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Monthly Student Data (MSD)


This file is used to transmit student level data to MSIS for use in reporting, funding, assessment, and accreditation. Submit one MSD per school per reporting period. This file contains the student schedules, demographics, emergency information, incidents, attendance, etc.

Student and teacher schedules must match on five fields: Term/Semester Code, Period Number, Course Code, Teacher SSN, and School Year.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Student Selection

The report selects records from the [Students] and [ReEnrollments] tables based on the following criteria:

  • The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
  • The student must have a school enrollment at a school included in the report. However, the report does not extract any no-show enrollment records.
  • The student’s school exit date must occur after the report start date.
  • The student’s school entry date must occur on or before the report end date.
  • The student’s school enrollment must not be excluded from state reporting.
  • The student withdraws on the first day of the month or the first day of the reporting segment. 

Course Grades (Final Grades) and Class Grades

Both Course Grades (Final Grades) and Class Grades are required upon course completion. As of the 2013-2014 school year, the Mississippi Department of Education would like districts to report Class Grades at the end of each 9-week grading period for all currently active and completed classes.

Course Grades (Final Grades)

The 'Store Code for Course Final Grade' report parameter determines which Historical Grade is reported as a Final Grade for all courses. In months one through eight a Final Grade will not be reported until the student completes the course. A course will be considered complete when a student has a Final Grade and the Course Enrollment end date ([CC]exitdate) is greater than the reporting period date range. It is recommended that all term length courses are given a Final Grade (Historical Grade) with the same final grade store code, and that credits for all courses are stored with this same final grade store code.

  • For example, if there are Semester 1 courses and Semester 2 courses at your high school, you would want to store a Y1 grade for your Semester 1 courses and store the credit with this grade, and also store a Y1 grade for your Semester 2 courses and store the credits with this grade.

Class Grades

Class Grades are required at course completion. Class Grades also need to be reported at the end of each 9-week grading period for any currently active and competed classes. At the end of each 9-week grading period, the most recent grade available for the Class in question should be reported. For example, at the end of the third 9-week grading period, you may be reporting Q3 grades for your Semester 2 Classes, but reporting an S1 grade for your Semester 1 classes (since S1 classes would not have a Q3 grade).

The following report run-time parameters are used to determine which Class Grades to report:

  • The 'Non Year-Long Course Store Codes' report parameter determines which Historical Grade(s) are reported as a Class Grade for all Courses that are not year-long classes.
  • The 'Year-Long Class Terms and Store Codes:' field is used to determine how many Class records (which terms) to report for year-long courses, as well as which grades to report for each Class record.

For more information on how these parameters function, please see the Report Input section below.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, seeHow to Find and Generate a Report.



Attendance Mode

Choose either an attendance mode to assign to all student attendance calculations, or Use Defaults, which allows attendance to be calculated based on the attendance mode assigned to the student’s FTE.

Attendance Conversion

Choose either an attendance conversion to assign to all student attendance calculations, or Use Defaults, which allows attendance to be calculated based on the attendance conversion assigned to the student’s FTE.

The only option is Use Defaults unless you choose a value for attendance mode.

Students to Include

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The selected [number] students only – Run the report for students in the current selection.
  • All students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running the report.

Reporting Segment or Begin Date and Ending Date

Do one of the following:

  • Choose the reporting segment with the appropriate date range from the pop-up menu.
  • Enter a begin date and end date for the report date range.

Report using

Choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:

  • Current School – Include only the current school in the report.
  • Alternate School Number – Include all schools with the alternate school number that may be entered below.

School Number to Use

Enter the school number for either the current school or for the alternate schools to be included in the report.


Enter 1, 2, or 3 to indicate by what value the transactions should be incremented.

Reporting Period

Choose the appropriate reporting period from the pop-up menu.

Is the report an update?

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate whether this report will submit updated records that have already been send to the MDE.

School Year

Choose the school year for which to run the report from the pop-up menu. This field defaults to the term at the top of the page.

File ID (3 digit number)

Enter the three-digit File ID number.

Log Type Name for Discipline

Enter the name of the log type used to identify discipline incidents.

