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Verification Reports

Report Descriptions

Following is a description of the Virginia Verification Reports available in PowerSchool. For detailed information about a particular report, such as the input required and the resulting report output, click the report name link.

Report Name
Due Date/Cycle
SOL SRI Exclusion Verification Report

This report extracts all test records that are excluded from the the SOL SRI Registration Import Report. The report includes students who are marked as Excluded from SRI or students who already met the Graduation Requirements for the subject area of the associated test. This information is located on the SOL Test Assgmt and Grad Credit Status pages.

As Needed
Individual Student Record Collection Verification Report - RE

Creates a verification listing for the data included in the Student Record Collection Report.

As Needed

Discipline, Crime, and Violence Verification Report - REThis report creates the extract file for the Discipline, Crime and Violence Report in accordance with the Code of Virginia.As Required
Course By Year Migration ValidationReports noncompliant data in CoursesByYear that was unable to be properly migrated into S_VA_CBY_X. Recommended to run after EOY archiving of Courses data has been completed. July 31st
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