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Maine Reports in PowerSchool

PowerSchool for Maine provides a wide variety of Maine -specific reports. The table below lists these reports.. Tip: Click a report name link to go to that report.

The report description table includes the following elements:

  • Report Name – Name of the report as seen in PowerSchool.
  • Description – The purpose of the report.
  • Due Date / Cycle – The timeframe during which the report is submitted to the state.

Report Name


Upload Submission

Civil Rights Data Collection 
2022-01-13_07-10-27_2017-2018 CRDC ReportCivil Rights Data Collection report. 
ME State Reports
Economic Status ReportProvides economic status data for all students who have valid enrollments of at least on day.Upload whenever there is an enrollment upload and when a student has a change of economic status.
English Language Learner Report

Provides data on students who are identified as English Learners and who are not already identified in the Synergy state edition.

Upload when a student needs to be identified as an English Learner or when an update needs to be made to the EL record for the student
New State ID

Provides student demographic data to enable Synergy to generate a StateStudentID for those students who are new to the Maine Public Education System.


Upload when a statestudentid is required for a student who is new to the Maine public education system
Special Education Programs Report

Provides student special education enrollment and eligibility data.

Upload whenever there is an enrollment upload and whenever there is a change to a student's record that is a data point in the special education upload.
Student Enrollment ReportProvides enrollment data for all students who have valid enrollments of at least one day.Upload weekly. (During assessment season, it may be necessary to upload daily.)

Provides student truancy data.

Upload at least quarterly.
CTE ReportProvides data about students who are participating in or have participated in Career and Technical Education programs.Upload at least quarterly.
Proficiency Education ReportProvides data about students' proficiency in particular content areas and about guiding principles.Upload when proficiency has been demonstrated – quarterly if applicable.
Student PersonalProvides demographic data about students who are new to the district and students whose demographic data has changed.Upload when student demographic data changes or when a new student enrolls in the district
Student Daily Attendance Report

Provides student attendance data.

Upload at least quarterly.
Behavior ReportThis report converts old incident management codes to Synergy codes.Uploaded as needed.
Incident Management
Incident Management DetailA detailed list of all incident records where both behavior and action are state-reportableUpload at least quarterly.
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