Enter Exit Codes for Dropout

Enter a comma-delimited list of the exit codes used to identify students who drop out of school. For example: D1,D2

Year-Long Class Terms and Store Codes:

The 'Year-Long Class Terms and Store Codes:' field determines how many Class records to report for each year-long course, one for each term entered in the semi-colon delimited list. The grades to report for each Class term are added in parenthesis after each class term listed (if available).
Format: ClassTerm(StoreCodes);ClassTerm(StoreCodes)
For example:

  • S1;S2 - Year-long courses will pull an S1 Class and an S2 Class, with no grades reported for either Class.
  • S1(Q1);S2 - Year-long courses will pull a Q1 Grade for the S1 Class and no grade for the S2 Class
  • S1(S1);S2(Q3) - Year-long courses will pull an S1 grade for S1 classes and a Q3 grade for the S2 Class.

Use commas within parenthesis to list multiple store codes.

For example:

  • S1(Q1,S1);S2(Q3) - Year-long courses will report a Q3 grade for the S2 Class. For the S1 Class, an S1 grade will be reported, but if no S1 grade exists, a Q1 grade will be reported.

Non Year-Long Course Store Codes
(comma-delimited list)

The 'Non Year-Long Course Store Codes' field determines which Historical Grade(s) are reported as a Class Grade. Enter a prioritized list of Store Codes (comma separated) to report for non-year-long courses. The right most Store Codes listed are given priority over the left most Store Codes.

For example:
If the value of Q1,S1,Q3,S2 is entered, the report will first report an S2 grade for the Class, if no S2 exists it will report a Q3 grade. If no S2 or Q3 grade exists it will report an S1 grade. If no S2, Q3, or S1 grade exists, it will report a Q1 grade. If no S2, Q3, S1, or Q1 grade is found and it is not Month 9 (or an early completer), then no grade will be reported..

Store Code for Course Final Grade*

The 'Store Code for Course Final Grade' field determines which Historical Grade is reported as a Final Grade for all courses. Final Grades are reported when a student completes a course ([CC]exitdate is within or before the report date range).

Example: Y1

Last day of school for students

Enter the last day that students attend class for the school year.

District Number

Enter the district number.

Location to extract TERMSEMCODE

Choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:

  • Section – Choose to report the term associated with the section. This value is stored in the TermSemCode field of the [S_MS_SEC_X] table.
  • Stored Grade – Choose to report the store code associated with the student’s historical grade.

This parameter does not apply to year-long courses. The TermSemCode for year-long courses is determined by the ‘Terms (Class records) to include for Year-Long Courses (comma-delimited list)*’ runtime parameter.

Bypass Validation?

Choose one of the following options from the pop-up menu:

  • No – Choose to validate records included in the report for data issues. If data issues exist, a result file is returned with a list of validation error messages.
  • Yes – Choose to bypass validation after you have resolved all of the data issues for the report (default).

Revision Number

Enter the revision number. Required if the Bypass Validation is set to No.

Recalculate Calculated Test Grade Levels

Check the box to initiate a Calculation / Recalculation of Cacl_Grade values for all students in the school whose grade level is 52, 56, or 58. The Recalculation will update the Students or Reenrollments table record reported on for the reporting period selected.

The Calculated Test Grade Level is determined by a student’s age on 9/1 of the current term year set at the top of the page. (See appendix for more information)

Extract Student's Contact from Contact Management

Valid values:

  • Yes
  • No (default)

If this parameter is set to "Y", then:

  1. The report extracts the data only from the student contacts.

  2. The active contacts that have the Custody flag as "Yes" are printed on the report output.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

The records in this report are sorted by the student’s last name.

Data Element




This value starts with 1.0 and increments by 1.0 for each modified monthly student data transaction set representing the same set of data.



The date and time that the report completed, in the format MM-DD-YYYY and hh;mm;ss.



The district number entered at report runtime.



The school number, based on the selection at report runtime.



The reporting period selected at report runtime.




This value starts with 1.0 and increments by 1.0 for each modified monthly student data transaction set representing the same set of data.



This value is a combination of the district number, school number, current date, and the File ID entered at report runtime.





