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KIDS Collection KCAN


The Kansas Collection KCAN report is used to submit data elements, based on the KCAN collection cycle, to the Kansas Department of Education (KSDE) Kansas Individual Data on Students (KIDS) system. The KCAN data collection focuses on collecting the course outcomes in accordance with the State Board initiatives.

This report generates course completion information for each student, including the grade received. The school or district must include all K-12 students who have received a course outcome from an educator who is assigned to that course in the Educator Data Collection System (EDCS). Data must be current as of the last day of the course grading period. By sending a KCAN Record, a link is established to provide an educator, course, and student link.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to the selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Course Selection

The report selects records from the [Students], [Courses], [Sections] and [StoredGrades] table based on the following criteria:

  • The student is classified as one of the following:

    • All Students in grades 07-12, and UG

    • a migrant student

    • a student who has completed Pathways Courses

    • a Virtual Education student age 19 and over on or before September 20

    • a student who has completed CTE Certifications

    • a student who has taken History/Government assessments

  • The student has courses and sections assigned.

  • The College/Career for CTE pathway identification should be equal to 'N', 'T', F',' C', 'L',' X', 'D', 'R'

  • The student received a grade.

  • The student must not be excluded from state reporting.

  • The school must not be excluded from state reporting.

  • The course must not be excluded from state reporting.

  • For Pathways Courses:

    • the student’s technical education minutes must be greater than zero

    • submit only where the KCC Identifier field ends in F, C, L, or X.

Note: This report currently doesn't support migrant students who attended summer school.

Required Data Setup

If the sequence override for sections and/or courses is not going to be used, then the Kansas State Term Store code Mapping must be set up for each school for each calendar year.

Running the Report

  1. Select Students to Include.

  2. Report Period Start Date and Report Period End Date are used to process class enrollments within these dates. By default, these dates are set to the start and end date of the selected term.

  3. Enter the store codes to be included, separated by commas. (i.e., Q1,Q2,S1). Leave blank for all store codes to be included.

  4. Enter the courses to be included, separated by commas. Leave blank for all courses to be included.

  5. Enter the sections to be included, separated by commas. Leave blank for all sections to be included.

  6. Click Submit.

Completion Status will be calculated based on the "Completed Pass Letter Grades" and "Completed Fail Letter Grades" entered for each school on the Schools/Schools Info page (District>District>Schools/Schools Info).

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Select Schools

When run at the district level, choose one of the following:

  • Select Multiple Schools – Select schools to include in the report. To select a single school, click that school. To select multiple schools, use Ctrl+Click and select each school to be included.

  • All Schools – Run the report for the entire district.

If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria.
To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

Current Selection Students

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The Selected [number] Students Only – Run the report for students in the current selection.

  • All students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running the report.

Select Reporting Year*

Select the reporting year.

Reporting Period Start Date*

Enter the reporting period start date.

Reporting Period End Date*

Enter the reporting period end date.

KCAN Store Codes

Enter the store codes separated by a comma or leave blank for all store codes.

KCAN Course Numbers

Enter specific course number(s) separated by a comma or leave blank for all courses. Every student in the selected course(s) will process.

KCAN Section Numbers

Enter specific section number(s) separated by a comma or leave blank for all sections. Every student in the selected section(s) will process.

Courses to Include

Select the courses you want to include in the report:

  • All

  • Regular Courses

  • Certificate Courses

Print Report Headers

Do not print headers for final submission to state

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu. The default is No.

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Report Output

Each field in the report output is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Note: PowerSchool checks for [S_KS_STU_Demographic_X]Legal_First_Name, [S_KS_STU_Demographic_X]Legal_Last_Name, and [S_KS_STU_Demographic_X]Legal_Middle_Name to include in report output. If ALL three fields are blank then it checks for [STUDENTS]First_Name, [STUDENTS]Last_Name, and STUDENTS.Middle_Name to include in report output.

Field Ref

Data Element




Max Length

H1 - H6

Header records

See KIDS Collection for more information.


Record Type

The name of the file.

Always “KCAN”




Student’s School Identifier

The unique number of the school in which the student is included for accountability purposes.








Student's Legal Last Name

The student's last name.







Student's Legal First Name

The student's first name.







Student's Legal Middle Name

The student's middle name.







Student's Generation Code

The student's generation (i.e., Jr., Sr., III).





Student's Gender

The student's gender.





Student's Date of Birth

The student's date of birth.





Current Grade Level

The student's grade level.

Valid values:

  • IT = Infant Toddler 

  • PR = PreSchooler 

  • KG = Kindergarten  

  • 01 through 12  

  • UG = Ungraded 


  • Infant/Toddler must be 0-2yrs on or before August 31st.

