Summer Oasis Report
This report contains student data, including demographics, LEP status, disability status, etc. One record is reported for each of the student’s school enrollments during the reporting period. See the OASIS Summer Handbook for details regarding entering and calculating data, available on the EED Forms & Grants page.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.
Student Selection
The report selects records from the [Students] and [ReEnrollments] tables based on the following criteria:
The student and school must not be excluded from state reporting.
The student must have an enrollment at a school included in the report.
The student’s school entry date must occur on or before the report end date.
The student’s school exit date must occur after the report start date.
The student’s school entry date must occur before their exit date (excludes no-shows).
Report Input
For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Select Schools | Choose one of the following:
Note: The All Schools option is only available when running the report from the District Office. |
Select Students | Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:
Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running report. |
Start Date | Enter a begin date for the report date range. |
Ending Date | Enter an end date for the report date range. |
Display Header? | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate whether the header, with the name of each field in the report, should display in the report result file. |
Number of Credits for 9th Grader on Track | Specify the number of credits for a 9th Grader on Track |
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Item # | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Field Type | Field Length | Req |
1 | Alaska Student Identification Number (ASKID) | The student’s unique state assigned identifier. | [Students]State_StudentNumber | Number | 10 | Y |
2 | LocalID | The student’s district identifier. | [Students]Student_Number | Number | 15 | N |
3 | LastName | The student’s last name. | [Students]Last_Name | Text | 35 | Y |
4 | FirstName | The student’s first name. | [Students]First_Name | Text | 35 | Y |
5 | MiddleName | The student’s middle name or middle initial. This field is only required if populated for the student. | [Students]Middle_Name | Text | 35 | N |
6 | Suffix | The student’s name prefix or suffix. | [S_AK_STU_X]Suffix | Text | 8 | N |
7 | City | The student’s residential city. | [Students]City | Text | 30 | Y |
8 | Zip | The student’s residential zip. | [Students]Zip | Number | 5 | Y |
9 | BirthDate | The student’s date of birth, in the format MM/DD/YYYY. | [Students]DOB | Date | 8/10 | Y |
10 | Gender | The student’s sex or gender. Valid values:
| [Students]Gender | Text | 1 | Y |
11 | Race | The student’s race or ethnicity. Valid values:
See the Appendix for additional information on race/ethnicity values. | [Students]Ethnicity | Number | 1 | Y |
12 | SchoolID | The school code, as assigned by EED. | [Students]SchoolID [ReEnrollments]SchoolID [Schools]Alternate_School_Number | Number | 6 | Y |
13 | Grade | The student’s grade level during the reporting period. See the Appendix for valid values. | [Students]Grade_Level [ReEnrollments]Grade_Level | Text | 2 | Y |
14 | Disability | The student’s disability status - a code used to identify children with disabilities receiving special education and related services according to an individualized education program (IEP). See the Appendix for details on valid values. Notes:
| [S_AK_STU_X]Disability_Code | Number | 2 | Y |
15 | IEPJuly1 | Indicates if the student was enrolled in an IEP program on July 1st. Valid values:
| [S_AK_STU_X]IEP_July | Y/N/X | 1 | Y |
16 | TransGenEd | Indicates if the student was transferred to general education. Valid values:
| [S_AK_STU_X]Transfer_GE | Y/N/X | 1 | Y |
17 | TransGenEdDate | The date the student transferred to general education. This field is required if TransGenED = Y and if the student has a disability code of 2-14. | [S_AK_STU_X]Transfer_GE_Date | Date | 8/10 | C |
18 | 504Status | Indicates if the student has a 504 plan. Note: Students cannot be reported as having an active IEP and being 504 | [S_AK_STU_X]Section504 | Y/N/X | 1 | Y |
19 | EntryDate | The student’s school entry date. If the student has multiple school enrollments for the reporting period, each enrollment is reported on a separate line. | [Students]EntryDate [ReEnrollments]EntryDate | Date | 8/10 | C |