Indicates whether the data in this report will be used to update student data in the MSIS, based on the selection at report runtime.

Valid values:

  • Y
  • N




The state assigned student identifier. The MSIS ID must exist in MSIS in the format 000000009.



The locally assigned student identifier. The UID must be unique per school, i.e. two students in the same school cannot have the same UID.



The student’s first name.



The student’s middle name.

Optional: Data Element only pulls if middle_name is not blank



The student’s last name.



The student’s social security number, extracted without dashes.

Optional: Data Element only pulls if SSN is not blank



The student’s date of birth. The date of birth must match the date of birth on file in MSIS.



The student’s birth state.

If a students BirthState is not a valid two character abbreviation, an error is generated.



The student’s gender.



The student’s race. See the Appendix for valid values.

Reports as TM if student has more than one race code.

If a student has no records in the StudentRace table, an error is generated.



The student’s race (if more than one). See the Appendix for valid values.

If a student has no records in the StudentRace table, an error is generated.



Indicates if the student is Hispanic.



Indicates if the school has permission to release personally identifiable directory information.



Indicates the student is a foreign exchange student.



Indicates if the student is identified as gifted. The student should be enrolled in a gifted course and have a specific gifted description (below).

The value is reported from the corresponding enrollment.

If a student's is Gifted Student field is Y, the Gifted type field cannot be blank.




A description of the students gifted talent.

This field is required if GIFTEDIND = Y.

Valid values:

  • None
  • Academically Gifted
  • Creatively Gifted
  • Intellectually Gifted
  • Artistically Gifted

The value is reported from the corresponding enrollment.




Indicates if the student is enrolled in a vocational education course.

Calculated based on student course enrollments.

If the student is enrolled in a vocational course that is reported in the MSD file, the student is reported as Vocational Y, otherwise N is reported.



Indicates if the student is enrolled in a technical preparation program.



Indicates if the student is enrolled in a special education course.The value is reported from the corresponding enrollment.

If a student's Special Education Student indicator is set to Y, but the student is in a course or section that does not have the Special Ed Indicator selected, an error is generated. Likewise, if a course or section has Special Ed Indicator selected, but a student in the class does not have his/her Special Education Student set to Y, an error is generated.




Indicates the student’s 504 status. The student should be enrolled in course 851005 Section 504 Tutorial and should not be marked as a Special Education student.



Indicates if a student is receiving Coordinated Early Intervening Services.

If the value is Y, then the student’s SPECED value must be N.




Indicates the student’s LEP status.



Indicates the student’s IEP status.

The value is reported from the corresponding enrollment.




Indicates if the student is a migrant.



Indicates if the student is an immigrant



Indicates if the student is eligible for Title I services.

If enrolled in a Title I School, the school level values will be reported, unless overridden by the student level values.




Indicates if the student is in foster care.

Valid values:

  • Y
  • N

The default value is N.

A student may not have both TITLEIFOSTER and TITLEIHOME indicators set to Yes.



Indicates the student’s Title I Reading status.

Valid values:

  • Y
  • N

If enrolled in a Title I School, the school level values will be reported, unless overridden by the student level values.




Indicates the student’s Title I Language status.

Valid values:

  • Y
  • N

If enrolled in a Title I School, the school level values will be reported, unless overridden by the student level values.




Indicates the student’s Title I Math status.

Valid values:

  • Y
  • N

If enrolled in a Title I School, the school level values will be reported, unless overridden by the student level values.




Indicates the student’s Title I Homeless status.

Valid values:

  • Y
  • N

A student may not have both TITLEIFOSTER and TITLEIHOME indicators set to Yes.



Indicates if the student is in foster care.

Valid values:

  • Y
  • N

A student may not have both TitleIHomeless and TitleIFoster

  • If TitleIhomelessInd is Y, then 'Title I Foster Care Indicator' cannot be Y.
  • If 'Title I Foster Care Indicator' is Y, then TitleIhomelessInd cannot be Y.



Indicates the student’s Title I Neglected or Delinquent status.

Valid values:

  • Y
  • N



Indicates the student’s Title I Science status.

