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Alaska Reports in PowerSchool

 PowerSchool for Alaska provides a wide variety of state-specific reports. Click a report name for details about the report.

The report description table includes the following elements:

  • Report Name – Name of the report as seen in PowerSchool.
  • Description – The purpose of the report.
  • Due Date / Cycle – The timeframe during which the report is submitted to the state.

Report Name


Due Date / Cycle

Alaska Military Youth Academy (AMYA) report

This report contains student demographic data for students who are ages 15 through 19 and have dropped out of school within the reporting period. This district level report is submitted twice a year, in January and again in July.

January 15

July 15

Carl Perkins Report

This report contains career and technical education (CTE) course data for students. The report collects the data required from school districts with Carl Perkins Career & Technical Education grant funds.

June 15

Alaska Child Nutrition ReportThis report contains student demographic data for student who are enrolled on the user defined snapshot date. This district level report should be submitted regularly. 

Alaska Fall OASIS Report

This report contains student data, including demographics, LEP status, disability status, etc. One record is reported for each of the student's school enrollments during the reporting period.

November 5

Immunizations Report

This report extracts immunization and compliance information for students in a specific grade level, in a PDF file.


Migrant Course History Report

This report contains course and grade data for migrant students in grades 9 through 12. This report is submitted twice a year, once in January and again in June. This is a district level report.

January 31

June 30

Participation Rate Report

This will create a file for the Participation Rate.

Restraint and Seclusion ReportThe report extracts incidents of restraint and seclusion within the district and disability data on the students involved.June 30
Alaska Summer OASIS Report

This report contains student data, including demographics, LEP status, disability status, etc. One record is reported for each of the student's school enrollments during the reporting period.

July 15

Alaska Truancy Report (For audit purposes only)This will create a file for the district's Truancy report. (Not collected by the state). Fully unexcused absent (truant) days are returned for selected students. You can report truancy data with age restriction for student who are ages 7 to 16 years old and students who are 6 years old and enrolled in 1st grade, or for all students regardless of age. 
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