  • Preschool student must be 3 or 4 years old on or before August 31st of the Current school year.







Student's Local ID

The ID assigned to the student by the school.





Student's Hispanic Ethnicity

An indicator of whether or not the student is Hispanic.






The unique number assigned to the student by the KIDS Assignment System.





School Year

The ending year of the current school year.

Format: YYYY





Students Comprehensive Race

The student’s race, based on his or her own identification.

  • Position 1 – American Indian or Alaska Native

  • Position 2 – Asian

  • Position 3 – Black or African American

  • Position 4 – Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

  • Position 5 – White

Valid values:

  • 0 – No

  • 1 – Yes





Virtual Education Student

An indicator of whether the student is participating in virtual education that is approved for state funding.

Valid values:

  • 0 – Student is not a Virtual Education Student and has not been during the current school year.

  • 1 – Student is currently a Virtual Education Student.

  • 2 – Student is not currently a Virtual Education Student, but has been at some point during the current school year.

Note: Level must be IT, PR, KG, 01-12, or UG.





Migrant Student

Indicator of whether the student is a migrant student receiving migrant services at the time the course information is submitted to KSDE.

Valid values:

  • 0 – No

  • 1 - Yes

Note: If KCC Identifier equals MigrantServices, then Migrant Student must equal "1".






Single Parent Student

Indicator of whether the student is a single parent at the time the course information is submitted to KSDE.

Valid values:

  • 0 – No

  • 1 - Yes

Note: This data is only required for students enrolled in CTE Pathways courses.






The term in which the course was taken.


See KIDS Collection KCAN#Store Code Mapping section below.




KCC Identifier

This KCC identifier includes all the course attributes indicated for the individual course during the mapping process in KCCMS. It is a combination of several fields combined to make one number.

Derived based on multiple data elements.




Course Section

The unique identifier assigned by the school that refers to an individual section.

[Courses[Course_Number + [Sections]Section_Number + Term_Name


  • If KCC Identifier equals HistoryGovScore, then "HistoryGovScore" is reported.

  • If KCC Identifier equals Certificate, then "Certificate" is reported.

  • If KCC Identifier equal MigrantServices, then "MigrantServices" is reported.




Local Course ID

The unique identifier used by the school or district to identify an individual course.




  • If [S_KS_CRS_X]LocalCourseId is blank then extract from [Courses]Course_Number

  • If KCC Identifier equals HistoryGovScore, then "HistoryGovScore" is reported.

  • If KCC Identifier equals Certificate, then "Certificate" is reported.

  • If KCC Identifier equal MigrantServices, then "MigrantServices" is reported.




Course Status

An indication of the student’s status in the course.

Valid values:

  • 00 - Enrolled (Migrant Only)

  • 01 - Completed (Pass)

  • 02 - Completed (Fail)

  • 04 - Exited before course completion (Migrant only)

  • 05 - Incomplete (Disabled)

  • 80 - Received Services (Summer Migrant only)

  • 90 - Certificate Earned (CTE Certification only)

  • 99 - Record Submitted in Error




  • If blank, the default value of “00” is reported.

  • If the student received a grade and the grade is among the school setup completion and passing grades [S_KS_SCH_X]Completed_Pass, “01” is reported.

  • If the student received a grade from the class and the grade is among the school setup completion and fail grades [S_KS_SCH_X]Completed_Fail, “02” is reported.

  • If the student earned a CTE Certification, "90" is reported.

  • Records with a Course Status of ’00 = Enrolled’ or ’04 = Exited before course completion (Migrant only)’ will only be accepted for records submitted with Migrant Student = ‘1’.

  • Records with a Course Status of ’80’ = Received Services (Summer Migrant only) will only be accepted for records submitted with a value of ‘MigrantServices’ in KCC Identifier.

  • Records with a Course Status of ’90’ = Certificate Earned will only be accepted for records submitted with a value of ‘Certificate’ in the KCC Identifier.




Letter Grade

The categorical letter grade achieved as of the end of the course.




Letter Grade Override

Populate this field if the Letter Grade needs to be overridden. If the field is blank, the stored letter grade will be reported.

Note: If Standard-based grades will be used, a letter grade must be entered in this field or a percent grade must be specified in the Percent Grade Override field in order to report the Standard grade.





Percent Grade

The percent achieved as of the end of the course from 0 to 100%.

Note: If decimals are entered, any data after the decimal will not be reported.




Percent Grade Override

Populate this field if the Percent Grade needs to be overridden. If the field is blank, the stored percent grade will be reported.

Note: If Standard-based grades will be used, a percent grade must be entered in this field or a letter grade must be specified in the Letter Grade Override field in order to report the Standard grade.





Work-based Learning

This field indicates a Work-based Learning course when the KCC ID (F19) is present.

