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ELL Codes

The following English Language Learner codes must be assigned at the student level.




Not identified or considered to be an English Learner student.
(Includes former EL students in monitoring).


First year of identification as an English Learner student.
Student meets definition of English Learner, and has scored at some point below the proficient level on a state-approved assessment of English language proficiency (either an identification assessment and/or the annual ELP assessment).


English Learner in a previous school year.
Student has been identified as EL in a previous school year and has not yet scored proficient on the state-approved assessment of English language proficiency.


Student who has scored at the proficient level.
English Learner student who has scored at the proficient level on the state-approved assessment of English language proficiency during the current school year.


First year of monitoring for a former English Learner student.
The student should have had a code of LT at the end of the previous school year.


Second year of monitoring for a former English Learner student.
The student should have had a code of M1 at the end of the previous school year.


Third year of monitoring for a former English Learner student.
The student should have had a code of M2 at the end of the previous school year.


Fourth year of monitoring for a former English Learner Student

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