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Daily Absentee Report


This file is used to submit absentee data sorted either by student or grade for auditing purposes. The report can be used to comply with a number of state requirements depending on the parameters chosen at runtime. This is a school-level report.

You can run this report only at the school level and not at the district level.

Monthly Holding Absences Report

This file is used to corroborate absence data sent to the state in the Monthly Student Data report. It can be used to reconcile the data in the State’s Holding Area Absences Report. The report should be run monthly and kept on file for auditing purposes.

Recommended Report Input Parameters:

  • Reporting Segment or Begin and Ending Date: Choose a Reporting Segment
  • Grade Levels: Choose all grade levels
  • Absences to report: All Absences
  • Attendance Code Category for Suspensions: Leave blank
  • Minimum Number of Occurrences: 1
  • Report Output: Grade Level Detail

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Daily Suspensions Report

This file is used to report students who have an absence due to suspension. The report is typically run every day and is submitted to the State Attendance Officer.

Note: In order for the report to only pull suspension absences, it is required to have an attendance code category used to designate suspensions with all suspension attendance codes associated to the suspension attendance code category.

Recommended Report Input Parameters:

  • Reporting Segment or Begin and Ending Date: Begin Date and Ending Date of a single day
  • Grade Levels: Choose all grade levels
  • Absences to Report: Suspensions Only
  • Attendance Code Category for Suspensions: Choose your Suspension Absences attendance code category
  • Minimum Number of Occurrences: 1
  • Include Contact Information: Select the checkbox
  • Include Verification Line: Select the checkbox
  • Report Output: Student Detail

The report will include all absences for the date range in which either the Daily code for the day, or at least one of the Meeting codes for the day are associated with the category designated as the category for suspensions (in the above run-time parameter).

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report.

Student Selection

The report selects records from the [Students] and [ReEnrollments] tables based on the following criteria:

  • The student must be enrolled in a school included in the report.
  • The school must not be excluded from state reporting.
  • The student must have a school enrollment at a school included in the report.
  • The student’s school entry date must occur on or before the report end date.
  • The student’s school exit date must occur on or after the report start date.
  • The student’s school exit date must occur after their school entry date.
  • The student must be enrolled in a grade level chosen at report runtime.

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Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, seeHow to Find and Generate a Report.



Students to Include

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The selected [number] students only – Run the report for students in the current selection.
  • All students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running report.

Reporting Segment or Begin and Ending Date

Do one of the following:

  • Choose the reporting segment with the appropriate date range from the pop-up menu.
  • Enter a begin and ending date for the report date range.

Processing Options

Choose a time to run the report from the pop-up menu:

  • In Background Now (Recommended) – Execute the report immediately in the background.
  • ASAP – Execute the report in the order it is received in the Report Queue.
  • At Night – Execute the report during the next evening.
  • On Weekend – Execute the report during the next weekend.
  • On Specific Time – Execute the report on the date and time specified.

Specific Date/Time

Enter a date using the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy in order to run the report on a specific day. The incorrect format displays an alert and the date field is submitted as a blank entry.

Use the pop-up menus to schedule the report to be run at a specific hour and minute.

Example: 7/29/2011 @ 10 AM : 05.

Grade Levels

Choose the appropriate grade levels from the pop-up menu. Leave blank to select all grades for that school.

Note: To select multiple values, hold the Command (Mac) or Control (Windows) key as you click the values.

Absences to Report

This option will determine which absence types to include in the report output:

  • All Absences
  • Suspensions Only
  • Unexcused Only

Suspensions Only: The ‘Attendance Code Categories for Suspensions’ parameter is used to determine which absences to include. If the Daily Code for the day is associated with this category, the absence is included. If there is no Daily Code for the day, the absence is included if at least one Meeting code for the day qualifies.

Unexcused Only: The Unexcused Only option returns all absences not associated with the Excused category or associated with the category selected as the category for suspensions run-time parameter.

The report first looks at the Daily attendance code and if one does not exist, then looks at the Meeting absence codes to determine if an absence is Excused or a Suspension.