Valid values:

  • Y
  • N

If enrolled in a Title I School, the school level values will be reported, unless overridden by the student level values.




Indicates the student’s Title I Social Studies status.

Valid values:

  • Y
  • N

If enrolled in a Title I School, the school level values will be reported, unless overridden by the student level values.




Indicates the student’s Title I Support status.

Valid values:

  • Y
  • N

If enrolled in a Title I School, the school level values will be reported, unless overridden by the student level values.




Indicates the student’s current grade level.

If the student’s grade level is -1 (preschool) and the Special/Secondary Grade Code is blank, then the student’s grade level is reported as 62.

If the student’s grade level is 0 (Kindergarten) and the Special/Secondary Grade Code is blank, then the student’s grade level is reported as 64.

If the student’s grade level is neither -1 nor 0, then the Special/Secondary Grade Code is reported.

If the student’s grade level is neither -1 nor 0, and the Special/Secondary Grade Code is blank, then the student’s grade level is reported.






Indicates the student’s peer grade level,

If the student’s grade level is reported as 56 or 58, then the Peer Grade Level is reported.

If the student’s grade level is not reported as 56 or 58, then the student’s reported grade level (S_GRADE) is reported for peer grade (P_GRADE).








Indicates the student’s calculated test grade level.

Reported if the student’s grade level is 52, 56, or 58.

The report pulls database values populated during the Recalculate Calculated Test Grade Values function at report runtime or populated using the Calculate button on a student’s Transfer Info page.




Indicates a student’s graduation pathway.

Reported if the student’s grade level is 8-12.

If blank, the report extracts "T".




The student’s first name alias. This must be a different value than S_FNAME.

The Alias fields are only reported if “Include Alias Name Section on State Report” = Yes on the Demographics student page.



The student’s middle name alias. This must be a different value than S_MNAME.



The student’s last name alias. This must be a different value than S_LNAME.



If the Use New Student Contacts option is set to "Yes", the contact details of the Active contact with the Emergency Contact flag selected are displayed. If multiple active contacts have the Emergency Contact flag selected, then the first among them that has a phone number is displayed. If the Emergency Contact flag is not set for any of the contacts, then the first active contact is displayed as the emergency contact. If the Use New Student Contacts option is set to blank or "No", the contact details of the first contact from the Emergency/Medical page are displayed. If the Use New Student Contacts option is set to "Yes", and none of the contacts are active, then the EMERGENCY tag is not displayed in the output.


The first name of the student’s emergency contact #1.



The last name of the student’s emergency contact #1.



The street address of the student’s emergency contact.



Not reported.



The city of the student’s emergency contact.



The state of the student’s emergency contact.



The zip code of the student’s emergency contact.



Not reported.



The phone number of the student’s emergency contact #1.

If this field is blank, an error is generated.



Not reported.



The name of the employer emergency contact.



The phone number of the employer emergency contact.



The extension for the employer emergency contact phone number.



The relationship of emergency contact #1 to the student.

Note: The report output will not display this tag if the blank value is selected for the student contact’s relationship.


PERMADDR (the contact will be extracted only if the flags - Custody, Lives With, Emergency are checked)

If the Use New Student Contacts option is set to "Yes", the contact details of the Active contact with the Custody, Lives With, and Emergency Contact flags selected are displayed. If the Use New Student Contacts option is set to "No" or blank, the contact details of the Guardian from the Demographics page are displayed. If the Use New Student Contacts option is set to "Yes", and none of the contacts are active, then the PERMADDR tag is not displayed in the output.


The first name of the student’s guardian.

The '&' symbol is invalid and will generate an error.



The last name of the student’s guardian.

The '&' symbol is invalid and will generate an error.



The student’s mailing street address.



Not reported.



The student’s mailing city.



The student’s mailing state.



The student’s mailing zip code.



Not reported.



The student’s residence county code.



The student’s home phone number.



Guardian’s military status.

Note: If the Military Service flag of an active contact is set to blank, then "N" is reported in the output. In addition, the P_MTYPE tag is not displayed.



Guardian’s military type.




