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Wisconsin Reports in PowerSchool

The following reports are included in this guide.

The report description table includes the following elements:

  • Report Name – Name of the report as seen in PowerSchool.
  • Description – The purpose of the report.
  • Due Date / Cycle – The timeframe during which the report is submitted to the state.

Report Name


Due Date / Cycle

Career Technical Education (CTE) Profile Report

This report is intended to assist with the identification of student’s who should be identified as Concentrators for Career and Technical Education (CTE) reporting for WISEdata. The report lists CTE related Information from the Career Technical Education (CTE) page, as well as enrollment in CTE related courses where the student been awarded credit, is currently enrolled or has an enrollment for later in the current school year.

CTE related courses need to be identified as Vocational, and Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Codes must be specified in the Course > District > General page.

CTEERS Graduate Completer Follow-up

Creates the Student Follow-up report for CTEERS Composite Enrollment.

May 1

Update WI Data

Update the values of the specified WI fields from the Students table to the most recent record in the Re-enrollments table for each student.


Legal Notice

Produces the Legal Notice to parents/guardians of student with immunization status of No Record, In Process or Behind Schedule

15th, 25th, and 80th day of school

Non-Compliant Student List

Lists students with an immunization status of Behind Schedule, In Process or No Record. These are students who are candidates to receive the Legal Notice.


Report to District Attorney

This report contains the data required by the WI Department of Health Services for the School Report to the District Attorney.

60th and 100th day of school

Report to Health Department Part A

School report to local health department detailing compliance statistics by grade

40th day of school

Report to Health Department Part B

School report to local health department – student list

40th day of school

Update Compliance

Updates student immunization compliance based on current vaccinations in student record


PI-1202 Staff Report

All Teachers assigned to sections not excluded from the report will be reported with counts of students enrolled, Grade Levels taught, NCLB category, Alt Ed and Bilingual category.


PI-1441 School Food Authority Report

This will create the PI-1441 Food Service Civil Rights Report required by Public School districts each year. The Report will provide the required summary numbers of students by their ethnicity and race by economic status.


PI-1547 Transportation ReportThis will create the PI-1547 – Transportation report.

PI-1563 Pupil Count

This will create the PI-1563 Pupil Count Report required by Public School districts. The report will provide the required summary numbers of students by their resident, non-resident, resident reduction and resident addition status.

September and January

PI-1563 Reconciliation Report

This will create the PI-1563 Pupil Count Reconciliation Report required by Public School districts. The report will provide a detail reports to assist districts with students whom enrolled and withdrew during the 3rd Friday of September and 2nd Friday of January of the current reporting year.


PI-1804 Summer School Report

The report will provide the required enrollment and ADM figures by student membership status to complete the required PI-1804 Summer School Membership Report.


Student-Level Field Update

This End of Year process to is used to update (reset) student-level fields to default values. Users must migrate their student custom fields before using the Student-Level Field Update report. If fields have not been migrated, this report will not run appropriately.This report is run after districts have completed the PowerSchool End-of-year process for the next school year and may only be run once per year.
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