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Monthly Attendance Summary by Grade


This is an aggregated attendance report that can be run for an individual school for various grade levels, special programs and an optional single track. For Mississippi, the report is intended to display attendance by standard grade level (PK-12) and special/secondary grade level. By default, the values displayed in the report represent only full day absences and attendance.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report.

Student Selection

The report selects records from the [Students] and [ReEnrollments] tables based on the following criteria:

  • The student must be enrolled in a school included in the report and the school must not be excluded from state reporting.
  • The student’s school entry date must occur on or before the report end date.
  • The student’s school exit date must occur on or after the report start date.
  • The student’s school exit date must occur after their school entry date.
  • The student must be enrolled in a grade level chosen at report runtime.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, seeHow to Find and Generate a Report.



Attendance Mode

Choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:

  • Attendance Mode – Choose to use one attendance mode for all students included in the report.
  • Use Defaults – Choose to use the attendance mode associated with each student’s FTE. There can be more than one FTE set up for the school and year, so different groups of students may have different attendance calculations.

Attendance Conversion

Choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:

  • Attendance Conversion – Choose to use one attendance conversion for all students included in the report. The options in the list are based on the attendance mode selection. You must choose a specific attendance conversion if you chose a specific attendance mode.
  • Use Defaults – Choose to use the attendance conversion assigned to the student individually based on his or her FTE. There can be more than one FTE set up for the school and year, so different groups of students may have different attendance calculations.

Grades (leave blank for all)

Select the checkboxes to include the appropriate grade levels.

Reporting Segment or Begin Date and Ending Date

Choose a reporting segment from the pop-up menu, or enter a beginning and ending date for the report.

Special Programs

Select the checkboxes to include a separate attendance table for enrollment in specific special programs.

Note: This parameter is not required for Mississippi.

Processing Options

Choose a time to run the report from the pop-up menu:

  • In Background Now (Recommended) – Execute the report immediately in the background.
  • ASAP – Execute the report in the order it is received in the Report Queue.
  • At Night – Execute the report during the next evening.
  • On Weekend – Execute the report during the next weekend.
  • On Specific Time – Execute the report on the date and time specified.

Specific Date/Time

Enter a date using the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy in order to run the report on a specific day. The incorrect format displays an alert and the date field is submitted as a blank entry.

Use the pop-up menus to schedule the report to be run at a specific hour and minute.

Example: 7/29/2011 @ 10 AM : 05.

Report by Track

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu. Choosing Yes indicates that the report should consider tracks when calculating attendance.


If you choose Yes for Report by Track, then do one of the following:

  • Enter one track used for student attendance. Only students assigned to that track are included in the report. For example: A
  • Leave the field blank to run the report for all students not assigned to a track.

Special/Secondary Grade Code (leave blank for all)

Choose one or more special/secondary Mississippi-specific grade codes to include in the report. To exclude special/secondary grade codes, choose None. To select multiple values, hold the Command (Mac) or Control (Windows) key as you click the values.

Check for Possible Conflicts

Click the link to automatically check for potential school enrollment date conflicts.

Display Audit Table

Choose Yes or No to determine whether to display a table with attendance details for each student included in the report.

Note: This option is only available when running the report for Current School Only and is not available when running the report to group by Teacher.

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Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Review additional information about troubleshooting ADA and ADM calculations.

Data Element



School Name

The name of the school included in the report.


Date Range

The date range of the report, entered at report runtime.



The track included in the report.

The report displays NONE if Yes is selected for “Report by Track”, but the track field is left blank.

This section is omitted if No is selected for “Report by Track”.


Number of School Days

The number of in session school days within the report date range. To review the calendar, navigate to Start Page > School Setup > Calendar Setup. Verify that all of the appropriate fields are filled out for each day during the reporting period.


Grade Level

The grade level of the students. If a student is enrolled in a special/secondary grade level included in the report, then the student is displayed with that grade level, rather than their standard grade level. If a student is enrolled in a special program, then the student is displayed with the special program and grade level.





Carry Fwd

The number of students enrolled in the grade level or special program up to the report start date (their entry date must be before the report start date and exit date must be on or after the report start date). For special programs, the entry and exit date rules must be true for both their school enrollment and special program enrollment.

If the first day of the report is the first day of school, then carry forward is zero.








The number of students who enrolled in the grade level or special program during the report date range (their entry date can fall on the report start or end date, or any date in between).

Grade Level Gain

The student must meet the following criteria to be considered a gain for the grade level:

  • The student must not be counted as a carry forward and a gain based on the same enrollment record.
  • The student must be a member of the school for at least one day during the report date range.

