Fall Oasis Report
This report contains student data, including demographics, EL status, disability status, etc. One record is reported for each of the student’s school enrollments during the reporting period. See the OASIS Fall Handbook for details regarding entering and calculating data, available on the EED Forms & Grants page.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.
Student Selection
The report selects records from the [Students] and [ReEnrollments] tables based on the following criteria:
The student and school must not be excluded from state reporting.
The student must have an enrollment at a school included in the report.
The student’s school entry date must occur on or before the report end date.
The student’s school exit date must occur after the report start date.
The student’s school entry date must occur before their exit date (excludes no-shows).
Report Input
For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Use | If run at the district level, choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:
If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list. |
Select Students | Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:
Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running report. |
Count Period Start Date | Enter the start date for the reporting date range. |
Count Period End Date | Enter the end date for the report date range. |
One-Day Count Date | Defaults to October 1. It can be modified to chooseclosestweekday. |
Days to Count for Membership | Indicate the days of the week that count for Days in "Membership During Student Count Period". Defaults to Monday – Friday. When no days are selected the default value will be used. |
Display Header? | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate whether the header, with the name of each field in the report, should display in the report result file. |
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Item # | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Field Type | Field Length | Req |
1 | Alaska Student Identification Number (ASKID) | The student’s unique state assigned identifier. | [Students]State_StudentNumber | Number | 10 | Y |
2 | LocalID | The student’s district identifier. | [Students]Student_Number | Number | 15 | N |
3 | LastName | The student’s last name. | [Students]Last_Name | Text | 35 | Y |
4 | FirstName | The student’s first name. | [Students]First_Name | Text | 35 | Y |
5 | MiddleName | The student’s middle name or middle initial. This field is only required if populated for the student. | [Students]Middle_Name | Text | 35 | N |
6 | Suffix | The student’s name prefix or suffix. | [S_AK_STU_X]Suffix | Text | 8 | N |
7 | City | The student’s residential city. | [Students]City | Text | 30 | Y |
8 | Zip | The student’s residential zip, excluding delimiters or blank spaces. | [Students]Zip | Number | 5 | Y |
9 | BirthDate | The student’s date of birth, in the format MM/DD/YYYY. | [Students]DOB | Date | 8/10 | Y |
10 | Gender | The student’s sex or gender. Valid values:
| [Students]Gender | Text | 1 | Y |
11 | Race | The student’s race or ethnicity. Valid values:
See the Appendix for additional information on race/ethnicity values. | [Students]Ethnicity | Number | 1 | Y |
12 | SchoolID | The student’s school code. See the State Reporting Appendix for valid values. | [Students]SchoolID [ReEnrollments]SchoolID [Schools]Alternate_School_Number | Number | 6 | Y |
13 | Grade | The student’s grade level during the reporting period. See the Appendix for valid values. | [Students]Grade_Level [ReEnrollments]Grade_Level | Text | 2 | Y |
14 | FTE | The full-time or part-time enrollment status of the student, expressed in FTE percentage. The FTE is reported based on how it is entered in PowerSchool via Start Page > School Setup > Full-Time Equivalencies. In the Name field, enter 1.00, 0.75, 0.50, etc., based on what should be reported. Note: If the student is dual enrolled, both FTE fields may be set (if you do not want the report deriving either FTE value), or only the primary or secondary FTE value may be set (the value that has not been set will be derived). If only primary FTE, or secondary FTE is set, the report will assume the two values should equal 1 and derive the value that has not been defined based on the value that has been defined. Examples:
| [S_AK_STU_X]FTE [S_AK_STU_X]FTE2 | Number | 4 | Y |
15 | Membership | The number of days the student was enrolled in the district during the most recent 20-day Foundation Formula count period (reported in whole numbers). Note: The user defined reporting period defined when the report is run is used for the membership calculation. This can be overridden using the FallOASISMembership override field in the Students and ReEnrollments table. | [S_AK_STU_X]FallOASISMembership [S_AK_REN_X]FallOASISMembership If the student is dual enrolled: [CC]DateEnrolled [CC]DateLeft | Number | 2 | Y |