Valid values:
• 00 = Not work-based course.
• 02 = Internship/placement (business/industry/community)
• 03 = Youth registered apprenticeship
• 04 = Simulated work-based experience (school district)
• 05 = Entrepreneurship/ownership
• 06 = Service learning

Note : If KCC Identifier is not ‘Certificate’ or ‘MigrantServices’ then Work-based Learning is required.





College Credits Earned

The number of college credits earned for the dual credit course.






CTE Certification Earned

The code associated with the CTE certification earned by the student during the current school year.

Note: If KCC Identifier equals Certificate, then this field must not be blank.





Date Earned

The date on which the student earned the CTE certification.

Note: If KCC Identifier equals Certificate, then this field must not be blank.





Graduation Year

The school year during which the student has or will graduate from high school. For example, if it is the 2024-2025 school year, enter 2025.
Note: Graduation year must be between 2024-2029

Note: If KCC Identifier equals Certificate, then this field must not be blank.





First Instruction Date

The first day a migrant student received instruction during the current school year.

Note: This field only populates if the student's Migrant Status is 1 and the KCC Identifier is not "Certificate". Otherwise, the field is blank.







Last Instruction Date

The last day a migrant student received instruction during the current school year.

Note: This field only populates if the student's Migrant Status is 1 and Course Status is ‘01’, ‘02’, or ‘04’. Otherwise, the field is blank.







Instructional Minutes Completed

The number of instructional hours the migrant student completed during the term.

Note: This field only populates if the student's Migrant Status is 1 and Course Status ‘04’ = Exited before course completion. Otherwise, the field is blank.







User Field 1

Field available to the data extractor. This field may contain any data (except the “delimiter character” defined in the header record). The field must exist in the extract.





User Field 2

Field available to the data extractor. This field may contain any data (except the “delimiter character” defined in the header record). The field must exist in the extract.





User Field 3

Field available to the data extractor. This field may contain any data (except the “delimiter character” defined in the header record). The field must exist in the extract.




T1 - T3

Trailer Records

See KIDS Collection for more information.




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KCC Identifier Logic

The KCC Identifier is constructed using several data elements concatenated together in a string of 7 characters length as shown in the table below.

KCC Identifier Fragments

Extract Logic


State Subject Area Code

Direct Value from C17. State Subject Area


State Course Identifier

Direct Value from C18. State Course Identifier.

Note: State Course Identifier can have a maximum of 3 alphanumeric characters.


Course Level

Direct Value from C7. Course Level



If Course Credit Hours Override is not Null, then extract Course Credit Hours Override

Else extract Credit Hours





If Section.Sequence (Override) is not 0 or null, then extract Section.Sequence (Override)

Else extract Direct Value from C9. Sequence




Sequence Total

If Section.Sequence_Total (Override) is not 0 or null, then extract Section.Sequence_Total (Override)

Else extract Direct Value from C10. Sequence Total




Grade Level (course)

Direct Value from C11. Course Level


Targeted Program

Direct Value from C12. Targeted Program


Delivery Type

Direct Value from C13. Delivery Type



Direct Value from C14. College/Career


Example, KCC Identifier = 02052G0.501214GGN is constructed as shown in the table below.











State Subject Area Code

State Course Identifier

Course Level



Sequence Total

Grade Level

Targeted Program

Delivery Type

College/ Career

Store Code Mapping

The KCAN Extract has a StoreCode mapping that must be completed each year, for each school in the district. With the mapping in place, there is no longer the need to populate the Course Term Type and Count fields.

To map a school's term and store codes:

  1. Go to District Office > District > Schools/School Info page and select a school.

  2. Under the Other Information section, click the store code mapping link named, "Kansas Term StoreCode Mapping". Each school in the district is listed. You will now be able to add, edit, or delete the Term StoredCode mappings.

    1. To add a new mapping, select New and enter the Term Name and Store Codes.

    2. To edit the mapping, select an existing item and update the Term Name and Store Codes.

Important: Store Codes must be entered one at a time.

For example, the school has:

  • Year-long courses with year-long sections

    • The Term Name for the year is 2018-2019 (for the 2018/2019 school year) and the Store Code may be YR.

  • Year-long courses with semester-long sections

    • The Term Name maybe 2018-2019 (for the 2018/2019 school year) with a Store Code of S1. Select Submit.

    • Then add a Term ID of 2800 with a Store Code of S2. Select Submit.

  • Year-long courses with quarter-long sections

    • the Term Name would be 2018-2019 (for the 2018/2019 school year) with a Store Code of Q1. Select Submit.

    • Add a Term Name of 2800 with a Store Code of Q2. Select Submit.

    • Add a Term Name of 2800 with a Store Code of Q3. Select Submit.

