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Truancy Report

The Truancy Report provides student truancy records within a user-specified date range.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Student Selection

  • The student must be actively enrolled in the school or district during the date range specified in the report runtime parameters.

  • A Truancy record must exist AND

    • The start date of the truancy record must fall within the selected school year, as determined by the term selected at the top of the page.

    • The start date of the truancy record must fall within the date range specified in the report runtime parameters.

    • The enrollment dates must fall between the Report Start Date and the Report End Date.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report. 



Select Schools*

Indicate which schools to include in the report by selecting from the following options:

If sub-districts are not enabled:

  • Current School Only – Includes all student records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

  • District Wide – Includes all student records on the PowerSchool server that meet the selection criteria.

  • Default

If sub-districts are enabled: 

  • Select Sub-district - Select the sub-district for which you want to run the report.

  • Current School Only – Run the report for only the current selected school. Includes all student records associated with the selected schools that meet the selection criteria.

  • All Schools in selected sub-district (default) – Run the report for all schools in the selected sub-district. Includes all student records on the PowerSchool server that meet the selection criteria.

Current Selection Students

Choose which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The selected [number] students only – Run the report for students in the current selection.

  • All students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to runningreport.

Report Start Date*

Enter the report start date.

Note: Restrict the date range to dates that fall within the selected term.

Report End Date

Enter the report end date.

Note: Restrict the date range to dates that fall within the selected term.

Include Student Name in Output File

If this option is set to "Yes", the legal last name and legal first name values from the Demographics page are included in the report. However, if the legal name fields are blank, then the student's last name and first name are included in the report. If this option is set to "No", the student first name and last name are not included in the report.

Valid values:

  • Yes

  • No (Default)

Report Date

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Note: The following data elements are required for the report submission except when listed as "blank is allowed".

Data Element



Data Type

Field Length


If the Include Student Name in Output File option is set to "Yes", then the student's legal last name. Else, student's last name. 





If the Include Student Name in Output File option is set to "Yes", then the student's legal first name. Else, student's first name.





The NEO Organization ID for the attending School Administrative Unit (SAU).

This is the ID used for uploading and entering the student's data.

[Prefs]Name = ME_SAUID

If sub-districts are enabled:





The student’s state ID.

Note: The student's state ID must match the existing state ID for the student; otherwise, the following error message appears: "There are currently no students enrolled with this state ID."




School ID

The NEO Organization ID for the school the student attends.

Note: The school ID must match the school number of the school in which the student is enrolled for the year. If they do not match, the following error appears: “Student does not have an enrollment in this SAU Id, School ID, and school year.”


If sub-districts are enabled:




Year Code

The school year designation for the report.




Start Date

The date the truancy record begins.

Note: This date must be within the school year of the upload.




Truancy Type

The type of truancy.

See Truancy Type Codes for valid values.




Notify Superintendent of Truant Student Date

The date the Superintendent notification took place.

Note: This date must be on or after the truancy start date.

Blank is allowed




Notify Superintendent of Truant Student Note

Comments regarding the  Superintendent notification.

Note: Blank is allowed, but only if there is no Notify Superintendent of Truant Student Date entered.




Intervention Plan Date

The date the attendance intervention plan was started.

Note: This date must be on or after the truancy start date.




Intervention Plan Note

Comments related to the attendance intervention plan.

Note: Blank is allowed, but only if there is no Intervention Plan Date entered.




Official Parent Notification Date

The date the student’s parents were notified of the truancy.

Note: This date must be on or after the Intervention Plan Date.




Official Parent Notification Note

Comments regarding the parent notification.

Note: Blank is allowed, but only if there is no Official Parent Notification Date entered.




Superintendent Notifies School Board Date

The date that notification was sent to the school board.

Note: This date must be on or after the Official Parent Notification Date.




Superintendent Notifies School Board Note

Comments regarding notification sent to the school board.

Note: Blank is allowed, but only if there is no Superintendent Notifies School Board Date entered.




Official Parent Meeting Date

The date the parent meeting was scheduled.

Note: This date must be on or after the Superintendent Notifies School Board Date.




Official Parent Meeting Note

Comments related to the parent meeting.

Note: Blank is allowed, but only if there is no Official Parent Meeting Date entered.




Referral to Local Law Enforcement  Date

The date that a referral was sent to local law enforcement.

Note: This date must be on or after the Official Parent Meeting Date.




Referral to Local Law Enforcement Note

Comments regarding the local law enforcement referral. 

Note: Blank is allowed, but only if there is no Referral to Local Law Enforcement  Date entered.




Optional - Additional Intervention Date

The date of any additional intervention.

Note: Must be on or after the truancy Start Date.




Optional - Additional Intervention Note

The note describing the additional intervention.

Note: Blank is allowed, but only if there is no Optional - Additional Intervention Date entered.




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