20 | EntryType | The student’s school entry code. Every school entry for the reporting period must be included in the result file. Must not include entries where a student is promoted or demoted in grade level mid-year, unless the student entered a different school within the district (code 1). | [Students]EntryCode [ReEnrollments]EntryCode | Number | 2 | Y |
21 | ExitDate | The student’s school exit date. For prior summer graduates, this field is the date of graduation. For students continuing on to the next school year, or for students without an actual graduation date, the report pulls the student's last day of membership (the exit date minus one day). | [S_AK_STU_X]Grad_Date [Students]ExitDate [ReEnrollments]ExitDate | Date | 8/10 | C |
22 | ExitType | The student’s school exit code. Students who received a diploma should be counted only once in the July 1st – June 30th date range. Exits where a student is promoted or demoted a grade level mid-year should not be included unless the student entered a different school within the district (code 1). Note: Null exitcode values from the Students table are reported as 14. | [Students]ExitCode [ReEnrollments]ExitCode | Number | 2 | Y |
23 | EnrolledLastDay | Indicates whether the student was enrolled in the school on the last day of the reporting period. Valid values:
Note: A school may have extra school days which are not marked as In-Session if the school calendar is padded. The report treats the last In-Session day as the last day of school. | [Students]ExitDate [ReEnrollments]ExitDate | Y/N | 1 | Y |
24 | EL_Status | Indicates whether the student is identified as an English Learner (EL) student. Students with codes L1, LP or LT are considered “EL=Yes,” whereas N, X, MI or M2 are considered “EL=No.” See Appendix D of the OASIS Summer Handbook for details regarding which students qualify as EL. | [S_AK_STU_X]LEP | Text | 2 | Y |
25 | EL_Language | The EL student’s native (primary, first, home) language. See the Appendix for valid values. | [S_AK_STU_X]LEP_Lang | Number | 2 | Y |
26 | ELPNotAssessed | The reason that an identified EL student (with an EL status of L1 or LP) did not attempt the required annual ELP assessment during the test window of February 1, 2014 – March 31, 2014. | [S_AK_STU_X]ELPNotAssessed | Number | 1 | C |
27 | AgDA | The student’s aggregate days of attendance during the report date range. | [Attendance]StudentID [Attendance]Att_Date | Number | 6 (999.99) | Y |
28 | AgDm | The student’s aggregate days of membership during the report date range. | [Students]EntryDate [Students]ExitDate [ReEnrollments]EntryDate [ReEnrollments]ExitDate | Number | 6 (999.99) | Y |
29 | FullDayUnexcused | A count of days the student was truant. | Calculated from [PS_ADAADM_Defaults_All]CalendarDate | Integer | N/A | C |
30 | EconDisadv | The student’s economically disadvantaged (low income) status. This indicator identifies students who are eligible for free or reduced-price school meals under the department’s Alaska Income Eligibility Guidelines for Free and Reduced Meals program. Valid values:
If the Econ field is blank, the report will look at the lunch status value and perform one of the following conversions:
| [S_AK_STU_X]Econ [Students]LunchStatus | Y/N | 1 | Y |
31 | Migrant | Indicates whether the student is certified as an eligible migrant student. Valid values:
| [S_AK_STU_X]Migrant | Y/N | 1 | Y |
32 | Title1 | Indicates whether the student received instructional or support services in a Title I Targeted Assistance school program. Valid values:
| [S_AK_STU_X]Title_IA | Y/N | 1 | Y |
33 | Immigrant | Indicates whether the student was identified as an immigrant student at any time during the current school year. Valid values:
| [S_AK_STU_X]Immigrant | Y/N | 1 | Y |
34 | USEntryDate | The student’s first known entry date into a U.S. school. | [S_AK_STU_X]Immigrant_Entry | MM/YY | 5/7 | Y |
35 | ActiveDuty | Indicates whether the student has a parent or guardian on active duty. Note: If this field is blank, an N is reported. | [S_AK_STU_X]ActiveDuty_PG | Y/N | 1 | R |
36 | ArmedForces | Indicates whether or not the student has a parent or guardian in armed forces. The value of this field is same as ths of the ActiveDuty field. If the value of the ActiveDuty field is reported as Y, then the value of this field is also reported as Y. Valid values:
