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Manitoba Reports in Powerschool

PowerSchool for Manitoba provides a wide variety of province-specific reports. Click a report name for details about the report.

The report description table includes the following elements:

  • Report Name – Name of the report as seen in PowerSchool.
  • Description – The purpose of the report.
  • Due Date / Cycle – The timeframe during which the report is submitted to the state.

Report Name


Due Date / Cycle

MB Student Demographics

Outputs the xxxxdem.asc student demographics file in fixed length format

See for due dates

MB Student Enrolment

Outputs the xxxxenr.asc student enrolment file in fixed length format

See for due dates

MB Student Course Registrations

Outputs the xxxxreg.asc student course registration file in fixed length format

See for due dates

MB Student Marks

Outputs the xxxxmrk.asc student marks file in fixed length format

See for due dates

MB BEF K-8 Classroom

Outputs the xxxxbca.asc teacher classroom file in fixed length format

See for due dates

MB Teacher Contract (delimited)

Outputs the Contract.asc Teacher Contract File in delimited format

See for due dates

MB TTP Activities

Outputs the xxxxact.asc teacher activity file in fixed length format

See for due dates

MB Teacher Employment (delimited)

Outputs the InCont.asc Teacher Employment File in delimited format

See for due dates

MB District Monthly Attendance

Creates the Monthly School Division Attendance Report (PDF File)

Due on the 15th of the following month

MB Elementary Report Cards (1-6)

Creates the Report Cards for elementary school students for grades 1 thru 6

Varies based on school district

MB Elementary Report Cards (7-8)

Creates the Report Cards for elementary school students for grades 7 and 8

Varies based on school district

MB Secondary Report Cards

Creates the Report Cards for secondary school students

Varies based on school district

MB Bulletin Scolaire (1-6)

Creates the French-only (Programme Français) report cards for elementary school students for grades 1 thru 6

Varies based on school district

MB Bulletin Scolaire (7-8)

Creates the French-only (Programme Français) report cards for elementary school students for grades 7 and 8

Varies based on school district

MB Bulletin Scolaire (9-12)

Creates the French-only (Programme Français) report cards for secondary school students

Varies based on school district

MB Student MET Import

Imports the xxxxmet.asc MET file provided by the ministry and updates students' ministry id numbers

As needed

MB Student MET Import Results

Displays status and error messages resulting from MET import processing

As needed

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