    • Add a Term Name of 2800 with a Store Code of Q4. Select Submit.

  • Semester-long courses with semester-long sections

    • Semester 1 (Semester 1 for 2018/2019 school year) courses would have Term Name of Semester 1 and a Store Code of S1. Select Submit.

    • Semester 2 courses would have a Term Name of Semester 2 and a Store Code of S2. Select Submit.

To edit a mapping:

  1. On the District Office > District > Schools/School Info page, click the Kansas Term Store Code Mapping link.

  2. Select a school, then select Kansas Term Storecode Mapping.

  3. Select the applicable term and edit the Store Code.

  4. Click Submit.

To delete a mapping:

  1. On the District Office > District > Schools/School Info page, click the Kansas Term Store Code Mapping link.

  2. Select a school, then select Kansas Term Storecode Mapping.

  3. Select the applicable term and click Delete.

  4. Click Submit.

Note: In rare cases, the Term Store Code Mapping may not work for a school. If this happens, select the Use the sequence field on the Section or on the Course checkbox; the KCAN report will bypass any Term Store Code Mapping that has been set up and use the Sequence and Sequence Total Override fields that are located at the bottom of the School > School Info > Selected School > Sections page. If these override fields are blank, the report will use the current values in the C9/C10 Sequence/Sequence Total Override fields, which are located on the School > School Info > Selected School > Courses page.

Alignment of KCCMS and KCAN Extracts

Courses that Span Multiple Terms

Every attempt should be made to align your course catalog with the mapping in Kansas Course Code Mapping System (KCCMS); however, not every school creates a schedule based on separate courses for separate terms. Many schools use a single course for the year, then differentiate and report credit and grades through the use of individual sections per term. In this case, KCCMS must be mapped to specify the full sequence of a course.

For example:

English II is a full-year course but is awarded credit, graded, and reported by semester; therefore, two records exist in KCCMS for English II:

  • English II, Semester 1 would be Sequence 1 of 2, and

  • English II, Semester 2 would be Sequence 2 of 2

Your local course number (the PowerSchool course number) is entered in the Course Identifier field in KCCMS with the appropriate sequencing as mentioned above. You will need to differentiate separate KCCMS records by placing an appropriate remark, such as "Sem1" for Semester 1 and "Sem2" for Semester, in the KCCMS Descriptor field 2.

In PowerSchool, you have only one course and course number. The credit you award is set according to your school's scheduling requirements and the KCC sequencing is set to 1 of 1 (indicating that it is a year-long course or multiple term course).

Navigate to your course’s “Edit Course” page (District > Courses > Course Number) and set the Course Term Type – [S_KS_CRS_X]Course_Term_Type and Term – [S_KS_CRS_X]Course_Term_Total fields using the Course Term Type and Count pop-up menu at the bottom of the Kansas Course Code Information section. These are set as follows:

The first drop-down box sets the KS_KCC_Term field. This determines how the course is graded. The second drop-down box sets the KS_KCC_Term_Total field and determines the correct sequencing:

Set 1st Dropbox to:

AND set 2nd

Dropbox to:

Credit awarded and Sequencing will be reported as:

(QTR) Quarter


Fourths (0.25): 1 of 4, 2 of 4, 3 of 4, 4 of 4

(SEM) Semester


Halves (0.50): 1 of 2, 2 of 2

(TRI) Trimester


Thirds (0.33): 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3

(FY) Full Year


Full (1.00): 1 of 1

Note: Term Abbreviations are the driving factor for this solution. Therefore, Term Abbreviations need to follow the desired sequencing pattern for this solution to work. For example:


Set Term Abbreviation To

Semester 1


Semester 2


Trimester 1


Trimester 2


Trimester 3


Quarter 1


Quarter 2


Quarter 3


Quarter 4




Separate Courses for Each Term and Courses that Do Not Span Multiple Terms

If a school has separate courses for each term in both PowerSchool and in the KCCMS, no change is needed. These schools should continue to use the available Kansas Collection fields to identify and report course sequencing as normal. The fields Course Term Type – [S_KS_CRS_X]Course_Term_Type and Count – [S_KS_CRS_X]Course_Term_Total should remain blank. Courses should be aligned and mapped the same way in KCCMS; a one-to-one relationship exists and the KCAN report will extract correctly, reporting both credit and sequencing as in the Credit and KCC Sequence fields.

The pop-up menu will be unpopulated (left blank) for all courses that do not span multiple terms. This allows the Kansas Collection to credit and sequence the course according to the normal KCC settings.

Note: While you gain the ability to retain your school’s normal scheduling procedures, through the use of these fields your ability to directly import/export from PowerSchool into KCCMS is diminished. You will have to manually modify any Kansas CourseWalk export from PowerSchool before import into KCCMS.

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