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KS State ID Import

The KS State ID Import process allows the automatic update of State Student IDs from the file that is received KSDE after the ASGT file has been sent. Users still have the ability to import their State IDs by using the Quick Import function, but also have the option of this automatic process.

PowerSchool compares the file that is downloaded from the KIDS system to the Students Local ID (D11) the School Identifier (D2) and the State Student Identifier (D13). If the Students Local ID and School Identifier in PowerSchool match what is on the file from the state, the State Student Identifier is imported into the Students State ID field, D13 on the student's KIDS page. If data already exists in the D13 field, the State Student ID number that is imported will overwrite what is entered.

To import the State Student Ids complete the following steps:

  1. Back up (or make a copy) of your current data file before you proceed. (PowerSchool must be shut down if you choose to manually make a copy of the data file.)

  2. Save the file just as you received it from the State, to your desktop or where ever you choose to save the file.
    Note: If the file is saved as an Excel file, the State Student Identifier will not be imported.

  3. Go to System Reports > State tab.

  4. Click on KS State ID Import link.

  5. Click Browse, locate and select the file that you received from the state.

  6. Click Import. When the import is complete a message appears saying "State ID Import is complete".

Verify that the import was done correctly by navigating to sample students' screens: Start > Student Selection > State/Province – KS > KIDS Information > Select ASGT. The field D13, State Student Identifier will contain the appropriate value if the import was done correctly.

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