| [S_AK_STU_X]ActiveDuty_PGOct1 | Y/N | 1 | Y |
37 | Homeless | Indicates whether the student was enrolled in a public school and identified as a homeless child or youth at any time during the current school year. Valid values:
| [S_AK_STU_X]Homeless | Y/N | 1 | Y |
38 | Unaccompanied | If Homeless = Y, indicates whether the student is considered an unaccompanied youth. | [S_AK_STU_X]Unaccompanied | Y/N | 1 | C |
39 | HomelessRes | The homeless student’s nighttime residence. Valid values:
See the Appendix for details regarding homeless status. | [S_AK_STU_X]Homeless_Residence | Number | 1 | C |
40 | First Year in Ninth Grade | This element identifies the year in which a student first attends ninth grade. This element is required for all students in grades 9 to 12. Format: YYYY-YYYY The logic is updated to identify the year in which a student first attends ninth grade. The updated logic is as follows:
| [Students]Grade_Level | 9 | C | |
41 | CollegiateEligibility | Indicates whether the student is eligible for the Performance Scholarship at the collegiate level. Note: Required for all graduates. | [S_AK_STU_X]CollegiateEligibility | Number | 1 | C |
42 | CareerEligibility | Indicates whether the student is eligible for the Performance Scholarship at the collegiate level. Note: Required for all graduates. | [S_AK_STU_X]CareerEligibility | Number | 1 | C |
43 | Academic Option | Indicates whether an APS eligible student is qualified for scholarship funding through the Math and Science academic track, the Social Studies and Language academic track, or both. | [S_AK_STU_X]AcademicOption | Alpha | 1 | C |
44 | Grade Point Average (GPA) | The student’s GPA. Note: Required for all graduates. | [S_AK_SCH_X]GPAMethod Calculated by the report | Number | 4 | C |
45 | 9th Grade on Track | Indicates if a first-time 9th grader earned one-quarter (1/4) of the credits required for graduation in their district. Valid values:
| Calculated by the report | Y/N | 1 | C |
46 | Early Education Program | Early education program (EEP) attended by students in grades KG to three. If the student did not attend an early education program, this data element will be blank. Valid values: 1 - State-approved early education program (EEP) | [S_AK_STU_X]Early_Education_Program | Number | 1 | C |
47 | Non-progression Reason | Reasons why a student in grade KG to three will not progress to the next grade in the following year. If a student will progress to the next grade, this data element will be blank. Valid values: 1 - Reading deficiency | [S_AK_STU_X]Non_Progression_Reason | Number | 1 | C |
48 | Reasons Progressed | Means by which student progresses from grade three to four. If a student will not progress to grade four, this element will be blank. Valid values: 1 - Sufficient reading skills on screener | [S_AK_STU_X]Reasons_Progressed | Number | 1 | C |
49 | Reading Skills Demonstrated | How the student demonstrates sufficient reading skills to progress from grade three to four. If the student did not demonstrate sufficient reading skills, this data element will be blank. Valid values: 1 - Summative assessment at grade-level | [S_AK_STU_X]Read_Skills_Demonstrated | Number | 1 | C |
50 | Reading Deficiency Actions | What actions were taken by the parent/guardian or school officials when a student is reading deficient on the literacy screener or alternative screener for students in grade three. If the student was reading deficient on the literacy screener or alternative literacy screener, this data element will be blank. Valid values: 1 - Not progressed - parent | [S_AK_STU_X]Read_Deficiency_Actions | Number | 1 | C |
51 | Mid-year Progression | Did a student that was in grades KG to three in the previous year and started the current year in the same grade progress to a higher grade between the first and last days of the school year? If there was no mid-year progression for a student, this data element will be blank. 1 = Mid-year progression to grade 1 2 = Mid-year progression to grade 2 3 = Mid-year progression to grade 3 4 = Mid-year progression to grade 4 Valid values: | [S_AK_STU_X]Mid_Year_Progression | Number | 1 | C |
52 | Notes | Notes regarding the data in the student record. Required for the student’s language if his/her reported LEP language is 30 (other). | [S_AK_STU_X]Record_Notes | Text | 35 | Y |