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Kansas Reports in PowerSchool

PowerSchool for Kansas provides a wide variety of Kansas-specific reports. The table below lists these reports by report type. Tip: Click a report type link to go to that report section.

This table includes the following elements:

  • Report Name – Name of the report as seen in PowerSchool.
  • Description – The purpose of the report.

Report Name


Civil Rights Data Collection
2023-02-16_04-14-07_CRDC ReportCivil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) Report

Kansas Individual Data on Students - KIDS Collections

The Kansas Individual Data on Students (KIDS) Collection extracts are used to submit data, based on collection cycle, to the Kansas Department of Education (KSDE).

For more information about the KSDE KIDS project, see

KIDS Collection ASGTASGT - Assignments
KIDS Collection ENRLENRL - Enrollment and Program Participation
KIDS Collection QERYQERY - Query Existing KIDS Data
KIDS Collection SMSCSMSC - Small School Title Allocations
KIDS Collection SPEDSPED - Special Education
KIDS Collection EXITEXIT - Exiting Students
KIDS Collection KCANKCAN - Kansans Can. This replaces the STCO as of the 2017-18 school year
KIDS Collection MILTMILT - Military Student Count
KIDS Collection TASCTASC - Teacher and Student Connection
KIDS Collection TESTTEST - Assessment information
KIDS Collection EOYAEOYA - End of Year Accountability
Other Compliance Reports
KIAS Discipline Data CollectionKIAS - Kansas Integrated Accountability System
KS CourseWalk Reports

Kansas Course Code Export

This report generates information for each course taught during the current school year.

KS State ID Import
KS State ID ImportImports the State-assigned Student ID number into the database from the KSDE file.
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