Attendance Code Category for Suspensions

Choose the appropriate attendance code category from the pop-up menu.

This is used to determine which absence to report when Suspensions Only is selected, and which absences to NOT report when Unexcused Only is selected.

Minimum Number of Occurrences

Enter the minimum number of absences as a threshold of occurrences to report.

Include Contact Information

Select the checkbox to include guardian contact information.

Include Verification Line

Select the checkbox to include a verification signature and date line.

Report Output

Choose the report output option from the pop-up menu:

  • Grade Level Detail
  • Student Detail
  • Student Summary

Sort Students By

(Used for Student Summary)

Choose how students should be sorted when the Student Summary report output option is selected:

  • Student Name
  • Absence Total

Break to a new page per student

(Used for Student Detail)

Check this box to have the report break to a new page per student when using the Student Detail report option.

Checking this box will also cause the output to:

  • Display the title as: Student Daily Absentee Report
  • Include a verification line for each student listed (if selected)
  • Remove extraneous report parameter listings in the output

Include Previous School Absences:

(Used by Student Detail and Student Summary options)

Select the checkbox to include absences from a student’s previous school, when running the report for a student’s current school enrollment.

Display Unique Meeting Period Attendance Codes

Check this box to include Meeting Attendance absence codes along with a student’s Daily absence code for the day.

The results will be displayed as: Daily Code (Unique Meeting Codes)

Ex: A (A,X)

The student’s Daily code is listed first, with the student’s Meeting codes listed in parenthesis.

If the student has no Daily code, an asterisk is listed.

Ex: * (A,X)

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Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Data Element




Absences are grouped by student, with students listed in alphabetical order. The report includes one line item for each applicable absence within the report run date range.


The name of the school included in the report.


Date Range

The date range of the report, entered at report runtime.


Minimum # of Occurrences

The minimum number of absence occurrences, entered at report runtime.


Report Output

The report output, entered at report runtime.

(Omitted when breaking to a new page per student.)


Student Absence Inclusion

Indicates if only current School or Current and Previous School absences are included.


Grade Levels

The grade levels, entered at report runtime.

(Omitted when breaking to a new page per student.)


Run Date

The run date of the report, entered at report runtime.


Absences to Report

Indicates is All Absences, Suspensions Only, or Unexcused only are reported.


Suspension Category

Indicates which category was used to determine Suspensions

(Omitted when breaking to a new page per student.)


Student Name

The name of the student included in the report.


Student Number

The locally assigned student identifier.


Grade Level

The student’s grade level at the time of the reporting period.






The student’s gender.



A comma delimited list of the student’s race or races if two or more.



The student’s date of birth, reported in the format MM/DD/YYYY.



The student’s age as of the run date.

Calculated using student DOB and the report Run Date.

Student Guardian

The name of the student’s guardian.

(Reported if Include Contact Information box is checked.)



Home Phone

The student’s home phone number.

(Reported if Include Contact Information box is checked.)


Mailing Address

The student’s full mailing address.

(Reported if Include Contact Information box is checked.)




[Students] Mailing_Zip

School Name

If the Current and Previous Schools Student Absence Inclusion is selected absences are grouped by school, with the School Name printed above each grouping.




Absence Date

The date of each of the student’s absences within the reporting period.



Attendance %

The percentage of time the student is in attendance, based on his minutes attended divided by his minutes possible for the day.

Results are displayed as: percentage dash minutes attended slash minutes possible

Ex: 47% - 192/410

The student was in attendance 47% of his day because he attended 192 minutes of his instructional day, which was 410 minutes long.

Note: See the Mississippi Attendance Reports and the 63% Rule section above for more information on how Minutes Attended and Possible Instructional Minutes are calculated.


Daily Code

Daily (Meeting) Codes

Display Unique Meeting Period Attendance Codes is unchecked:

Daily Code for the Day is displayed. If no code exists for the day, * is returned

Display Unique Meeting Period Attendance Codes is checked:

The Daily Code for the day is displayed (if one exists), followed by the unique meeting period absence codes in parenthesis.