16 | Intensive | Indicates whether the student meets the criteria to be claimed for special education funding at the Intensive level for the current period (refer to state documentation for the period dates). Valid values:
| [S_AK_STU_X]Intensive_Funding | Y/N | 1 | Y |
17 | Oct1Enrolled | Indicates whether the student was enrolled on October 1st of the reporting period. | [Students]EntryDate [Students]ExitDate [ReEnrollments]EntryDate [ReEnrollments]ExitDate | Y/N | 1 | Y |
18 | Disability | The code used to identify children with disabilities served under the IDEA, Part B program. See the Appendix for valid values. | [S_AK_STU_X]Disability_Code | Number | 2 | Y |
19 | SPEDEnvironment | The environment where the student receives special education services. This field is required for students with a disability code. See the Appendix for valid values. | [S_AK_STU_X]Education_Placement | Number | 2 | C |
20 | SPEDOct1 | Indicates whether the student was served in your district in IDEA, Part B by October 1st of the current school year. If the student is served in two or more schools in your district, indicate “Yes” in only the one school where they actually received services. Valid values:
| [S_AK_STU_X]IEP_Oct | Y/N | 2 | Y |
21 | SPEDStudentONLY | Indicates that the student is only receiving SPED services. Valid values:
Note: If the source field is blank, an N will be reported. | [S_AK_STU_X]SPEDOnly | Y/N | Y | |
22 | ELStatus | Indicates whether the student is identified as an English Learner. Valid values:
See the Appendix for details regarding valid values. | [S_AK_STU_X]LEP | Text | 2 | Y |
23 | ELLanguage | Choose the EL student’s native (primary, first, home) language from the pop-up menu. See the Appendix for valid values. | [S_AK_STU_X]lep_lang | Text | 2 | Y |
24 | TargetGrad | Identifies the student’s target cohort graduation year. The target year is determined by identifying when a student enters grade 9 for the first time. | [S_AK_STU_X]First9Grade [Students]Grade_Level [ReEnrollments]Grade_Level | Number | 4 | Y |
25 | EconDisadv | Identifies student who are eligible during any portion of the reporting period for free or reduced-priced lunch meals. | [S_AK_STU_X]Econ | Y/N | 1 | Y |
26 | ActiveDuty | Indicates whether or not the student has a parent or guardian who is in active military duty on Oct 1. Valid values:
Note: If the source field is blank, an N will be reported. | [S_AK_STU_X]ActiveDuty_PGOct1 | Y/N | 1 | Y |
27 | ArmedForces | Indicates whether or not the student has a parent or guardian in armed forces. The value of this field is same as ths of the ActiveDuty field. If the value of the ActiveDuty field is reported as Y, then the value of this field is also reported as Y. Valid values:
| [S_AK_STU_X]ActiveDuty_PGOct1 | Y/N | 1 | Y |
28 | DigitalDevice | The device that the student uses at home to complete school home work. Valid values:
| S_STU_X/S_REN_X.DeviceType | Number | 1 | Y |
29 | DeviceAccess | Is the primary device personal or provided by the school? Is the primary device shared with anyone else at home? Valid values:
| S_STU_X/S_REN_X.DeviceAccess | Number | 1 | Y |
30 | NetResidence | Is the student able to access internet on the primary device at home? Valid values:
| S_STU_X/S_REN_X.InternetInResidence | Y/N | 1 | Y |
31 | Early Education Program | Prints the value only for students in PK Grade (Grade level -1), for other grades prints blank. Valid values:
| [S_AK_stu_X]SA_Early_education_program | Y/N | 1 | Y |
32 | Teacher ATI | If a student is receiving SPED services only, this field will be left blank. If a teacher has the ATI override, ATI number, and SSN, the report will show the ATI override value. If a teacher has no value in the ATI field, the report will print the SSN of the staff. | [S_AK_STU_X]TeacherATI | Text | 9 | Y |
33 | Notes | Enter any comments regarding the student’s record. | [S_AK_STU_X]Record_Notes | Text | 35 | N |
34 | Teacher of Record ATI Override | In the Fall Oasis tab, if the Teacher of Record ATI Override field has a value, that teacher's corresponding Alaska Teacher Identifier (ATI) number is reported in the report. If the Teacher of Record ATI Override field is blank, then the CC records are checked and the ATI of the teacher with the maximum count within the selected records is reported. However, within the selected records, if the ATI of all teachers is unique or there are records with different sets of duplicate ATI's, but the count is even for each duplicate ATI set, then a blank value is reported in the report. | [S_AK_STU_X]ATIoverride | Number | 6 | N |