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Behavior Report


The Behavior Report is required by the State of Maine Department of Education, and includes incidents based on a specified list of behaviors and actions. The incident management codes are converted to Synergy codes (see Behavior Report#Report Output for more information.) The output file is in CSV format and is to be uploaded to the MEDMS website.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Incident Selection

  • Incidents are reported only if Actions are associated with the pertinent Behavior. If an Action is attached to the Offender rather than the Behavior, the Incident will not be included in the output.

  • The incident must have one of the following Behavior codes:

    • 02 - Alcohol-Related

    • 07 - Bomb Threat

    • 22 - Marijuana-Related

    • 24 - Other Drug-Related

    • 51 - Cyberbullying

    • 52 - Harassment (Bias Based)

    • 53 - General Bullying/Hazing

    • 71 - Violence w/ Physical Injury

    • 72 - Violence w/out Physical Injury

    • 73 - Weapons Possession

    • 77 - Other - NOT Drug, Alcohol, Weapons, or Violence Related

      Incidents with incident type MEDMS, Behaviour code 77, and associated with any of the following action codes, are included in the report.

  • The incident must have one of the following Action codes:

    • 02 - Out of School Suspensions

    • 05 - In School Suspensions

    • 03 - Removal to an interim alternative educational setting by School Personnel

    • 06 - Removal to an interim alternative educational setting by Hearing Officer

    • 01 - Expulsion with services

    • 09 - Expulsion without services

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Schools to Include*

Choose one of the following:

  • Current School Only - Includes all student records associated with the current school that meets selection criteria. To change the current school, click the School link at the top of the page and choose the school from the list.

  • When running the report at the district level:

    • All Schools - Includes all student records on the PowerSchool server that meet selection criteria.

    • Select Multiple Schools - Select one or more schools.

Students to Include*

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The selected [number] students only – Run the report for students in the current selection.

  • All students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running the report.

Report Start Date*

Select the Start Date for the report.

Report End Date*

Select the End Date for the report.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

The following data elements are required for the report submission except when listed as blank is allowed.

Data Element


Table[Field Name]

Data Type

Field Length


The district number where the student’s enrollment is tied to.


  • The district number on import must match the district number tied to the student’s enrollment. If no match is found, the following error is provided: “Student does not have an enrollment in this SAU Id, School ID, and Calendar end year.”

  • This field cannot be Null.

  • This field is required.

[Prefs]Name = ME_SAUID



State Student ID

The student’s state ID.


  • The state student ID must match an existing state ID of a student in the selected district. If no match is found, the following error is provided: “There are currently no students enrolled with this state ID”

  • This field cannot be Null.

  • This field is required.




School ID

The school number tied to the student’s enrollment.


  • The school ID must match the school number of the student's enrollment in the calendar school year. If the student has no enrollment in the selected school, the following error is provided: “Student does not have an enrollment in this SAU Id, School ID, and school year.”

  • This field cannot be Null.

  • This field is required.


If blank, then [Schools]Alternate_School_Number

If both blank, then [Schools]School_Number



Year Code

The school year designation.

Note: This field is required.




Incident Date

The date when the incident occurred.

Note: This field is required.




Incident Type

A basic description of the incident.

Note: This field is required.

State_Detail_Report_Code for Behavior

  • 02: 'AlcoholRelated'

  • 22 or 24: 'DrugRelated'

  • 71: 'WithPhysicalInjury'

  • 72: 'WithoutPhysicalInjury'

  • 73: 'WeaponsPossession'

  • 05, 07, 51, 52, 53, or 77: 'Other'



Weapon Type

The type of weapon used in the incident.

State_Detail_Report_Code for Object

  • Handgun

  • Shotgun

  • Rifle

  • Other Firearm

  • Multiple Firearms

  • Other Weapon



Resolution Type

A description of the resolution.

Note: This field is required.

State_Detail_Report_Code for Action

  • 01: 'EXPSERV'

  • 02: 'OutOfSchool'

  • 03: 'REMDW'

  • 05: 'InSchool'

  • 06: 'REMHO'

  • 09: 'EXPWOSERV'



Resolution Duration

The length, in school days, of the disciplinary action.

Note: This field is required.




Other Consequences

Other actions are taken.




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