The date the discipline incident occurred. The date must meet the following criteria:

  • The date must be prior to the current date.
  • The date must not match any other incident records for the student for the reporting period.
  • The date must be within the current reporting month.

Log entries are included in this report if the entry date occurs within the report date range and the log type matches the discipline log type entered at report runtime.



The location of the discipline incident.

Valid values:

  • S
  • B
  • O



The first name of the individual who reported the incident.



The last name of the individual who reported the incident.



The role of the individual who reported the incident.

Valid values:

  • S [Student?]
  • N [Non-School Personnel?]
  • T [Teacher?]
  • O [Other?]



The type of discipline incident that occurred.



The type of weapon involved in the incident.



The textual description of the incident.



The type of disposition (disciplinary action) taken as a result of the incident. See the Appendix for valid values.



A description of the disposition (disciplinary) action taken as a result of the incident.



The date that the disposition (disciplinary action) began.



The date that the disposition (disciplinary action) ended.



The duration of the disposition (disciplinary action).




The district number for the alternate district, if the student was placed in an alternate district as a result of the incident. The format must be 0009 with leading zeroes.



The school number of the alternate school, if the student was in an alternate school placed as a result of the incident. The format must be 009 with leading zeroes.




Indicates whether the student is planned to be promoted (not retained or held back). This field is required in Month 9 if the student withdraws during the year with a C1 or C2 exit code, unless the student withdraws in Month 9.

The value is reported from the corresponding enrollment.




The date the student was promoted from their current school or grade level, reported in the format MM/DD/YYYY. This field is required if the student withdraws during the year with a C1 or C2 exit code.




The student’s type of graduation. This field is required if the student withdraws during the year with a C1 or C2 exit code. There must only be one GRADCODE per student.

Valid values:

  • Not Graduating
  • Traditional
  • GED
  • Occupational Diploma
  • Other Completers



Displays the category of student's diploma endorsement.

Valid values:

  • Blank
  • CE - Career and Technical Endorsement
  • AE - Academic Endorsement
  • DE - Distinguished Academic Endorsement
  • If GRADENDR1 (Diploma Endorsement 1) = CE, then GRADENDR2 (Diploma Endorsement 2) can have values Blank, AE, or DE
  • If GRADENDR1 (Diploma Endorsement 1) = Blank, AE, or DE, then GRADENDR2 (Diploma Endorsement 2) must be Blank




Displays the category of student's diploma endorsement.

Valid values:

  • Blank
  • CE - Career and Technical Endorsement
  • AE - Academic Endorsement
  • DE - Distinguished Academic Endorsement

  • If GRADENDR1 (Diploma Endorsement 1) = CE, then GRADENDR2 (Diploma Endorsement 2) can have values Blank, AE, or DE
  • If GRADENDR1 (Diploma Endorsement 1) = Blank, AE, or DE, then GRADENDR2 (Diploma Endorsement 2) must be Blank





The student’s school entry date for the school enrollment that falls within the report date range.

The following criteria apply to this field:

  • An E_DATE record should not be reported for students with a previous exit code of C1 or C2.
  • There should not be duplicate E_DATE entries for the same student.
  • The E_DATE should be within the current reporting month.
  • If the student's entry date is outside the school's years and terms first and last days, an error is generated

Note: ENTRY fields are reported if the student’s exit code for their current enrollment is not one of the following: R01, R02, R03, R04, R05, R06, R07, R08, R09, R10, R11, R12, R13, R14, R15, R16, R17, R18, R19, or R20.

If a student's entry date is outside the school's years and terms first and last days, an error will be generated.



The student’s school entry code for the school enrollment that falls within the report date range.

Note: This value cannot be R1 unless an exit code (W_CODE) exists for the student.



The student’s grade level for the school enrollment that falls within the report date range.



The number of in-session school days the student was not enrolled in the school from the report start date to the student’s school entry date.

This field is reported if the student’s exit code is T1, T3, T4, T5, D01, D02, D03, D04, D05, D06, D07, D08, D09, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14, D15, D16, D17, D18, D19, D20 or if their entry code is E2.

If the student’s Special/Secondary Grade Code is 52 or 62, then Days of Roll is reported as zero (0).