Special Program Gain

A student is considered a gain for a special program if they have at least one day of membership in the program during the report date range in an enrollment record that does not count as a carry forward.




Multi Gain

The number of students who entered the grade level or special program more than once during the report date range. The student must meet the “Gain” criteria more than once during the report date range, or meet both the “gain” criteria and the “carry forward” criteria.








The number of students who exited the grade level or special program during the report date range (their exit date can fall on the report start or end date or any date in between).

Grade Level Loss

The student is considered a loss to the grade level if they are counted as a carry forward or gain and are not a member of the school on the report end date. In other words, leaving the school causes a loss for the grade level.

Special Program Loss

A student is considered a loss to a special program if the student was enrolled in the special program at some point during the report date range and is not a member of the special program on the report end date.





The number of students enrolled in the grade level or special program on the last day of the report date range (their entry date must be on or before the report end date and their exit date must be after the report end date). For special programs, the entry and exit date rules must be true for both their school enrollment and special program enrollment.

The student is included in the end count for the grade level or special program if they are counted as a carry forward or a gain for that group, but not counted as a loss.




Actual Days

The number of possible attendance days for all of the students, which is the total number of students enrolled in the grade level or special program at some point during the report date range multiplied by the number of in session school days.

This value is calculated using the following formula:

((Carry Fwd + Gain – Multi Gain) x School Days)


Off Track

The number off track days for all of the students in the selection.

Note: This value is zero if tracks are not included in the report.



[Attendance]Calendar_DayID = [Calendar_Day]ID

[Calendar_Day]A, B, D, C, E, or F = 0

Days N/E

(Not Enrolled)

The total number of days that students were not enrolled in the grade level or special program.







Days Absent

The total number of absent days during the report date range for all of the students in the selection.



[Attendance]Total_Minutes (time & interval attendance)

[Attendance]Attendance_Code_ID = [Attendance_Code]ID (meeting & daily attendance)

[Attendance_Code]Presence_Status_CD = Absent


The number of days attended during the report date range for all of the students transported and living in the district.



The number of days attended during the report date range for all of the students living out of the district and transported by this district.



The number of days attended during the report date range for all of the students living out of the district and transported by another district.



The number of days attended during the report date range for all of the students not transported.



The total number of days attended during the report date range for all transportation status types.

This value is calculated using the following formula:

Actual Days – (Off Track + Days N/E + Days Ineligible + Days Absent)



The average daily attendance for the students within the report date range.

This value represents is the number of students present at school on average for each day within the report date range.

The value is calculated by dividing the total attendance (the total number of students in attendance for all days during the report date range) by the number of days that students were eligible to be enrolled within the report date range (in session school days for all students).

This value is calculated using the following formula:

Days Attended / (Actual Days – Off Track – Days N/E – Days Ineligible)



[Attendance]Total_Minutes (time & interval attendance)

[Attendance]Attendance_Code_ID = [Attendance_Code]ID (meeting & daily attendance)

[Attendance_Code]Presence_Status_CD = Present


The average daily attendance percentage for students within the report date range.

This value is the percentage of students present at school on average for each day within the report date range.

This value is calculated using the following formula:

[Days Attended / (Actual Days – Off Track - Days N/E – Days Ineligible)] x 100



The subtotal for each column by grade level and MS grade level.


Grand Total

The total for each column.


ADA Breakdown

The average daily attendance total during the report date range for each transportation status type.



[Attendance]Total_Minutes (time & interval attendance)

[Attendance]Attendance_Code_ID = [Attendance_Code]ID (meeting & daily attendance)

[Attendance_Code]Presence_Status_CD = Present


Audit Table

One table for each grade level reported will be displayed.


The name of the student included in the report.


Carry Fwd

An X in this cell indicates that the student was enrolled in the grade level prior to the report start date.






Indicates the grade level of the student on this day.

A SP in this cell along with the grade indicates that the student was enrolled in the special program on the date.

An N/E in this cell indicated that the student was not enrolled in the school on the date.








The number of times that the student entered the grade level during the report date range.




The number of times that the student exited the grade level during the report date range.




The number of days that the student was enrolled in the grade level during the report date range.




The number of days that the student was present at the school during the report date range.



[Attendance]Total_Minutes (time & interval attendance)

[Attendance]Attendance_Code_ID = [Attendance_Code]ID (meeting & daily attendance)

[Attendance_Code]Presence_Status_CD = Present


The number of days that the student was not enrolled in the school during the report date range.






The total for each column for the grade level reported in each table.


Grand Total

Aggregated totals for each column for all grade levels reported.

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