EX: A (A,X) or * (A,X)




Indicates if the absence was unexcused.

Note: See the Mississippi Attendance Reports and the 63% Rule section above for more information on how unexcused absences are determined.


Total Absences

The total number of absences reported for the student.


Grand Total Students

The total number of students in the report.


Grand Total Absences

The total number of absences for all students in the report.


Grand Total Unexcused

The total number of unexcused absences for all students in the report.



The signature line, if selected at report runtime.



The date line, if selected at report runtime.



Reports a summary total of all applicable absences for the report run date range. The report includes one line item per student returned, with results sorted either by Student Name or by Absence Amount.


The name of the school included in the report.


Date Range

The date range of the report, entered at report runtime.


Minimum # of Occurrences

The minimum number of absence occurrences, entered at report runtime.


Report Output

The report output, entered at report runtime.


Student Absence Inclusion

Indicates if only current School or Current and Previous School absences are included.


Grade Levels

The grade levels, entered at report runtime.


Run Date

The run date of the report, entered at report runtime.


Absences to Report

Indicates is All Absences, Suspensions Only, or Unexcused only are reported.


Suspension Category

Indicates which category was used to determine Suspensions


Student Number

The locally assigned student identifier.


Student Name

The name of the student included in the report.



The student’s date of birth, reported in the format MM/DD/YYYY.



The student’s age on the Run Date


Days Enrolled

The number of days the student is enrolled within the Date Range


Days Absent

The number of days the student was absent within the date range, based on the parameters chosen at report run time.

An absence is based on a student’s attendance percentage. See the Mississippi Attendance Reports and the 63% Rule section above for more information on how an absence is calculated.


Grand Total Absences

The total number of absences for all students and grades in the report.



The signature line, if selected at report runtime.



The date line, if selected at report runtime.



Absences are grouped by student grade level, with students sorted alphabetically within each grade level grouping. The results include one line item for each occurrence of a student absence.


The name of the school included in the report.


Date Range

The date range of the report, entered at report runtime.


Minimum # of Occurrences

The minimum number of absence occurrences, entered at report runtime.


Report Output

The report output, entered at report runtime.


Grade Levels

The grade levels, entered at report runtime.


Run Date

The run date of the report, entered at report runtime.


Absences to Report

Indicates is All Absences, Suspensions Only, or Unexcused only are reported.


Suspension Category

Indicates which category was used to determine Suspensions


Grade Level

Indicates the grade level for the reported set of students.


Student Name

The name of the student included in the report.


Student Number

The locally assigned student identifier.



The student’s date of birth, reported in the format MM/DD/YYYY.


Absence Date

The date of each of the student’s absences within the reporting period.



Attendance %

The percentage of time the student is in attendance, based on his minutes attended divided by his minutes possible for the day.

Results are displayed as: percentage dash minutes attended slash minutes possible

Ex: 47% - 192/410

The student was in attendance 47% of his day because he attended 192 minutes of his instructional day, which was 410 minutes long.

Note: See the Mississippi Attendance Reports and the 63% Rule section above for more information on how Minutes Attended and Possible Instructional Minutes are calculated.


Daily Code

Daily (Meeting) Codes

Display Unique Meeting Period Attendance Codes is unchecked:

Daily Code for the Day is displayed. If no code exists for the day, * is returned

Display Unique Meeting Period Attendance Codes is checked:

The Daily Code for the day is displayed (if one exists), followed by the unique meeting period absence codes in parenthesis.

EX: A (A,X) or * (A,X)




Indicates if the absence was unexcused.

Note: See the Mississippi Attendance Reports and the 63% Rule section above for more information on how unexcused absences are determined.


Total Absences

The total number of absences for the reported grade level.


Total Unexcused

The total number of unexcused absences for the reported grade level.


Grand Total Absences

The total number of absences for all students and grades in the report.


Grand Total Excused

The total number of excused absences for all students and grades in the report.


Grand Total Unexcused

The total number of unexcused absences for all students and grades in the report.



The signature line, if selected at report runtime.



The date line, if selected at report runtime.


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