[Calendar_Day]InSession = 1



The student’s school exit date for the school enrollment that falls within the report date range.

The following criteria apply to this field:

  • There should not be duplicate W_DATE records for the same student.
  • There should not be consecutive W_DATE records. There must be an E_CODE and E_DATE (entry code and entry date) between multiple W_DATE records.

Note: WITHDRAWAL fields are reported if the student’s school exit date occurs within the report date range at the school included in the report. WITHDRAWAL fields are not reported if the student’s school exit date occurs after the last day of school (entered at report runtime).



The student’s school exit code for the school enrollment that falls within the report date range.

Note: The exit codes C1 and C2 should not be reported in Month 9.



The number of in-session school days the student was not enrolled in the school from the report start date to the student’s school entry date.

This field is reported if the student’s exit code is T1, T3, T4, T5, D01, D02, D03, D04, D05, D06, D07, D08, D09, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14, D15, D16, D17, D18, D19, D20 or if their entry code is E2.

If the student’s Special/Secondary Grade Code is 52 or 62, then Days of Roll is reported as zero (0).






[Calendar_Day]InSession = 1


The student’s grade level for the school enrollment that falls within the report date range.

Note: This value should match the grade level for the student’s most recent enrollment at the school.




The student’s dropout exit code. This field is reported if the exit code matches one of the codes entered at report runtime.

Note: If there are multiple withdrawal records, then withdrawal corresponding to the dropout should be reported last.



REENTRY records are used only to re-enroll a student in school after a dropout.


The student’s entry date for the previous school enrollment that falls within the report date range.

Note: REENTRY fields are reported if the school entry and exit date for a previous enrollment fall within the report date range and exit code for is R01, R02, R03, R04, R05, R06, R07, R08, R09, R10, R11, R12, R13, R14, R15, R16, R17, R18, R19, or R20.



The re-entry code for the previous enrollment that falls within the report date range. The re-entry code must match the dropout code from the previous school enrollment.



The number of in-session school days the student was not enrolled in the school from the report start date to the student’s school entry date.

This field is reported if the student’s exit code is T1, T3, T4, T5, D01, D02, D03, D04, D05, D06, D07, D08, D09, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14, D15, D16, D17, D18, D19, D20 or if their entry code is E2.

If the student’s Special/Secondary Grade Code is 52 or 62, then Days of Roll is reported as zero (0).






[Calendar_Day]InSession = 1


The students grade level for the previous school enrollment that falls within the report date range.

Note: The re-enrollment grade level must match the grade level from the student’s dropout enrollment.




The student’s transportation status.

Valid values:

  • Transported, living in district (A1)
  • Living out of district – transported by this district (A2)
  • Living out of district – transported by another district (A3)
  • Not transported (A4)


  • Transportation fields are reported if the student’s entry code is E2 and they have a previous school enrollment exit date that occurs on or after the report start date and on or before the report end date.
  • Transportation fields are not reported if the student’s Special/Secondary Grade Code is 52 or 62.
  • Multiple transport tags may be reported if a student transfers to a different grade level in the same school – one transport code can be reported for each grade level.
  • If a student's Transport Code is blank, an error is generated.



The student’s district number. The value must be reported in the format 0009 with leading zeroes. RESDISTNUM cannot equal the District sending the file.

Only reported if T_CODE = A2 or A3.


The student’s previous enrollment grade level.

If the student’s grade level is -1 or lower (preschool) and the Special/Secondary Grade Code is blank, then the student’s grade level is reported as 62.

If the student’s grade level is 0 (kindergarten) and the Special/Secondary Grade Code is blank, then the student’s grade level is reported as 64.

If the student’s grade level is neither -1 nor 0, then the Special/Secondary Grade Code is reported.

If the student’s grade level is neither -1 nor 0, and the Special/Secondary Grade Code is blank, then the student’s grade level is reported.




The number of days the student was transported to school during the report date range.

If the student’s current school entry code is E2, then the report subtracts the number of days of roll and the student’s absent days from the count of in session school days within the report date range.

Otherwise, the report totals the number of present attendance days for the student during the report date range.

