Participation Rate Report
This collection is to assist in the calculation of school, district and state level Annual Yearly Progress (AYP), test demographic checks, and student test participation calculations. This submission is a student level data file that includes all students enrolled in a district on the first day of testing.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.
Student Selection
The report selects records from the [Students] and [ReEnrollments] tables based on the following criteria:
The student and school must not be excluded from state reporting.
The student must have an enrollment at a school included in the report.
The student must be enrolled on the user defined snapshot date.
The student must be in grades KG to 12.
Report Input
For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
School(s) to report | Choose one of the following:
Note: The District Wide option is only available when running the report from the District Office. |
Students to Include | Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:
Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running report. |
Report Snapshot Date | Enter the snapshot date the report will be run for. |
Display Header? | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate whether the header, with the name of each field in the report, should display in the report result file. |
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Item # | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Field Type | Field Length | Req |
1 | Alaska Student Identification Number (ASKID) | The student’s unique state assigned identifier. | [Students]State_StudentNumber | Number | 10 | Y |
2 | LocalID | The student’s district identifier. | [Students]Student_Number | Number | 15 | N |
3 | LastName | The student’s last name. | [Students]Last_Name | Text | 35 | Y |
4 | FirstName | The student’s first name. | [Students]First_Name | Text | 35 | Y |
5 | MiddleName | The student’s middle name. | [Students]Middle_Name | Text | 35 | O |
6 | Suffix | The student’s suffix | [S_AK_STU_X]Suffix | Text | 8 | O |
7 | BirthDate | The student’s birthdate. Format: MM/DD/YYYY | [Students]DOB | Date | 10 | R |
8 | Gender | The student’s gender. | [Students]Gender | Text | 1 | R |
9 | Race | The student’s race. | [Students]Ethnicity | Text | 1 | R |
10 | SchoolID | The EED assigned school number. | [Students]SchoolID [ReEnrollments]SchoolID [Schools]Alternate_School_Number [Schools]School_Number | Number | 6 | R |
11 | Grade | The student’s grade level. Note: Grade levels restricted to 3 to 10 | [Students]Grade_Level [ReEnrollments]Grade_Level | Number | 2 | R |
12 | Disability | The student’s disability. | [S_AK_STU_X]Disability_Code | Number | 2 | R |
13 | EL_Status | The student’s LEP status. | [S_AK_STU_X]LEP | Text | 2 | R |
14 | EconDisadv | Economically disadvantaged indicator. | [S_AK_STU_X]Econ | Text | 1 | R |
15 | ActiveDuty | Indicates the student’s parent/guardian is active duty. | [S_AK_STU_X]ActiveDuty_PG | Text | 1 | R |
16 | ArmedForces | Indicates whether or not the student has a parent or guardian in armed forces. The value of this field is same as ths of the ActiveDuty field. If the value of the ActiveDuty field is reported as Y, then the value of this field is also reported as Y. Valid values:
| [S_AK_STU_X]ActiveDuty_PGOct1 | Text | 1 | R |
17 | Homeless | Indicates whether or not a student is homeless. | [S_AK_STU_X]Homeless | Text | 1 | R |
18 | Group | The student’s group name. | [S_AK_STU_X]GroupName | Text | 30 | O |
19 | AltAssess | Is this student participating in any of the alternate assessments? Valid values:
| [S_AK_STU_X]AlternateAssessment | Text | 1 | C |
20 | FTE | Is the student’s FTE greater than .25? Valid values:
| [S_AK_STU_X]DualEnrolled [S_AK_STU_X]FTE [S_AK_STU_X]FTE2 | Text | 1 | C |
21 | FAYSchool | Was this student continuously enrolled in the school for the full academic year (10/1 through 4/3)? Valid values:
Note: If the student override field is blank, the report calculates this element based on the student’s school enrollments. | [S_AK_STU_X]FAYSchool [Students]EntryDate [Students]ExitDate [ReEnrollments]EntryDate [ReEnrollments]ExitDate | Text | 1 | R |
22 | FAYDistrict | Was this student continuously enrolled in the district for the full academic year (10/1 through 4/3)? Valid values:
Note: If the student override field is blank, the report calculates this element based on the student’s school enrollments. | [S_AK_STU_X]FAY_District [Students]EntryDate [Students]ExitDate [ReEnrollments]EntryDate [ReEnrollments]ExitDate | Text | 1 | R |
23 | RAELStudent | Is this FYI/LEP student to be excluded from the Language Arts Participation? Valid values:
Blank values are reported for non-tested grades. Y/N are reported for students in grades 3-10. | [S_AK_STU_X]ExcLAPart | Text | 1 | C |
24 | Grade9Algrebra | The student's Algebra I enrollment status in grade 9. Valid values:
Note: If the student override field is blank, the report calculates a value of 1 or 3 based on a student’s course enrollment (if one exists) into a course flagged as Algebra I. | Student override field: [S_AK_STU_X]Grade9_Algebra [S_CRS_CRDC_X]CourseTypeAlgebraI_YN [CC]Date_Enrolled [CC]Date_Left | Number | 1 | C |
25 | Notes | Enter any comments regarding the student’s record. | [S_AK_STU_X]Record_Notes | Text | 35 | N |