letter Grade Code

The letter grade awarded to the student for the course.

Valid values:

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • F
  • P (Pass)
  • E (Exempt)




Credit Attempted Count

The credit attempted by the student for the course, such as 0.25, 0.50, or 1.00. The value is reported from the “Credit Value for 7th Sem Grades” field, which can be populated on the report run page. If this field was not populated when running the report, then the value is reported from the Potential credit hours field on the Edit Stored Grades page.




Credit Earned Count

The credit earned by the student for the course, such as 0.25, 0.50, or 1.00. This value is reported if the student’s letter grade for the course is not F. The value is reported from the “Credit Value for 7th Sem Grades” field, which can be populated on the report run page. If this field was not populated when running the report, then the value is reported from the Earned credit hours field on the Edit Stored Grades page.




Grade Point Maximum Count

The maximum grade points that can be earned for the course, such as 4.00 or 5.00, i.e. the number of grade points awarded for a grade of A. This value is reported based on the Course Type Code entered on the Edit Stored Grades page.

Valid values:

  • Course Type RG = “Grade Point Max Regular” entered at report runtime.
  • Course Type HR = “Grade Point Max – Honors” entered at report runtime.
  • Course Type GT = “Grade Point Max – Gifted” entered at report runtime.
  • Course Type AP = “Grade Point Max - Adv Placement” entered at report runtime.
  • Course Type IB = “Grade Point Max - Intl Baccalaureate” entered at report runtime.
  • Course Type SE = “Grade Point Max - Special Ed” entered at report runtime.
  • Course Type TA = “Grade Point Max – Talented” entered at report runtime.
  • Course Type DE = “Grade Point Max - Dual Enrollment” entered at report runtime.
  • Course Type DH = “Grade Point Max - Dual Enrollment Honors” entered at report runtime.
  • Course Type DA = “Grade Point Max - Dual Enrollment Advanced Placement” entered at report runtime.
  • Course Type DI = “Grade Point Max - Dual Enrollment International Baccalaureate” entered at report runtime.

Based on [S_LA_SEC_X]OverrideCourseType

Or [S_LA_SGR_X]OverrideCourseTypeCode



Core Curriculum Waiver Flag

Indicates if the student was exempted from a core course.

Valid values:

  • Y
  • N




Course Sponsor Code

The sponsor code of the LEA in which the student took the course. This field is required for public school districts. If the Course Equivalent field is blank and if the Taken Out of State field is not selected, then the report extracts the first three digits of the Sponsor Code.




If Course Type Code = DE then [S_LA_SEC_X]



Course Site Code

The sponsor code of the LEA in which the student took the course. This field is required for public school districts. If the Course Equivalent field is blank and if the Taken Out of State field is not selected, then the report extracts the SiteCode.




If Course Type Code = DE then [S_LA_SEC_X]



Course Site Name

The name of the school in which the student took the course. This field is used for transfer credit only and only required if the Course Site Code is not reported.




Transcript Course Name

The name of the course in which the student was enrolled. This field is only required if the name is different from the LDE course description.




Quality Points Awarded Count

The number of points awarded for the letter grade for the course. This field is reported as the number of GPA points associated with the letter grade plus the number of Added Value points associated with the letter grade. The letter grade is automatically assigned a point value via Start Page > District Setup > Grade Scales > Edit Scale > Edit Grade > Grade Points. Otherwise, the point value can be edited on the Historical Grades student page.





Course Type Code

Identifies the type of course.






Distance Learning Course Type Code

Indicates the type of distance learning course, if applicable.

Valid values:

  • 01 –Louisiana Virtual School Courses
  • 02 – 8g Satellite Courses
  • 03 – Other Distance Learning





Local Course Code

The course code assigned by the district/LEA.





Dual Enrollment Post-Secondary Credit Hours

If the course sponsor code is designated DE, DA, DH, or DI, this field is populated with the dual enrollment post-secondary credit hours earned through the dual enrollment course. If the course sponsor code is not one of the designated codes, the report outputs a blank.

This field contains an implied decimal. If the record is 4.00, it is submitted in the report output as 0400.

If Course Type Code = DE, DA, DH, or DI then [S_LA_SEC_X] DualEnrollPostSecCreditHours



Dual Enrollment Secondary Site

If the Course Type Code is DE, DA, DH, or DI this field indicates the high school the student was in when they were enrolled in the course.



25Work Based Learning Category

Identifies the category of the work based learning activity.

Valid values:

  • 01 = Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
  • 02 = Architecture & Construction
  • 03 = Arts, Audio/Video Technology & Communications
  • 04 = Business, Management & Administration
  • 05 = Education & Training
  • 06 = Health Science
  • 07 = Hospitality & Tourism
  • 08 = Human Services
  • 09 = Information Technology
  • 10 = Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security
  • 11 = Manufacturing
  • 12 = Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
  • 13 = Transportation, Distribution & Logistics




26Work Based Learning Business NameIdentifies the business name of the work based learning activity.





Industry Based Credential (IBC) Record (50)

Item #

Data Element





IBC CodeThe code for the Industrial Based Credential.Reporting_Value from IBC Code code set for [S_LA_STU_IBC_C]IBCCode field3


Semester IBC EarnedThe semester in which the student earned the IBC.[S_LA_STU_IBC_C]SemesterIBCEarned


Year IBC EarnedThe year in which the student earned the IBC.[S_LA_STU_IBC_C]YearIBCEarned


4Test VendorThe name of the vendor that provided the IBC test.[S_LA_STU_IBC_C]TestVendor3
5Pass/FailIndicates whether the student passed or failed the IBC test.[S_LA_STU_IBC_C]PassFail1
6Sponsor Code of the LEA where IBC was EarnedThe sponsor code of the LEA where the student earned the IBC.[S_LA_STU_IBC_C]SponsorCodeIBCEarned3
7Site Code of the School where IBC was EarnedThe school site code where the student earned the IBC.[S_LA_STU_IBC_C]SiteCodeIBCEarned6
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