This value is not reported if the student’s grade level code is 62 or 52.






ABSENCE is not reported if the student’s grade level code is 62 or 52.


The date of each of the student’s absences within the current reporting month. The report identifies days where the student was assigned an attendance code with Presence Status = Absent that equated a full day of absence, based on the attendance conversion.

Duplicate A_DATE records for the same student should not be reported.




Indicates whether the absence on the date listed above is excused.




The date of each of the student’s absences within the current reporting month where the student was absent for more than 50% of the day.

Duplicate A_DATE records for the same student should not be reported.




The student’s entire schedule should be sent with each Student Monthly Data report.

Courses taken at another school while enrolled in the Home school are included.

Student > Functions > Enroll In A Class At Another School.


The student’s schedule must match the teacher’s schedules for all teaching coursers. Valid values are matched on the following fields: DISTRICT, COURSENUM, TERMSEMCODE, TEACHERSSN, and C_PERIOD.

A separate COURSE record is created for each unique section a student is enrolled in.


The course number for each section enrollment the student is enrolled in within the report date range. The report extracts the alternate course number, if populated. Otherwise, the report extracts the course number.

Duplicate course numbers with the same local course number for the same student are not allowed.




A generated six-digit number.



The course name for each section enrollment the student is enrolled in within the report date range.



The final grade for each section enrollment the student is enrolled in within the report date range.

For Months 1-8, this field is reported if the student has a Stored Grade record for the course matching the store code entered in the Store Code for Course Final Grade *’ runtime parameter and if the [CC]Exitdate is within or before the report date range.

If the value is blank in Month 9 or when reporting C1 and C2 exits, the report extracts NG.



Indicates if the student passed the vocational course.

Select the Vocational checkbox on the Course Setup screen to designate a course as Vocational.

If the FINALGRADE field is reported, then STATUS field down through VOCPROGLEVEL field are required for the vocational course.

Defaults to P if blank.

Valid values:

  • P – Pass
  • F – Fail
  • W – Withdrawal



Indicates if the competency profile was passed.

Defaults to P if blank.

Valid values:

  • P – Pass
  • F – Fail
  • W – Withdraw



Indicates if the comprehensive exam was passed.

Defaults to P if blank.

Valid values:

  • P – Pass
  • F – Fail
  • W – Withdraw



Indicates if the student is going to continue education in vocational programs.

Defaults to No if blank.

Valid values:

  • Y
  • N



Indicates if the student is going to continue education in academic programs.

Defaults to No if blank.

Valid values:

  • Y
  • N



Indicates if the student is going to continue education in a post-secondary vocational program.

Defaults to No if blank.

Valid values:

  • Y
  • N



Indicates a follow-up on the follow-up enrollment report.

Defaults to No if blank.

Valid values:

  • Y
  • N



Indicates if the student is employed in the field for which they trained.

Defaults to No if blank.

Valid values:

  • Y
  • N



Indicates if the student is employed in a field related to their training.

Defaults to No if blank.

Valid values:

  • Y
  • N



Indicates if the student is employed in a field not related to their training.

Defaults to No if blank.

Valid values:

  • Y
  • N



Indicates if the student enlisted in the military.

Defaults to No if blank.

Valid values:

  • Y
  • N



Indicates if the student is not employed.

Defaults to No if blank.

Valid values:

  • Y
  • N



Indicates another employment status not identified in this report.

Defaults to No if blank.

Valid values:

  • Y
  • N



Indicates the student’s vocational program level.

Pulls from Course if section is blank.

Valid values:

  • 1
  • 2




The number of credits awarded for the course. This is reported if reporting a FINALGRADE, or for completers, or in Month 9.

If the value reported in C_GRADE is a passing grade, then CREDITS must be equal to a numeric equivalent of the last two digits of the CARNEGIE code.

If the value for C_GRADE is a failing grade, then this field must be reported as 0.0.

This field is required if the FINALGRADE field is reported.



Carnegie is only reported if reporting a FINALGRADE, or for completers (exit code = C1 or C2), or in Month 9.

If the Carnegie Override on the Section page is populated, that value will be reported.

