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Mississippi Reports in PowerSchool

PowerSchool for Mississippi provides a wide variety of Mississippi-specific reports. The table below lists these reports by report type. Tip: Click a report type link to go to that report section.

This table includes the following elements:

  • Report Name – Name of the report as seen in PowerSchool.
  • Description – The purpose of the report.
  • Due Date / Cycle – The timeframe during which the report is submitted to the state.

Report Name


Due Date / Cycle

Daily Absentee

This file is used to submit absentee data sorted either by student or grade for auditing purposes. The report is submitted to the State Attendance Officer assigned to the district.

As Needed

Daily Discipline Student Data

This file should be submitted on a daily basis if students are suspended or expelled for a violent incident. This file is used to transmit student level data to MSIS for informational use only.

Daily, if students are suspended or expelled.

Daily Sped Student Data

This file should be submitted on a daily basis if a student's status in Special Education changes. This file is used to transmit student level data to MSIS for informational use only.

Daily, if a student's SPED status changes.

Gains and Losses

This file provides a summary of entries and withdrawals by grade level, as well as details on which students entered or exited during the reporting period. An audit option is available.


Initial Student Load

This file is used to assign MSIS IDs. The process runs each year from June 1 to September 30. Use this file to assign MSIS numbers to new kindergarten and first grade students each year.

Summer/Beginning of School

Monthly Student Historical

This file is used to set up the base student record in MSIS and is normally sent at the end of the school year. This file contains information such as birth certificate number, immunization compliance date, all courses taken by student, all schools attended by student, etc.

Summer/End of the School Year

Monthly Student Data

This file is used to transmit student level data to MSIS for use in reporting, funding, assessment, and accreditation. Submit one MSD per school per reporting period. This file contains the student schedules, demographics, emergency information, incidents, attendance, etc.
The option to process the validation portion of the extract is available in order to verify the specified fields used in the extract are correctly populated.


Monthly Days Taught

This file is used to submit the number of days taught per grade level for the current reporting period to MSIS. This report must be submitted to the state and approved before submitting the Monthly Student Data extract. Submit one MDT per school per reporting period. This file should be submitted first for monthly reports. Once you have a Success, you do not have to submit this file again until the next reporting period.


Summer School Student Data

This file should be submitted by the school that owns the student, i.e. the home school, not the school offering the summer class. Remember to include correspondence courses, on-line courses, virtual school courses, and dual credit courses along with summer school courses. The Summer School file must be sent prior to the 1st month submission for the new school year. MSIS will not accept SSD files after September 30th.

As Needed

Monthly Student Attendance Summary by Grade

This aggregated attendance report can be run for an individual school for various grade levels, special programs and an optional single track. For Mississippi, the report is intended to display attendance by standard grade level (PK-12) and special/secondary grade level. By default, the values displayed in the report represent only full day absences and attendance.


District Personnel Data

District personnel report containing teacher demographic, address, and schedule information. For use in uploading teacher schedules into MSIS for the upcoming school year.

Summer/Beginning of School

Student MSISID Import

This function is used to import MSIS IDs provided by the state in the IMT File. The import will update a student's State_StudentNumber field with the MSIS ID generated by the state after the Initial Student Load.

Summer/Beginning of School

Exclude Dropped Class FunctionThis function is used to bulk update dropped CC records as excluded from state reporting.As Needed
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