Otherwise, the Carnegie is derived as follows:

First digit:

Year-long Course = 0

First Semester Course = 1 (this also include Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 classes)

Second Semester Course = 2 (this also include Quarter 3 and Quarter 4 classes)

Note: Trimesters are not calculated and the Carnegie Override must be used to populate the value on trimester classes.

Second and Third digits are derived from the potential credit on the historical grade (stored grade).

Note: If the potential credit is 0 (as it is for all elementary and most middle school historical grades), the Carnegie will be reported as 000 no matter what the term length is.

The Carnegie values derived are as follows:

000: no units (regardless of the term)

005: All year 1/2 unit

010: All year 1 unit

015: All year 1 1/2 units

020: All year 2 units

025: All year 2 1/2 units

105: 1st semester - 1/2 units

110: 1st semester 1 unit

115: 1st semester 1 1/2 units

120: 1st semester 2 units

125: 1st semester 2 1/2 units

205: 2nd semester 1/2 unit

210: 2nd semester 1 unit

215: 2nd semester 1 1/2 units

220: 2nd semester 2 units

225: 2nd semester 2 1/2 units





The number of Class records reported for year-long sections corresponds to the number of Terms entered for the ‘Year-Long Class Terms and Store Codes:’ runtime parameter, one Class for each semi-colon separated term listed. All non-year-long sections report a single Class record.


The term assigned to the course enrollment.

For all classes except year-long classes, the report determines the TERMSEMCODE based on the option chosen in the ‘Location to extract TERMSEMCODE’ runtime parameter.

  • Stored Grade: TermSemCode is determined by the Store Code of the Class Grade reported. If the value is blank, the term abbreviation of the term associated with the Student Section Enrollment (CC) record is used.
  • Section: TermSemCode is determined by the value entered in the [S_MS_SEC_X]TermSemCode field. If the value is blank, the term abbreviation of the term associated with the Student Section Enrollment (CC) record is used.

Year-long classes – TermSemCode is determined by the Term abbreviations entered in the ‘Year-Long Class Terms and Store Codes:’ runtime parameter. One class record is generated for each term listed.

[CC]TermID = [Terms]ID




The period during which the class is taught. The expression/schedule is assigned on the Edit Section page at the school level.



The section number.



The number of minutes that the student attends the section. This value must be between 0 and 499 minutes.

Pulls from Sections if CC is blank. Pulls from Courses if CC and Sections are blank.

Minutes are used to determine how much time a student spends in class. Students with disabilities (SWD) often leave general education classes before the end of the period to receive special education services. This value cannot be greater than the teacher’s minutes in the same period.





The grade awarded for the Class.

For information on how C_GRADE values are reported, see the ‘Course Grades (Final Grades) and Class Grades’ section above (pg. 128) and the ‘Report Input’ section (pg. 132).

If the value is blank in Month 9 or when reporting C1 and C2 exits, the report extracts NG.



The social security number of the teacher assigned to the section. If the SSN for the teacher is not provided, the report extracts 111111111.




Indicates if the student is passing their courses.

Valid values:

  • Y
  • N (default)



Indicates if the student passed IEP.

Valid values:

  • Y
  • N (default)



Indicates if the student demonstrated academic attainment on the pre-test, post-test series.

Valid values:

  • Y
  • N (default)



Indicates whether the student completed a two-year occupation program and entered a job in that field.

Valid values:

  • Y
  • N (default)



Indicates if the student is disabled.

Valid values:

  • Y
  • N (default)



Indicates if the student is disadvantaged.

Valid values:

  • Y
  • N (default)



Indicates if the student is a non-traditional gender.

Valid values:

  • Y
  • N (default)



Indicates if the student is a single parent.

Valid values:

  • Y
  • N (default)



Indicates if the student is a displaced homemaker.

Valid values:

  • Y
  • N (default)



Indicates if the student is receiving services from Special Population Personnel.

Valid values:

  • Y
  • N (default)



Indicates if the student is eligible for graduation.

Valid values:

  • Y
  • N (default)



Indicates if the student is enrolled as ungraded.

Valid values:

  • Y
  • N (default)


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